pafp hook, line, and sinker | first catch

In every situation you give me peace
Determination glitters within periwinkle eyes, her position poised to strike at a moments notice. It was only a matter of time before a fish came wading by and she would be prepared for it this time. Skimming the murky depths she kept as still as possible to avoid stirring up the silt below and hindering her vision. Sablepaw breathed a steady breath, knowing that an analyzing pair of emerald eyes lay fixated upon her back. A flash of scales gathers her attention, watching the medium sized trout drift lazily through the current pulling it downstream. It was hard to keep herself from launching at the fish prematurely, but Cindershade's voice whispers in her mind "Try to aim for where the fish is going, not where it currently is." Lining up her shot the bicolored apprenches lurches forth with a splash.

Ivory claws extend, hooking into tender flesh, anchoring the thrashing aquatic creature long enough for her teeth to clamp and hold. Her head bobs along with its jerky movements until finally its flopping stills and she hoists he waterlogged head from the waves. "Cindershade! Cindershade look!" Sablepaw voices around the hefty trout, stumbling a bit as she walks back up the pebble laden shore. Her sides heave, slender frame dripping crystal water as she beams a toothy smile up at her dark counterpart. "My first fish." She emits, breathlessly. Although the wave of tiredness that fell over her from the brief fight did not dampen her joy. (@Cindershade)
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead
After countless failures, Sablepaw had been feeding more and more into her self-doubt. Even go as far as nearing drowning herself along with the clan mates who had rescued her, it was hard for Cindershade to not also delve into her own frustration. But, her apprentice was still young. She still had plenty of time to grow and polish off that rigid surface until it was smooth like river stone. She taught by repetition, having Sablepaw practice her strikes over and over into the water until the lead warrior was sastified. Sablepaw had come a long way so far in her short moons training, and Cindershade was eager to continue to see her flourish.
Verdant eyes watch the striped back her her protégé with an intensity, her own muscles as drawstring taut as her own counterpart in front of her. Already she began to look so grown, her features growing more mature as her kitten roundness diminishes. In their shared silence, Cindershade's thoughts reflect back to Sablekit as nothing but a blot of a shadow within the confines of the nursery, her equally dark siblings all trotting about under the hefty feet of the warrior's but never the young molly. She was careful and a bit of a wallflower Despite her distrust of her mother, Cindershade never held that over her kits; even if other warriors did and she remembers that as well. Sablepaw didn't need to hear something like that, didn't need to feel insecure over something she couldn't control. The woman saw a lot of herself within Sablepaw, and she was happy that Cicadastar sought to give her to the lead warrior to train. She'd make a fine warrior, she just knew it.
Jerked away from her thoughts, she notices Sablepaw flinch and notices the way her haunches moved. She had eyes on a fish. Cindershade turns her full attention back upon her, excitement flashing within her eyes and suddenly Sablepaw launches into the water. The woman jumps to her feet and steps forward, her shaded tail twitching wildly in anticipation. Her head bobs out of the water and then jerks up rapidly, a silver flash of a fish clasped tightly within her jaws. Sablepaw turns to her with a beaming smile that the sun stood no chance against, her head dripping and water rolling off ivory whiskers. A trout. A trout she catches and her confidence soars, the woman can see it within those periwinkle depths as they practically glittered like twilight. Cindershade's features are neutral as she examines her catch, an adolescent trout—but a sizeable one still. She stares at her apprentice for a moment, paws kneading against the rolling pebbles to contain her own flaring excitement. "Good catch." She nods to her, "I saw you almost strike at first, but it seems something stopped you. You remembered what I told you, hm?" Her gaze catches Sablepaw's for a moment, then a smile twitches at her lips. Ivory incisors protrude under her pulled back lips, her broadened muzzle widening. "Keep it up, child. You'll learn to contain your excitement the more you do it and soon you'll be flawless in the art of it." I'm proud of you.

Redpath was happy to be around for such a special moment. Her first catch hadn't been so big, it was a simple minnow. But it isn't the size of the catch that mattered. It was simply the fact that she had succeeded, and watching Sablepaw succeed with a sizeable fish made her beam. She was on her way to becoming a splendid Riverclanner, now that she had mastered this staple of clan life.

"That's a good first catch, Sablepaw!" She said. "Keep that up and I bet you'll be catching the bigger fish in the river in no time!"

Catching the bigger fish in the river wasn't easy, but she was confident Sablepaw could get there. With a partner, anyways. It's always good to have a buddy in case one of those things lands a good blow and disorients you, which is generally Not Good in the water.​
( tags ) Sablepaw had a difficult time from what he understood, so he was ecstatic when she had caught a sizable trout. Her first ever catch and one she should be proud of! Although he couldn't help but shake his head and roll his eyes at Cindershade's demeanor. Always have to look cool, right? Just leap for joy with Sablepaw and praise her, there's nothing wrong with that. She's earned it. He is happy to see Redpath sharing the same sentiment in celebrating this moment. He can't help but look back when he caught his first fish. He was new to clanlife and his first mentor had been awkward. His mentor was someone who had never been given an apprentice before, much less a kittypet. When he first caught his fish he had five other clanmates guiding him, so in his mind he had more than one mentor. The first fish he caught was quite big, but he recalled it slapping him in the face as he let it flop far too long before killing it. I didn't even know how. Time... Time really does fly, huh?

He is well aware it is not his place to overstep and tell Cindershade how she train Sablepaw, so he carefully pads closer to the pair. He gives Redpath a nod in greeting as he passes her. When he nears apprentice and mentor, he waits till Cindershade is done speaking to Sablepaw. When Cindershade is done, he waves his paw at them, "That's an awesome fish Sablepaw! Today's a day to celebrate! Wouldn't you say, Cindershade? It's her first fish and it's a big one! You both should be proud!"
In every situation you give me peace
There were few things Sablepaw actually fought to seek the approval of. But Cindershade? Seeing that smile split across the rosette molly's maw caused pride to blossom further within her chest. Nodding her head she glanced briefly back down at her sizeable catch. "Yes, I remembered from last time." She was glad to have learned from her previous mistake this time. Glancing back at her mentor a tender purr rumbles in her throat. "Right, I won't let you down. I swear it." Her attention is then captured by Redpath and Pikesplash as they congratulate her on her catch and she smiles at them. "Thank you both, I'm just glad all of my training is finally showing results." The fruits of her labor were not in vain.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead
stalkingpaw | 08 months | polygender | any pronouns | physically easy | mentally medium | attack in bold crimson
Unlike her sister, Stalkingpaw is still struggling at most aspects of her training. Swimming was still hard, her movements often closer to clumsy flailing, and she still had trouble not moving to soon in her excitement or so slow that they escape when hunting, paws always turning up empty after each attempt. So when green eyes land on her sibling, though she is happy for her a tinge of jealousy coils within her at how easy sablepaw seems to have it. "Oh my gosh Sablepaw that's so cool! I wish I could hurry up and make my first catch too!" Her smile is bright and honest nonetheless, and she goes to brush her shoulder against her darker-hued sibling. Next time that'll be her!