hit & run | hunting fail




She was not good at this hunting thing and that was an understatement. Her form was terrible, her fretting over getting dirty interfered with her stealth, her inability to focus had her losing scents and wandering past obvious signs of prey. Palelily was trying, but she wasn't trying hard enough and it showed. Every cat here looked at her so funny, every cat here was quick to judge and why shouldn't they be? She was terrible at this. She wanted more than anything to go back to her old life with her two-leg, but he was gone and she had nowhere else. ThunderClan took her in, but they were very forthcoming in their demands she improve. It wasn't that she didn't want to persay, it was just hard. It was so hard to change how she was to fit this harsher environment. She wanted to not be hurt or filthy or cold and hungry but it seemed everyday all these unpleasant things piled up. Most nights she cried in her nest quietly, sometimes she wanted to cry out loud.
With instructions to not leave camp without a group she sat there waiting to see if anyone was heading out to hunt only to be refused each time she asked. 'Too many of us in this group' one would say, another would tell her they didn't think she could keep up, another told her rudely to waste someone elses time.
Palelily gave a quiet sniffle, how could she be a productive member of the clan if no one wanted her to accompany them. With an offended lash of her tail she decided to go out alone, the dogs were probably far away now anyways and she needed to do something or she'd be scolded for sitting around all day. With a nod to herself, convincing her own anxiety addled brain to focus, she turned and trotted out. Her trek through the woods would eventually lead her to one of the earlier hunting parties that had refused her, her pink eyes widening as she spotted what looked like an honest to god rabbit racing away from them. Determined to help she crouched nearby, waited for them to get close and sprang out.
She could see it in her head now, she would grab the rabbit from under their noses and show them she was helpful too. That she could do something useful, that she could...
Her paws and body collided instead with the cat in lead of the chase, sent them both tumbling and subsequently blocked the following patrol until it was a heap of furiously hissing and snarling bodies. In the distance she could see the rabbit vanish into the distance, its white tail high.
Oh no.

[Ooc: First post was patrol lead Palelily collided with! Anyone else can have been in this hunting patrol or another and heard the commotion! :3]
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Long strides keep the ticked tabby directly behind the fleeing hare, grit and other debris kicked up by the chase. Silver's ears lay flat, pinned against whistling wind as he slowly closes distance. Just one final stride and the rabbit would be in their clutches. That is until his body in met with a heavy force that knocks him clean off his paws. Grey eyes widen with visible surprise as a cough explodes from him maw. The tom grits his teeth in discomfort, body rolling in flips overtop another individual over and over again. He blinks once then twice, disoriented gaze seeing double briefly as the world seems to swirl around him. Their prey clearly escapes, bolting beyond their reach as he touches a paw to his temple ."Ah...heavens,"

Entangled within his legs laid the form of Palelily and he slowly peels himself away from the molly, moving to stand to his paws. For a moment he gazed in the direction of the fleeing cottontail. Disappointment flares deep within, he'd been so close. With any luck perhaps the rabbit's scent could be retraced. Silver's steel tinted eyes fall upon the albino again, looking her over for injury and then past her shoulder. Was she fleeing one of the dogs? He couldn't detect any tangible canine smell. Looking back to her again a ghost of a frown pulls at his lips. "Palelily, are you alright? What happened?" The ticked tabby murmurs, limping half a step due to the soreness of his side.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road

following along with the patrol, her movements were slow and calculated. she couldn't risk any sudden movement that would force prey to flee. these were sensitive times and despite making it through the majority of leaf-bare well enough off, it's icy claws still lingered.

the rabbit had caught her attention, and although silverlighting was quick on it's tail, nightbird still trailed behind. just in case. he had proved himself to be an efficient predator, but she didn't want to leave any chance up to fate. the molly kept a far enough distance to give the other warrior space to work. partially on purpose, partially because she had no chance matching his strides. however, the chase was cut short. a collision sent him tumbling, it was a rather funny sight, but she wasn't much in the mood for fun at the moment. her patience was already spread thin due to everything that had happened lately.

nightbird skid to a halt as to not add to the pile. silver gaze peeked around the two trying to catch sight of the rabbit once more, but it was long gone. now blazing with hunger and frustration, daggers were sent in palelily's direction. the smoke bit her tongue, but silverlightning's docile questioning to the former kittypet only made her fur bristle. "hopefully that fall was enough to knock some sense into you," the warrior snarled, tail lashing. inexperience costed them greatly today. she didn't care that palelily may have been trying to help, and her words did little to extinguish her mood. "what was that? honestly, are you trying to watch us starve?" a threatening step was taken in her direction, eyes narrowing.
[ ☾✩ ]


Ragwortpaw had heard the expression “it was like watching a monster crash” before, she had never understood it until now. Ragwortpaw had been told to observe from nearby, the young apprentice was a piss poor hunter and was very loud, but so long as she was instructed to sit still she watched quietly. The patrol was chasing a rabbit when out of nowhere Palelily crashed right into them!

This breaks her silence, loud and obnoxious laughter spills from her maw. In fact she laughs so hard she falls onto her back, limbs shaking in the air as she struggles to breathe. As if to slap her upside the head her belly growls- and that quickly shuts her laughter up about the loss of prey. Who knows, that could’ve been her dinner.

Humor turns to sadness, there is a frown on her face as she inches forward. Usually she was a really nice cat, but now she agrees with Nightbird. How could Palelily have done that!!! (It was something Ragwortpaw would’ve done).


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· RAGWORTPAW, female — she / her
╰ ‣ named for her health & strength at birth .
╰ ‣ 5 moons . ages on the ??
╰ ‣ thunderclan apprentice . loner born . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, oak and maple trees , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue furred . long-hared . a very furry head, chest, and tail

· ESTJ-A ❝​
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Hufflepuff, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Kind-hearted . Honest . Loud .Justice-seeking . People-pleaser . Gullible . Empty-headed . Humorous
╰ ‣ Though she is all brawn and no brain, Ragwort tries her best and carries a bleeding heart to all whom surround her. She takes the role of "big sister" with her siblings and friends, never failing to have their backs, take care of them, and defend them when needed (sometimes even jumping the gun). While she doesn't offer the best emotional support (not due to a lack of trying) she gives the best hugs and is great at giving cats distractions with her shenanigans.
╰ ‣ finds minimal difficulty relating to others . wears a bleeding heart

· GRIME x CINDERFROST, sister to toadpaw, prowlingpaw, hollypaw
╰ ‣ unknown sexuality.
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
Raccoonstripe hadn't had any luck on this patrol, and when he sees Silverlightning begin to spring after the rabbit, he follows Nightbird's lead and keeps his muscles tense and his paws silent. He would help trap the thing if it manages to escape the ticked tabby, though he trusts Silverlightning to be able to secure the bite. Ragwortpaw is bumbling along somewhere on this patrol -- he only hopes the little mousebrain doesn't cause them to lose the rabbit.

It's not Ragwortpaw at all, though, who collides face-first with Silverlightning and lets the rabbit flee. It's someone with half the brains, a foolish pale kittypet, someone who never should've been let into the Clan.

Raccoonstripe clenches his jaw, his teeth clicking together. He's furious. "Why are you out here alone, ruining chances for the rest of the Clan to eat? Do you stuff dead grass in your ears when our leader speaks? Do you know how easily one of those dogs would chew you up and leave nothing but bones?" He's stiff-legged as he approaches her, glaring down at her with a quarter of the restraint Silverlightning has shown.

much like nightbird, the chocolate and cream tom had lingered back while silverlightning gave chase to the fleeing rabbit just in case the critter decided to jerk back around in attempts to shake loose its pursuer but by the looks of it the ticked tabby was just a whisker's length away from sucessfully snapping it up into waiting jaws when suddenly there's an audible THUMP followed by the brief rustling of underbrush.

that doesn't sound good.

fawncloud quicken his gait to catch up with the rest and comes to see that silverlightning had ended up colliding with palelily which unfortunately costed the patrol their chance at a rabbit so all frustrations end up being directed immediately towards the molly who probably shouldn't have been out here alone in the first place. "chill, i know losing that rabbit was a harsh blow but buggin' out on the poor girl isn't gonna help anyone." he wears a slight frown when he glances towards raccoonstripe and nightbird, they are in their right to be upset but what's done is done. "they got a point though palelily, what were you doing out here alone? wasn't there another group that you could've tagged along with?" fawncloud turns his attention to the blue tabby now and keeps his tone equable.