pafp HOLLOW DRUM / Water Rescue & Prompt


If there was one thing Roepaw detested, it was early morning patrols. The mornings were still far too cold, and she didn’t fully wake up until they were already on their way back to camp.
At least now, however, she had someone to walk alongside with. The two trail just behind their mentor, but Roepaw is still groggy and rigid from the frosted breeze, and she can’t muster the energy for idle chit-chat.
The milky hued sky cast a muted shadow, only encouraging the tugging at the mollys eye lids.
"Whoever invented dawn patrols must have had bats in their brain" she hummed softly to Burnpaw. There had been a time where she actually enjoyed being up with the sun, but that was quick to change.
The faint rushing of the waterfall told Roepaw that the patrol was close, and the cinnamon apprentice perked up the slightest bit. Despite not being able to swim, Roepaw didn’t mind the river, even if the breeze seemed to bite a bit more.
She can almost see Sunning Rocks through the tree line as the patrol begins the slight descent towards the river bank, the slope barely noticeable spare for the muddy dips in the ground.
She can hear the warriors grumble a low warning towards the two apprentices to be careful around the river, though she can tell their pointed looks are more directed at her more than anything.
They turn heads and Roepaw rolls her eyes towards Burnpaw before her head turns towards the river.
She hops up on to a rock that sticks out from the bank, hazy green optics scanning the other side for any sign of Riverclanners.
With a glance over her shoulder towards the warriors, she hops another short distance, but this time to a flat-headed rock just a tail length from the bank, staying close just like she was told, and an old enough apprentice that she had been granted a little more trust than she used to have with her wandering.
When she lands, her back leg almost slips out from under her, but she’s able to steady herself without any trouble.
She’s still looking at her paws when a loud bark comes from behind her.
It’s a harsh scold if anything, but on instinct Roepaw snaps her head back towards the warrior that called her back, a defense for herself is already on her lips.
The movement ripples from her neck, to her spine that curves with her turn, to the forepaw she raises to display her surprise.
The jolt in her once steady stance rocks her with a yelp, she can feel her singular forepaw that remained on the ground slip, and she falls.
To her clanmates, she’d be gone in a blink.
She crashes through the murky surface, her fight or flight being kicked into action, but all she can do is kick uselessly. Her small size and lack of swimming skills proving to be useless against the rivers current as she tumbles through, her nostrils burning, and her muscles becoming rigid from the cold.
As her pelt saturates, she sinks despite her desperate flailing, green eyes squinted against the freezing water to crane up to the the light blue surface.
She doesn’t know how much longer it is before her limbs stopped moving, perhaps it was the moment they began to burn, or when she dipped below the natural current.
Strangely enough however, even when her eyes feel as though they are beginning to bulge and her throat like it’s bursting at the seams, all she can notice is the deep blue that surrounds her. What was a daunting black while she was on top of her rock, has transformed into a brilliant sapphire. Slowly she blinks upward, she doesn’t think she can get out of this one.
one… two…breathe.

[please wait for @BURNPAW !
Tldr; while on a dawn patrol along the river, Roepaw ventured out just passed the river bank to get a better look at the other side, when a warrior yells at her to scold her, she slips and falls into the river]


Burnpaw never thought that he would be the type of cat who enjoyed training alongside another apprentice, never liked the idea of a mentor having to divide their attention. But Roepaw was pleasant company, and he found himself starting to look forward to the more mundane activities like dawn patrols, one of which they were on now. The morning sky always makes him think of his sister, without fail. It used to make him sad, his heart longing for a simpler time when he and his siblings had all been together but with time he was finding that he was healing.

His fellow apprentice remarks to him about the idiocy of whoever invented dawn patrols. He chuckles lightly but he doesn't agree or disagree. He enjoyed waking up with the sun, and enjoyed being productive. If nothing else he hopes it proves he is a hardworking member of ThunderClan. He continues with idle chatter at they walk, until they reach the RiverClan border of course.

While Roepaw rushes forward, his golden eyes sweep the shores opposite to them, searching for any cats that occupied that side of the river. Bunch of fish-smelling mouse-brains he thinks. Ever since they were rude to his family and clanmates on that one patrol he had been of the opinion that they were nothing more than a gang of fox-hearted cowards. His neck fur bristles at the mere memory.

He casts aside his anger in favor of watching Roepaw jump from rock to rock. That actually looked super fun! Burnpaw is about to join her and has even gathered his hindquarters beneath him in preparation to leap to the first stone when a voice calling his friend's name distracts him. He turns his head to look at the warrior who had called out and in the time he is looking away it happens.


He does not have to turn around to know what had happened and he only hesitates for a second. He is the closest to the river, it only makes sense in his mind that he launches himself in after her.

Roepaw is older than him, but he is larger, and stronger. Instinct drives him to kick out and move his powerful muscles through the water. He is a piss-poor swimmer, acting on instinct alone, but he moves through the water nonetheless. With the grace of a flailing fish, he makes it to her. Water is dragging his pelt down and every bone in his body is screaming but the thought of yet another cat he cared for dying spurs him forward. Briefly, he thinks of Snowpaw. The silver and white tom had saved him, once, is this what it had felt like when he had thrown himself at the hawk? He wonders how the same cat can be a hero and a villain in his mind.

Teeth connect with scruff and he pushes her to the shore, still flailing as she finds purchase on the sand. If she is unable to get up there herself he would give a final shove before collapsing next to her, his sides heaving in exertion and his body shivering from the cold waters that he had just had to fight against.

// @Flycatcher mentor tag!

He had warned them on a recent patrol to be mindful around the water. Flycatcher wasn't much of a swimmer himself but he had heard enough stories of cats falling in the river only to never be seen again or wind up injured. And that was when the river was lower than this, not on the verge of spilling onto the bank if they suffered another heavy rainfall.

Flycatcher is a little further ahead of the patrol, when a warrior named Dovesong alerts him to the fact that his apprentices have fallen behind. And more than that they're not even visible behind him. He frowns and with a flick of his tail gestures for the patrol to follow him, retracing their steps to find Roepaw and Burnpaw. Flycatcher picks up on their scent again after a brief moment, following it the edge of the riverbank. Due to a light wind, their scent had been carried down river a bit, so Flycatcher actually wound up poking his head out further downstream than they were. It was Dovesong that would call out to Roepaw and startle her. He doubted the warrior intended for what happened next to have occurred though.

He watches in horror as Roepaw loses her balance and topples into the water. Flycatcher is already running to get to where she was standing moments before when his other apprentice dives in after her. What was he doing? Oh, stars, if anything happened to either of them...

Flycatcher arrives at the riverbank just as Burnpaw and Roepaw breach the surface. Burnpaw helps Roepaw get up first, to which Flycatcher further assists by gripping her scruff and pulling her up. He turns to do the same with Burnpaw but the dark apprentice has already heaved himself onto the bank alongside her. "Fetch Berryheart," Flycatcher urges one of the warriors behind him. After they disappear, he turns his attention back to his apprentices. "What were you two thinking!?" He says in a somewhat exasperated tone. "I warned you to be careful around the river." He emits a small sigh before moving towards the two, doing his best to warm them as much as he can. Being only one cat he's a bit stretched with what he can do, but he'll be damned if he let anything happen to them on his watch. "Stars, I'm just glad you're both alright," Flycatcher murmurs softly.

Just as the hold on her breath begins to splinter and water begins to flood in, something clamps down on her scruff. Eyes flutter open but all she can see is a sea of dancing black against the blue, still she is being pulled upwards.
She doesn’t have to think, she just begins to kick against the burning of her chilled limbs. Fire licks it’s way up her muscles but she pushes up alongside her rescuer.
The two break the surface as they almost wash up to the safety of the sand, Roepaw latches a drenched paw against the sand, barely aiding in the final push to safety.
She can hear the water flowing back and forth in her chest, and she begins to cough, letting the water come up despite its resistant burning.
Her forehead pressed against the ground, she can almost barely register Burnpaws close presence, or the fact he had been the one to save her.
What we’re you two thinking?!
The panicked voice brings Roepaw’s head upwards, and she glances towards Burnpaw, who’s undoubtedly exerted. He isn’t looking at her, but she blinks gratefully, placing her paw lightly above his as a silent “thank-you.” She’d have to properly thank him later on.
Now however, she is staring daggers at Dovesong, who is spitting hasty “sorrys” under Flycatchers words.
"I’m sorry" is all she says though, her words are breathless and weak as she directs her attention to Flycatcher her ears flattening with her dying anger, letting herself accept his attempts to warm both her and Burnpaw, who’s forepaw she still has tucked under hers. "I’m sorry." She breathes once more, the will to be angry at Dovesong isn’t there, she didn’t have the strength for it.



Waking up was not too weary a task when times are urgent, though he did wish they were less so. Deftly fetched, as always- something he wouldn't mind only if it did not mean something terrible had happened. Injury was ever unavoidable- his purpose was never forgotten, though Berryheart wished he could still retrieve a time where he would be sought after for all purposes, not simply for healing. That dream was in stasis, for now... though it still exists, limboed in his intentions.

Intrigued and concerned, his steely eyes of mismatched shape rove over the scene as soon as he emerged from the undergrowth. Little-little and Fawny, both dripping wet and stood beside the frigid flow of the river. It was rainfall from their pelt- though as a saving grace, there seemed to be no blood mixed in with the water from his observation. In a Clan of cats that did not typically swim, however... this could not have been a pleasant occurrence.

"Is anyone hurt?" Being direct was the optimum strategy here, of course... if anything hurt they could get more immediate attention, and if they were fine enough to walk it should be easy to get them warm again. He was not entirely prepared for another situation like Stone-face's.