hope you got your things together ⸙ juncoclaw


Apr 6, 2024

࿔*:・゚༄ Harvest hasn't been here long enough to know the comings and goings of many cats, but she was here for Junco. For the talk of new arrival that trailed on the pawsteps on the silvery pelted molly. She seems to keep to herself, this Junco. Doesn't know anyone here... Even growing up among the barn, Harvest can't help but find a comfort in that.

It's easier to approach, seeing Junco off on her own. Eyes distant, lost in thought. She feels bad interrupting it, uncertainty striking just as she raises her voice to catch the stranger's attention. "Um." It's too-loud, hesitant. She blinks owlishly as Junco notices her, caught as a deer in a monster's gaze. "Hi," tumbles clumsily from the tiny cat's maw. Words slip from her mind, suddenly at a loss.

But she's here, so she has to keep going. Blue eyes turn downwards to gaze at shuffling overlarge paws. "I remember..." she drawls softly, words pulled reluctantly despite her bold approach. "You're new. Right? Or, kinda." A quick glance. She looks almost guilty for knowing without having spoken to the other cat before. She waited quite a while to approach, hanging around awkwardly for days. "I didn't say hi when ya got here. So, hi." There, that's... probably good enough. A small, timid smile flashes on the kit's face. It's not nice to ignore someone, so saying hi is the least she can do.

  • @juncoclaw
  • REF TBA!

  • HARVEST   she / her, loner, three moons.
    a large, thick-furred molly draped in russet tones and bearing silvery eyes.
    cautious, people-pleasing, and cowardly. easily impressionable.
    npc x npc; daughter to a horseplace mouser.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
It had been a little over a moon since Juncoclaw arrived at Horseplace. An odd place for sanctuary, so close to WindClan with a target on her head. But it was her safest option, next to faring it on her own and potentially starving. DuskClan had no reason to terrorize Horseplace, she thought. Their targets were on the Clans - it was a waste of effort to go after a bunch of lazy mouse-catchers.

She had adjusted easily enough. She arrived half-starved and ruffled, but had soon learned the ways of catching prey around here.. and stars, were they plentiful. Her mind, however, was taking much longer to mend: that feeling of cowardice and faithlessness had never quite left. The Twolegs that came and went showed interest in the new arrival once or twice, but they had, for the most part, left her to her own devices. As did the other cats - she was an entity of her own amongst a Clan-like community, solitary and confined. Juncoclaw could be grateful enough that this was granted to her, even if she did receive odd looks every once in a while.

Then, in came her little shadow.

A barn-born kitten of red and brown, living a sheltered and carefree life that Juncoclaw both wished that she had, and was grateful that she didn't. For whatever reason, she had taken a keen interest in the silver molly, and for the past few days Juncoclaw had grown acutely aware of her presence. The kitten kept her distance, awkwardly standing behind pillars or watching her from her nest. It wasn't invasive enough to pay any mind to, until now.

Juncoclaw, Junco as she frequently has to remind herself, rests on the wooden floor by herself, staring out the door into the heart of the moorland with wide eyes, thin pupils, and furrowed brows. Lost in thought, as she always was. Reminiscing about the past, of what could have been.. she daydreamed about her warrior name, her true warrior name, given to her by Sootstar after Sunstride's death. She fantasized about, several moons later, receiving her first apprentice - her first mate - her own children to welcome into the world, to raise just as she had been. Her little.. soldiers..

She would have become Sootstar's deputy, her right-hand girl. She would have made her proud. She wouldn't have failed her as she did that very day that her inspiration, her idol, her.. everything, was killed. Every day since her arrival here, she daydreamed obsessively about what could have been, to avoid the bitter reality of what was.

Junco is now picturing her nuclear family when her thoughts are interrupted by a small voice coming up from her flank. At the first uncertain noise, she ignores it - it'll go away, if she pretends it isn't there. Then, a meek and clumsy greeting - Hi. Junco's right ear angles back towards the kitten. If ignoring her didn't work, maybe acknowledgement would. That's what kittens always want, right? Attention?

The kitten doesn't get the hint. As she continues speaking, Juncoclaw's eyes flit back to look at the kitten, unreadable - she glances at Harvest from her peripherals, but her head's angle stays rigid and motionless, pointed out towards the moors. New, she asks, as if every cat in the barn didn't notice her difference right away. "I am," Junco replies bluntly. Has it been a whole moon already? The passage of time was unnoticeable while she lives in her fantasy world - has she not changed a bit?

Junco does not return the greeting, but after a few moments, she sharply turns her head to face the kitten now. If ignoring her didn't work, nor acknowledgement, perhaps she could intimidate the little thing. "Was there something you wanted?" she mews, letting her eyelids fall into their natural narrow. She intends to make the kitten change her mind about approaching her, but.. she can't deny that she is a little curious about her reason for approaching. Not many cats did, after all.
  • juncokit juncopaw JUNCOCLAW "JUNCO" ━━ penned by ixora
    ━━ BARNCAT
    ━━ 12 MOONS,, ages every 21st
    ━━ CASSO xx BUDGE
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
    ━━ MENTOR to none | FORMERLY MENTORED by mockinggrin
    ━━ HEALTH ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎ | junco is healthy.​
  • 75081289_xM0heZ2Ey6nooMy.png

  • speech is #6a7d8a