HONEY, YOU'RE FAMILIAR [ a snake + prompt ]

( ) freedom feels good on a day like this. the sun filters down through newly leafing willow trees, and the smell of damp earth calls invitingly to the newly appointed apprentice. he allows himself to bask in the sunlight as he and foxtail emerge from camp's enclosing walls. he's been outside a few times so far, and every time, a thrill of excitement ripples down his spine. today is no different - as he takes in the river, which is swollen with melted snow, and the sun-warmed patches of grass where warriors and apprentices alike crouch to hunt, there is a glee in his heart. "what're we doing today, foxtail?" he inquires of his mentor as the two of them set off. padding alongside the river, pebblepaw can see tiny minnows darting about in the shallows, can spot a large shell which he's certain one day he'll be able to drag home for his sister. stars, it's lovely being an apprentice.

still awaiting his mentor's response, the boy's gaze turns to his own paws and the tall grasses he longs to bound about in. being an apprentice means being professional, strong, not prone to excitement or random movements. he feels as though he's gotten better at calming his body already. contrary to this statement, only two heartbeats later the boy's fur will fluff with exceeding speed. "wh..." he murmurs, staring down at a piece of greenish-brown wriggling grass. it's trapped under his paw and seems to be waving about wildly. bending closer to inspect it, he finds it doesn't resemble grass very much at all. with a gasp he will pull his paw up, watching the thing slither away at a speed he hadn't thought possible. "what was that?!"

  • // 'twas a garter snake! mentor tag @FOXTAIL . prompt "hunting on the territory now vibrant and green once more is now much more enjoyable as prey once hibernating away begin to slither and hop about again - snakes are once again on the territory, be careful!" " speak "

  • peb_.png

    a large blue tabby with low white. pale blue fur covers the length of pebblekit's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.

He pads alongside Pebblepaw, as the sun shines down upon the earth. Today couldn't be a better day to go out into the territory— the sun is shining, there's practically no breeze, and the temperature is comfortable. He glances over at Pebblepaw, whom is nearly as tall as him, and he sees the excitement in Pebblepaw's eyes. After three extra long moons, Pebblepaw is finally an apprentice— he imagines Pebblepaw has been waiting for this day; where he can explore the territory alongside a mentor. Waiting the three extra moons must've been a long wait, but it does put the older tom at ease. No more kits will be sent off on patrols, or be thrown into battle with opponents who tower over them. They pad alongside the river, and he smiles lightly as Pebblepaw takes the scenery in. "W-We're going to the beech copse today," He mews to his apprentice with a flick of an ear, "Today we'll start your battle training." He wants to ensure that his apprentice knows the basics; StarClan forbid they run across any danger. It's better to be safe than sorry this way. ...And if they have the time for it; perhaps Foxtail can show Pebblepaw some hunting moves for land prey.

He watches as Pebblepaw's gaze seems to turn away from him, as something has caught the young apprentice's eyes. Foxtail tilts his head in curiosity as the long grass twitches, but his paws are unmoving. But before he can say anything to Pebblepaw, the young cat's instincts seem to take over. Pebblepaw's fur bristles and he pounces before Foxtail can blink; looking over to see what Pebblepaw caught underneath his paws. His own fur bristles as his olive green eyes recognize the slithering creature— a snake! "R-release it!" Foxtail gasps out loud, and to his relief, Pebblepaw lifts his paw. Almost immediately, the snake slithers off quickly; disappearing into the large grass. "T-that was a snake," Foxtail answers, ears pinned back to his skull for a quick moment. "While that snake seemed like it wanted nothing to do with you, most snakes are dangerous," He frown, eyes scanning for any other slithering snake that might be nearby. "They can easily kill a cat if they bite you; they're venomous," He continues; he wasn't sure if that snake was one of the venomous ones— but it's best to assume all snakes are capable of killing a full grown cat. Once he deems the area is clear, he beckons Pebblepaw to follow him, as he begins to pad along the river again.

"Y-you must always be aware of your surroundings," He tells his apprentice, while Pebblepaw now has the freedom to explore the territory, he also must be aware of the common threats a RiverClanner can encounter. "...Snakes are common once Newleaf comes around... that won't be the l-last snake you'll see slithering by."

  • 76983326_NimpdpqQcHTVZW3.png

    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to sixbane for the minis & tropics for the icon <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    18 moons


Tigersplash couldn't be happier for her brother, he'd be a great mentor for Pebblepaw and she's sure it'll give him the extra boost of confidence to have a young apprentice to take care of and watch grow formidably into a proper Riverclanner. She'd always seek out her littermate whenever she could, spending time with him was a gift and she wanted to see how he and his apprentice were doing and see if he needed any help. She'd not been meaning to follow them today though, she'd just been out and about searching for prey on land rather then water - funnily enough it was always Foxtail who was the far better fisher between them both she was just more "fishlike" if only becoming like them made her better at finding them. She was just over eager a lot of the time, she was fine enough but she sees greatness in her sibling. Her ears perked and she headed over quickly when she hears the shriek of Pebblepaw, it turns out to be nothing too extreme she hadn't been able to see the snake but Foxtail describes to the young tom what one was.

"You can eat them too" she says from behind the two as her large paws carry her over, she flashes a big toothy grin "They don't taste good though so not worth the effort" they did provide bragging rights though - she'd always tried to catch them despite her own mentors warnings but they were more slippery then fish were and always escaped. She doesn't say as much leave the dangerous mousebrained escapades to her. She bumps her shoulder in Foxtail as she meows again "You got nothing to worry about, my baby bro's got you covered he won't let any nasty snake bite'cha"


( ) as the snake slithers off, foxtail's ears flatten against his head. pebblepaw furrows his brow, allowing his heartbeat to slow as the danger has passed. wide eyes find his mentor's own olive green gaze and he will nod earnestly. "it just slithered under my paw!" he explains, shaking said paw as if to clean it from potential poison. "i will be more observant from now on." with this promise, pebblepaw silently chastises himself, a quiet growl humming from his throat. be more aware, peb! foxtail's gonna think you're stupid!

the emergence of tigersplash from the tall grass distracts pebblepaw from his lament and he will greet his mentor' sister with a small nod. copper eyes glitter with amusement as the striped she-cat reveals what she knows about snakes. "i can't imagine they would taste good at all. the one i stepped on was really weird feeling." he comments, glancing back at where the pale green creature had vanished. expression brightening as tigersplash nudges foxtail, pebblepaw lets out a soft purr. "i believe that," he trills. "foxtail's the best mentor ever!"

  • // " speak "

  • peb_.png

    a large blue tabby with low white. pale blue fur covers the length of pebblekit's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.