Halfpaw has ruined everything. Everything, everything. Sharpshadow had never asked to be given her, and she couldn't even allow him to say he had an apprentice? Without ruining that. He'd never lied, never said something untruthful to Mosspool's face, but that wasn't enough for her. She wanted to annoy him, pester him, make his live miserable, all because he didn't know how to deal with her. He could hardly deal with himself, how he was supposed to deal with an unruly brat with frogs for brains, on top on that?

And now — Now Mosspool thought he was a shitty mentor. He was. He wasn't delusional enough to deny it, but she of all cats shouldn't know that. She had dared not to believe her, past that mask of a kind, young warrior she wore. She was just as shitty as any other ShadowClan cat. She was no better than them for hiding it. And yet — Sharpshadow had tried to stoop to her level, using words he'd never use and lifting his nose. Stupid, stupid.

" Wake up, " In the middle of the night, Sharpshadow would jab her paw into her apprentice's side. In both the interest of maintaining silence and giving her more of an opportunity to collect her words, she says nothing further. She steps out into the clearing, silver eyes peering behind to make sure Halfpaw would follow. Surely she would, with how she's been begging to go outside and do something. This could make up first test — whether she could keep up with Sharpshadow at night, or not.

He thinks he's generous enough, giving Halfpaw the time to at least stick her head out for the den before disappearing into the forest. She wasn't really trying to lose Halfpaw. This swamp was dangerous — she realized that perhaps more than anyone here. Occassionally, Sharpshadow would cast her ears back, listening for the telltake sound of reeds creaking and snow - mush crackling underfoot.

She doesn't get far, before she stops. Breathing deep through her nose, Sharpshadow would turn to meet Halfpaw. Okay... Okay. " Okay, Halfpaw, " she breathes, screwing up her eyes. " What is it you said? You're... stuck with me? Well, you're right. " Sharpshadow had been furious at the time, but — there was no wrong part about it. She was as stuck with ShadowClan as it was with her. She would embrace it, then. She could use that, if Halfpaw claimed to hate it so much. " I'll make you a warrior. One of the best, even, " to prove to Mosspool — to prove to everyone that she could. " That's what you want, isn't it? " That's what every frog - brained apprentice wants, anyways.

" Someone had said before that she'd be happy picking ticks for awhile, but clearly, that was a lie. " his eyes narrow. He suspects that Halfpaw had a few quips for him, but he would not do more than bristle. Because... because mentors were not to be taunted by their apprentices. " So tell me what you want then. What do you think I should teach you? "

  • ooc: @Halfpaw
  • 77138241_LGsAhejnM5wt5R0.png
    SHARPSHADOW: he / she , no pref , dislikes gender neutral language ; fine with gendered terms ; 19 moons old as of 2.2.24
    dark smoke feline that stands at an above average height. Easily identifiable by her namesake – an unruly mat of fur, destined to be cluttered by inconsistencies between chimera halves. Burdened with a broken tail, often lying dead behind her in the dirt.
    Anxious, antisocial, paranoid. Sharpshadow has not known peace for a single time in his life, and lives anticipating inevitable dangers to the detriment of herself and others.
    heavy ic opinions! he's irrational and mean </3

When Halfpaw sleeps, it is the deep kind of slumber that sucks you right in and makes her forget about the world for a little bit. For her, her dreams are a respite, a break from the nightmares that she has learned inhibit the waking world. The monsters in even her worst dreams pale in comparison to the monster she now knows have existed right here in the very camp that was supposedly meant to keep her safe. Tonight though, her sleep is restless. The kind of tossing and turning taking over her body that causes other cats move their nests away from her, lest they wake up to the feeling of her foot connecting with their face. It is lucky, she supposes, that Sharpshadow comes and wakes her on one of these nights. Any other and she's certain even a hard jab to the ribs wouldn't have been enough to rouse her from her slumber. As it stands now though.. "Ow! Hey!" she hisses as her eyes fly open. She fully is expecting to have woken up to Nettlepaw or Thornpaw jabbing her in their sleep but is surprised when instead she catches the retreating form of her mentor. Ugh. Did he always have to be so intolerable? Still, she probably didn't wake her for nothing so Halfpaw quickly scrambles from her nest and follows, not even bothering to groom the moss out of her fur.

She moves through the marshes with the grace of a two ton rabbit, grunting as twigs snap under her feet and bushes rustle as they brush against her pelt. 'So much for stealth huh she thinks to herself with a small grunt as she once again startles herself with a loud noise of her own creation. It wasn't entirely her fault though! Blame these awkwardly long limbs she was still growing into, not her!

Finally Sharpshadow stops and Halfpaw opens her mouth to deliver a sarcastic quip but it quickly dies when her mentor speaks first. She listens with a neutral expression on her face, but inside she's delighted. She would finally be getting the very thing she had been begging and begging and begging for. Training. Not only that, but Sharpshadow promises to make her the best and finally she can't help it anymore, a wide smile errupts on her features and she shakes her head fervently.

"I want to learn to fight" she says with a sudden viciousness, a conviction that did not come from birth but rather circumstance. She bares her fangs in a snarl and digs her claws into the snow and mud underfoot "I want to be able to fight and protect the clan from bears and badgers and cats like Granitepelt and Siltcloud. I want to destroy anyone who would even think of hurting someone I care about" she wants to be feared. Like Sootstar. No. Like Sunstride.

  • 74005637_Mkbfa9PMK58YlSi.png
    A fluffy she cat who's fur is half cream tabby, half blue tabby split by white. Her eyes are two mismatched shades of blue, with one being a light icy blue and the other being darker in color.
    Easy in battle + still learning how to fight
A sudden fierceness rips through Halfpaw that he had not been expecting. Claws curl and teeth snap in a matter that has him thinking he was soon to be on the receiving end of an underwhelming kitten attack, but the claws are curling 'round invisible throats; teeth snapping against the idea of those who threaten " someone she cares about. " Sharpshadow had expected something like, I want to shoot lazers out of my eyes, and then she'd run to tell on him to her dad when Sharpshadow explained that wasn't possible.

It's a little more noble than that, a little more bearable, and for that reason, Sharpshadow isn't positive how to respond ( Well, if she's serious, she wouldn't have been either way ).

It also reveals, more subtly, that Halfpaw did worry about things besides how to piss Sharpshadow off next Bears and Badgers worried her. Cats like Granitepelt and Siltcloud worried her. They had these things in common, but Sharpshadow wouldn't tell her that.

" Okay, " he agrees, a bit uneasily. Fighting had never been his focus. His focus had always been that rabbit. Fur just barely whisking past his claws and wanting that mouse so badly that it made him sick. He guesses he could apply it to the same thing. Fur whisking past his claws could be cat's fur, instead of prey. Adrenaline could flow toward slashing his opponent, rather than closing his claws around a mouse. His eyes narrow. " How badly do you want it? "

He takes a step forward. Would Halfpaw be the type to be proud of her scars, or would she rather sweep through her opponents without recieving a scratch? Sharpshadow's own scratch burns just past her eye, a faint thing in the way fur has patched it up not quite right. " Things will get in the way. Things you nor I can do anything about, but if you want it badly enough... " he blinks. Moonlight filters easily past the sparse pines that dot their swamp. " You'll have to do boring stuff too, y'know. " He won't pretend that it isn't that. Boring. " Will you do it, if I tell you it'll get you what you want? "

  • lCF0Qq1.png

  • 77138241_LGsAhejnM5wt5R0.png
    SHARPSHADOW: he / she , no pref , dislikes gender neutral language ; fine with gendered terms ; 19 moons old as of 2.2.24
    dark smoke feline that stands at an above average height. Easily identifiable by her namesake – an unruly mat of fur, destined to be cluttered by inconsistencies between chimera halves. Burdened with a broken tail, often lying dead behind her in the dirt.
    Anxious, antisocial, paranoid. Sharpshadow has not known peace for a single time in his life, and lives anticipating inevitable dangers to the detriment of herself and others.
    heavy ic opinions! he's irrational and mean </3

The anger that she feels when she imagines someone she loves hurt is palpable. It is fire in her veins, it's an insatiable thirst for blood. Granitepelt had stolen her and her sibling away from their home, Siltcloud had helped. And what was worse, he hurt Starlingheart, he hurt Nettlepaw. If she wanted him to not be able to hurt any of them ever again he had to go away forever. She wanted to make all the threats go away forever. She is thankful that Sharpshadow seems to get it, that he understands. Perhaps he is not as dense as Halfpaw previously believed him to be because he agrees.

Her blue eyes flicker upwards as he begins to speak, her lips pressed into neutrality but her gaze narrowed into an intense stare. "I would trade anything for it." All of her spare time she would dedicate to becoming the best if she could. She would give up good meals, give up comfort and bones that didn't scream for rest at the end of the day. If Sharpshadow told her that flinging herself off a cliff would make her better in some way then she would do it without hesitation. She hopes the seriousness in her eyes are enough to convince him.

"I'll do anything you say if it gets me to where I want to be" she is glad he is finally taking her seriously, that he is seeing her as something other than the kit she has not been for a very long time. Physically, sure, she could play the part well enough, but in her head she is moons older than than what she actually is, with worries and problems that she knows are reserved usually for grown ups. Her entire existence focused on only one thing. How can I keep them all safe

  • 74005637_Mkbfa9PMK58YlSi.png
    A fluffy she cat who's fur is half cream tabby, half blue tabby split by white. Her eyes are two mismatched shades of blue, with one being a light icy blue and the other being darker in color.
    Easy in battle + still learning how to fight