Hollowcreek x Harbingermoon // CLOSED

Jul 16, 2023
Me and Gonkpilled put loads of love and time into our OC’s with a hope this litter would be an outcome of hard work and great future plots! However, neither of us could have gone this far without the explicit cooperation of the roleplayer’s that helped make this a reality.

A big shout out to the wonderful minds of Ava, Resiliantalloys, Revelations, Rae, Blitz Krieg, Eomora, Bosstaurus, Kasaven, and Blobl. Thank you all so much for making this a smooth and exciting process and for participating in their lore!

p.s. Their current story is written future-tense as in most of what's typed below has not happened yet and is subject to repeated edits. No major spoilers about the Loyalist/Rebel plot will be unveiled only briefly touched upon. This has already been pre-approved and checked by both Ava and Revelations.

It unfolded against the backdrop of the Loyalist's treachery, a tale of loathing evolving into an unlikely connection. A mutual understanding of spite for the weak and any who defied Sootstar's reign. True to their cold natures and unwilling to see reason in the Rebel’s cause they fought for their Moor Queen. Creating a gravitational pull neither could deny. Eventually, their matching sneers turned into curiosity. Lingering glances and soft touches at every meeting were now an act of adoration. Many nightly patrols spent wandering the territories and whispering secrets in the safety of their hidden tree stump.

A part of Harbingermoon had loved Hollowcreek, but it was a piece buried deep within the confines of his narcissism. Hollowcreek had grown to care for the other but lacked the gusto to confront them. Both were unable to express it in a manner that mattered. So instead they decided to have fun and ignore the consequences. Spending many nights wandering the territories and whispering secrets in the safety of their tree stump.


At the height of tensions, Harbingermoon had grown ill early in the morning. Convinced it was the splash he received from a Riverclan patrol, he sought Wolfsong’s help. Yet, they gave him news of kits, a part of life he had never intended to indulge. Spiraling the ambitious tunneler further into denial as he begged the Medicine Cat to keep his secret. Startled and concerned, he agreed and promised to assist Harbingermoon through the difficult process. Only for the crocodile tears to run dry as the ebony warrior turned his back on the other’s mate.

Shortly after, a war raged between Loyalists and Rebels. Harbingermoon threw the first blows at Sootstar’s demand and aided in her exile of any that defied them. A perfect excuse to relieve his stressors, but also the recipe in which his downfall began. Wolfsong knew of his one sore spot and indulged Sunstride with the details. Cluing them in that he would be no asset to the mad leader of Windclan in her time of need. Later he is adorned with the new position of Lead Warrior alongside Hollowcreek. Fueled by the admiration of a crowd, he pushed himself past the limits. Struggling twice as much and greedy for recognition, he hid his pregnancy.

In time, his secret grew heavier and the anxieties higher. Afraid of rejection, as he had experienced in the past, the sour feline bit his tongue. The only option he sought fit was to push Hollowcreek out and keep working. Ignoring him at every turn and denying answers to questions shot in his direction. Sooner rather than later, the roundness of his belly became evident. Leading Hollowcreek to believe Harbingermoon had moved on with another cat.

Heartbroken and furious, he cast aside all feelings for the tom he once admired. Harbingermoon was now alone and terrified as yet another battle broke out from the Rebel takeover. Successful in their plight, he’s left with a choice: run or stay. Leaving him defenseless and vulnerable without Loyalist support, he fled for his life. Turning to the one place he knew would be secure. A little hollowed-out stump near Fourtree’s where the two had frequently met in their pastime.


Several miserable hours later, two out of four bundles made it into the world beneath the glow of the moon. Mournfully, he buried the two that passed behind the stump. For a night, Harbingermoon was at peace and by day it petrified him at the lack of connection. His life had once again turned upside down and right as they’d made peace with being a father. Except when he looked down all he saw were squealing mouths to feed and an endless pile of problems. The one thing he had prayed would go right is very wrong in their frazzled mind. Causing his resolve to crack and fall apart.

In a final disastrous decision, he flees his responsibilities. Abandoning his children in the cold and stumbling by the Windclan border in a haste to escape. Easily spotted by the stench of blood he is stopped by Sunstride's patrol. Kindly the golden feline offers Harbingermoon and his kits respite within Windclan's nursery. Taking pity on him for his miserable state and the uncertain future of his kits. Yet they will bitterly refuse the offer spitting insults as he is confronted. Exhausted, losing blood, and deranged, he will see it as a trap to capture him. Using the last of the adrenaline spiking in his veins, he violently lashed out at the nearest cat.

Committing such a mindless act made the 'Lead Warrior' sign his own death warrant. While attempting to survive the attack they finally put an end to the tom's sad existence. Sunstride’s patrol watched on helplessly as life drained from his hateful and frightened gaze.


Taking notice of Harbingermoon's absence during the escape - Hollowcreek set off to find them. Discovering clues left after the battle, Hollowcreek found the trail into Fourtree’s. Immediately, he is reminded of their hidden place and seeks it out. Finding two hungry kits wailing in the hollowed-out log. Realizing their scent and damning resemblance his hatred simmers out. For a while they sit with them to see if Harbingermoon will return but he realizes shortly that something is wrong.

Unwilling to raise them and unable to provide them with safety, he chooses the next best thing. A life elsewhere. Unsure of what became of Harbingermoon and why he left their kits to die. Hollowcreek abandons the kits near the Windclan border. Leaving it up to fate for their survival.

Sunstride thankfully found them in time and gave them to a good queen alongside Nightingalecry’s own litter, providing them with a life they wouldn’t have had under the care of their biological parents. Only the cats who witnessed the end of his life and found them at the border will know of their gruesome beginnings. Vowing to emotionally improve the next generation of cats in Windclan and aiming to win in the gamble of nurture versus nature.

They will be showered with kindness and patience by Queen’s and clanmate’s. In an attempt for Windclan to move on from Sootstar and her Loyalist's terror with the hope that love will give them a different outcome. In Windclan they will be raised communally and of the idea they were orphaned, lacking the knowledge of their parents and being raised by a real family unit.
— This is FFA and applicants will be considered based on effort and creativity.
— Casual activity is fine but a minimum of 8 posts per month is the aim.
— If you're inactive 2+ months or wish to revoke your slot, please contact Tasmagoric immediately.
— These kits will remain in Windclan and will be loyal only to Windclan.
— Their upbringing will be a communal effort for more information be sure to read their story!
— This is NOT a tragedy litter and the kittens will be loved dearly by their clanmate’s.
— Angst is welcome in moderation but not edge lords like their fathers.
— Kittens can be born with disabilities, please roleplay these realistically and ethically.
— Realistic genetics only, please utilize the ones provided or the premade's below.
— You don't have to keep the premades names. If you read the rules put 'sugar' in your app.
— Utilizing the premades will NOT improve your chances. The content of your app matters most.
— The deciding date is January 29th and their birthing thread will be January 31st.
— After the birth thread, these kits will start at 1 moon old. Aging 1 moon on the 1st of every month.
— For any changes made to the rules or above dates, you will get a notification.
— Have fun and thank you for your consideration in being a part of the HollowMoon lore!

Sire: SH fawn (carrying longhair) (G1)
Dam: LH black tabby w/ low white, vitiligo, polydactyly (carrying cinnamon, dilute, solid) (G1)

Kits can be black, cinnamon, black tabby, cinnamon tabby, blue, fawn, blue tabby, or fawn tabby.
— kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
— kits can have no white or low white
— kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
— kits may or may not have polydactyly
— kits may or may not have vitiligo in adulthood
— shorthaired kits will carry longhair; black-based kits will carry cinnamon; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; tabbies will carry solid

Hypo genetics for premade's and litter outcome provided by Blitz!


— Sandkit
LH Cinnamon Tabby W/Low White, Hazel eyes, and Vitiligo. (carries dilute and solid)
Takes on similar physical traits to Hollowcreek. Robust and muscular, with a well-defined face and heavy paws. Dotted by several marks akin to beauty spots similar to Harbingermoon’s markings. As they age, their pelt will show a progression of vitiligo, and it will eventually begin to mask the entire half of their face and parts of their body.

— Plumekit
SH Blue Tabby W/Low White, Yellow eyes, and Polydactylism (carries longhair, cinnamon, and solid)
Takes on similar physical traits of Harbingermoon. Fluffy and short, with additional digits on their paws. Also adorns several spots, much like their father Harbingermoon’s dots.

— Harbingermoon

-moon, -crescent, -twilight, -midnight, -dark, -dusk, -night, -plume

— Tunneler

-rock, -steep, -clay, -pebble, -burrow

— Hollowcreek

-brook, -gorge, -quiver, -drop, -stream, -ravine, -vale, -echo, -sand

— Moor Runner

-grass, -air, -flower, -privet, -bug

— Leafbare

-chill, -cold, -cinnamon, -burr, -fox, -leaf, -fall, -orange, -brown, -yellow, -ice, -snow

— Loyalists
(Sootstar, Hummingbirdheart, Mocking-Grin, and Snakehiss inspired)

-fang, -growl, -crimson, -humming, -dawn, -adder, -bracken

— Rebels
(Brightshine, Sunstride, Azaleafrost, Nightingalecry, Rattleheart, Venomstrike, Rabbitclaw, Redpaw, and Wolfsong’s suggestions)

-gold, -white, -raspberry, -hare, -heather, -breeze, -wisteria, -knoll, -fennel, -lungwort, -filly, -worm, -robin, -gorse, -cow, -ewe, -heart, -song, -cloudy, -bark, -bunny, -splat

— It is highly encouraged to use the names already provided rather than going outside of the box.
Bolded names signify specialty or preferred names.
Underlined and bolded names will have significant future plots attached to them.
— Names given by the Rebel's were all specially hand-picked by the characters mentioned.
— Since Harbingermoon wasn't very thoughtful of himself or the wellbeing of his kits, half of them will be stillborn and the other half will have made it. Because of these unfortunate circumstances, the kits will most likely come out very small and weak. Maybe even develop at a slower pace than most other kits or be very sickly at the start of life.
— Kits will be pseudo-adopted by Nightingalecry and communally raised alongside their own litter. Meaning they will receive loads of attention and interactions with their clanmates. Specifically, Brightshine, Sunstride, Redpaw, and Wolfsong will play a light role in checking in on them. Venomstrike and Rattleheart will also play as secondary parental figures for them to look up to.
— These kits will be the exact age as Nightingalecry's kits and born under similar circumstances these kits will most likely develop a strong sibling relationship with their littermates.
— They will always be curious about their origins but most cats will claim to not know where they came from. Leaving that question unanswered and easily ignored, as they will receive plenty of love and attention from their clan. However, Sunstride may reveal the truth to them one day, shattering their worldview once they realize their fathers were brutal murderers and one of Sootstar’s Loyalists.
— Hollowcreek might one day cross paths with them and maybe even be forced to fight. Leading to a long-term disdain between the kits and him, only later discovering he’s their father. The kits are welcome to take this in any way deemed fit for their character.

— open
— open
— based on demand an additional slot may be added!​
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finished <3

(alt names: twilightkit, songkit)




An even mix of genetics from both her parents, Midnightkit resembles Hollowcreek and Harbingermoon in different ways. Her pelt is a dark ebony canvas painted with charcoal tabby stripes, splashed by white markings on her belly, paws, tail tip and a portion of her face. She did inherit vitiligo from Harbingermoon and it will begin presenting itself at an early age, but will not begin to truly spread until well into her apprenticehood. Eventually, almost all of her shadowy coat will be stained with ivory. She also bears a white star-shaped marking on her forehead. Her eyes are a brilliant pale blue that resemble the shade of forget-me-nots, and her skin is a soft dusky pink. Her physique will always remain slight and frail due to her lingering illnesses as a child, and she won't make much of a fighter; however, she is wiry and agile.



Practically from the moment of her birth, it becomes evident that Midnightkit is not entirely like other kittens. She's quiet and soft-spoken, her mannerisms almost making her seem shy, were it not for how blunt and unapologetic she is in sharing her thoughts with the world. She tends to be a bit awkward in social interactions, though it is entirely unbeknownst to her. She thinks her way of interacting with others is normal, but to outsiders she comes off as a little too forward and at times, hard to understand. She often says or does things that seem out-of-pocket or unusual to others, but she always has a reason that seems to make sense to her mind only.

At her core, though, Midnight is a very sweet and loving creature. She is extremely empathetic and almost seems to physically feel the emotions of those around her, which is a contributing factor to her not being as socially adept as others. She struggles at times with navigating the complexities of subtext and sarcasm, and bases her reactions to situations solely off of the energy she gets from others. On the other end of this, she does tend to be highly observant and picks up on small details that others might overlook; she just doesn't always know the right way to respond to that information. She is also very open-minded and loves to explore the world around her with an innocence and sense of wonder that never fades. Nothing is too far-fetched or ridiculous for her to believe; anything is possible in her eyes.

She's quirky, and as some might say, perhaps even a little bit odd. But in most cases her eccentricities are a large part of what make her so endearing. She always walks around with a dreamy air about her, as if her head were always stuck in the clouds. She has a vivid imagination and loves to tell stories as well as listen to them, and as a child she can often be found playing with her imaginary friends and gushing about magical creatures that she knows are real. She can often be found sitting alone, contemplating the more obscure aspects of her daily life that she struggles to understand. From a young age she finds herself deeply devoted to Starclan and always turns to them for guidance when life becomes overwhelming for her.

  • She loves looking at the stars and the night sky, and can often be found out past her bedtime mindlessly looking into space; tends to have nocturnal habits because she'd rather enjoy the moon than the sun. Will decide at an early age not to become a tunneler, because she would despise spending so much time underground where she cant be close to her stars.
  • I'm already thinking about her warrior name and the themes will be very centered around the big influences in her life: Midnightbloom (for the Moors), Midnightsun (for Sunstride), Midnightsky (for her love of the night sky), etc. Upon eventually finding out the truth about her fathers, she will ask not to be given any name that would tie her to the memory of their dark deeds.
  • If given the opportunity, after spending a good portion of her youth in the medicine den with Wolfsong due to being born weak and sickly, i'd like Midnight to take an interest in healing. Her aspiration will be to one day try for the path of a medicine cat, but even if that opportunity never presents itself, she'll want to learn as much as she's allowed. Will also be deeply devoted to Starclan, and inwardly believes they are why she feels so comforted underneath the night sky.
  • Once she learns that Harbingermoon was her birth father and the tragic way he died, she'll likely start sneaking out of camp to the moors at night so she can try to talk to him in Starclan; just in case he might be looking down at her. She doesn't forgive or forget his devious actions in life, but cannot shake the idea that he was the one who brought her into the world, and feels like she owes him at least her thoughts.
  • Midnight isn't much of a fighter throughout her life, not only because of her frail physicality but also because she finds violence to be a pointless waste of energy. She doesn't dwell much on negative emotions like anger or bitterness either, and in fact does not give much of a thought at all to her parents' status as former loyalists, even once she finds out the truth about them. If they ever run into Hollowcreek and a confrontation ensues, she would not fight back. She would defend her sibling if necessary, but would otherwise allow him to hurt her, if that's what he chose. And upon finding out he is her biological father, she will feel nothing but relief that he is not a present part of her life, and pity for him, that he chose to live a life of hate instead of love. She forgives him for abandoning them, since they turned out all the better for it, but does NOT forgive him for his cruelty towards her home and found family.
  • Midnight will have a very strong bond with Nightingalecry and her kits; she does not seem them as her 'adoptive' family. They are her family, plain and simple. She doesn't trouble herself with what she deems are inconsequential pieces of trivia like blood and heritage; the former rebels took her in and raised her, and her allegiance will always lie with them.
  • I've based a lot of her character traits and personality off of Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter series, but she's more like a more existential, more intense version of Luna. Kinda has some Alice Cullen vibes going on too. Eccentric and quiet but also somehow very wholesome.
  • Very heavy dark fairy type vibes, she is calm and ethereal (and more than a little odd) but also seems to have an air of darkness about her; very shadowy, mysterious, and its always hard to tell whats going on in her head. She'll often speak or act in a way that others wouldn't expect from her, and as a child she might even worry some of her elders with her quirky habits, but eventually the clan will get used to her strangeness and it will likely become one of her more charming personality points.
  • She smells like lilac and heather and her voice is soft and melodic, like windchimes being gently swayed by a calm breeze.
  • Sugar <3
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  • Love
Reactions: tasmagoric
(alt names: growlkit, crescentkit)



masking nothing; carrying longhair, cinnamon, dilute, solid; has vitiligo and polydactyly

whitekit’s name comes from his appearance, one that stands out amongst the other kits of the clan. while most of his body is covered in the colors of a black tabby with mackerel patterning, the kitten’s entire head, from the base of his head up to the tips of his ears, is a stark, clean white. his fur is short and mostly smooth, as whitekit prefers to keep himself well-groomed, though there are spots of his fur that stick out and remain slightly scruffy despite his best efforts to make them lay flat. his eyes are bright and piercing, a shining yellow hue that stands out against the white of his head and the blackish-brown shades of his pelt.

as a whole, whitekit is a rather small kitten. he’s born sickly, and his body will show it. he’s thin and limber, underweight no matter how much he eats for the first few moons of his life. it’s only when he’s well into his apprenticeship that he finally begins to fill out, and even then it isn’t by much. whitekit will always remain smaller than his peers, capable of neither strength nor speed, and so therefore left to rely on his mind instead. his paws have additional digits, noticeable from the moment he is born. his facial features are fairly proportional, with the only thing that stands out being his eyes, which are slightly bigger and wider than average, piercing whenever he turns his gaze upon someone.

he speaks in an even, polite tone, nearly never raising his voice. he never resorts to mumbling, his voice clear and concise. his gait matches this, a graceful walk that is neither fast nor slow, taking his time without falling behind. he often smells like freshwater and grass, preferring to spend time in areas that are clean and open rather than ones that would result in him becoming dirty or messy.

when he grows older, becoming a warrior, whitekit will develop vitiligo like his father. it will begin faintly, with small specks appearing in different spots on his body. these specks will start near his neck, his back, and his paws. it will progress slowly at first, not changing much for quite a while, before beginning to spread a bit more quickly as he grows. he will likely wind up being nearly half white by the time he reaches three years of age, at which point the vitiligo will progress more slowly, not making him fully white until he’s advanced in age, likely at a time when he would be old enough to choose to become an elder rather than a warrior.

  • with a sleek black tabby coat adorned with low white, whitekit's unique feature is a stark white head, from the top of his neck to the tips of his ears, making him easily recognizable among his peers. despite his sickly start, he compensates for physical weakness with a sharp intellect, showcasing independence and clever problem-solving skills. whitekit remains smaller than his clanmates throughout his life, relying on brains over brawn. he is meticulous in grooming, taking pride in his appearance and maintaining an air of assertiveness. as he grows, vitiligo appears, progressing slowly as he reaches adulthood. whitekit's emotional resilience and indifference to forming deep connections serve as a shield, reflecting his commitment to autonomy. however, his weaknesses, born of his fragile health and the mystery surrounding his parentage, drive him to prove his worth despite his difficult beginnings.

    CON ●●○○○○○○○○
    DEX ●●●●●●●●○○
    INT ●●●●●●●●●○
    WIS ●●●●●●●○○○
    CHA ●○○○○○○○○○

    from a young age, whitekit exhibits an inherent independence that speaks to a desire for exploration and self-discovery. unfazed by the confines of routine, he weaves his way through the world with an unwavering determination to chart his own course. whitekit is the embodiment of self-reliance, choosing to traverse unexplored territories on his terms. he refuses to allow others to guide him in anything, preferring to figure everything out on his own.

    his cleverness is very apparent in his interactions and problem-solving endeavors. whitekit possesses an acute intellect, effortlessly maneuvering through challenges with a quick wit and resourceful spirit. he is consistently a step ahead, relying on his intelligence to navigate the challenges that he is faced with. he refuses to allow himself to fall behind, especially considering his sickly nature.

    he is not one to readily form emotional bonds, and his demeanor may at times seem indifferent or aloof. this emotional resilience acts as a shield, safeguarding him from the vulnerabilities of deep connections. whitekit values his autonomy and refuses to be tethered by sentimental ties that might compromise his freedom. he cares little for what others may think of him, nor for others in general, aside from a few very specific family members or friends.

    meticulously grooming his fur whenever he can, whitekit is one to take pride in his appearance. he takes care to keep himself clean and keep his fur as smooth as possible, always standing with good posture and moving gracefully. his self-awareness extends beyond the physical though, as whitekit is also acutely conscious of his strengths and talents. he is unapologetically assertive in showcasing his exceptional qualities to those around him; though he may not care for other’s thoughts of his personality, the image he puts out is something he does care about. he wants to be seen as put together, capable—worth something.
  • WEAKNESS: born sickly and weak, whitekit will grow up feeling as if he has to prove himself, to make himself useful to ‘make up’ for his weakness in childhood. he’ll never be very strong, so he pushes himself to make up for it in other ways; even as a kit, he will be intelligent, constantly trying to use his mind to make up for the parts of himself he views as ‘lesser’.

    PARENTAGE: as he grows up without knowing who he was born to, he always is conscious of himself and how he acts. the fact that he is not told who his biological parents are will lead him to assume they weren’t good, and the hesitation of others to tell him anything about them will further enforce this, and could lead to him thinking they are keeping it from him because they fear he or his sibling(s) will turn out like them. when he learns of their actions, this will likely become even more intense in the way it affects him, with him doing what he can to prove he is not his parents. he will likely try to adopt an air of indifference regarding the matter when around others. he will not want them to know what he thinks of it all.

    FIGHT: when whitekit has to fight hollowcreek, how he reacts to it will depend on the fight itself and how hollowcreek acts. he may completely disregard it, not caring for who the other is, or he may develop a disdain for him, depending on wounds exchanged and words said. when he discovers that hollowcreek is his biological father, this will likely turn into a very strong hatred towards him, both for abandoning him and for putting him in a situation where he had to fight him.

  • this is love - air traffic controller

    chains - radical face

    rule #31: calamity - fish in a birdcage

    hot sugar - glass animals

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  • lfi7vRM.jpg

    WISTERIAKIT ; a name which is beautiful to her, yet bears a great burden.
    wisteriakit is a sociable and easily swayed individual. she places a great emphasis on "fitting in" and often allows her heart to lead over any logic or reasonable line of thinking. she is impulsive and quick to react. wisteria is prone to feeling the full depth of her emotions and letting them control her thoughts and actions for an extended period of time.
    ⤷ wisteria is named by/after one of the rebels
    — she/her/hers & prefers feminine terms; sexuality tbd
    — kit of windclan, loyal to windclan with great emphasis on loyalty to the "rebels"
    — not yet born; no age
    — penned by carat; PINTEREST (wip for now!)

    Wisteria is a relatively small cat, even for a WindClanner. As she begins to grow from apprenticeship into adulthood this will become particularly noticeable. Some may describe her as "runty", but as she reaches adulthood she will fill out in musculature despite her continually slight size. This can be attributed to Harbingermoon's lack of care during Wisteria's development prior to being born.

    Wisteria's coat is a rich, deep hue of blue. It is evenly distributed from nose to tail, blanketing her entire being in the same stormy shade. Her fur is short in length and coarse in texture, further lending itself to a velvet-like appearance. There are no patterns on her fur, but as she begins to transition into adulthood she will begin to develop vitiligo starting on her chest and spreading outward.

    Wisteria has soft features that lend themselves to a delicate appearance. Her face is an ovular shape with a muzzle which blends well with the sphere of her head and ears that are well-set over her eyes and rounded off at the tips. She has pale, jade green eyes which are as vibrant as the leaves of the flowering plant she is named for. Her eyes are a striking almond shape, drawing attention from her otherwise soft and rounded form.


    As a sociable individual, Wisteria places a great sense of importance on getting along with others and fitting in. Although she may not be particularly sugary, she still is very outgoing and some might even describe her as being the life of the party. Despite all of her love and care while being raised, Wisteria feels an odd sense of non-belonging. Something which spurs her on to be more social and welcoming to others in an effort to combat her self-imposed othering.

    If you might ask someone to describe Wisteria, they might say that she's thoughtful and whimsical. She often thinks of others before herself, and tries to consider how her words and actions could affect others and her relationships well into the future. She pays hard attention to all the details of things, whether they pertain mainly to herself or others. Some might say that Wisteria quite often has her head in the clouds, but she tries to remain grounded despite all her whimsical, derailed trains of thought.

    Unanswerable curiosity about the circumstances of Wisteria's birth will plague her, especially throughout her adolescence. Oftentimes, her thoughtfulness lends itself to an idealistic way of overthinking. She thinks a lot about what life potentially could have been for her, and why she feels as if she is a bit different from others in WindClan. Although she loves Nightingalecry and her siblings deeply, she cannot help but to resent those who don't have to secretly wonder about the legitimacy of their parentage. She may also develop an unhealthy attachment to one of her siblings or the adults in her life who helped to raise her, molding her identity after them.

    On the other side of the coin from her whimsy, Wisteria does have a tendency to be a bit neurotic. Despite her best efforts, her overthinking and idealism often lends itself to a certain proneness to anxious or angry outbursts. What were once innocent questions from a curious kit will melt into severe inner turmoil and identity issues in her apprenticeship. Although she will eventually outgrow these outbursts and learn better coping skills, they will become a mainstay in her adolescence and early adulthood, likely causing strain in many relationships that will need to be rectified. Wisteria will likely always be a perfectionist and anxious individual, despite the brave face. (Note: may try rolling for neuroticism in certain threads!)

    Plot idea for personality development: one of her angry outbursts causes her to scamper off into the night and run straight into Hollowcreek. They beef, and have a real Luke Skywalker moment. Either Hollowcreek or a warrior that comes to save her (one of those that raised her) tells her the truth about her parentage, and she has to come to terms with it. It'll probably be rough for awhile- she may lose a lot of the whimsical and outgoing aspects of her personality for a brief time- but she will eventually perservere and see it through that Sunstride was right: nurture can win over nature.

    trusts easily, gets hurt easily; lacks confidence deep down
    SMELLS LIKE: earthy florals
    speech is #BDACD1

    HOLLOWCREEK xx HARBINGERMOON sibling to tbd! | mentoring n/a , mentored by n/a
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: n/a yet

  • ► YELLOW IS THE COLOR OF HER EYES - soccer mommy
    ROAD TO NOWHERE - talking heads
    MY MOM - kimya dawson
    CHOKE - idkhow!

  • IMPORTANT THREADS / ( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development
    ☆ X.XX.XXX THREAD NAME brief description
    ★ X.XX.XXX THREAD NAME brief description
  • posting template
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Name: Splatkit

Genetics: LH Cinnimon tabby with low white

Physical appearance: Splatkit is small and sickly. He is feeble as a kitten, and doesn't often play as long as other kits. Big yellow eyes glare at the world that dares to defy his might. He doesn't play as long because if he did, he'd hurt someone, duh!!! As he grows, he will slowly overcome his weakness and start to grow some muscle. He'll have a growth a growth spurt around the time he is ready to apprentice, saving him from becoming a tunneler.

Personality: Splatkit tries to overcompensate for his sick and weak state as a kit by being overconfident and a bit of a brat. He's sassy and talks back a lot and will bully you both lovingly and not depending on who you are. At some point he will pick someone as his nemesis. It could be anyone, they don't even have to do anything to him.

Despite being a pain in the ass bastard child, he has a mostly good heart and will be fiercely loyal to the clan. When he finds out about who his parents are, he will have the need to defeat Hollowcreek in battle to prove his superiority.

-Will probably get peoples names wrong

- Will probably be born biting or screaming

-Has no filter as a kit and will probably say rude things without realizing they're rude

-Has a diabolical laugh

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general info —— ☀.°✧
windclan kit
male | he/him
sexuality tbd
age | ages
unborn | 31st?
actions, thoughts, "speech"

✧°.☀ —— fun facts and other bits
he's a silly goose. sugar and spice and everything nice ;)

physical details ——— ☀.°✧

not the healthiest of the bunch, that's for sure. he is weak, but not overly tiny given the circumstances. is easily winded and will probably never be as strong as a normal cat. grassy has short, semi-coarse hair, partially lending to his name. that, and the fawn tabby coloring, he could blend in nearly seamlessly into the long grass on the moor. grass man is polydactyl and has thumbs.
tabby stripes are nearly invisible, but definitely there. very faint in their coloring.
his eye are a pale green, warm and inviting. teasing and mischief hides in their depths.
body language is usually proud and open, gives confident vibes.

✧°.☀ ——— personality
grasskit is a giant goofball. he takes pride in teasing and maybe a bit of pranking too. he loves to make cats laugh and will try his best to do so at any given opportunity. that doesn't mean he's good at it but give him a break he's a kit ok he is usually dirty from getting into something, and can't shut his mouth.
on the flip side, he doesn't know how to take himself or others seriously. when heavy things happen, he'll try to joke his way out of it. heavy topics make him incredibly uncomfortable and he absolutely will do everything in his power to ignore their severity. doesn't understand how to handle his own emotions, thus keeps them bottled as long as he can. he often used self-depricating humor to hide his disappointment in himself, which he often has. he may not be particularly bothered by his health holding him back yet, but his own personality shortcomings he tends to very much beat himself up over.
his lack of knowledge of his parents doesn't seem to bother him outwardly, though he has spent several nights unable to sleep due to overthinking. he hates his frequent doom spirals at night. often is in camp just looking up at the stars instead of sleeping during normal hours.

roleplay —— ☀.°✧
allow powerplay?
peaceful, healing, and minor injury powerplay allowed
willing to throw down | will run away | will show mercy
maim/kill/capture: no/no/ask
attack in #7A9B76
roleplayed by Twitchtail
  • Love
Reactions: tasmagoric
LAST MINUTE APP LETS GO my self control finally wore out



Dawnkit is a very fluffy kit with solid fawn colored fur. Her coat is perpetually messy, always seeming to stick up and puff out no matter how much it is groomed. In part because of the circumstances of her birth, for a while they are going to be too small and weak to do much of anything at all. Even as they grow, they will be one of the smallest cats in the clan and will get exhausted easily. They have soft yellow eyes that do not really stick out against the rest of her coat, making her look like kind of a small, fluffy, fawn colored blob.

Personality. Dawnkit is the happiest kit that there ever was. She meets life with a smile, ever eager to chat with everyone and anyone. Her time stuck in the nursery early in life has made her all the more eager to explore all there is to see in the world. There is nothing they would rather do than whittle the day away chatting and frolicking with as many cats as they can. Because of her constitution, however, this isn't possible. Even as she grows, she will have to spend more of her time resting than other cats do. Still, she never lets it get her down. Even when her body is worn out, her spirit never seems to be. She never seems to hold a grudge or even get annoyed with anyone. They have a natural charm that makes her easy to talk to and easier to like. It is hard to stay mad at her when she is constantly greeting you with the widest grin you have ever seen.

This naturally comes with a bit of immaturity. They don't really to take anything seriously; not their training, not the rules, and not even the leader. Dawnkit will regularly disregard all three, preferring to sneak off with her friends rather than work to become a good warrior. As an apprentice, they will spend more time sleeping or playing than training. She never thinks about the future, only the present. A moon might as well be an eternity as far as they are concerned, so there is plenty of time to do boring things like training later. Besides, the thought that she might be a bad warrior doesn't really worry her all that much anyway. The clan will take care of her.

She can be a touch insensitive at times. Laughing in people's faces or outright ignoring them. Not being purposefully rude, but just not thinking about how her actions can affect others. If confronted about it, she would of course apologize, but she would apologize with a smile and a shrug. Then she would do the exact same thing again later without even thinking twice about it. In their mind, it just isn't that big a deal. She wouldn't care if someone else did it to her, so why would anyone else?

It is only as they grow that this will begin to change. It will take the insistance of others for them to finally take their training seriously and it will take the harshness of life to wear away at her naive happiness. However, she will cling stubbornly to both. Dawnkit will not want to grow up, she will want to stay the happy, naive, ignorant kit that everyone liked. She will hate it as she grows more serious and cynical, even if it is for the better. Eventually, they will come to dread becoming a warrior.

  • Dawnkit DESPERATELY wants to know more about her parents. They will ask anyone that might know anything about it and investigate whenever they can. Her curiosity is innocent and childlike, they cannot yet conceive of the thought that there is a terrible reason her parentage has been kept from her. However, should she ever learn the truth, she would be horrified. They would tell no one and attempt to deny that it was true, or - if they couldn't do that - then at least forget what they knew.
  • Color palette link
  • Potential warrior names include Dawnlight and Dawnheart
  • Love
Reactions: tasmagoric
Apologies for the extra thirty but we wanted to consider each applicant!

Your babies were all lovely and I'm sad I couldn't have them all be involved. It was a very hard decision to make and I appreciate everyone that took the time to read and apply ❤️

The kittens will be:
Midnightkit @limerence
Whitekit @vulture
Grasskit @Twitchtail

Congratulations folks! I'll be adding you to a small group server in about a day and babies will be born come the 31st!