camp hope you don't mind - nest upgrades

As much as he enjoyed training (not really), he was thankful that he was given some time to rest. He had gone through quite a bit of a growth spurt which resulted in his nest feeling a bit too small for his liking. Or maybe he should stop filling his nest with trinkets he's found or feathers, but he couldn't part with them. No chance. He'd rather die than have to give them up. Maybe he was being a bit dramatic, but how was he supposed to get any rest if he didn't feel at ease in his own nest? Although maybe it was not the best idea to go over to the hazel bush, near the medicine cat den and break off a bit of it and start trotting proudly back towards the apprentice den. One might think he was losing his mind, but the reality was that he quite liked Fireflypaw and wanted a piece of the hazel bush as a nice addition to his nest. Maybe there were better ways to ask Fireflypaw for something he owned that he could take, but that was very much awkward. Fireflypaw might find it strange and turn him down anyway, so why not just take a small piece of the hazel bush for himself? He made sure to take a bit from the side, where pieces wouldn't be missed too much. Was this considered vandalism? Maybe. Whatever the case, the smoke apprentice has urgent matters to attend to. Maybe I can ask Fireflypaw later if he knows any nice smelling plants for my nest? Maybe we can go together and I'll help him find herbs or something too? Yeah, that sounds good.
𓆝 . ° ✦ Circe watched Crowpaw with confusion. Was this? A thing everyone was supposed to do? She hadn't been in the clan very long, and certaintly not long enough to have the confidence to decorate her nest or shared den, but she knew others did. She'd always wanted to join in, but she was afriad to stand out even more.
The paritally hairless molly raised a furred eyebrow at the apperentice, unintentionally staring him down with a blank face. She tilted her head, eyes flicking back and forth from the herb bush in his maw to the larger herb bush near the medicine cat den. Didn't Fireflypaw need that? It did smell nice though...
She scanned the camp, and left her small shard of sun to make her way over to the apprentice.
She nodded towards the herb, at a brief loss for words.
"Are we..." She felt silly asking an apprentice, a cat less the half her age, for clarification.
"Is that...?"
Embarassment flushed her pelt.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:

    Once a rather pretty brown smoked molly, Circe is unnaturally lithe and is missing large chunks of her fur. She has an oddly muscular and feminie build and small paws. — physically easy && mentally easy — Attempting to learn Sky Clan's ways — NPC x NPC : Sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang


Well, there was something you didn't see everyday. "What are ya doin' there, Crowpaw?" asked Johnnyflame, curiosity winning out after witnessing the apprentice snatch a piece of the medicine cats den and go padding off with it. The lead wasn't bothered by it- it was just a twig and the hazel bush was large enough to spare it- but he couldn't help but wonder what the younger cat wanted with it. The bobtail offered a smile and nod of greeting toward Circe as well, not too familiar with the shecat but never one to shirk a clanmate. "Don't think we've met yet. Name's Johnnyflame, I'm one of the lead warriors here."

Circe is one of the cats he has little opinion of granted that he hadn't spoken to her too much to garner an opinion of. His opinion of her is bare and lackluster. Although, currently she is annoying him by her lack of clarity. That much is certain when he stares at her a little too strongly as she asks him something. It is generous to say she is asking him something, given all she has muttered is broken sentences. His claws itch to unsheathe themselves and claw at her to clarify what she means. However, he would drop his piece unceremoniously. The smoke tom would tilt his head and answer, "This is part of the bush." Circe may exclaim duh, but she's not giving him any favors.

Johnnyflame thankfully comes to save Circe by being a little more clear. "Making my nest bigger, it's too small now." Johnnyflame if he had any brain could guess why his nest was small now. Crowpaw had grown and he's certain Johnnyflame experienced similar things. Getting a new nest or needing to eat more because the morsel you had as a kit just wasn't cutting it anymore. Although, Crowpaw is a bit confused by Johnnyflame's introduction and assumption that they haven't met. "No, we've met Johnnyflame. I know who you are." In case the lead warrior was confused he would add "I was there when you sparred with my mentor Silversmoke." He hopes that would jog the elders memory a bit. If he didn't he would be a offended, but it's not like Johnnyflame was his mentor.
  • ooc :
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 7 moons
    — undecided / single / not looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes with polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
His head raises as the sound of rustling awakens from his nap, dreary eyes of milk looking towards the direction of the noise. His den rustles, ever so quietly, but his ever-keen ears pick it up nonetheless. It isn't violent, it is quiet enough to warrant someone trying to pick a piece of hazel from the bush that was his den. His nose catches a whiff of an apprentice too-familiar, a small smile on his lips as he rises to stand.

His walk is wobbly at first as he wakes himself, shaking out his fur and stepping out into the open air. He takes a deep inhale, a serene expression overtaking him. He follows the dissipating scent of Crowpaw and hazel, rounding the apprentice den to look towards the direction of the scent he'd become accustomed to. "Crowpaw?" He calls out, head swiveling awkwardly as he tries to pinpoint the exact direction that the tom resides. He looks a tad bit awkward as he dips his head in the direction of Johnnyflame's voice, paying the lead warrior enough respect in greeting. Then, Circe's voice and scent causes him to turn his attention once more to wave a paw in greeting.

"You know.. Hazel is a lovely smell. I think it will be a good addition, just don't tell Dawnglare that you took it from the den's walls." He tries to be more merciful than his mentor, for he knew that the strawberry-and-cream tom would not take kindly to theft, even if it was just a piece of hazel from their den's walls. "What about you, Circe? Some cats like to lace their nests with smelly things, like flowers and such- do you plan to do so? I have mint lacing mine."