Seasons are vastly different from one another. Quite the obvious statement to make, yes, but it'll be relevant in a moment.

Take a long gander at Leaf-bare and Newleaf, draw comparisons between the two, try to identify common threads that run through both. You can't, not really. The marsh stands dead and still in one, while in the other, life flourishes. One brings unforgiving winds which'll nip at your spine every other moment, while the other blows gentle breezes and brings warm, comforting sunlight. No commonalities. None whatsoever. And the same can be applied to every other season.

Though as Smogmaw saw it, the shift from Newleaf to Greenleaf was usually so subtle that it passed unnoticed. Like a murmur compared to a shout. The end of Newleaf and the beginning of Greenleaf blended together without so much as a hint of separation. Except this time. This time, the drying up of excess water and populations stuck out like a thorn. So different than how things had been a mere moon ago.

All this to say: Smogmaw was a touch too confident that the swamp had all dried up. Because, what he'd initially made out to be a thirsty and crackled patch of earth ended up being a mud trap.

A foreleg plunged through the scungy muck. It's an erratic motion, jarring and sudden, and his ankle pops painfully in response. The breath sucks out Smogmaw's lungs, lips parting for a gasp, and then his footing betrays him completely. He falls with a yowl, plopping face-first into the wretched pit; mud on his snout, his cheeks, and chest.

"You kiddin' me?" Smogmaw rasps to no one in particular, while squinted eyes forage for Singepaw, Bloodpaw, or any patrol passing over yonder. It's a very compromising potion that he's in - front half deep, rear end pointing heavenward, with a hind leg swinging loosely for balance's sake. He'll bite his tongue before asking for help and making himself look even more sorry. "I'm stuck." The deputy instead makes a woeful mew. "I'm stuuuuuuuck."

"wow, smogmaw. i've always known you to be a bit of a stick in the mud but... not literally."

you know they're not sure how he finds himself in these embarrassing situations but he does that, doesn't he? it's funny to hear him so sorrowful, calling out that he is, indeed, stuck in the mud. it makes the leader laugh, covering their mouth to try and stuff down most of it. they don't want smogmaw to feel some type of way for them laughing at his current state of misery. chilledstar just can't help it. he looks pitiful, in the funniest of ways. like a cat left in the rain and meowing that their fur is soaking wet.

"okay okay alright. enough laughing from me. i'll help you outta here... unless you wanna be stuck. I don't mind either way. but if you do choose to stay, I'm gonna keep laughing at you."

they snicker.

"at this rate, it's gonna take moons to get all that mud outta your fur, smog."

———————---***i try to live in black and white***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    47 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

[ ༻❄༺ ] Well, this had been such a sight to see. Their deputy trapped in mud forever becoming more and more part of the marsh around them. Snowpaw blinked, seeing their normally stoic deputy in such a woeful way was making it hard to stifle the chuckles that kept bubbling in his chest. Chilledstar on the other paw was teasing their own deputy about this pitiful situation which made it harder for the usually blank faced apprentice to hide the amusement that crept onto his freckled face. "Allow me to help too, after all, I'm sure with the mud and Smogmaw combined... it'll be quite difficult to pull him out on his own" Snowpaw said softly before moving next to their leader.

Snowpaw will surely never let this down in the future that was for sure, he will keep this over Smogmaw's head until the day he too joined the stars, but for now the apprentice manage to stifle out any laughter that he had, trying hard not to embarrass their entrapped deputy within the mud. Surely, they didn't mean literally when they were told to become one with the marshlands. "Becoming one with the marshlands..." he stated underneath his breath, hopefully though, Smogmaw was okay and wasn't injured in any way possible.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw He/Him, apprentice of Shadowclan, 10 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

While other cats may have managed to hold their laughter, Ochrewing wasn't even going to try. She couldn't help it if seeing her deputy stuck in the mud was the funniest thing ever. He just looked so miserable!

...She should probably help, too, though, shouldn't she?

"Alright, I'm coming! Geez, and I thought I was bad at watching where I was going!" She was still snickering as she took her place beside the deputy. He was really in there, too, wasn't he?

They are going to get so muddy after this. She never thought she would even complain about mud before, living on this territory, but here she was.

She turned to Chilldstar for a moment. "He won't claw my ears off if I help him, right?"


  • a lh chocolate colorpoint with blue eyes and a bobbed tail
    22 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    poly pan. ; currently looking
    easy to befriend; will fear closeness
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
It's a rookie mistake, really. And Smogmaw is far from a Rookie, so she thinks that she gets to find it funny. His mew is almost sad enough to make her want to help him, but not quite, unfortunately. A rare smile threatens to overtake Sharpshadow, budding as a simple twitch at the corners of her lips... Unfortunately, it's quickly squandered by Chilledstar, who's comment immediately makes her mouth go flat.

He thinks they should leave Smogmaw in there unless he promises them something in exchange... or like, just asks. So he's stuck. Sharpshadow would've just told him okay, if the others weren't so quick to the punch. He shifts. " Snowpaw just called you big, Smogmaw, " he says. " How do you feel about that? " with so many suckers here already, there's no reason for Sharpshadow to help. ...Not like he would've anyways. ( A lie ) Sharpshadow steps back to allow the others their space.

Orchidwing is a bit more comfortable calling Smogmaw stupid to his face than Sharpshadow would be, and frankly he finds that a bit annoying. " He can if he wants to stay here for a moon, " she tells her.