oneshot Hold me without hurting me | one shot


The state of unconsciousness is a fickle thing, especially when your life is on the brink because your lungs decided to break for no reason.
She’s falling one moment into a sea of black, the strain in her throat akin to what Roepaw would imagine drowning would be like.
She resurfaces, her head barely coming up from the black waves. Berryheart is forcing berries down her throat… juniper berries, she thinks.
She chokes on them, but is able to swallow before she sinks back underwater.
The next time she breaks free, she is in a nest, but her body isn’t ready to conscious quite yet, and she goes back under.
Her mind flickers in and out of function before her body, but the revival is rapid and intense, memories both old and new flash across her mind.
She’s yelling for Emberstar and Howling Wind, why… why is she yelling?
"Morningpaw!" The exclamation comes at a panicked gasp, her body has powered back on, but her state of panic and urgency had not waned with her fainting.
"Is Morningpaw okay? Did she make it?" Roepaw cannot quite yet process who she is talking to, but the words are coming a mile a minute, she needs to know.
She opens her maw to speak once more, but when a steady wail from just outside the den turns into a grief-fueled scream, the voice unrecognizable, Roepaw stops herself.
That may just be the answer the little apprentice needed, it was all she needed to feel sick.
She struggles to her paws, only to come tumbling down, her breath rapid and burning.
" was just a squirrel! She can’t die over a fucking squirrel!" Whoever had been there initially took Roepaw’s floundering as their cue to exit, and now the apprentice is merely screaming at nothingness- at leaves.
She kicks her nest away from her from where she lay on her side, her bottom lip trembling in anger, in grief. Everything was going to change now, once more their worlds were going to be flipped upside down.

[ Instead of an open thread of her waking up, this is just a one and done post to ICly sum up her reaction/not to spread more angst across the board :,) ]