pafp HOLD ME LIKE A GRUDGE / moving dens


Oct 14, 2023
THERE WILL COME A SOLDIER — Blazingpaw found himself excited yet sad that he wouldn't be able to curl up to his mother's side with his littermates anymore and his heart aches in the slightest but he knows that his mother wanted them to push forward and maybe they would like their new nesting arrangements even if he finds that hard to believe. He makes no protest to pick at the small belongings of his nest and a few things that reminded him of his mother, a few pine needles, and his big paws walk onward in the direction of the apprentice den. For once, Blazingpaw can't help but feel small at the mere sight of it especially for a kitten that views himself big and he swallows down his nerves feeling the fur prickle on his neck and little pinpricks of sweat forming on his tender pawpads.

He takes a deep breath feeling his teeth tighten on the nest material in his jaws and he's ready to step forward until he feels a smaller body bump into his own, his eyes widen and he expects it to be one of the older apprentices. His owl sized eyes locking with blue-green eyes that belonged to a familiar bicolored molly soon narrowing into warning slits and he had been prepared to apologize to who he had bumped into but instead finds himself scrunching his snout at her as he pulls his gaze away from her. Great. They were still denmates and with Orangeblossom as Springpaw's mentor, she had a chance of becoming an early warrior like him. Springpaw's like the bugs she likes and cries, a tick lodged at his side suckling away at his blood and joy of life. Still he shouldn't let her ruin his day or that's what he believes anyways.

Instead, he pushes forward and passed her until he finds a comfortable spot near either of his littermates as he lays claim on the spot with a rather prideful grin and fiery green blazes danced in his eyes almost tempting the she-kit to dare and play with fire.

/ please wait for @Springpaw >:]

  • Untitled248_20231022220251.png
    longhaired red tabby tom with green eyes
    4 moons old; ages the 28th every month
    sexuality unknown; too young
    son of coyotecrest and howlfire
    brother to wolfpaw and hawkpaw
    easy to befriend; will throw a tantrum if you call him filthy
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

She was no longer Springkit. No, she was Springpaw now, an apprentice of SkyClan and she was going to be the best apprentice ever! Her mentor was Orangeblossom, a cat who she had respected and admired even from the nursery. To make it well and truly official, she had to move into the apprentices den along with all of her other former nursery mates. It would be strange to sleep in a nest without Roseblaze, without Pumpkinpaw, but it was part of growing up right? Adults typically slept by themselves, apprentices too. She noticed it the second she walked into the den, how the moss scraped together in here was only big enough for one so different from the wide mossy beds she had grown used to in the nursery, nests scraped together with the idea that multiple cats would be squeezing in together. She has to admit the idea of it does allure to her. When Pumpkinpaw was fussing in its sleep there was not much that could be done to stop them. Deaf, the diagnosis had come. Her litter-mate was incapable of hearing. It made everything make so much more sense, to know.

She had spent long agonizing minutes over making her nest perfect. A piece of moss here, a sprig of pine there, and soon it was shaping up to be well... not the greatest nest in the whole camp but surely it was decent enough for her first time ever making such a thing for herself. She would have liked to weave flowers into it, but that would have to come at a later time, when the snow thawed Roseblaze had told her. That's when the flowers would all come back.

The apprentice's den is crowded, she realizes this as she grabs one corner of her newly made bed and drags it in. Her gaze casts about, looking for an open spot that had a suitable space for herself and Pumpkinpaw to still sleep relatively close to one another. That is, she was. All of a sudden, a shoulder bumps into her own she turns and looks, her eyes meet with ginger fur, with bright green eyes and almost she smiles at Blazingpaw. Almost. His face is pulled into a scowl, his features wrinkled in what she can only assume is disgust. She has no idea what she's done now to get on his bad side but... She sticks her tongue out at him in return.

It is only when he arrives at the spot near his own littermates does she come to the terrible realization. Where Hawkpaw and Wolfpaw had settled... there was the perfect space there for her and Pumpkinpaw. They could sleep next to each other, she could be close to her friends, but her gaze lingers on Blazingpaw. The look in his eyes is daring, challenging and in a split second she has made her decision.

She makes her way over and she plops her bed down right next to his and then, pointedly, she turns to any other apprentice who might be nearby. "This is all so exciting!" she says, ignoring the daggers that are no doubt being stared into the back of her head right now.


Figfether embeds feather’s into her new apprentice’s nest. It was only responsible for a mentor to assure their apprentice was properly settled into their new den, in fact since the meeting Figfeather had been a burr in @wolfkit ‘s pelt. It wouldn’t be long until they went on their very first outing and the marmalade tabby was excited to show Wolfpaw the territory.

Springpaw sets her nest down in the empty spot by Howlfire’s kits, she is oblivious to the immediate tension between her and Blazingpaw. Nursery-mates quarreling to their extent was practically unheard of by Figfeather, for whatever ill-feelings they had for one another to still prosper on their apprentice-day was unthought of to her.

”Do you think this will keep you warm enough, Wolfpaw?” She asks after placing the final feather into the mossy nest.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
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In a notably confusing turn of events, the cats gathered together began to dissipate, and Pumpkinpaw's denmates were left to excitedly mingle amongst each other in the clearing, soon tearing toward what wasn't the nursery.

Although it wasn't far behind Springpaw, its jaw nearly went slack with shock as they filed into the den. What were they doing? They weren't allowed in here! This was where the big kits slept! Surely they would get chased out by an annoyed warrior before long?

Beside them, Springpaw now sat patting and puffing at a nest that she had created all on her own (and just a little help from them, not one to be left out). Still, they stared hard at the new creation and watched as she settled into it, head whipping around to peer at the entrance to the den. Despite the time they had been in here, nobody had come to fetch them yet.

Pumpkinpaw began to grow a little more bold as a giggle escaped it, creeping forward to try and cram itself into the nest with her. It was far too small, not comfortable like the nest Roseblaze had made for them, but it was fun to pretend. They were acting like big kits now, that had to be it! It liked that idea.

Figfeather then walked into the den, and dark ears flattened apologetically as a mismatched head ducked low. Its muscles were already bunching, prepared to stand up and leave upon request, but the golden molly instead walked right past them with a smile, talking to Wolfpaw nearby and even offering feathers to her nest.

...Were they the big kits now? The idea seemed foreign as it prickled at the back of their mind.
|――――――――――――――| (()).....
  • // OOC
  • (( pumpkinpaw )) of skyclan, sibling to springpaw ; npc x npc
    ↳ its/they/any pronouns, doesn't care about gendered terms
    ↳ AGAB undefined ; intersex ; gender unlabeled, it does not yet understand the concept
    currently 4 moons old, ages every 1st
    completely deaf. unlikely to understand anything said with words alone.
    ↳ this is a known fact among skyclanners, but unlikely to be known by strangers
    likely to respond to situations based on the expressions of others.

    a scruffy, shorthair chimera kitten that is a distinct and striking combination of glossy black fur and bold red stripes. it has bright, mismatched yellow and copper eyes. for its age, pumpkinpaw is of average height. it smells of dry leaves and springpaw.
Wolfpaw doesn't really understand all this silly tension between Blazingpaw and Springpaw. So Blazingpaw had crushed a bug or two — so what? There were, like, a billion trillion bugs in the world, so what did it matter if a few were gone now? But she also doesn't get Blazingpaw's lingering resentment of Springpaw. She was nice, and she played fine, and she was even sort of pretty, so Wolfpaw found herself fond of her, even if timidly so. She would hate to get on her own brother's bad side for the sake of her friendship. But whatever war they were waging in their heads was decidedly stupid, so there. Maybe she could make them see reason, or something.

Before she can devise an appropriate plan, though, Springpaw marches forward through the den and places her nest down right between Blazingpaw's and her own. "Woah, hi Springpaw!" he chirps, grinning, "Cool!" He purrs towards the black-furred apprentice and shoots his brother a look, wondering if he'd made the right decision or not to welcome her (and Pumpkinpaw — look at the way it pushes into Springpaw's nest!) in — but either way, he's got another cat pulling his attention now.

Figfeather ducks into the den and Wolfpaw purrs louder. Her mentor has been ever-present since her ceremony (though that was only a few short hours ago now...) but Wolfpaw has found comfort in that fact. She was kind, and she was even lacing feathers into her nest, and that was super nice, so.... "Oh, thank you!" the new apprentice mrrows, tail wagging. "Yeah, I think it'll be real warm." The biting chill of leaf-bare was hardly enough to penetrate the comfortable den, especially with this many bodies in it. The feathers in her nest would feel like StarClan itself. Wolfpaw touches her nose to her mentor's shoulder in thanks, ears twitching. "Maybe I'll be less sore after we start training this way. I've heard you get sore anyway... don't you?"

  • 72137244_EmSdt33NNuS72fz.png

    — wolfpaw
    — she / they / he ; apprentice of skyclan
    — longhaired lilac torbie with piercing yellow eyes
    — "speech" ; thoughts
    — avatar by tropics; signature by dreamydoggo
    — penned by meghan
❀‿ Lupinepaw watched her new den-mates move in and squabble over their spot preferences filled her with a bittersweetness that made her ears lower a fraction. It seemed like it had to be only a moon or two ago that she and her nursery-mates were racing to the apprentice den to get first pick at sleeping arrangements, but did they look so small back then too? Lupinepaw remembered still feeling like a child on the day of her ceremony, but watching Howlfire's and Roseblaze's kids now... they all still had their kitten fluff! She suddenly felt much older than she ever had before, was she now one of the cool, older apprentices to them?

Springpaw sticks her tongue out at Blazingkit and he glares daggers at her, and Lupinepaw is reminded of Cherrypaw and Doompaw tussling in front of the den while she and the rest of their denmates jumped in to verbally join the fight on either side. (Well, Falconpaw scolded them all like the little mini-adult he tended to be as a kit, but she digressed.) Doompaw wasn't here anymore. And neither was Abysspaw. Both had disappeared, their scents lost somewhere on the way to the Twolegplace, cats said. Brightflame too, was still Brightpaw when they moved into the apprentice den, and she only received her name on her dying breath. It was such a morbid thought to linger on, but Lupinepaw hoped that they wouldn't have to move any more empty nests out of this den for reasons other than a warrior-name ceremony.

She forced herself out of her latest spiral of thought by attaching herself to the idle conversation of Wolfpaw and Figfeather nearby, "Oh, you'll be sore, trust me. It isn't too bad, though... It's like a good kind of sore, I think. And, like, it's nice 'cause the soreness will be from helping out the clan and all that." Lupinepaw purred congenially at the young torbie. She turned to speak to the group as a whole, "I'm curious, now that you're in the Big Kits' Den what're you guys excited to do first?"

  • OOC:
  • lupinepaw.png
  • lupinekit . lupinepaw
    — trans she/her. 8mo apprentice of skyclan. padding after falconpaw
    — tall, long-haired black smoke with low white and green eyes
    — smells like sweet lupine flowers and young pine needles
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    — icon by antiigone, fullbody by pikaihao and chibi by rae
    — penned by eezy