hit me with your best shot — warrior training


fate leads the willing and drags the unwilling
Feb 18, 2023
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
The warrior stood tall, wooly tail flickering idly, sweeping the snow-covered terrain as he observed the mesh of felines he rounded up for training, soft gruffness replaced by a chilling glare. “We’re focusin’ on yer teamwork—” He began, voice gruff. “Usin’ yer skill in defense against yer enemy.” He finished, molten hues narrowing indifferently.

Kestrelfang, Whitespider, Sweetrise, and I will be the one attackin’ here camp—” Gesturing toward their twig and leave-ridden pelts, “while the lot of ya defend it.” It had taken some time to come up with this with a pounding headache.. He breathed, fogging the air around his muzzle, ignoring the heavy-blanketed tiredness behind burning eyelids.

“Ya can’t attack, only the attackers ( Duskpool gestured toward the four of them with a flick of his wooly tail ) get the choice, but yer gonna have to rely on each other and her defensive fightin’ for this.” He rumbled. “Yer goal is to defend yerself while dodgin’ our attacks to nab one of these things stuck to our fur.” He finished with a low-guttural rumble that rattled his chest, accompanied by a light flick of his mangled ear. “Those that nab the most of these twigs and leaves here will get braggin’ rights till the next trainin’ session.” He completed, sweeping an icy gaze across the gathering cats, brow raised. Duskpool made quick to claim this exercise to build up their defense and teamwork skills, but it ain’t much if there wasn’t some competition involved.

“If ya can’t get along with yer clanmates, then yer out of here quicker than ya can open that mouth of yers.” He rumbled, molten copper sharp. His voice remained indifferent, words only made to knock some sense into the few that didn’t take it seriously, Duskpool wouldn’t give them the time of day. Daylight or not, Duskpool didn’t care. With leafbare high on the horizon, causing his bones to creak and groan with each pained step, Duskpool remained indifferent. No less with Sootstar’s rabid claim on highstone, this was their chance to sharpen their skills before hell broke loose.

Duskpool shifted, tail flickering toward the three at his side, signaling them to get ready. “If ya don’t have questions, then let’s get started.” He rumbled, muscles quivering in anticipation, molten hues narrowing to fine slits. The bulky warrior surged forward, aiming a massive paw toward the nearest feline’s side, hoping to knock them over with the force of his swing.

/ takes place before the gathering ^^ this is super late 😭 @sweetrise. @orangeblossom

here is a better explanation for what duskpool said ! basically, four warriors are the “ attackers “ — enemies targeting camp with sticks and leaves stuck to their fur from sticky tree sap. the others will be the “ clan “ — those defending others and themselves from the attackers, but can only try to reach for the sticks and leaves or combat against oncoming attacks !

the attackers are the only ones to strike first, whereas the others are just retaliating, if that makes sense ?

no prize ! just bragging rights until the next training session ! but this is supposed to help strengthen their defense fighting and working as a team in a competitive environment lol

twigs are two points !
leaves are four points !

feel free to powerplay the npcs however you see fit ! needed two more babes to fill some spots, to take creative liberty with them !

thought speech
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this place was different than what he knew. but he was adjusting quickly. and it was much better- every day something happened that he could invent a new story, overdramatizing it in what he believed to be something amazing. he told a story one time about a rock, but it was merely to himself- practicing. it didn't have much, so the marbled black red and white rock was not interesting except that it resided by his nest.

the long limbed oriental and the others were currently looking as if it had rained twigs and leaves upon them- a training session duskpool had called it. he was not going to complain, he actually liked the way that this game was explained and how it sounded.

the silver swirled classic tabby with dark blue eyes looked all too excited, bouncing on his paw pads. "I'll happily do the chores of the victor on top of my own. though, you'll have to strip me of all my tree decored furs- you'll have to really prove it," he taunted, bracing himself after duskpool spoke.

and when the black smoke slid forward, he would follow behind- charging at another closer defender and attempting at swiping a left hood and right hook at them with sheathed paws. whether he missed or not he would attempt to also leap backwards away from them, hopefully before they could catch him. He had learned a lot in a few months, but one thing he found- he was quick. Everything the male had, he would rely on that speed.