hope that you burn &. patrols

//retro to development

"okay patrols. i'm not gonna waste any time and i don't wanna hear complaints. just do what i asked."

agitation is thick in their voice, tail lashing back and forth. they don't want to deal with anyone talking back. they just wanted this done so they could take a nap.

"to windclan; wolverinefang, boarjaw, lavenderpaw, and honeysong. to thunderclan; halfshade, brookpaw, smogmaw, and frostbite. don't cause issues. just mark the borders and come back. if anyone causes any problems, trust me it won't work out well for you."

they huffed.

"pitchstar, if you don't mind joining a patrol, you can go hunting. granitepaw, flickerfire, and fogpaw will join you... but don't feel like you have to."

respectfully they dipped their head, before turning to the last few.

"i will take geckoscreech and minkpaw on the other hunting patrol. after a nap. the rest of you that didn't get patrol assignments... i expect you to work on hunting in pairs, or fixing dens and new nests. whatever works for you. don't do nothing all day... dismissed."

// @GECKOSCREECH @MINKPAW @fogpaw @FLICKERFIRE @GRANITEPAW @PITCHSTAR @Frostbite @SMOGMAW @brookpaw @Halfshade @Honeysong @Lavenderpaw @BOARJAW @wolverinefang
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