private HOLD IT LIKE A GRUDGE &. crowpaw


just for your love, give you the world
Jun 10, 2023

he finds himself becoming his name sake in a different way nowadays. just a few days ago, he was drowsypaw because he could barely do anything without falling asleep. so tired, even after hours and hours of napping. falling asleep in inconvenient spots. trees. small holes in the ground. under upturned branches. anywhere and everywhere he could, he slept. it was hard not to. but now... oh, now he was drowsypaw because he couldn't sleep. he's hardly tried to walk around but he's sure he would be unsteady anyways. not because of his blurred vision in wounded eye, but because exhaustion seeped in his bones like a rot that he just couldn't get rid of. the sheep try to help, surely, but they're at the point of climbing over the fence. eventually, his body just gives out. safe in his dreams, he remembers. safer there, he hopes.

but it's all for naught. he wakes up in a frantic motion, wincing at the pull of healing wounds, as he forces himself onto his paws. where... where was crowpaw? he has to find him! she was gonna kill him, he wasn't safe! no, he cant let that happen, at all! he scrambles to go find his brother, who he hasn't spoken to in a while. not intentionally, he has hardly talked his mom either. and barely lupinepaw. hes been sleeping more than communicating, and that was his fault. but right now? his brain is telling him stories of the rotting lioness, who smelled of blood and viscera, going to kill crowpaw. he can't let that happen.

"c-crowpaw? crowpaw where are– huff– you!?"

he nearly tumbles into the tom, ignoring the ache of his torn ear, and throbbing face.

"you... you're not... dead... oh, thank the stars..."

he pushes himself against his brother, taking in his scent as a reminder. he's okay... physically at least.


Drowsy returned battered and hurt. His own brother soon after... Bobbie. He will never admit it, but seeing Drowsy in such a state made him double down in training. He must become strong in order to find whoever did this to Drowsy and make them suffer the same way his brother currently was. Fireflypaw had told him that Drowsypaw needed rest and time before returning to the apprentice den and while it was not that satisfying of an answer, it would have to make do. The training for the day was completed and Silversmoke had already gone off to retire for the day. He was free to rest or do as he pleased. I want more feathers... With that thought in mind he started walking with a skip in his step. That is until he heard a familiar voice.

It can't be. There's no way. Flashes of the medicine cat den sear into his mind with a black tom much like himself. And then what he had been dreading the most appears before him. Drowsypaw in all his glory nearly collides into him. Crowpaw's maw is agape, hazel eyes looking in pure befuddlement towards his brother. It takes his a moment before closing his maw with an audible gulp. "I'm here?" Drowsypaw isn't listening. The terrified tom looks at him as if he were clans away. Not at all present. Nothing more than a ghost. It's so bizarre that he is unsure what to do in this situation. He has never been the one to calm anyone down. That was Lupinepaw's talent. Not his. His talent was throwing tantrums and making everything worse.

"Dead? Why the heck would I be dead?" Where is this even coming from?! He isn't given an answer. No... Hazel eyes widen and his black figure stiffen as Drowsypaw pushes himself against him. It's as if Drowsypaw is hugging a tree. Why? This feels nice... NO! Push him away! How long has it been? He's been holding his breath, looking up at the sky. Drowsypaw's squirming makes this all the more difficult. The ache in his lung intensifies, his heart claws in his chest demanding for relief. Of course, he exhales and gasps for air. His frame shakes with short breaths to fill his lungs once more.

Screw it. And with that he pushes himself against Drowsy with an immense feat of strength that had Crowpaw not wrapped his paws around Drowsypaw, he would've taken his own brother down into the ground. "I'm here Drowsy." His grip tightens, "I'm here." It's selfish perhaps, but this is the first time in moons especially with his own siblings that he's been cared for. In a way he can understand at least.
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 10 moons
    — undecided / single / not looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes with polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou

hearing his voice brings comfort to the tom. he may be a little uneased, confused on why drowsypaw is acting the way he is but he doesn't shove him away like part of drowsypaw expects from his brother. his brother. such a complicated tom cat with so many emotions he doesn't know how to deal with. drowsypaw can see things from his side, of course he can, but what he really wants is for his brother to be okay. he is, at least for right now, okay. he takes a few breaths, slowly pulling away but not fully keeping himself from touching crowpaw.

"i was... really worried. she said that... i-i mean it said that... I don't... i don't know. i just needed to make sure you're safe."

he's trying to be logical. there's no way she could have gotten into camp. she's not here, his mind says, but a different part of it says that she could be. wsiting in the shadows and simply waiting for her chance. he wouldn't be able to protect crowpaw. he couldn't even protect himself.

"you are safe, right? n-nothing has tried to... hurt you? or... you're... okay?"