pafp honey whiskey — exaggerated storytelling


rather die on my feet than live on my knees
Jun 5, 2024
for all that wild charisma and wanderlust , you sure are vengeful
Now, Outlaw ain’t one to stretch the truth too much, but it ain’t a story if there wasn’t some exaggeration. Who’d be willin’ to sit through a play-by-play of somethin’ when he could spruce up a few words to make ‘em pretty? It was all about playin’ yer cards right that’ll hook yer audience. Of course, can’t be forgettin’ about havin’ a good storytellin’ voice.

Pattin’ the ground with a calloused paw, Outlaw invites the curious youngster into his bubble, grinnin’ cheekily. “Why, I reckon I have a few good stories in this here head.” He rumbled, timbre a low, guttural hum. Now which story is a better answer? Tappin’ a claw, the kittypet shuffled into a comfortable position, hummin’ all the while a wooly tail curled around a bulky frame. “Let’s see ….” He grumbled, brows drawn together, flickering through several stories that’d be entertainin’.

A micro shift in expression, Outlaw billowed a deep, languid sigh, rattlin’ his aging bones. He may act younger, but Outlaw was no spring chicken. Gettin’ old had its benefits so he ain’t complain too much till he was grey in the face and hollerin’ at people to leave him alone ( if ever, the kittypet was a social butterfly at heart, even if he’d rather just sit and listen than join the conversation ). “Reckon you’d be interested in hearin’ an old tale durin’ my time younger days.” He prodded, not giving the apprentice time to speak before divin’ headfirst, grin still firmly planted on scarred lips, words churnin’ like fine honey on a summer’s day.

Admittedly, Outlaw didn’t have much to tell, but after escapin’ his first owners after bein’ sold, he’d wandered the wilderness till gettin’ plucked off the road by upwalkers. It wouldn’t be the first time he landed himself in the shelter, nor escapin’ his current owners at the time to look for his siblings.

“There I was wanderin’ the wilderness, nothin’ but open meadows and some clustered trees where the upwalkers were sparse. They did well leavin’ ya alone if ya weren’t lookin’ for trouble when I saw it.” His voice tapered off, grin widenin’ at the familiar spikes of adrenaline when rememberin’.

Now. This is where he reckons to start stretchin’ the truth, voice low, guttural soundin’ tinged with wispy enchantment, “A great big thing, nothin’ like what I’ve encountered before lurkin’ in the trees with beady eyes that’d suck yer soul.” Raspy voice rumblin’ animatedly, Outlaw continued, “Looked nothin’ like a dog, but sure was bigger than a wolf I’d reckon. Ain’t somethin’ ya wanna mess with.”

“I was just about to turn hide when it saw me, figured I looked like a snack when it came chagrin’ at me. Now what’d ya think I did next?” He carried on naturally, fiery hues crinklin’ mirthfully. “I bolted to the closest tree. Now, reckon with my size I ain’t all that nimble like yerself, but when comin’ face-to-face with that creature sure did kick my stirrups into gear, tearin’ up that trunk like water.” He chuckled good-heartedly, shakin’ his helm.

“Settled myself on a thick branch, lookin’ down when I realized it ain’t anywhere to be seen—” Reckon they weren’t even at the best part, but he’d wait to see their reaction, voice strung with tension.

/ please wait for @Bluepaw before responding
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