camp HONK SHOO ‧₊˚ ☽ ⋅ conked out

Jan 9, 2024
Batchaser was to put it simply… tired. He was drained as per usual. He just made it back to camp after hunting a small bird and a mouse, gripping them both in his jaws. He drifted on skinny limbs to the prey pile, depositing his catches in with the others. Deciding not to take some prey for himself, he turned to drift off somewhere to get comfortable. He doesn't want to go to the warrior's den, it's too far… With a slow flick of his whiplike tail. He doesn't have anything to do today, so might as well nap.

The curly, black smoke slithers his way to the shade to simply relax. Melt himself into the cool darkness, with only his pale - touched features on display. A hum leaves him, while he lets himself find some shade to unceremoniously plop himself into. Drifting forth, he slips into some shade promptly letting himself drop onto his side with a grunt. Hidden eyes behind a curly curtain felt heavy, staying in a half - lidded state. He shuffles to get comfortable, letting himself sink down with his fore limbs splayed out in front of him.

Batchaser leans his head down to drop it into the dirt, with a huff. Bony flank rises and falls, as he sleepily watches camp bustle about from his spot. His eyes close, body already relaxing while he snoozes away into dreamland.

  • ooc. bro is so eepy... go bother him!!
  • ( THAT'S ONE ENEMY DOWN! ) ⋆⁺₊ ☾ ⁺₊⋆ BATCHASER.shadowclan warrior.
    cismale ; HE / HIM, fine with gendered terms. ; 33 MOONS & AGES EVERY 10TH.
    pansexual / not actively looking / open to crushes & romance
    a tall, shorthaired curly black smoke mix with gold/green heterochromatic eyes.
    battle notesthoughts ; "Speech, 7077A1" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like rain-soaked pavement, mist & sweet leaf rot
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone

Her relationship with Batchaser was often one of mutual torment and ridicule, never anything nasty enough to sow division and just fun enough to where they were able to rope other ShadowClanners into their antics. Though their sleep schedules differed tremendously, she appreciated the time she got to spend with the smoke whenever he was around - even the times when he was napping. Crouched in front of the snoozing warrior in a loose loaf, Ferndance's wide, unblinking eyes stared deeper than the very depths of Batchaser's soul. Then, she chose to gaze upon something a little more tangible. From her reclined position, the warrior quietly shuffled forwards, her neck quietly straining forwards to take a glimpse at whatever resided in her friend's ear. Intrusively, she may have believed it possible to see a brain from such a vantage point, but sadly, the inner workings of a ruddy ear got in the way of such a discovery.

A white paw reached out, half-tentative and half-assured, scarcely missing grazing the ear with a soft swipe. Instead, the cinnamon tabby got to her paws. Wordlessly, instead of pursuing any other research for the sake of learning, she sat down on top of Batchaser's head.

Batchaser's sleepy predicament is rarely a surprise to Mirepurr, even with a veil of curly fur keeping his eyes from open display. Their friend is always pleasant company, whether the pair go on a late night walk or a border patrol, and they feel much the same right now... even if he is swiftly falling asleep while still standing. It is a miracle he manages to slink off into a peaceful spot in camp before his face could really greet the dirt.

It remains peaceful for just a short period of time; the not-so-self-proclaimed butt-sniffer — that is a term Mirepurr will be unable to forget — finds her next victim. Mirepurr is caught between two worlds; they should probably nudge Batchaser awake before anything can occur, but then, they are simply too curious to see what Ferndance comes up with next.

And so, Mirepurr tucks their protectiveness away and lets Ferndance take the reins.

She hovers. Whatever she decides to do is waited for with bated breath, the camp coming to a stand-still while she enacts her plan... and in retrospect, what she does should not warrant this much of a surprise, yet Mirepurr gasps anyway. "Oh." At a loss of words is what they are. Their own paw raises then, settling on their muzzle; if they laugh too loud, the scene might be over before anything too amusing can come out of it, and then their sacrifice is for naught. "Let's just hope he doesn't sneeze."

[ ༻❄༺ ] Batchaser has this amazing ability to just about sleep anywhere it would seemed, not that it bothered Snowpaw of course, he just found it amusing and yet at the sametime beyond curious to know how the other was able to manger to do such things when all Snowpaw had the urge to do was work and help out with the clan instead of lounging around. Yet still, he watched Ferndance- Shadowclan's butt sniffer sit on Batchaser's head, an attempted murder, committed in front of his face leaving the boy utterly shock before looking to Mirepurr who only seemed amused by such predicament

"If he doesn't... who's to say he joins starclan explaining he was sat on by our butt-sniffing warrior, embarrassing" he whispered, moving to sit next to his mentor before looking back to Ferndance and Batchaser while attempting to hide the amused look that danced on his face. Snowpaw hopes he never gets caught napping in the clearing where he could fall victim to being sat on by Ferndance.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw He/Him, apprentice of Shadowclan, 12 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

He as peacefully dreaming of endless skies and water as far as he can see. Until the bicolor tom with his pleasing ability to sleep anywhere is interrupted by... a sudden weight on his head. He twitches an ear, as he lets out a huff from his nose. Someone is on me- Who? His tail twitches, as he cracks open an eye getting a face full of cinnamon - hued fur. He wrinkles his muzzle slightly, as he glared at the wall of fur hiding his vision.

"What in the—" He exclaimed in confusion. He is stuck in this tricky predicament, he feels perplexed. The wispy phantom is defeated, before he could do anything to get the weight off of him. He lays there for a long moment. Is this a new murder tactic, he wasn't aware of? Batchaser lets out a sleepy whine, leave his maw. Why... why must you punish me? His tail twitches from its spot, as muscles roll underneath dark curly fur. Letting his head move sideways, he lets his paws scramble on the ground. Batchaser grunts while pulling his trapped head out from the terrible fur-covered wall. He is finally free.

He shakes his head with a gasp, his head jutted out forward towards this ground. He raises a paw to claw at his messy fringe somewhat, a few strands drop over one of his eyes. He clicks his tongue, as he flitted his gaze up at the culprit of his rude awakening.

Ah, Ferndance. The... resident butt - sniffer others were calling her. He enjoyed his time with Ferndance, even if their sleep schedules drifted differently. He blinks at the molly in question. "Ferndance... Might I ask why you disturbed my rest?" He squints at the cinnamon warrior, as he shakes his head to let his fringe fall back into place over his heterochromatic eyes.

He turns his head at some clanmates who was watching the whole thing. Oh. "Ah- Mirepurr. Snowpaw." He greets them with a tilt of his head and a huff, he turns his head to Ferndance again.

  • ( THAT'S ONE ENEMY DOWN! ) ⋆⁺₊ ☾ ⁺₊⋆ BATCHASER.shadowclan warrior.
    cismale ; HE / HIM, fine with gendered terms. ; 34 MOONS & AGES EVERY 10TH.
    pansexual / not actively looking / open to crushes & romance
    a tall, shorthaired curly black smoke mix with gold/green heterochromatic eyes.
    battle notesthoughts ; "Speech, 7077A1" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like rain-soaked pavement, mist & sweet leaf rot
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone

Her emerald eyes innocently shifted to Mirepurr and Snowpaw, listening to their commentary with a gentle flick of the ear. "Well I'm not going to kill him..." she mewed in disbelief, all too serious... except for that tiny glint in her left iris, a hint of mischief that suggested she knew they too were being facetious. Another comment was about to leave the cinnamon tabby's maw when Batchaser finally awoke beneath her, the other shuffling and shuffling until he had rid himself of the tabby. Her haunches dropped a small distance to the earth, landing in a quiet thump as she stared at the other. "Good morning..." She whispered, having seen enough of his inner ear to know he would be able to hear the quiet greeting.

He asked her why, and her maw parted slightly. She didn't know how to explain the intrusive thoughts, only that they were ever present, ever consuming. Ferndance had wanted to sit down atop Batchaser, and so she had... there really hadn't been anything else to it. "I don't know," she admitted, this time, sincerely confused as she committed some brief time to self-reflection. "I just felt like it." It had been the same reason she'd thrown mud or food at him, the same reason her nest was overflowing with trinkets, the same reason she was a mother.

Sometimes, you just needed to be a little silly.

  • Wow
Reactions: BATCHASER

Mirepurr can't help the series of snickers at Snowpaw's suggestion, despite the layer of morbid that underlies it. Even amidst all the tragedies, ShadowClan manages to joke about such a thing. Perhaps that's why the other Clans deem them evil. In truth, it merely acts as something innocent, born out of... something wholly less innocent, considering the look of mischief on Ferndance's face.

Batchaser indeed survives the whole ordeal. He comes up for air and is quick to try and reorient himself; in the meantime, Ferndance takes the chance to appear nonchalant about it all. At least she upholds her promise of not killing him.

She appears almost as confused as Batchaser himself when he presents a simple question — why? Why, indeed? Mirepurr admires Ferndance for the warrior she is; the ferocious mother she is. There's always been a certain level of mystery to her, like a veil that never shifts enough for them to get a good look at what is underneath. They see her crack jokes with even the most stoic of individuals; like Smogstar. How does she do it all?

Apparently, there is no real reason... but Mirepurr is determined to suggest one, a flattering one, to keep Batchaser mellowed out right after being waken so abruptly. "I think your head just looked comfortable. Was it?"