oh, be something you love and understand
Feb 3, 2024

Juniper, marigold, poppy seeds.

It had been some time since they had gone on that patrol - the one that had seemed to start the cascade of heartbreak that ThunderClan had faced over the past few moons. Things were never easy, and that was to be expected; it was the life of warrior. Living each day not knowing what the sunrise would bring, watching the world move in whatever rhythm it felt so inclined to that day, not knowing whether or not you would see the sun rise again tomorrow. The tempo of life varied vastly by the day, by the hour, even by the minute. A slow, melodic drawl could quickly become a scramble to stay on beat, a rush while trying not to trip over anyone's feet, and it could happen within seconds. He'd known that, from the losses he'd experienced in his life previously, of course, but watching his clanmates face that kind of tragedy over, and over, and over again was difficult, and even when it was cats he did not know well, the grief of those left behind tugged at his heart. And Gentlestorm, as the clan healer, was always facing death head on, given that he had to help prepare the bodies of the lost, given that he could commune with their ancestors, given that many came to him with their loss - and of course, he could not understand exactly what that was like, or exactly how the snowy tom was feeling, but it was easy to see the way that he was always working. How tired he was. He couldn't confirm it, really, but it seemed fairly clear that he was pushing himself to work as a form of distraction - the same way that he did (though it was a concern when others did it, and not when it was himself).

It should've occurred to him sooner that Gentlestorm may not actually need those herbs at this point, given how long it's been, but he keeps an eye out as he hunts anyway - without much luck, unfortunately, on the part of the flowers and berries, but he does make a successful catch. He couldn't be sure whether the medicine cat had eaten yet or not, and for a moment he lingers at the mouth of the medicine den, a little uncertain before he enters, setting down the vole that he'd caught. "Gentlestorm," With a brief dip of his head, he greets the fuzzy tom politely, "Have you eaten yet?" He asks the question, but the offer of his catch doesn't really need to be voiced. If he hadn't, Copperfang hoped at least that he'd take a minute to do so now before plunging back into his work, taking at least a few moments for himself.

  • speech, thoughts, actions

  • SH chocolate ticked tabby tom w/amber eyes
    47 moons; ages every 3rd, npc x npc
    cis male he/him; bisexual, not purposely looking
    currently mentoring roaringpaw
    peaceful & healing powerplay permitted
    easy to befriend; will not start fights, will end fights

'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — If the pale healer had known that Copperfang still searched for those herbs while he patrolled or went hunting, Gentlestorm would've found it a bit amusing but very appreciative of such an act of kindness especially given the fact that the mass of fur still didn't have an apprentice of his own yet. It would be some time before he would take one on though considering that he had to complete his own training with Dawnglare and being a medicine cat is a heavy weight on his back that he carries alone. It's heavy to lift himself but he's waiting for the right time when Starclan's kinder to him and that he doesn't need to worry about coating the stilled form of a clanmate with rosemary each moon. The scent of death, rosemary, and mint is enough to make his snout wrinkle with distaste and his bushy brows knot together but he knows that it's his duty to perform those vigils so that the spirit of their deceased clanmate could rest knowing they shared tongues with their loved ones for the final time.

After each vigil, Gentlestorm dives back into work as a coping mechanism since he's not too sure on who to go for a talk or to destress especially since those closest to him were gone and his other friends mourned. The amount of times that he would organize the herbs over and over again, he's lost count at this point, and the constant tidying up of his den especially now that it's empty with just himself being there.

Gentlestorm paces around picking at the old moss in his nest already setting it to the side before his ears twitch at the sound of approaching pawsteps. He frowns wondering if its one of the kittens again but he keeps his jaws shut deciding to wait and see who it was. His pupils narrow briefly when nobody steps inside and a moment later, Copperfang slips inside of his flat stoned den does he perk up immediately at the sight of the warrior. "Hello Copperfang," The pale tom greets rather warmly wondering what the other needed and he spares a quick glance in the direction of his herbs then focuses his attention back to the chocolate tabby. He doesn't get a chance to ask what he needs when the other asks if he's eaten and he feels rather sheepish in that moment, he remembers when Batwing would drop by while Leopardtongue was out of the nursery to share a meal with him. His copper gaze locking onto the vole briefly then up to the warrior and parts his jaws to answer until his stomach practically growls aloud, he places a paw over it in embarrassment and chuckles "I must've forgotten," He says rather sheepishly with both of his ears laying flat against his head, "I get so caught up in my work sometimes that I forget basic necessities."

Did that make him a bad or good medicine cat? That he focuses so much on his work and making sure everything is the way it is but at the cost of him not remembering to even eat or drink. He isn't certain but his ears burn hot with further embarrassment though he speaks up "Would you care to share?"


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • 2t95GvC.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    54 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
    "speech", thoughts, attacking

That's the answer that he had expected, almost beat for beat - but, again, at least he would eat now. He chuckles softly at the betraying sound of Gentlestorm's stomach and the embarrassment that follows, nudging the small creature forward. "It happens when you're as busy as you are. I've forgotten to myself on occasion." For a moment, his attention diverts to the assortment of herbs around the den, neatly put in their places, carefully organized. Given the amount of different herbs that a healer would need, on top of all of the other things that the other was responsible for, he could understand how sorting the storage would keep one busy. Although he loved being a warrior, being a mentor, hunting, fighting - there was certainly see appeal in a task involving keeping everything tidy - a fairly idle activity to keep the mind just busy enough. It was more of a necessity than a desire in this case, of course, but the sentiment remains. The aroma of the variety of different plants, however, is not something he's used to, though the strength of it is thankfully already beginning to wane the longer he stays.

His attention turns back to Gentlestorm when he suggests that they share, his ears perking up a little, a faint hint of surprise passing over his expression before he smiles, dipping his head briefly as a thank-you. He shouldn't really be surprised - although he didn't know the healer extremely well, they'd always been friendly with one another when they'd interacted, and he certainly feels comfortable enough to sit and make conversation with him for a while so long as he would have him. He certainly had no reason to refuse, other than that he'd prefer that the medicine cat take most of it, being that he was clearly hungry. But a break for both of them - but mostly Gentlestorm - was certainly warranted, and he rather enjoyed the snowy-pelted tom's company anyway. The copper-furred tom stretches carefully before settling down. "I know that there has been much else to be occupied with lately, but how have you felt with the medicine den empty? It seems very quiet," And perhaps lonely, which goes unsaid by Copperfang, though he's sure it must be true. The warrior's den is always at least somewhat alive with chatter - he can't really picture being in a den alone. "Except for when kits are wailing outside, wanting to get in to get into things they should not, of course." He adds with a purr.


'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — Gentlestorm chuckles using a paw to smooth down the fur on his chest and he nods glad that Copperfang understands forgetting meals. "I'll definitely need to work on that," He says to the other tom and can't help notice him glancing around the den but he chooses to say nothing even if he hopes that its clean enough. He smiles when the chocolate tom agrees to share with him and approaches so he can settle near the warrior, Gentlestorm leans forward to take the first bite out of the vole and uses a large paw to nudge it over to Copperfang so he could take a bite as well. When the tabby asks about how he's felt about his den being empty and he pauses then swallows, the mountain of fur silent for a few heartbeats before parting his jaws to speak "Well, it has been very quiet yes." Even Lovepaw who had suffered broken bones had left the den a few days ago and he misses the presence of those who used to be here even if he knows that they're gone due to having recovered under his care. "It's alright... It's nothing like the warriors den with everyone else there that's for sure. It can get rather... lonely." His smile falters in the slightest at how lonely it is within his den despite the occasional visits from his nephews, Doepaw, the kits that wanted to see what was inside the den, and sometimes a queen or two. A part of him wonders if anyone would think he's odd for going into the warriors den to sleep in his old nest but he won't. He knew it would feel less crowded due to most of his friends having died and he tries not to dwell on it for that long.

At the mention of the kittens, an amused chuckle left him and the sides of his eyes crinkle as he grins at the other and gives a small shake of his head "The highlight of my day," Gentlestorm jokes only to briefly motion to his tail to a spot where his fur was slightly shorter and begins to explain trying to suppress laughter, "One day, I was telling a story to Roeflame's kittens and I had made the mistake of falling asleep. Dovekit ripped the fur right off my tail, I didn't even feel it. I was so tired." Roeflame and Burnstorm's kittens were certainly a handful but he only has the utmost respect for the queen, not only did she raise those three but had taken Leopardtongue's kittens as her own. And considering both of the different personalities that his two nephews had, he knew for a fact that the lead warrior had quite a bit of patience for them. He admired her for it. "At this rate, I'll end up running out of ideas on how to keep them out." Gentlestorm jokes.


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • 2t95GvC.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    54 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
    "speech", thoughts, attacking

With the sheer amount of kits that ThunderClan had, both those born within the clan and those that had been found out in the woods and taken in for the queens to nurse or watch over, it seemed the medicine cat would have his paws rather full with trying to keep them out, regardless of whatever solution he came up with. It was only a joke, but it seemed possible that by the time all of these kits are apprenticed he really might run out of successful ideas. His whiskers twitch, amused, and he bends to take a bite of the vole as the tom pushes it back his away. "Careful - that may become true, if they all decide to keep trying. Hopefully they don't decide to all band together - I fear what may happen if they did."

And, of course, the missing patch of fur makes him laugh, too. Though.. "Stars, Gentlestorm - you'll have to get more rest, lest you fall asleep and wake up with half of your pelt gone!" Phrased as a joke, his eyes are sparkling - but he does think that the healer could certainly use more rest, if that's really the case, and he hopes that that comes through. It made sense that he was exhausted with the sheer amount of things that he had to do, though, and unfortunately he wasn't really sure that there was a lot that could be done to reduce the workload. "Though I suppose then you wouldn't need to learn how to swim by greenleaf in order to cool down."

He's glad to see the other laugh again, but his faltering when he mentions how lonely it can be in the medicine den does not go unnoticed. Looking at the cat before him, he looks over him thoughtfully, head very slightly inclined. He wasn't sure how he'd respond, but he makes the offer anyway: "I could come and visit you now and again - or we could eat together more often, if you'd like. I'm glad to keep you company for a while. Do not feel obligated to agree, of course - it's only an offer." His warm amber gaze stays fixed on him as he awaits a response.


'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — His whiskers twitch in amusement at what the chocolate tom says and nods in silent agreement, Gentlestorm hopes that he doesn't run out of ideas anytime soon since that meant that the kits could potentially become more persistent in their attempts. "I hope not. I feel like Meadowkit would be the little ringleader of it all." He comments with a purr rumbling in his throat recalling when the red tabby molly had snuck into his den to eat a laurel leaf, spit it out, and yowl to his patients that he was trying to poison them. Thankfully, it hadn't been a more valuable herb but it made him take a mental note that he needed to search for more later on especially when he needed to make herb wraps. Gentlestorm smiles as his head dips down to take another bite of the vole and continues to listen to the other speak, he stifles a snort despite how it had stung. He remembers the funny glances or looks that he recieved from his clanmates and the other medicine cats.

"They'll be hacking up several hairballs before they'd be able to pluck off all of my fur," He muses only to push the vole back towards Copperfang still wearing that large grin on his maw clearly happy to have company in a bit, the time he spent with his nephews was one that he cherishes with all his soul but getting to talk to another warrior was a lot nicer. Perhaps he would try roping Nightbird into talking more to him since he knew that the prickly smoke tended to be kinder with him tahn others. "You're right! I'd have such short fur by then." Another chuckle slips from his throat and tumbles out from his parted jaws even if Gentlestorm still wishes to learn to swim, it was an odd goal of his that he hardly spoke into existence knowing that his clanmates would think him crazy. "Although, I still wouldn't mind trying to learn how to swim. Perhaps my thick pelt will help me stay afloat... I'm uncertain if it would be a hypothesis I'd want to test though." Despite the goofy smile on his face... His tone sounds rather serious!

Gentlestorm blinks when Copperfang makes an offer of coming to visit more often and share meals with him, his pupils the size of the moon when he processes this. "I'd like that a lot and perhaps it'll make the kittens allegations of me being a plant whisperer die down." He jests to the other tom only to glance towards the mouth of his den then turns his attention to the ticked tabby and adds after he clears his throat "And if you don't think that I smell funny. I know the smell of the medicine den can be rather... Strong." An amused smile tugging at the sides of his mouth and he tilts his head to the side to subtly mimic Copperfang.


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • 2t95GvC.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    54 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
    "speech", thoughts, attacking

The ticked tabby offers another soft laugh, both at the thought of kit antics and the addition of Gentlestorm thinking that he may smell bad, or the herbs smell bad - joking tone or not, he half wondered whether some cats were really so perturbed by the scent. It was quite strong, he had to admit that, at least, and certainly some of the herbs were quite foul or bitter smelling, along with their taste, but he could get used to it. It wasn't bothering him so much now, though it was still present, of course; somewhat noticeable because he hadn't spent much time in the medicine den prior to this, but the scent had already begun to ebb away. There wasn't any chance that it would bother him enough that he would reject spending time with Gentlestorm because of it anyway. The scent brought with it a sort of feeling of peace, despite the notes of it that weren't entirely pleasant. "Of course not. Don't be silly," He chastises gently, eyes narrowed with humor, "even if the smell were really so foul, it would not stop me from coming to see you."

And the kit rumors were what they were - the idea of a 'plant whisperer' was quite silly, but it wasn't as bad as it could be, certainly. When the light-furred tom pushes the vole back his way, he takes another small bite. "Maybe they'll think you're teaching me how to speak to plants, too. You never know what kits'll come up with," He purrs.

Copperfang still can't picture himself swimming, not really - not beyond what was absolutely necessary to keep himself afloat. His theory would be the opposite of Gentlestorm's - that all of his fur would weigh him down! There's nothing wrong with wanting to learn to swim, of course - and it may be a helpful skill one day - but he was not made for it. "You're brave to consider it. I know how to swim just in case, but I am no RiverClanner, that is for certain. I'd help you learn, if you really wanted, though I'd be much more inclined on a very hot day."


'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — He never did think about how herbs might smell to others considering how much time he had spent helping Berryheart even when Lichenpaw had been around, Gentlestorm had offered a helpful paw wherever he could. Even now as he sleeps every night in this den that's his alone, well, it didn't smell any different to him but he supposes that the same doesn't apply to all of his clanmates. It all makes so much sense now... The scrunched up snouts, the hesitance to approach, and the brief flashes of discomfort or disgust on their faces. Do they react that way when I pass by? A single thought that pops up in his mind but he doesn't get much time to mull it over when Copperfang speaks up once more. His next words cause a grin to appear on his face once more though his ears burn when he's told not to be silly "Even if a skunk sprays me?" Soft jesting and a small chuckle slipping from his parted jaws and tilts his helm to the side.

A snort of amusement leaves him when the chocolate tom comments on how the kits would start to spread rumors about him teaching the warrior to speak to plants. "It's possible. Perhaps, the plants will speak to you a lot more than they do with me." He teases before tucking one of his limbs underneath his chest and letting himself relax completely, this was admittedly nice and he appreciates the company of the other tom. He hadn't spent this much time with someone in a bit despite the visits from the queens and perhaps a few rare visits from a friend or two, its mainly his nephews and Doepaw that normally visited him.

Both of his ears angle forward as Copperfang mentions potentially helping him learn to swim and he can feel his grin grow more radiant by the moment, "And you're kind to offer lessons," The more he thinks on it and moreso on how most of the Riverclanners that he's seen have had sleek pelts... Which was something he did not have. No, his is a lot more plush with a few curls there and here which likely wouldn't give him much of a shot at swimming. "If not a swim, at the very least, we could soak our paws in the shallows near Sunningrocks during greenleaf." He pauses for a moment before adding, "We could invite Flamewhisker, Nightbird, and Raccoonstripe. To have a splash-off rematch," It's a fond memory of his that he cherishes along with a few others.


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • 2t95GvC.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    55 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
    "speech", thoughts, attacking