Jul 9, 2022

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    Duststorm ( Cal ), being the only child to unsavory parents braved the most of their harsh treatment with bubbling rage just waiting to sink its fangs into the nearest cat, often released in harsh, spit-flying yowls in the middle of the forest, uncaring if his parents overheard, or if it brought attention to his miniscule frame. Neglectful and uncaring of their son’s emotions, they carted him around, pretending to be the perfect family when nights often ended up in heated arguments, screeches and claws tossed in a frenzy, Cal knew only anger and pain.

    It wasn’t until Tatteredlight ( Lux ) was born with peculiar eyes did he realize just how vain his parents were, abandoning his younger brother—defenseless, near twolegs. They dragged him away from the mewling bundle that was his baby brother, odd hues peering at their retreating forms in confusion. He fought, shouting curses at his parents for being monsters, promising Lux that they’d meet again. His heart swelled with rage, lashing out with everything he had, but futile.

    He was trapped, unable to escape until by some miracle, Cal slipped away out of pure luck. He began his search, running head first into danger with unresolved anger brewing. Cal was no stranger to fights. Agitated and volatile, Cal is thankful Lux and Shiori never truly saw this side of him. A monster, most said when coming into contact. An asshole readily spewing anger-filled words as he traveled from place to place, but never once did he deny someone help, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t land himself a few more injuries to lick.

    Over time, his anger simmered, maturing and adapting to his constantly changing environment , stubborn, but far less tempered.

    Hollywhisper, born Shiori, was born to Duskpool, who was then named Youkai, and his late mate who was killed alongside most of his sisters not long after her birth. Despite this, Youkai took good care of Shiori and his surviving sister Ume to the best of his ability. However, a dog attack separated the family, with all members believing the others to be dead, and Shiori became a wanderer, seeking thrills and excitement while also learning more of the world.

    Upon meeting, Shiori offered to help Cal locate his brother, and the two would sometimes join up to search together. Their relationship was far from friendly at first, with Shiori adopting the nickname 'Cally' to annoy the other, and Cal having a more gruff personality. Over time, though the banter never left, they slowly grew fond of each other as they journeyed together.

    Eventually, they found Tatteredlight in SkyClan, and the two decided to join - Cal to be with his brother, and Shiori both due to his desire to learn about Clan culture, and not wanting to leave Cal. He then discovered that Duskpool was also a member of SkyClan, which cemented his choice to stay. However, a simple inquisition from Tatteredlight led Shiori to question how he truly felt about Cal and, after much deliberation, he decided to confess. Though they are mates now, their relationship is still full of fond bantering.

    But not long after both making things official and receiving their new names, Duststorm and Hollywhisper, the latter finds out that he's pregnant. Having never talked about it with his mate, nor having a mother figure in his life, Hollywhisper is left conflicted about the idea of starting a family. Duststorm is also not sure he'll be a good father, but the two of them decide to do the best for their growing family.​

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    DUSTSTORM [Gen 1] x HOLLYWHISPER [Gen 2] - Kits will be Gen 3
    Grandchildren to: Duskpool
    Grand-nieces and grand-nephews to: Circe, Shadowfire, Smokefang
    Nieces and nephews to: Ume, Tatteredlight, Drizzlepelt (Adoptive), Mason (Adoptive), Lostmoon (Adoptive), Jaggedstorm (Adoptive, via Lostmoon), Yukio (Adoptive)
    Cousins to: This litter (Adoptive), Littlepaw (Adoptive, relation unknown ICly)

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    - This litter is not first come, first serve. Applications are free for all.
    - Using the hypo-kits will not give you any bonus points, but they're there if you want to use them!
    - One plot idea is for two kittens that look very much alike, if not identical, to grow up to have wildly different personalities - please feel free to discuss with other applicants (or even me!) if you're interested in this, but it is absolutely not required.
    - Kits will start at 0 moons! Worm litter, yippee!
    - Because this is a realistic aging litter and both Duststorm and Hollywhisper are casual characters, there won't be a strict activity level.
    - If you plan to drop your slot, please let us know so we can rehome them.
    - The current amount of slots is 2, this may fluctuate depending on interest.
    - Kits may have disabilities, but please play them respectfully and do some research.
    - These kits will be loved, so please no negative names. Please try to stick to the naming themes, but do ask if there's a name you're fond of and want to use!
    - Please keep them in SkyClan until adulthood!
    - Choosing date will be around March 20th, and the kits will be born sometimes between the 23rd and 30th.​

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    Sire: LH fawn rosette tabby w/ low white
    Dam: SH tortoiseshell w/ low white (masking mackerel pattern; carrying longhair, dilute)

    - Toms can be black tabby, blue tabby, red tabby, or cream tabby
    - She-cats can be black tabby, blue tabby, torbie, or blue torbie
    - Kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
    - Kits can have no white, low white, or high white
    - Kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
    - Kits will display broken braided tabby
    - Red-based kits will mask black tabby
    - Shorthaired kits will carry longhair; kits will carry solid; kits will carry cinnamon; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; kits will carry non-bengal modifier​

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    Duststorm's Naming List​
    Acornkit, Thornkit, Boulderkit, Fennelkit, Grasskit, Hawthornkit , Hemlock-kit, Huckleberrykit - After nature items
    Alderkit, Aspenkit, Cypresskit, Hickorykit, Larchkit, Pinekit, Rowankit, Birchkit, Cedarkit, Chestnutkit, Oak-kit, Willowkit, Elmkit, Elderkit - After trees
    Sunkit, Daffodilkit, Fawnkit - After Tatteredlight
    Beekit, Antkit, Waspkit, Dragonflykit, Fireflykit, Flykit, Beetlekit, Mothkit, Spiderkit, Mantiskit - After insects
    Frecklekit, Dapplekit, Spotkit, Spottedkit, Fuzzykit, Creamkit, Redkit, Patchkit, Goldenkit, Sandkit, Sandykit, Black-kit, Dark-kit, Shadekit, Shadowkit - After appearance traits
    Hopekit, Wishkit, Bravekit, Fidgetkit, Gentlekit, Loudkit, Mumblekit, Oddkit, Sweetkit, Softkit, other personality trait words - Name's he'll avoid

    Hollywhisper's Naming List​
    Twilightkit, Moonkit, Moonlightkit, Nightkit, Poolkit, Shadekit, Splashkit, Crescentkit, Ghostkit, Dawnkit, other names related to darkness, the night, or ghosts - Names that remind him of Duskpool
    Stormkit, Thornkit, Sandkit, Breezekit, Tempestkit, other sand/dust and storm adjacent names - Names that remind him of Duststorm
    Whisperkit, Whistlekit, Silentkit, Softkit, Rainkit - Names that remind him of himself
    Frostkit, Icekit, Iciclekit, Snowkit, Blizzardkit, Hailkit, other snow/cold related names - Names that remind him of leaf-bare, viewing it as deadly and harsh but beautiful
    Runningkit, Quick-kit, Swiftkit, Rushkit, Wingkit, Featherkit, Dovekit, Finchkit, Jaykit, Kestrelkit, Starlingkit, other bird names - Names that remind him of freedom
    Plumkit, Violetkit, Peonykit, other fruit or flower names - Names that remind him of Ume
    Yarrowkit, Poplarkit, Lavenderkit, Spindlekit, Laurelkit, Sproutkit, Mintkit, other tree, herb, or plant names - Names from nature/plants, in hopes that they will thrive and grow like their namesakes
    Pollenkit, Nectarkit, Honeykit - Names he hopes will ensure they will be sweet and more open about their emotions than he is
    Milk-kit, Glowkit - Other names he likes
    Overly negative or cruel names, Wolfkit, Dogkit, other canine-adjacent names - No-No names
    Any other name that is slightly related to a name on the list will likely be fair game. Some flower/plant names can go for both reminding him of Ume or because he wants them to flourish.

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    I decided to use Clangen to make some hypokits for them! The sprites made using the Full Genetics mod for ClanGen by Chinch Bug in the ClanGen discord, and their modified version of CatMaker by Key, also in the ClanGen discord. You don't have to use any of the listed names, they are just there for funsies! You also don't have to use the designs either. Because of the image limit, I've only included their warrior sprites for now! Please shoot me a DM if you want all the sprites for a particular hypokit!

    AFAB KIT 1​
    Longhaired blue broken braided tabby molly with low white. (Carrying solid, cinnamon, and non-bengal modifier)
    Potential Names: Tempestkit, Jaykit, Hawthornkit, Cypresskit

    AFAB KIT 2​
    Shorthaired black broken braided torbie molly with low white and green eyes (Carrying solid, cinnamon, long-haired, dilute, and non-bengal modifier)
    Potential Names: Laurelkit, Nectarkit, Willowkit, Patchkit

    AFAB KIT 3​
    Longhaired blue broken braided torbie molly with high white and copper eyes (Carrying solid, cinnamon, and non-bengal modifier)
    Potential Names: Icekit, Moonlightkit, Birchkit, Daffodilkit

    AFAB KIT 4​
    Longhaired black broken braided tabby molly with high white and pale gold eyes (Carrying solid, cinnamon, dilute, and non-bengal modifier)
    Potential Names: Twilightkit, Plumkit, Chestnutkit, Acornkit

    AMAB KIT 1​
    Longhaired red broken braided tabby tom with high white and pale yellow eyes (Masking black tabby, carrying solid, cinnamon, dilute and non-bengal modifier)
    Potential Names: Wingkit, Breezekit, Redkit, Fuzzykit

    AMAB KIT 2​
    Shorthaired cream broken braided tabby / red broken braided tabby chimera tom with copper eyes [Breeds as cream] (Masking black tabby, carrying solid, cinnamon, long-haired, and non-bengal modifier)
    Potential Names: Sandkit, Glowkit, Creamkit, Goldenkit

    AMAB KIT 3​
    Shorthaired black broken braided tabby with low white and blue eyes (Carrying solid, cinnamon, long-haired, dilute, and non-bengal modifier)
    Potential Names: Swiftkit, Thornkit, Pinekit, Beetlekit

    AMAB KIT 4​
    Longhaired blue broken braided tabby tom with low white and green eyes (Carrying solid, cinnamon, and non-bengal modifier)
    Potential Names: Poolkit, Shadekit, Spotkit, Mothkit

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    1. Name played by TBD
    2. Name played by TBD​

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Longhaired blue broken braided tabby molly with low white. (Carrying solid, cinnamon, and non-bengal modifier).

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vitae nibh eu diam condimentum fringilla. Etiam mollis laoreet lorem, quis sagittis est lacinia quis. Mauris a ligula enim. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam sem est, pellentesque vulputate volutpat sit amet, pulvinar vel augue. Ut nisl diam, feugiat at risus sed, consequat dignissim odio. Nunc consequat lorem id efficitur faucibus. Vestibulum consectetur tristique vulputate. Maecenas convallis feugiat est sit amet mattis. Pellentesque purus dui, vehicula non lectus nec, convallis suscipit lacus. Vestibulum est ex, porta sit amet gravida nec, lobortis vel nisi. Maecenas eu tellus sapien.

Personality. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vitae nibh eu diam condimentum fringilla. Etiam mollis laoreet lorem, quis sagittis est lacinia quis. Mauris a ligula enim. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam sem est, pellentesque vulputate volutpat sit amet, pulvinar vel augue. Ut nisl diam, feugiat at risus sed, consequat dignissim odio. Nunc consequat lorem id efficitur faucibus. Vestibulum consectetur tristique vulputate. Maecenas convallis feugiat est sit amet mattis. Pellentesque purus dui, vehicula non lectus nec, convallis suscipit lacus. Vestibulum est ex, porta sit amet gravida nec, lobortis vel nisi. Maecenas eu tellus sapien.

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Would I potentially be able to use the name Sunsetkit for him tho? 👀

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    ㅤ↪ SUNSET- For his pelt coloration -KIT Traditional suffix for a kit
    DMAB, he/him
    Age, aging rate
    Kit of SkyClan
    ㅤ↪ Mentoring N/A
    ㅤ↪ Previously mentored by N/A
    Best known for…being a worm among littol worms
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    Shorthaired cream broken braided tabby / red broken braided tabby chimera tom with copper eyes [Breeds as cream] (Masking black tabby, carrying solid, cinnamon, long-haired, and non-bengal modifier)
    ㅤ↪ Detailed Description

    Smells of
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    ㅤ↪ Honest, Uncomplicated,
    ㅤ↪ daydreamer, imaginative,
    ㅤ↪ Lazy,

    Detailed personality
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    Gen #
    Other relations?
    Relationship status, taken by

    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Close friends with...
    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Friends with…
    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Dislikes…
    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Hates…
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    Hunting skill?
    ㅤ↪ Extra hunting notes?
    Fighting skill?
    ㅤ↪ Extra fighting notes?
    Mental difficulty?
    ㅤ↪ Extra mental notes?
    Will NOT start physical fights / MAY start verbal fights / WILL flee / WILL NOT kill.

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  • Love
Reactions: AnemoVictorious