camp home sweet home | moving into warrior den

[takes place a bit after the meeting]

It felt odd dragging her nest from the apprentice den, stopping periodically to gather any fallen moss and tuck it back into the tangled mess that was once her resting place. Robinheart, no longer Robinpaw, would be taking up residence in the warrior’s den now. It was a change that filled her with equal amounts of joy and nervousness. She was to be the small fish in the pond once more - not that she was ever truly a big fish in the pond in the apprentice den given their willingness to prank her and call her names on a whim. Still… it was a change and it would take time to adjust.

The tortoiseshell molly stands at the entrance of the warrior’s den and peers in curiously. She wonders where she might place her nest. She wonders who she will rest beside. She wonders if her presence will be well received or if she’ll be seen as a nuisance. Truly only time will tell for the last thought, but for the time being she can focus on getting settled and setting up her nest. “Is there a specific spot you’d like me to claim?” Robinheart asks the first warrior she sees, offering them a soft smile and respectful dip of her hand.

A dark paw carefully nudges a shimmering dark stone into a more prominent place within her own nest. It was only fitting the stone Ferngill gifted her stood out amongst the rest. Her brows cinched together as she tipped her chin. "Mmm no." Another tap of her paw inched the rock amidst her pile of blue petals. "Maybe..." It was not until she heard the sound of nesting material dragging across the ground that she snapped out of her small renovation project. Looking up, soft blue eyes finally rest upon Robinheart with a smile, though she shook her head in response to her inquiry. "No not at all, pick any spot you'd like." Sablemist chimed, whisking her tail over her paws. She remembered her first day in the warrior's den, buzzing with quiet excitement and nervous energy. "Did you need help moving anything else in or was that all?" Perhaps a break from her decorating was what she needed.
≖≖ riverclan warrior / sixteen moons old / she/her ≖≖
It felt like it was only yesterday that he was an apprentice... Not nearly four moons ago. It definitely took a bit to get used to the warriors den, but it helped that he moved into the den with his littermate Tigerfur, and his friend Feathergaze. ...He didn't feel as alone that first night in the warriors den, but not every cat is as lucky. The young warrior had been focusing on freshening up the moss in his own nest when Robinheart arrived dragging in her nest in tow. While Robinheart directed her question to Sablemist, Foxtail looked over towards the new warrior. "Yeah, you can pick any spot you'd like Robinheart," Foxtail mews with a flick of an ear, as he finishes up with his handiwork. Some other warriors might have different opinions where newly promoted warriors put their nests, but Foxtail didn't have any preference.

"If you need any spare moss for your nest," Foxtail offers as he glances at the leftover fresh moss he collected, "...I got some that you can use!" Unfortunately he grabbed a tad too much moss earlier today... surely Robinheart's moss is due for a replacement. "Might as well spend your first night as a warrior with new moss, right?"

  • 76983326_NimpdpqQcHTVZW3.png

    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to nopeita for the pixel & tropics for the icon <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    16 moons

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He felt like he was saying good-bye, even if Robinheart was only moving into a new den not far across the sandy campground. He follows after her like a mournful shadow, eager to at least see her parting through to a moment of safety. How many times had the apprentices picked and poked at her for that red rope around her nape? He didn't care how many times he had to yell and argue and fight to see her honor protected, but it would be a lot harder when she didn't sleep in the same room as him.

She sets about talking to the other warriors, asking after where she should sleep and surprisingly... everyone is amicable. They are friendly, forgiving, not a single hair out of place to suggest they loathe her for her past. A huge sigh of relief escapes the young chimera, not intending to draw attention but being awfully loud for someone who has not endured a hardship in this event.

"Be good," he chirps at her from his spot at the den's entrance (he isn't really supposed to go inside right, since he's still an apprentice?), "I'll... I'll watch your back." From what nebulous foe this would be, he remains vague and directionless. But the sentiment is there, in all his tiny speech; We can still be friends! Even if she is all grown up now!​

There is always a moment of pride when an apprentice has met the day they earn their warrior name. For Robinheart, Hazecloud saw a molly who faced a long and strenuous journey to get into the warriors den. She only hoped the apprentices wouldn't continue to give her a hard time, but only the following sunrises would truly tell.

"Leafbare won't last very long, I recommend keeping close to a wall if you can. The breeze from the draft feels great during greenleaf." Hazecloud offered her own bit of advice, wondering what might have come up from her own nest after she moved into the nursery. She hadn't kept any bits of reeds or moss, preferring to start over. But she had shared a space with Lichentail, even if for a short time. Had she kept it the same since she left?

She isn't the bit surprised Valepaw jumped to her defense considering the last event that escalated with the pair. This time she doesn't give the chimera more than an acknowledging glance, lest she's shoved again for reasons unknown.
New warriors were a good thing, a thing that lifted Larchtuft's spirits. He dreamed often of having an apprentice of his own, of teaching them what he knew and watching them master the skills required to thrive as a RiverClan warrior. Someday, perhaps Smokestar would deem him worthy of shaping the next generation. For now, though, Larchtuft was happy to see someone else's apprentice succeed, to see a new warrior make their home in the den. The disheveled tabby had been dozing in his own nest when voices suddenly filled the quiet. He snorted slightly in surprise and opened one golden eye, inspecting the proceedings for a moment before letting a small smile enliven his bleary face. "Welcome, Robinheart." he murmured, propping his head on his forepaws and listening as others offered their help, or advice on where the mottled she-cat should put her nest. Was there anything else to say? "Glad to have you." the warrior finally added - genuinely, albeit somewhat awkwardly.
It is… refreshing to feel wanted and accepted. Robinheart’s chest fills with subtle joy as Sablemist returns her smile, as Foxtail offers her some moss, as Hazecloud offers sound advice, as Larchtuft offers words of goodwill, and as Valepaw offers protection. For the first time in a long time Robinheart feels at home. She doesn’t feel judgemental eyes or ill-will directed her way.

“Thank you,” she begins, brightening even more so as she nods towards Sablemist and ventures deeper into the den. She scans the available spaces and picks a spot close to the wall as Hazecloud had recommended. It was a bit chilly but it would soon enough be a comfortable place to lay her head. “I only have my nesting material, nothing else. But some fresh moss would be nice,” she replies as golden eyes seek out Foxtail to accept his offer. As for Larchtuft, she murmurs another thank you, very much grateful for his welcome. And Hazecloud receives a warm smile in equal gratitude.

Then Valepaw… sweet Valepaw. Robinheart pads back to the entrance and aims to gently bump her forehead against his. “I appreciate it, Valepaw. You be good as well, okay? Take my place as the responsible one in the apprentice den,” she chirps with a well meaning tone, punctuating her words with a smile. She’d always regard the chimera as her friend and hopes time to be kind enough to pass quickly so that he could join her in the warrior’s den soon enough.