HOME LAND [✨] SkyClan Patrol

The marmalade tabby leads the patrol through shallow undergrowth, the leaves of ferns rustling against their pelts. She can’t help but think about the dense undergrowth they had encountered in a forest heading back from the mountains and how ThunderClan had felt so at home. Figfeather is grateful for how scarce undergrowth was back at home in SkyClan’s neck of the woods.

Though more ready than ever to lead this patrol it’s clear Figfeather is tense. She fears messing up and doing something to humiliate herself, but regardless she’s kept her head up and escorted @MOMOWHISKER and @APPLEFROST to the loner lands border with ease.

”I think it’ll be quiet.” Figfeather states, intentionally trying to be casual. She didn’t want anyone to think just because she finally got to be a patrol leader she’d wage her temporary given-authority into everyones nose. ”Let’s just mark around this bracken here… then we can travel down the scent-line. Make sure no rogues are camping out nearby.” As she moves to spray her scent she thinks how odd it is that she will never cross the borders for such a big adventure again… She wonders how the other cats are doing, like Stormywing, Stormpaw, Sharppaw and Fernpaw. Did Fernpaw strut around with a warrior name now? Was Stormpaw doing okay? Was Stormywing happy to be back home?

Her ears prick at the sound of a faint nose.

    >> Loners and rogues refrain from posting here *yet* unless you’ve been plotted with!
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

With confident strides, Applefrost followed behind the younger molly with an absent pale gaze and typical smile planted on her muzzle. The Loner Lands had not been a patrol she frequented often, taking note of the unfamiliar scenery around them in attempt to find any sort of vague recognition. RiverClan and Twolegplace used to be her leaderships preferred location and she happily trotted her paws up and down the paths like a brave little warrior. She wondered if maybe they had taken notice of her attitude with Nightfish and held her from making any other visits for a while.

Figfeather spoke and without blinking the ginger point turned her gaze to where she was looking. Ahead, as if the border marked a visible path down the center. "I remember." She stated coolly- a lie. She was just about to sit and watch to then follow suit if Figfeather hadn't said anything.

"Nothing stays quiet for very long. Oops, let's hope I didn't jinx anything!"
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As leaf-bare draws nearer, rogues must grow bolder. The pine forest is rich with winged prey and Sunny is no stranger to trying his paw at a bit of thievery. Desperate times call for desperate measures, after all.

He skids through pine needles as he gives chase to a downed jay, ears flat to his head. He had sliced its wing in a sloppy pounce, so it fortunately cannot fly, but its erratic jumping and flapping makes it hard to pinpoint where he should swipe. Finally, with a swift leap and deft paws, he pins to the forest floor and sinks his fangs into its neck, killing it instantly. As he stands back to his full height and swipes his tongue across bloodied fangs triumphantly, his cream ears prick at the sound of voices.

Through the trees, a one of those pesky clan patrols appears. Shoving down any apprehension, he greets them with a smirk and a raised brow. “I didn’t realize you all had a welcome committee,” The tom drawls, tail flicking behind him.
✦ ★ ✦
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Figfeather’s whiskers quiver with amusement. Applefrost was right, nothing did stay quiet for long… Surely after losing the rogues would know better than to test their luck again? Then again, she’s heard that the clans had underestimated them once before, she’s weary of making the same mistake.

Whether Applefrost had jinx it or not, things in fact do not stay silent. It’s not a rogue- or at least… not the same type of rogue that had chased the clans out, but Figfeather does not know this. A jay hangs limp in the tom’s jaws and fearlessly he greets them with a smirk. The fur on her hackles bristle as her lips curl up to reveal fangs.

”This is SkyClan territory, you’re not welcome here.” A low hiss rumbles in her throat and she lowers herself to the ground, threatening to pounce. ”Drop the prey you’ve stolen and leave.” ’Or we’ll attack’ she thinks, tail lashing in the air.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Ah, unfortunate she had turned their luck. Applefrost had been hopeful for a quiet, easy patrol to coast through and return home. Today would not gift her that as unfamiliar cream fur came into their sights. A jay, caught in their territory, hung from his jaws. From the look of feathers surrounding him she can tell it was messy and untrained. He almost wasted the opportunity, but even worse he was looking to take back prey that was rightfully theirs!

Figfeather already conducted herself in an offensive stance, set to chase and pounce if she had to. Applefrost did not want to jump to violence if she didn't have to and sought to appeal for reason rather than her claws.

"You're outnumbered, stranger. No harm will come so long as you listen and peacefully leave." She glanced to Figfeather once more, hoping the red tabby wouldn't have to pounce.
Hazelbeam paused to scratch at the scar on her flank, head turned to chew at it with vigor - it has been itchy since the stitches had fallen out and it was only getting worse as it healed properly and began to pinch her skin. Most of her fur had grown back by now in a soft white patch along her backside, but it was still not enough to stop the chill of the wind. When she lifted her head Figfeather and Applefrost were already a bit ahead and she hurried to catch back up to them, long limbs helping her match the pace of the other warriors with ease.
"I hope so." She chirps, wishing for a peaceful patrol as well but Applefrost had other ideas and decided to wish them ill will. The daylight warrior hissed at her through her teeth, ears pinned back, "Oh, don't say that. Its bad luck..."
And there it was. Almost immediately proven to be fact as the cream tom appears before them with a bird in tow, caught on their own territory.
An accusatory squint of her eyes went to the flame point, nose wrinkling as if she truly believed this to be her fault; but supersitions were to be respected!
The two made their threats clear to the rogue before them so she had nothing more to offer in words, only unsheathing her claws and barring her teeth for emphasis to her clanmates threats.


  • 71106870_8kTAylav5hKLwkN.png
    —⊰⋅ Daylight Warrior of SkyClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ SH Black/Blue Chimera w/blue eyes
    - Does NOT wear her witch hat while hunting or on patrol.