Holding the Weight of my Soul // intro. [open]



she/her || 17moons || RiverClan Warrior

Dandelion yellow eyes watch as ripples form on the surface of the river, the fish below are fuzzy and hard to see clearly in the slight murk and silt, but their shadows provide enough entertainment for the silky furred she-cat to enjoy. Quiet moments do not come by very often, and Frozenlake will take whatever she can get. She'd been a warrior for... what? Five moons now? No, she'd graduated a tad late, it was only four moons she'd had her name, but she could pretend it was the typical five. Besides, no one could shame her for privately pretending, could they? Idly, Frozenlake flicks the tip of her tail into the water, creating ripples just weak enough to not scare the fish away. The sun is warm on her back, and she purrs in delight... green-leaf is only a few moons away, now, and the tabby couldn't be more excited. She wonders what kind of adventures the five clans will each get up to this new-leaf, and, more importantly, what RiverClan will get up to. She's not too worried about disaster, her clan is strong and capable of overcoming anything that's thrown their way, but the idea of something exciting happening has her heart aflutter.

In the river, one of the fish does a fantastic little jump out of the water, and Frozenlake grins at it, pleased at the display, but also a little miffed because, like, what a show off, right? Anyway... what was she talking about? Oh!! Right!! Adventure! Frozenlake was excited for the antics to come, and, placing a paw into the water, she thinks about some cool stuff that could potentially happen... they could have some sort of fishing contest? That might be fun! Oh, oh! Maybe Smokestar would announce something fun? Well, whatever happened, Frozenlake looked forward to it. She'd jump right into the deep end if it meant helping her clan. ​

"I see even the fish are happy for Newleaf's arrival." His voice is a low gravel of a tone, rough-edged but not unkind as he remarks on the glistening bass that flipped upward to kiss the sky briefly before it dove once more into the depths. Often times fish did that to grab insects on the surface, the return of the insects has been the first real sign of the season shifting and while he was not fond of flies buzzing about his ears he did enjoy the cricket song at night and the vision of colorful butterflies flocking to flower patches once more. Newleaf meant a lot of things, easier prey, easier herbs, warmth once more, the river returned to them and no longer too cold and trecherous to swim within - his mood had lightened considerably as a result. It felt as if all the struggles had been worth it, had paid off, and they were rewarded by StarClan with an almost immediate shift in environment; welcomed with open arms by sunkissed blue skies and shimmering waters.
Smokestar padded forward past Frozenlake and stopped, sitting down nearly nearby but far enough he was not crowding the young warrior, his single orange eye regarded the water lapping at the shore in silence for a moment before offering a small, careful smile, "How has hunting been today?"

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.

Not unlike Frozenlake, Hawkcloud had also been named a warrior a few moons later than she'd expected to. Vaguely, the she-cat could remember padding her way out of the medicine den one night and breathing in the fresh leaf-fall air that, for once, wasn't carrying the bitter scent of herbs — and she watched her littermates' ceremony go on without her. The reason for her injury had come from the river in the form of a sharp-mouthed snapping turtle that wouldn't seem to let her go no matter how much she cried, but the ever-optimistic Hawkcloud — just an apprentice then — didn't allow it to influence her love of splashing and playing in the waters. Even as she was forced to delay her training while her bitten and torn tail healed, she didn't. The she-cat never dwells much on matters that might bring her cheerfulness down, and so she loves the river just the same.

She approaches it now, following after their leader as they wander towards the water's edge where Frozenlake relaxes beneath the warmth of the sun, and watches the surface of the river. Hawkcloud, too, arrives just in time to watch the fish leap out of the water with an arc of droplets before it lands back in with a splash, and she bounces forward on excited paws. "Did you see that? Did you?" the she-cat squeals happily, even after Smokestar had already commented on the display. Still, Hawkcloud is delighted by the surprise, her cheerful demeanor made even brighter than usual by the arrival of newleaf's warmth. And although Smokestar goes out of his way to not sit too close beside Frozenlake, Hawkcloud approaches and plops herself right next to the scarred tomcat, leaning down to examine the river beneath their paws happily, a hum on the young she-cat's tongue.
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she/her || 17moons || RiverClan Warrior

She's still splashing around, toes creating small ripples in the water, watching as the fish below the surface dart away and come back when they realize they're not in any danger - for now - when Smokestar himself shows up, followed quickly by another young warrior; Hawkcloud. Frozenlake hadn't been the most... social cat, per se, when she'd been training, choosing instead to focus entirely on her work, but that wasn't to say she wasn't without acquaintances! She might not be sure she could count Hawkcloud among her friends, but the ginger warrior was definitely a cat she could probably get along with.

"Prey seems to be running great!" The tabby reports happily, answering her leader first. Smokestar was... a little intimidating, admittedly, but Frozenlake hadn't done anything wrong so she didn't see a reason to be nervous at all. "The fish look real happy, at least - did you see that jump? We'll be well fed this season for sure!" With a small purr, the young she-cat grins at the two who joined her. Perhaps some might find it improper to joke and jest with your clan leader, but if you're asking Frozenlake, she'd say that even a clan leader deserves to be treated like a regular member of the clan once in a while. All that stress from leading and calling meetings and stuff? Sheesh, must be stressful! A good joke goes a long way to ease tensions! ​


✦ ˚  ✧ ˚ .˚ ✦  ✦
  • A thoughtful hum announces her presence just as easily as the sound of river-side stones clicking under-paw do. Their piscine food seems giddy, downright foolishly gleeful to enjoy the warmth of the rapids and glisten in the rays of the sun. It's not uncommon, but still, she imagines her children might screech with childish delight to see it happen at all. "Maybe they will... be generous enough... to jump into... our open mouths," the deputy crows, voice hoarse despite the way scars across her throat have pinkened to shades of healed skin.

    Everyone has gathered here to soak up the bright gaze of the sun and for once, the lynx point is willing to chill her flame-kissed skin in the water rather than loom beside it like cranes and geese do. Sliding past Frozenlake with a small smile of greeting, she sinks into the shallows just enough to be able to lay on the sandy-pebble bed with the river reaching for her spine. "Hopefully... green-leaf will not be... scorching..."

    If the already balmy temperatures are any indication, they might have some shade-hopping to do amongst the reeds come summer.
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    penned by tieirlys
  • ˚  ★⋆. ࿐࿔  ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     .
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  • Haha