hold me like a grudge ✘ reflection

It is not the injury that casts his face in a brooding shadow, but the meaning behind it. Scars meant nothing, he had several, multitudes, inside and outside; his heart bore the brunt of it, his flesh the rest. One day he would be nothing but scar, knotted and twisted pink ridges latticed over every inch of his body; he would be a walking corpse, shambling from one task to the next. One day they'd consume him, drown him within the folds of battered and torn flesh until he was nothing but a wound. Smokethroat was well-accustomed to cleaning his own cuts and scrapes, seeing Beesong if they seemed significant but it was this new one on his chest he wanted no part in acknowledging and so he'd left it seeping and raw, hidden by matted fur plastered over it to hide it from view. Deep enough it would eventually raise, claim his chest with its mark. An experienced combatant like himself knew that scars never faded, no matter how small they were they would lingered even if it was just the memory of them but this was a blatant display of disrespect eternally marred upon him.

He remembers the gathering, the scars once born across both Weaselclaw and Hyacinthbreath's chests, their then deputy Duskfire equally wounded. Only sparred were the medicine cats. He imagined a world where it was the norm to mark your most loyal with bloodshed, to show your heart, to expose it so readily. Spilling bloods of the cats who trust you, who you supposedly trusted, permenantly etching your insignia upon them for their entire lives. The anger he felt then was miniscule to the rage simmering in his chest now, he'd gone to the river's edge to look at even covered in fur he would need to clean he knew it. It was there forever now. A mark, a brand, a sign of defeat at moorland claws, a reminder of what merciless acts lay beyond the gorge and rolling hills. Smokethroat leans forward, inches into the water until it is up to his chest just below where the new wound lie; the gash along his belly burns from the cold river rushing past it and he thrusts his head down beneath the surface of the current to scream furiously frothing bubbbles and a howl muffled under waves. When he lifted his head back up, whiskers heavy and dripping water he felt no better for it. A paw was raised, sloshing the water upward to clean the bloodied tangle of dark fur at his chest and he felt his claws unsheath instinctually; what if he...carved it more. Removed the single flash, darted an X across himself in a mimicry of the one Hyacinthbreath bore...but no, even that felt horrid. A traitor to Wind was not what he was but a killer of it he could accept.



Her voice shivers more than she'd like it to, fails a little, and his name's practically inaudible. She approaches on white-capped paws, afraid, ears pinned back at his muffled scream of pain. Smokethroat is steady, seems invincible sometimes, so to see him — well — vincible once again, it's. It's strange. It's worse than strange. She's known him all her life; when she was a kitten she'd thought him really infallible, found him starlike in more ways than one, found him beautiful for those spots and those scars. RiverClan's warriors were like heroes, then.

So it still shakes her to see them wholly mortal. To see them bleeding out on the ground, loved ones crouched over them, in the wake of a sound loss. So many warriors fell, and Ashpaw has never imagined RiverClan losing like that.

She steps closer, getting her own paws wet. The river's a comfort, as usual. "Smokethroat," she tries again, and this time manages a normal speaking volume.

She sees him pulling his chest fur back, doesn't think much of it until —


The silence is so — loud. They did that to him. They — branded him?

"Oh," she says out loud, not meaning to, and it's a strangled sound. Horrified. She remembers the moorland rat's name — Weaselclawhe did this? This dirty, cruel, useless wound — there's a heat building in her chest, an anxious, protective rage that she never expected to feel for someone like Smokethroat.

She takes another step forward.

He wouldn't let her be gentle, she thinks. He wouldn't let her try to help, the way Willowroot or someone else might. He's like Icy that way. But then... Iciclepaw had let her help, after this battle.

Maybe she might as well try. He deserves it, anyway, even if he won't accept it.

"That looks hard to reach," she says, hardly above a whisper. "I can help you clean it."

—— " i found gold in the wreckage "

  • ooc text here

  • - 9 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - apprenticed to lead warrior willowroot
    - crushing hard on iciclepaw
    - happy-go-lucky, mischievous, hardworking
    - very friendly, but defensive of riverclan!
    - got real fucked up as a kid so if she seems like she was fucked up as a kid, that's why
    - "speech"
    - she is on a JOURNEY