private hit you with the punk tactics !! petalnose

Finding the right words had been an arduous task, one meant for someone who had more eloquence or patience.... someone with any ounce of charisma that she simply wasn't born with. It was a skill that could be taught but she was far too old to start back-pedaling against her nature now. Derisive, quick decision were made like a snake striking prey- she had chosen her opinions and stuck by them with brutal honesty. It tended to rub anyone the wrong way to be confronted with their failures, with the things about them that frustrated others... even critique in its gentlest fashion could feel like claws wrapped around the wrong cat's throat.

The blue point hoped maybe that (in vain) this would be something that could go over easily... that maybe it would result in a type of bond that two lead warriors probably needed to work together. Snakeblink was so much more passive than the tabby she was prepared to speak to and Cindershade well....

Maybe she had some biases.

Dragging herself towards the warrior's den early that morning, Lichentail could already hear the voice of Ravenpaw chewing her out for wandering around and getting involved and being a general nuisance to his efforts to help and heal. This was important though and she would be damned if Petalnose went a day thinking she was better than her.

"Petalnose," her greeting was flat, lacking the intimacy of friendship simply because they hardly knew each other (did Petalnose really know anyone anymore?), flicking her tail to draw her out of the gathered warriors still resting as they waited for time to pass and patrols to begin. "I've got something to settle with you."

Ah... too harsh... to threatening maybe? Try another..

Clearing her throat she raised her head slightly despite the way it pulled at sore muscles in her neck, "I mean... Let's talk."

  • Haha

Petalnose wasnt one to think about what she spat out, most of the time she meant it whether if it was harsh or not. She was as blunt as her claws but when she saw due praise she was normally the first to give it. Her words could either be as sweet as trout or as rotten as crowfood. Unpredictable she was. She could be doting on you and then in the next moment she could crack like lightening in snarls and threats. Only her private life was something she was either never honest about or shared as vaguely as possible.

It was a good thing and it was a bad thing. Atleast her clanmates could trust she was always honest with them.

Lichentail was a gaze she seemed to catch eyeing her down often as Crappiepatch normally did. It surely did irritate her at times and there was times she wanted to stroll up to her and ask what she wanted directly. Atleast, she could try to put an effort at not sizing me up all the time. Crappiepatch too.Otherwise, Lichentail was a clanmate the she-cat was merely indifferent about. She treated her as she treated everyone else. She didn't have any individual opinions except for the stare she felt on her body as if she was pinned guilty dead or alive. She'll come to you eventually, just be patient for once.

A voice sounded and her shot her head up from her rest, tired eyes squinted at the smaller feline as they adjusted to the light. Her pupils shrunk into slits to decrease the blur. She snorted, rude. She was part of the night patrol for once in her life, not the dawn patrol. What did Lichentail want? A switch of shift is impossible with her injuries.

Her head recoiled at the statement, mainly the tone it came off. She looked the other up and down until she swiftly lifted to her legs with a heavy sigh, she dismissed the urge to stretch or yawn, figuring it was merely a quick chat. She exited the den quickly and pivoted to face the blue pointed feline, looking down upon them with a serious downturn of lips. "Well? Did I hurt your feelings or something?" She meowed flatly, a slow raise of one of her brows. Usual confidence stretched her tall frame in a elegant manner, prepared to hear anything she had to talk about.

Watching the white and tabby woman rise like a banshee from her rest that had been disturbed, there was only a brief second where Lichentail considered that it was... probably incredibly rude to wake her up so early. Blinking, she glanced towards her paws in guilty contemplation before tossing the thought aside- it had already been said and now all she had left to do was say her piece. Looking back up as Petalnose finally ventured out into the camp's open space, the harsh accusation that she was offended about something made her ears flatten slightly- did they really have to be like enemies to each other?

A paranoid wondering crossed her then- was there something Petalnose had said to someone else that Lichentail would have reason to be upset about hearing?

Her maw hung open slightly, the words she'd rehearsed now abandoning her with this new-found consideration in mind. Maybe.... maybe the other lead did hate her and this would be how she found out.

"Uhmm.... no?" Tilting a curious head to the side and furrowing her brow, she hoped her expression summed up her feelings on that line of questioning well enough. A silent. 'should I be upset about something?' Shaking her head to reaffirm her lack of 'hurt feelings', the molly took a second to recover from the way the world reeled in that simple motion.

"I wanted to tell you that.... I respect you. But I find you to be brash, not in a way that you care about endangering yourself but. Those in this clan that care about you aren't going to let you die and if someone stays behind trying to save you from your own stubborn nature then..." their voice trailed off, losing confidence the more they spoke in earnest. It wasn't... mean-spirited... but it was going to come across combatively. "I want you to be able to trust me. If anyone has to go out swinging, I'd prefer to be by your side too."

Tilting her chin upwards as a mischievous grin spread across her maw, the recovering warrior added, "Besides... I wouldn't want you thinking you're better than me or something... I can't prove it now but I will never be able to if you run off into a badger's mouth."

Petalnose listened intently, her eyes not leaving the blue pointed cat. She hummed softly, nodding in agreement that she was in fact brash. She let her body's cravings to stretch and yawn loose finally, unseemingly unbothered by their critics until trust came to her words. The woman snorted a bit out of amusement, lifting her chin higher, "Trust has left me down paths I've been gutted out in the open. If I told you what it has led me into you'd understand, but that's my private life. I barely trust anyone quickly." She responded, her tone tense although it quickly fell- relaxed, careful, "Lichentail, remember this, I don't have anything against you if that's what you're thinking. I do respect you too even if I don't seem like I do. I simply show it in a different way. Tough love is my way of going about. I don't even know you well enough to say anything about you. Although, I do know this. I would battle beside you and stand up beside you to take down threats. I'm sure we're similar characters if Cicadastar promoted us both. I'll work together with you but trust isn't something I give over like fresh kill to kits." She explained, watching her expression closely, "Neither do I change my personality for others. I'm my true self whether I mean well or not."

Her next words made her quirk her brow in question, scoffing, "Wha... what are you trying to say..? That you're better than me? Or that you think that I believe I'm better than everyone? Pfft! I hate myself, what are you talking about!? But if you want to prove that, go for it I guess, I love a challenge." She meowed in a joking manner, although her expression was stoic. Petalnose didn't quite seem to care how she came off to others, it wasn't of her worries. It was all up to them how they perceived her.

Petalnose had not made any observations on Lichentail so she did not think she could pinpoint anything on skill. She had not gone on a battle patrol with her or battle a clan enemy near her to judge. Neither have they ever sparred. There was the fox fight, but she wasn't honestly paying enough attention then. She was always hyperfocused when it came to battle. But it did peak a question in her. Who really was better? Who could really overpower the other in a spar?

She was certain that was the most she'd ever heard Petalnose speak in one moment- it was a reply as heartfelt and sincere as one could expect from a positive acquaintance at best and to a fault, she was honest. It seemed they were of the same mind in that regard- no point in pretty lies, it only muddied the waters and made it harder to see. Harder to understand. Malicious intent wasn't something that touched their thoughts, guided their paws... simple duty led them down their chosen paths.

It made it easy to trust her... That motivation was the same, it was the way their blood harmonized like the river's rapids. They pushed and pulled the banks to see a path carved- no great boulder could stop the unrelenting beating of the waves' rushing claws.

Trust was complicated. She thought briefly of Hazecloud, of the poison that tingled beneath her skin- just enough to burn with every passing day but not enough to kill her. How frustrating that she could understand the brown and white molly's strife. That they had both found betrayal a loving friend that sought them time and again.

"I don't expect it to be handed to me like a whining child demanding a moss ball be returned to my wild care." All the blue point had ever done was work to earn her place. That wouldn't change now... "I am comfortable earning it." A reassurance. Lichentail wasn't soft- the clan wasn't just a babysitting home of whimsy, delight and the magic of friendship. These cats were all strangers working together towards a common goal, fostering that kind of closeness would take effort and stubborn pursuit of that future.

And it seemed her well-intentioned jab to spark a fire under the other was well received (it hurt her ears to listen to the other speak of her own self-disgust... why? Why torment herself when Petalnose worked so hard?). Instead of brooding on it and giving her the time to think down that train, Lichentail opted to choose the open invitation. She rolled her shoulders as if to consider the possible damages of the proposed war between them and then with a playful, considerate tilt of her head, blue eyes drifted towards the sky in mock contemplation.

"I suppose... we could put it to the test. Settle it now? Just so there's no confusion about who's the real fish-winner of RiverClan, yanno?" Squinting her eyes in a friendly smile, the molly flicked a crooked tail towards the quiet clearing- free of a nosy audience in the wee hours of the morning, "I'll even give you the advantage of fighting me fresh out of the medicine cat's den- I'm not shy. Losing will only serve to teach me something."

It was interesting to see another cat follow her blunt honesty. It didn't stress her out hearing her opinions towards her, it didn't even make her flinch. Lichentail didn't seem to be stunned by her opinions as well and it made her think that just maybe their perspectives were similar. Her rival and comrade in one was a bit more bouncy than she was, energetic. In addition, her humor was probably more welcoming to laugh at through her smiles and smirks compared to her straight face and serious tone. They were close in character but incredibly different in one. Opposites but the same.

She could probably charm everyone over me and win in peer favor. Although, atleast I seem to hold more confidence and authority like I know what I'm doing at all times.

A low rumble dragged in her throat in agreement as Lichentail responded, nodding her head once more, "Good. I guess you're forced to get to know me then. I'm a tricky character." She looked to silverpelt of the waning stars disappearing behind the pinking canvas. Remembering her family, how she believed she ruined it. How she was when they were alive. She was a wild ride and she well knew of it, a troublesome individual. She wasn't sure about Lichentail, the feline seemed to get along with many which way. But it was a quality she didn't quite exactly envy. She was distant and comfortable with only a select amount of clanmates taking liking to her. Clingy she was not. In fact, she was distant with even her friends and careful what she shared of herself.

Petalnose could see herself either getting along with Lichentail or being awfully annoyed by her. It all depended upon her clanmate's actions. Right now, she was speaking her language, something that did pip her interest, "Did you reel me in on this? You seem to know one of my interests already.. maybe from you staring at me all the time." She narrowed her eyes suspiciously, blatant she was giving her a tease. "Very well. If you say so."

She let her limbs sprawl once more in a stretch to loosen remaining muscle tension from her rest, unsheathing her claws and letting them rip at the ground below her. She then swiftly turned in the direction Lichentail originally pointed,"I do warn you, I quite enjoy fighting, spar or not. So if I get too carried away... Too focused. Let me know." She finally flashed a rare toothy smirk over her shoulder, her tail holding confidently high above her body. "Are you positive you're in shape enough for this? We don't want Ravenpaw hunting you down like you're a finless fish."

A tricky character...

Her tail tip twitched as if shaking off a laugh she was worried might get her into trouble. Petalnose was about as tricky as a baby bird as far as she was concerned- the molly had approximately two hobbies and both were highly related to each other. Punch, hit, bite, scratch, tussle, hiss, spar. All those words were like a big pile of 'Petalnose.' Tricky... Hmph.

Tilting her head slightly to feign ignorance to the suggested question, Lichentail dragged her gaze up and away like a liar would, "I simply have no idea what you're talking about. Me, staring at other cats? I don't even have eyes," she declared, closing them as if to prove a point vision was definitely not something she had.

Winking a single eye open to peek at the white and brown lead, a few teeth showed themselves in a teasing smile before the prompt to avoid Ravenpaw's wrath earned some flattened ears instead. "Hey now-- are you and Smokethroat going to keep doing that or am I allowed to be a warrior again," she meowed flatly, trying not to let it prickle under her skin anytime her 'condition' was mentioned. It was fine and she had stubbornly insisted so even when she'd first come back to camp! Granted.. she'd kinda just flopped over on the ground and wanted to take a nap but surely that wasn't a big deal?

Padding towards their patch of dueling grounds, the ashen colored feline crouched down slightly, waving a crooked tail in the air like a flag of war. "If anything you'll be in trouble too- shouldn't you know better than to fight a poor, defenseless RiverClanner?" Goading her on, they moved striped paws to steady in preparation for the first incoming attack. Memories of that brief encounter with a fox came to mind- Petalnose was brash and prone to rushing in and Lichentail proved to be a good polar opposite to that.

Maybe this wouldn't be as cut and dry as the other molly thought.​

Petalnose scoffed playfully at her joke, blinking her eyes slowly and humming, "I see. I'm wrong. Clearly, I wouldn't know anything. Naïve, I am. I don't even. understand why I was promoted." She meowed sarcasticlly, clutching her chest as if she was proposing a geniune and dramatic apology. Despite her lack of peripheral vision, she felt gazes upon her like a firm grasp to her shoulder. It was like a sixth sense. Never had she outwardly picked Lichentail about it, she was used to judgemental gazes or whatever was given to her. Although, it was quite fun for her to pick it out in the moment Lichentail decided to pull her aside from her sleep. Why wouldn't she when she was interupted of a basic need?

Petalnose watched Lichentail's ears flatten at her expression of concerns. She couldn't help but smirk more, raising her chin and drawing her tongue over her teeth, "Aw, I'm only expressing my concerns for my crew. Atleast I'm not forcing you back and lashing my paw out to chase you away like I do with these kits nowadays. I'm being nice to you. Don't you think so? I'm offended." She meowed as she padded off to the spot, simply standing confidently as she normally did. She intentionally looked unprepared, eyeing Lichentails position as if she was judging it. It was a move to throw off her opposer's confidence, mentality was something she saw important in battle. Or maybe she would let Lichentail think she was an easy fight at first. Or she wouldn't even fall for it.

She chuckled at her tease, "Well it's not my fault she picked one of the most battle eager warriors, yes? You could've picked hunting, right? Maybe you can get the upper hand there. But no.. The spar.."

She kept her maw parted as if she was going to continue her tease, sucking in air and then she turned swiftly, aiming to kick her off balance with her hindlegs and spin to face her opposer again. "..has begun." She continued, watching for her next move, watching to see if she either was struck by her or untouched.

Offering a disgruntled sigh, Lichentail couldn't say that she found it entirely "kind" for what either of the two were doing. She didn't want their pity... or whatever mercy Smokethroat imagined being relieved from patrols for an entire moon would bring. It was more like a punishment than anything... as if getting your ass kicked in the first place wasn't punishment enough. Even Snakeblink had the nerve to try to tell her to relax! Not to get ahead of herself! Snakeblink?! The agitation wore down at her patience quickly, tail lashing as Petalnose continued to rile her up. Saying that she ought to be herded away with claws at her tail like a scolded kitten. That she was the foolhardy one for picking a fight and she'd have better luck hunting as if she wasn't a competent warrior t--

They felt their knees buckle as paws kicked out to stun them, stumbling slightly to catch their footing as the white and brown molly sneered with her sneaky little trick. Why did everyone fight so fast and dirty? Just to win? It just meant taking more risks than you could control outcomes for... It meant mistakes and windows of vulnerability. Taking your time was more important... keeping your defense sturdy.

"That... was a dirty move," they commented, breath low and dripping with impatience. They hadn't realized just how angry the entire situation had made them; largely having spent time clouded by fear and boredom, the agitating speech had felt like fire under their skin. "And I am not a child in need of herding."

Keeping her back towards her adversary, the pointed cat thought briefly of an equally dirty move she'd seen recently too.... Balling up a wad of dirt between her claws, they crouched down low in an effort to disguise their plan before whirling to strike at Petalnose with an open paw, aiming to blind her with the loose dirt.

It was quite amusing to see how frustrated she made Lichentail, questioning if the fellow lead warrior would already back down. The speech she made was to stir her emotions, she meant to get into her mind and mess with her. Distract her as well. It was also amusing to see that this wasn't quite the emotion she meant to press at. Ah well, she made it obvious she didn't care through her smirk of victory at her little trick. If Lichentail were to portray her as a jerk and assume she was attempting to create a negative relationship, she would leave that up to her even if she was entirely wrong. Merely, this was how she liked to get to know her comrades. She play fought her brother out of bond, even if it had led to her drawing claws and teeth countless times over something he did or said. Luckily, she matured and knew better to draw anything without permission. Especially at the pointed cat's next planned move.

"Oh? I simply distracted you..."

Petalnose had prepared to dodge a strike, gaze carefully settled on her body language. She skidded to the side, although her eyes got the familiar sting of dirt. She had almost inhaled the earth particles but held it as she attempted to blindly charge at Lichentail and slam her body forcefully against the lead warrior. She calculated the sound around her and remembered her surroundings, careful not to go too far or trip upon limbs if she had missed. She knew better not to be a sitting duck for an additional attack, standing to clear the debris was worse than charging blindly. Her eyes rapidly blinked as she moved to charge, eventually clearing it through the blessing of the watery bodily reaction towards the irritant.

She was quite irritated at the little move she returned, however, she didn't let her thrilled smirk fade. It was all a game to her. Fun. If they couldn't use their weapons of battle, why not use tricks? A quiet chuckle left her lungs whether she struck or not, mischief clear in the expression of thrill.

She was playing coy... it was a simple enough tactic but one that would easily rub someone's fur backwards if they didn't have the will to play along. It was like this was a clever ruse, one meant to confuse and delight but mostly just to work out some excess energy. It seemed this was how Petalnose enjoyed her time... fighting, though you could hardly call it a real fight when the threat of death didn't linger behind every strike. When strategy was allowed to play in slow motion, blows exchanged in equal give and take as a test of reflexes and skills. Fear of being hurt was a motivator in its own right... but there was nothing here but childish foolery. Two adults tussling to show each other up like two apprentices battling over who could hunt their first mouse quicker.

Letting out a long breath to catch her own, Petalnose's comment found itself to eat dirt- literally, giving the ashen warrior a chance to sneer with her own pride. Snakeblink had dirty tricks... but it was hard to admonish them when they worked so well. She would have to pay him some dues for that one... who knew when it might come in handy again with a real threat to face?

What she had expected though, was a stagger, not a charging bull and with the smile quickly removed from their lips, the lead twisted slightly to try to bare the force of the impact, wincing as the blunt slam of another body met a bruised shoulder that could do only so much to resist against her. Sliding in the dirt as their claws struggled to maintain a grip, Lichentail quickly turned, trying to use the other's own force to send them stumbling once their resistance suddenly let up. At the very least it would give her some distance, lifting up her paw slightly as the muscles ached from lack of practice.

"Your endurance is impressive," they observed with genuine praise, "Trying to fight while down an entire sense is nothing to scoff at."

It was hard not to admire her... she was so headstrong and moved with a power in every stride that ought to scare anyone that stood in her path.​

Spars were nothing in her mind as childish. It was to sharpen skills, skills without use of claws and teeth. It was tricks and brute force, strength and endurance. It heavily used intelligence. It was an art to her, a masterpiece of ability of bodies. She was surprised to see that this time around she hadn't initiated such. It was kind of nice to her and interesting to see.

She got to see that Lichentail was quite intelligent in her works. She hadn't expected the strike to be faulty and instead of dirt. Something she didn't even need to dodge and something she couldn't really get out of besides closing her eyes which had the exact effect. Despite her inner frustration with it, she respected stunning techniques. Except.. when Pikesplash spit in my face. Now that made her really angry. She huffed to herself at the memory of humiliation, hoping Lichen didn't have that exact trick up her sleeve. She wasn't as forgiving of someone she didn't quite know to well versus a close friend. Dirt she'd take over a gross technique.

Petalnose felt herself slam into another body, satisfied she remembered her surroundings and happy she didn't slam into a tree. Although, she felt her body lose balance at a returned force. She quickly unsheathed her claws as her body was dragged a mouse lengths away, claws slowing her speed.

Her vision had been cleared and she finally let her focused gaze fall upon the pointed feline. Her ears pricking and lips lifting in a smirk at her praise. "I appreciate the compliment, and you're quite intelligent in your works." She returned, though wasting no time as to aim to charge her again and drag her body once more to slam her flank into her, hoping to knock her over or cause off balance. Her claws had stayed unsheathed, only to help her balance and use the earth below her as more steady ground. She looked to somehow pin Lichentail down but she knew her strength wasn't exactly the best in clan, merely her height was the factor to the strength she did have. She knew they would only look like idiotic wrestling bears if she outright tried her weight without being swift.
".. Come on..! Hit me with all you got!" She encouraged, "I'd normally say something like..- here kitty! But I think I amped enough." She humoursly meowed, wrickling her nose in tease.
The small break in the tussle was enough to give Lichentail the chance to recover from the way their muscle shook with effort... A deep breath in to settle the nerves, a deep breath out to regain focus and clarity. Petalnose, for her part, seemed just as invigorated, eyes alight with a fire that she was sure signaled only her thorough enjoyment. And why shouldn't she? Months spent training and days spent in ragged battles earned them both the right to take pride in their fighting stance, in the things they'd learned and suffered to learn.

Yet... it still took her by surprise to receive a compliment back, even if the lead understood that her counterpart took pride in battle more seriously than anything else. It was enough of a surprise to lower her guard, squinting blue eyes shut as a smile pinched at her cheeks. It was a mistake... though one she'd be allowed to make up for in the future as her enemy remained a familiar face, one that didn't seek to destroy her for that moment of weakness.

The weight of an entire, equally matched adult was not leaf that could be idly flicked from their paws, a compression that merited a cough of surprise as the dirt made for a hard landing pad at their back. Eyes wide with alarm as they gazed up towards the sky, Petalnose opted for a small mercy if only to gently antagonize her from the position she had gotten herself into on the ground...

Rolling onto her side with a scowl mocking an anger she didn't really feel at present, the cat's crooked tail lashed against the dusty ground as they replied, "You wound me to suggest I'd do something so rude as to hold back on you." It wasn't advantageous to stay at a half-laying lounge but maybe it would be enough to throw off her opponent to linger here... exposed... a tauntingly easy moment to pounce.

Waiting with eye transfixed on the tabby femme, they bided their time to prepare... If she went for the pin, Lichentail would try to kick out her back legs with her own, leaving them a writhing sandwich of unbalance on the sandy floor of their home.

Petalnose had watched her opponent fall, whipping around and taking just as Lichentail expected. She would aim to pounce upon her shoulders and try to keep her down upon the ground. Concentration sparked in a pair of focused gaze and a half snarl. It was normally easy work to get her opponents to the ground but having nearly matched weight she struggled to keep her down. "Good, then let's keep going." She responded through her half snarl.

Petalnose held her ground as her stomach was kicked the first time, holding firmly to her shoulders as her balance was starting to become frail. She continued to struggle for balance for a moment and then jumped off to avoid tumbling, recollecting her balance- her tail lifting to help her. "I guess I need to get these muscles in check." She murmured half to herself, slightly humiliated by her lack of strength.

She built a small amount of distance between them, eyeing Lichentail as she stood in her spot as of to motion she got to hit her again. "I want you to pin me this time." She remembered how easy she was to get on the ground when she had battled Flamewhisker and Flycatcher in the sunning rocks battle. She had quickly gotten out from swift play, however, it resulted in her slower healing injures. It made her wonder which areas her opponent struggled in. It seemed they were evenly taking blows. She could guess the pointed feline struggled with strength as well, although, she was unsure as she had been successful at pushing her off. She respected that.

Dark copper and light blue eyes intently watched her body language, huffing breaths from her nose to slow down her breathing. Hopefully, she could catch onto what her comrade had in mind. Wits are just as important. Her mothers smooth voice wrecked in her mind, ears flicking as if she acknowledged someone speaking.

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The continued battle as they stubbornly dueled for an imagined honor of being the 'better lead warrior' was wearing down on Lichentail's stamina. It just so happened that bedrest and wasted time meant for a decrease of bodily preparedness and with each little head-to-head, her breathing became harsher. An odd sensation rattled in her lungs, made her cough to clear her throat though the feeling did not subside. Ignore it. Get up. Rolling to stand back on her feet, the blue cat attempted to catch their breath to little avail.. and it seemed Petalnose was already raring to go again.

It was a command.. a dare? Both. To pin her down, to keep her there on the ground and see if she could end this.

"Alright.. Let's see how this goes then."

Another shaking breath that did little to ease the aching for air and she rushed in. Waiting until there hardly seemed an ounce of space left, the molly sprang up in an effort to jump over her head and land on her back. Not quite the traditional pin but that was the point... to be distracting and alarming with her missile-like advance just to change tactics last second. Hopefully it would work but the landing was always tricky... If the brown and white opponent saw through her ruse and moved, she was damned to fumble and lose her own balance to a rocky landing.

This move was better executed in the water, where the rapids could work in her favor to sweep the legs of any fool not trained for river-fighting like her clan took strength in. But her adversary was no fool and she had no river's rapids to aid her technique this time. It was a matter of keen observation; either Petalnose saw the bait and knew to move, or she wouldn't...​

Petalnose took note of the heavier breather from her opponent, wondering just how long was left until she would stand back. It was a relatively lengthy spar but it wasn't as long in Petalnose's eyes. Her own breathing was quick to recover, steady but still deep from her body's activity and pounding heart. She wouldn't pity Lichentail however and give her the win for being bedridden, no, she'd treat it like it was. A spar. Not a play fight for kits to act weak.

The tabbied feline stayed put as Lichentail charged and went for a leap, although, midleap she vered off and aimed to shove her over at the landing.

"You seem tired." She pointed out, eyes glinting with challenge to see if the fellow lead warrior had any energy left within. It was a neutral statement, showing that she was well aware of the weakness becoming prevalent. Nevertheless, it was likely to come off as a tease with the look within her eyes and soft smirk that delivered upon her face from the thrill of battle. The tip of her tail curved slightly at the top, twitching ever so slightly to see if Lichentail would catch her balance or tumble untop of earth.

It was quite amusing to her to see an opponent run out of stamina, heaving air and becoming victim to one of her strengths. Maybe she would suprise her or quite literally fall on her expectations. Either would cause satisfaction. Petalnose was still ready for another strike give and take.

The hard, unforgiving nature of the dirt left only a rattling jamming of tired bones that gave out under the weight of their own force. Staggering ungracefully, ankles struggled to recover and in an unsightly display of exhaustion, Lichentail crumbled like a dried leaf.

Flustered and out of breath, the blue point lay on the ground with heavy breaths and a crooked tail lashing in the dirt- a sure sign of her own fury with the circumstances that had beheld her. There was no point getting up to try again when every muscle protested it and actively sought to sabotage her. Rolling to at least sit upright as her hind legs remained splayed in the dusty camp, the lead flicked an acknowledgement of the jab.

It was not incorrect... a harsh deduction but nothing straying from truth. She was tired. And with no energy to continue (not without causing herself some harm to try), that meant defeat.

"You're right," she meows between huffs, "Been too long since I sparred like that... I just don't have the endurance for it."

Shifting onto her belly before giving a shove to get to her feet again, she locked eyes with her adversary again, bowing to offer her surrender. "I'm not one for paw-to-paw combat, to be frank. I'm much more suited for... distraction." Turning her nose to redirect from the knowing stare that looked back at her, Lichentail was not so quick to admit it a total loss.

"Still... no way to tell if practice will permit me to overtake you someday. I look forward to a rematch another time... when I can offer you a better battle."

A cloud of dirt gently rose from the fall in her direction, although it didn't stop her for preparing to charge Lichentail again for a more successful pin. Although, she stopped herself. The heavy breathing and slow rise was a sign, so she stayed in her spot and watched with a curious tip of her head. Her muscles still tensed, ready for anything. Ready for any little magic trick the fellow she-cat had up her sleeve. Petalnose kept her distance, watched with her stoic expression. One of no sympathy for the weakness her opposer shown. It was mere calm curiousity to get the news of the show being over.

She studied her with an unmoving gaze until words flowed out of the pointed feline's mouth and a bow was given to her. A slow dip of her head silently showed respect to the surrender, slowly sitting upon sore muscles. Petalnose's gaze did not flicker upon elsewhere at Lichentails attempt at the adversion of stare. Curious eyes silently held with a now calm slight squint to her expression, "Understood. I'm interested to see that strength upon our battle fields. Lots of those to conquer side by side, yes?" A friendly statement through a neutral tone.

A slow smirk met her blackened lips at Lichentail's last statement, "When you are up for it, I'll be ready. An opportunity to sharpen my skills isn't something I'd turn down."

A yawn met her jaws as her heart began to calm, standing and giving her body a full stretch before angling her body towards the stream, "Well I'm going to the bank to drink, you may accompany me if you wish. I only bite with reason." She causally joked, drawing her dry tongue over her teeth as she awaited for the other's response.

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It had proven to be a more informative little fight than she'd expected. One that gave her a little more insight to Petalnose, her ambitions, her goals... her strengths. Fighting alongside her in the future would be easier now, now that she understood some of her thinking, the assumptions she made in combat, what openings she wasn't willing to pursue. Offering a cheeky smile, Lichentail was just glad to have done something productive and with a friendly rival no less. They would both be better for it.

"I look forward to the chance to show you some of my tricks as allies," they chirp, nodding an unspoken agreement that they could be a terrifying duo if given the chance to be. The promise of a challenge another time was all she needed... a reassurance that they didn't have to be at odds with one another even if their tactics were different.

Anything to add to a list of friends rather than foes.

"A drink sounds perfect," the blue purrs, stepping aside to let Petalnose lead the way before plodding after to enjoy some refreshment with a new found 'not-quite-friend-but-could-be-someday.'

//i think that's a good place to end <333 thank u so much layla this was fun​
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