The weather was getting warmer, which was of prime to Riverclan. Swimming was an important skill to possess in such clan, idiotic Petalnose saw if a cat existed in their clan without training. Never would she neglect that training with any apprentice she taught, never would she neglect any skill to train. It was her responsibility, and stars knew she would take it even more seriously as she was trusted with the River king's kin. Quite frankly, she took everything seriously. Blackened lips were frequently pressed into a frown and her eyes were always slightly narrowed as if she were suspicious of every action.

Patched paws sunk into the river's shallows, shifting her gaze towards Cricketpaw to look for his reaction. "The river is calm today; The ripples are not that strong. Therefore.. we are focusing on swimming... I will catch you if you sink. How do you feel?" Emotion was a common factor to the skill, panic turned into disaster. Her mother had once asked her how she felt before each swim, something she took into consideration as she taught Cricketpaw. Of course, Petalnose jumped in without a fear each time. But he wasn't exactly just like her, therefore, it was hard to trust everything will go according to plan. Even if Cricketpaw was an eager and obedient apprentice, the waters would test confidence and see how one could manage it. This was a lesson she had to be flexible and ready for the unexpected, anything could go wrong. She had to watch carefully.


⋆ 。° ✩  Cricketpaw knows where their weakness lies - Swimming. They have been avoiding it like a sickness unto death. Cowardly behavior, wholly unbefitting of such a leader's child. The river runs in their blood, and their blood in the river. Leafbare thaw means there is no longer any excuse - fading memories of drowning rogues be damned.

He watches with narrowed eyes as Petalnose wades into the shallows. He follows gingerly, each step stiff and practiced as though anticipating a fall. "I feel -" Star-speckled eyes remain downturned, focused upon overlarge paws and squinting against the light which shimmers off the waters. "Hm. I feel... ah, jittery, I believe is the word?" Better than nervous, at least. Far better than scared. "I can trust you to confide in as my mentor, yes?" A flickering glance up to meet a bicolored gaze. It feels too vulnerable to even talk about his terrible flaw, but facing it is far more cowardly. "Leafbare has dulled my kinship with the river. I resent the idea of it, but... I do not feel nearly as comfortable in the water as I should - though I do hope you can help remedy that."

  • 81495373_qvx6EJLrxQ82G3T.png
  • CRICKETPAW he / she / they, apprentice of riverclan, eleven moons.
    a wiry, curly-furred black smoke with clouded blue eyes.
    intelligent, egotistical, and strange, with an eye always turned to the stars.
    smokestar xx cicadastar, littermate to beepaw & cicadapaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Stiff movements were scanned carefully, recognizing the apprehension. Truth was quick to answer however, even without it she knew the youth wasn't that confident. Cricketpaw held themself differently, Petalnose was used to the "ready for anything" tones to his body language. It was lackluster in this situation, in fact it was quite the opposite. ..How odd..

"I can trust you to confide in as my mentor, yes?"

Empathy wasn't her best trait but she tried her best, besides, she was quite the adventurous kit. Fear was something she faced with a mischievous smirk. Although, to have her apprentice ask such a question was an honor of trust, empathy wasn't her strong suit but making fun of flaws of a close one was something she didn't believe in anymore. Everything was met with seriousness and the wisdom she did know even if it was thrown in strict shouts here and there. Petalnose hummed with a slow nod, curiously raising her brow to listen to the confides.

Cricketpaw admitted the hesitation and requested guidance. Despite her distaste with whom possessed the avoidance of their clan's popular value, she respected how her apprentice looked to trust in her. Cricketpaw just needed help. So, she returned the respect, "What can I do to make you trust me more?" She pulled herself back to the shallows, motioning to the river, "I once heard that if you trust the river it'll respect you. A bit of caution is necessary, but panic will always cloud judgement. Panic will also tense your muscles, making it harder to float... Let's start by trusting in me. I along with others helped pull Smokestar and Sablemist up when Sablemist about drowned and your father went after her. I will give you independence but I will also do anything in my power to make sure you do not drown." Her paw outstretched to the depths, tipping her head curiously as her gaze shifted back to Cricketpaw. "Do you mind explaining to me why it doesn't make you comfortable?"
