pafp homegrown alligator - singing

May 31, 2023

don’t fear your life boy—————————————————————————
Prairiesun had always been loud, hyper, and generally happy-go-lucky, and often the way this expressed itself was through little tunes that he would sing to himself. He had started the habit has a kit and it just stuck, his voice was far from pretty and it was a wonder it didn't get better with all the time he spent doing it, but that didn't matter to him, because the songs were just for him.

The clans were dreary these days, between the sickness and changing of seasons, days were becoming shorter, colder, and lonelier. So when would be a better time to sing while doing tasks? Make life a little less serious for just some time. It started with a hum as he dropped a fish into the freshkill pile, then slowly his little hum became lyrics, describing what he was doing. His feet acted as the beat as he started making his way around camp, make sure things were organized and such "Apprentice den is cleeann" he strung out the last word, "Freshkill is looking-" the singsongy checklist halted as he examined the pile, it wasn't great "is in progresss.."

He finished his little song and then laid down in the slowly setting sunlight, tail still thumping a beat and throat still making a melody.

/// wait for @BEEKIT

grow and change————————————————penned by WriteAboutRadish
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ Beekit never sat still for quite long, she was constantly on the move, whether it was playing with the rest of the kittens or speaking with the apprentices or even speaking with her littermates. She never found herself in one place, of course, she stayed within camps boundaries but she never stayed in the safety of the willow den where Cicadakit liked to spend a good chunk of his mornings in. Her curly tail in the air as she moves about camp but finds herself stopping and forgetting about her original quest altogether as her eyes glance around to see who was humming and singing. It wasn't pretty singing by all means but Beekit hadn't heard anyone else sing within Riverclan so she could not differentiate what was good or bad singing, her little paws start to lead her in the direction of this humming with her comically large ears perked forward quite clearly drawn to the sound. It was an amusing sight seeing her originally running off to who knows where before stopping dead in her tracks and heading the other way with just as much eagerness.

She stills when she sees whose the source of all the humming and singing, it makes a part of her want to join him but she feels self conscious about it. What if it wasn't as good and she sounded like a shrieking crow instead of a lovely songbird? Her snout wrinkles at the thought as she focuses on Prairiesun with a smile on her face before she says in a lower voice than her usual one wishing not to interrupt but sincerely curious "What are you singing?" She asks looking up at him with owl-sized eyes and her tail lashing behind her excitedly.
Pikesplash would say that he enjoys hearing Prairiesun sing at a time like this. It seemed like these small moments of cheer were what they needed to keep their heads up and continue their work. Whenever he heard the fellow warrior sing, he never made it a point to tell him to be quiet. It always brought a small smile to his weary body. When the clan wasn't so busy, in the past he would collect shells and shiny rocks. However, he didn't have time to do such things anymore. Now he had to take on even more responsibilities. He understood that it was for the good of their clan and he would be lying to say he wouldn't help Riverclan if he was given a choice. No, he could never abandon his friends and family. Guilt ridden he would be if he allowed himself to be selfish, however he was exhausted. Was it so wrong that he wanted to rest more? But there's mouths to feed and protect. Even if we go hungry, we have to make sure they're fed first.

He passes by to hear Beekit's question. It causes him to stop and answer, "Prairiesun sings about anything. He somehow makes everything you can think of into a song." He gives Beekit a tired smile and bends down so she doesn't have to crane her neck to speak to him. "I'm sure Prairiesun would love to have a singing partner." He tilts his head towards the fellow warrior. "Isn't that right, Prairiesun?" With how exhausted he is, the question sounds more like an order to say yes. If the other warrior has a problem with how he spoke, then he would apologize in a heartbeak. However, given their situation maybe Prairiesun would understand.