holding out for a hero — joining

Aug 14, 2023
just because i carry it so well doesn't mean it's not heavy .
The loner wobbled on three legs, not quite used to the terrain but he managed to slither further into the pines with a curious flicker. He had heard about SkyClan from the few cats he had talked to and gathered from his observations because how could anyone not notice a bunch of cats leaving in the morning and returning at night? He nearly vibrated on the spot with so many questions because maybe he could join them instead of his nose meeting one of those dusty brooms the twolegs liked to swat at him for dumpster diving.

He was almost to the border that smelled strong of forest cats when he heard it—the rapid barking that made his fur stand on end. His optics widened in alarm, heart nearing leaping out from his chest and he didn’t even hesitate, mind already made up as he crossed the border with a whispered apology.

His pace quickened, nearly tripping over himself in his haste to get there, hoping that he wasn’t too late. He didn’t need to go far, catching sight of someone cornered when he shouted, optics blazing. “Hey! Hey! Leave them alone!” He snarled, teeth bared. He was nowhere near fighting ready, malnourished, but that didn’t stop Lux from springing forward to help the other, stranger or not.

Of course, Lux was trespassing, but he didn’t have time to dwell on that. Oh shit. He didn’t really think this through, did he? He grunted, hissing at the dog which directed his attention to him now that he was making a ruckus. “Come on, you big lug!” He snapped, backing up, hoping it’d find him at least appealing when it came lunging after him. He nearly tripped over his paws when he turned around, kicking up foliage. “I’ll lead it away!” He shouted over his shoulder, not before adding in a sheepish tone, “Sorry for trespassing!” With that, Lux pushed malnourished legs with what little strength he had, luring the dog away with bubbling determination.

It didn’t take long for the dog to lose interest, weaving through the trees with the occasional stumble of paws, chest heaving as he sailed forward, determined to get it away when he realized it had veered off towards twolegs. Lux breathed a sigh of relief. “Geez.” He muttered, heading back because he was still worried, even if he ruined his chances of making a good impression. He couldn’t just leave and not know if the other was alright. He wasn’t that heartless.

Lux hummed, popping into view, helm cocked with owlish optics, albeit making him far creepier than he intended. “I know I’m not supposed to be here, but you alright? It didn’t get you, did it?” He asked, expression pinched with worry. “I wanted to come to see if I could join, but when I heard barking I couldn’t just ignore the thought of someone in trouble. Kind of stupid, actually.” He tampered off with a mutter, tail swishing, not really talking to anyone in particular. He didn’t really think when he crossed the border, nor about his own life. He’d always been like that, flesh marked with countless scars twitching at the reminder.

thought speech
Run. That was what his mother had told him. If he ever ran into dogs, to never face them. Just run with all you got. She'd never explained to him what a dog was, which he had forgotten to ask around about. It seemed from how she spoke about it back then, was that he would know what a dog was when he ran into one. Seems she was right in her assumptions if she had any, for he knew as soon as these horrid beats locked eyes with him that they were dogs. Maybe Silversmoke would scold him for running, his mentor had taught him about battle tactics. Or maybe his mentor would get upset with him for wandering, but he wanted, no, he needed to become stronger. Was it so harmless to train by himself, to hone his skills to make his mentor proud? That. That is not something he should be thinking about.

His paws thunder against dirt, ears tilt from the barking that follows him, his heart is thudding in his ears, hazel eyes dart around for any sign of escape. He dared not run towards camp, not wanting to bring these beasts to his home. They had it bad enough with rogues bothering them, illness taking cats, and starvation. If he brought these beasts to camp, he's sure that the clan would struggle. The last thing he wanted was more death by his own doing, for that reason he ran in the opposite direction from camp. The problem with his plan is that he was not in the best of shape, hunger gnawing at him despite Johnnyflame's offerings.

Strength was leaving him, the tree before him seemed so daunting. Paws are more akin to lead, the inky tom is heaving. Dogs do not care whether or not he is exhausted, their barks grow louder. He has no choice to whip around with bared teeth and unsheathed claws. The closer he gets he hisses and swats the air, making it clear he is not going to go without a fight. It's then, that another voice calls out. He expects it to be one of his clanmates, but it is a stranger. One who dared crossed their borders. Rogue? He certainly looks like one from a quick glance, but this one is different.

Rogues have done nothing but steal and fight them. Wouldn't it have been easier for this stranger to let him perish by the paws of dogs? Before he can even say anything, the stranger takes charge. Whoever they are garners the attention of the dogs that chased him. Crowpaw is thankfully, albeit befuddled why would a stranger risk their lives? The apology given to him in a rush makes him tilt his head. Good cat?

Whatever, he can worry about it later and get to safety. He steadies himself and is able to catch his breath enough to start scaling the tree beside him. After all, he didn't want anything else to hunt him. The trees were safe and it would calm him down knowing that only birds could harm him here. He'd rather take birds over dogs.

Hazel eyes take in the stranger more closely, as they return to check on him. Bad cats don't do this. The cat he notes has three legs. Run fast. Did not see. The scars on the strangers frame are enough to tell him that he also has a funny face like Fireflypaw and his mentor Silversmoke. Although, he would be generous to say that the cat before him is cool, not as cool as Silversmoke though. Although that is quickly taken back when those owlish eyes look up at him. "Creepy," he finally answers.

Amusing it might be that the very first words he says is creepy followed by gracefully slinking down the tree. One might think the manner in which he climbs down is creepy as while, considering it can be said he scaled down the tree like a spider. A cat spider one could argue. Despite the creepiness of this strangers eyes, Crowpaw can't get rid of his habit of staring a bit too deeply into the strangers own. "Dogs? No." Why not say Dog? Do you not know what dogs are? Ears tilt when the stranger continues. Worry they say.

For a moment this tom in front of him is replaced with his mother's figure. He blinks. Nope, his mother is not here. Just some stranger with creepy eyes. Although his heart falters. He is unsure why, but it's something he can't focus on now. "Dumb yes. But you are good. If did this not save me, everyone will chase you." The explanation is short and makes little sense he knows. However, this cat before him is good and therefore he decides to take things in his own paws.

"Want join right? Name Crowpaw. Not leader, so can't say you can join. Only leader can say yes or no to you. I stay with you. Explain to others what happen, because you in Skyclan lands. Follow Crowpaw good cat," he mews while proceeding to pad slowly towards the direction he orignally was. If any Skyclanners were near then they would see Crowpaw with a stranger by his side, clearly not one of their own. Must make sure good cat not hurt by clanmates. He did good must not be punished. Only Crowpaw must be punished.

She was genuinely wondering what was wrong with Crowpaw as she advanced onto the scene and heard him babbling away in this weird clipped and broken manner of talking that sounded less like a child and more like a slab of meat gained sentience. The sort of way she expected dogs to talk if she could understand them with their drooling dumb jowls tripping over every word. Nothing against Bobbie, but did she drop this one a few too many times or...?
Who could tell, it was none of her business. What WAS her business was this mysterious stranger who had seemingly rescued the apprentice from some dogs. She'd been too far away to fully see or tell what was happening outside the sounds but it was clear enough the scarred cream tom was far from dangerous, but that didn't mean he got any leniency from here.
"Crowpaw get away from him and come here!"
She didn't often raise her voice, but Hazelbeam wanted this stranger to know she meant business and for this apprentice to not let his naive and trusting nature get him killed. "Hold it right there, friend. Not a pawstep further! Thanks for saving Crowpaw, but what business do you have here?"
He looked real rough, like he'd been chewed on by a dog himself a few times but saving a cat didn't make you a safe bet to place immediately. That was foolish. Even Hazelbeam, prone to being a little too willing to trust, understood that.
just because i carry it so well doesn't mean it's not heavy .
He hadn’t been privy to seeing a lot of cats slither down trees like snakes, but to hear the first words the other utter made him laugh, no matter how much the word made his heart twinge. “They are creepy, aren’t they?” He said good naturally, because the other wasn’t wrong, turning his helm, only for them to widen. Huh?

“I don’t think—” He didn’t bother to follow through, keeping quiet as he listened with a soft nod although he wasn’t sure they could label him as a good cat. It made his skin crawl with uncertainty because he wasn’t good. He would follow Crowpaw, mindful of where he stepped save for the occasional stumble over something he hadn’t seen. He helped Crowpaw, but that was something anyone would have done. He hoped, at least.

He stiffened, jerking his helm at the new cat’s voice, gaze widening. “Oh! Right! Yes—” He stumbled backward, posture stiff because really he should have left, but the little hope he had of joining made him do the stupidest of things. He wanted something to call home after so long on the run, but did he deserve that? Lux wasn’t so sure anymore. “Maybe you should listen? I don’t want you getting into trouble.” He offered the apprentice, his smile genuine.

“I wanted to see if I could join. I ruined my chances, I think—” He replied, tail flickering with a sheepish grin. “My name is Lux, by the way!” He offered as an olive branch. “I don’t want to cause your clan any harm.”
thought speech
A nod is what he gives Lux, a simple confirmation. Like him. Clear cat. Not like some cats. Oh how woeful it was for him to be given instructions or orders that were unclear. It infuriated him to no end when he was told something and expected to get it right. That's like telling him to bake a cake without even know what the heck a cake even was or baking for the matter. He just didn't understand why he couldn't just be told. Even if the truth was ugly he would like to know it. Weird eyes in tow, he tries his best not to bark himself at his savior for cutting off his sentence and remaining silent. Don't think what? Great. Day ruined. Stewing in his own rage, he barely registers the fact that he led them to Hazelbeam who only catches his attention because she called his name.

The audacity. Hazelbeam was a warrior alright, but even though she was a higher rank and had the right to boss him around no way is he going to listen to her. Especially if she's going to be so rude! Hazelbeam could've been a lot nicer about it is what he thinks. Or maybe she was being super nice to him but he's in his middle schooler era where he thinks he knows better. Cough, what's a middle schooler? Anyway, he remains planted where he is. Crowpaw keeps his word. It should be amusing that Crowpaw is just staring blankly at Hazelbeam, listening to her words as if they were meant for him. For sure he's the one who broke the rules and is asking to join.

He is surprised that Lux tells him to run along and join Hazelbeam. I'm already in trouble stupid. Ah, this isn't good. Seems like he's reaching his breaking point. He does his best to nod and begins to slowly make his way to Hazelbeam. Paws come to a halt when he hears Lux apologize and become cowardly.

Moronic. He changed his mind. Weird eyes Lux was not cool and was in fact an idiot. Show some spine! To think, that his savior would back down so easily! It was time to take this into his own paws. With that he makes a sharp turn and returns to Lux. This time he doesn't ask permission (he probably should have), but with the only warning of a stare, Crowpaw would attempt to wrap his arms around Lux in a hug of some sorts. Hazel eyes look up at owlish eyes, "Lux, right? No one said you ruined anything or even kicked you out yet, so what're you giving up for? Seems like you don't wanna join, if you're backing out like this. The only harm you're causing is wasting our time. Get a grip. Do you really want to join? Or will you join?"

Apparently Crowpaw has decided this was not sufficient enough that he finally tilts his head towards Hazelbeam who he disobeyed. "He's dumb. He could have let me die, but he came out of nowhere and saved me. No rogue would care enough to check on me and apologize about breaking the rules. You're older than me and get to make decisions, I'm not dumb Hazelbeam. Lux here told me that he couldn't ignore the thought of someone in trouble. Think whatever you want from that. I say he's a good cat." Normally he is not one to speak much, so maybe this is astounding to Hazelbeam. Little did she know he was able to talk normally. He simply chose not to. He would only do so around his family and those he could trust. Only now he bothered to speak more because Lux saved him and he would feel horrible if he didn't repay the favor in some way. Guess he did have some of Bobbie's fiery spirit within him.

Said fiery spirit dies down and he is exhausted. I don't like talking this much for a reason. Hnnnng. Mama said can't be mean. I have to be nice. Without any warning he starts again. "...Crowpaw mean. Sorry Hazelbeam." It seems like he's reverted back to the typical manner of speaking his clanmates are accustomed with.​
"Well, I'll be damned! You almost got eaten, Crowpaw!" Fireflypaw chirps softly from behind Hazelbeam, having hid the moment barking sounded in the area. Call him a coward, but he couldn't fight to save his life, let alone against vicious beasts like dogs. His tail swishes behind him as he makes himself known, ears perking atop his head as he smiles towards the newcomer.

"Lux, was it? Nice name! Just wait a lil' bit and a higher rank will come along and see if 'ya can join." He nods his head towards Hazelbeam enthusiastically, before his attention snaps back to Lux. "So, tell us about yourself! Why do you wanna join SkyClan? Why'd you want to struggle through life like us instead of live in the comfort of a kittypets lifestyle?"


"I'm doing my job." Hazelbeam states clearly, irritation flaring in her expression at this mouthy apprentice and she turns to the odd cat still stammering before them, "Like Fireflypaw said you will wait for one of our higher ranked cats to speak to you. This APPRENTICE has no authority to invite you in."
The apprentice speaks and its not his usual nonsense making it clear that how he spoke before was more mocking than anything like a true speech impediment and she stiffens in annoyance, "No one said you were stupid, Crowpaw-but you're acting it. Get AWAY from the stranger and wait for your superiors to approve him. You're an apprentice, not a warrior. Do as I say and stop with your nonsense."
He swaps back and she sees through it, this uncouth display - a child pretending to be silly and nonsensical to avoid reprocussions.
"Crowpaw mean, Hazelbeam thinks Crowpaw needs to pick ticks til Crowpaw stops acting like a brat." She snorts, her usually cheerful demeanor soiled by this indignant and terrible child who thought himself superior to a warrior. Daylight or not, she was not being disrespected by an apprentice who spoke so offensively.

"That's enough." Silversmoke's voice splintered like ice, gaze shooting between Hazelbeam and Crowpaw as if he couldn't decide who he was more angry with. The Daylight Warrior, who insulted his apprentice, or his apprentice, who completely deserved to be insulted after trusting so readily. He felt his feelings for Bobbie shift from begrudging respect to annoyance; she had left her children in such a state to be a hero, they were so unprepared for the world that it made the tabby's belly nauseous with worry. He moved closer to the gathering, his sullen stare lasting less time than a mayfly as he tried to avert his wide eyes. A Lead Warrior was supposed to excuse authority, but all Silversmoke could think about was how close he could've been to losing Crowpaw - no parental incompetence would ever compare to being the one to actually get a cat killed under his supervision. There was so much Crowpaw would need to learn in such a short space of time, not just hunting and fighting, but awareness now too, it seemed. He turned his head with a scowl. "Crowpaw, I will speak to you later. Leave us, go see if our elders need anything." His tone left little room for indecision, no matter how foggy his brain felt.

"And you." Back his cranium pointed towards the other, avoiding meeting the sapphire stare of the other as if his life depended on it. He shouldn't have felt annoyed by the other's existence, he knew he shouldn't have. Lux had passed the first test of being a SkyClanner, he had exhibited a selflessness that not even some of their own could claim to have. But, Silversmoke couldn't help but feel as if he should've been the one to help Crowpaw, not some stranger whose intentions were hidden behind a disarming smile. A 'thank you' was in order but could not be spoken, caught on his tongue like a rat in a snare. Instead, he was professional and short, pointing his nose towards the canopy. "Answer the fluffy one's questions. I have the authority to let you in or send you away."

just because i carry it so well doesn't mean it's not heavy .
He blinked, staring at Crowpaw, grinning with a shrug of his shoulders because really the other had a point. “Suppose your right, huh?” He hummed, rattling his tail. He might be notorious for running head-first into things, but with things like this, Lux couldn’t help but feel awkward standing there with a she-cat ready to rip his fur out and an apprentice with an odd speech pattern. The male couldn’t really say much about that because who was he to judge? Lux was the weirdest out of them all.

The cream-ticked feline blinked, helm tilting, maw parted to answer the newcomer’s question only to clamp shut, odd optics narrowing at Hazelbeam. There’s no need to tease them. He thought, willing his maw shut with a bit of his tongue. Right. Right—He blinked, shuffling on three legs, glancing down at his scared frame. “Kittypet?” He mumbled, shaking his helm with a crinkled nose. I think I’ll pass. He wasn’t too keen on getting whacked around again or—Lux stiffened, willing those thoughts away.

“I don’t think there’s much to tell.” He admitted. “I wanted something permanent in my life and thought if I could help, then it wouldn’t be so bad.” He grinned. “It gets lonely having to look over your shoulder all the time.” A laugh bubbled out, gaze crinkling. I don’t look like much. He wanted to say but figured that looking at his malnourished frame said it all. He wanted a place to call home, something that his life before didn’t offer.
thought speech

"Fine." Lux had given him no reason to turn them away. Outsiders had often been a bane for his home, but this one spoke of wanting a purpose - if he found it in self-sacrifice for strangers, then that was a greater reason for joining than half of the rogues he'd seen cross their borders. The spotted tabby gave a sharp nod of his head, jaded, cautious approval. "Your words are like honey, but let's see if they stick. You will be permitted to join SkyClan for a time, to learn our ways and to see if you can keep up with the trials and tribulations of clan life. You will be expected to shadow our warriors on their duty, you will be expected to learn like our young, and if you cannot keep up, then you will be sent back to whatever maw chewed and spat you out." Lux had picked a bad time to join, time would tell if that would influence his loyalty to SkyClan's cause. He looked between Crowpaw and Hazelbeam, tail lashing. After some brief decision-making, he turned his head to the point feline instead. "Fireflypaw, would you mind leading him to camp?"