hopeful hopeless ♡♥ bear scare

Head to the Thunderpath. So she'd heard, so she tried, but in the rushing throng of cats passing her and eyes fretfully glancing down for her kits every other pawstep; ensuring they were all accounted for as often as possible, Halfshade suddenly found herself alone. Or rather, alone with her litter all clamored around and under her; long legs stiff as she stood there trembling from the rush of adrenaline their harried escape had left her feeling. As it drained, dwindled down to nothing, she felt a sense of lost emptiness similar to the day she had left her mother and fled to be with the tom she once thought she'd stay with forever who inevtiably died at her own paws. Mismatched eyes closed tightly and she inhaled through her nostrils, slow and steady. Pull it together.
"Stay close, this way." She had to find some kind of shelter, somewhere they could hide for the time being until she got her thoughts in order and could once again orient herself; she had no idea where on the territory they had ended up, nor which direction the Thunderpath was now. Halfshade resisted the very strong urge to let out a whine; fretful and overwhelmed and the looming threat of that beast still being nearby had her fully on edge but she steeled herself and kept going, pausing to paw around the roots of an old tree where the remnants of what seemed to be an old fox den remained. This might work...
"All of you, tuck up there. Give me one moment." Head dipped she wriggled in to look around, dusted and stall scent; safe as you could get despite being so cobweb riddled and filthy but for once the queen did not have much complaint on such things.
"Come on, little ones. We're going to rest here for a moment and then..." And then what...? "...Smogmaw will notice we're gone...he'll come find us."

Kit tag
- @Garlickit & @APPLEKIT & @swankit & @valeriankit
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For the first time in her life, she was utterly terrified. So much chaos was happening around her and it made her want to cry. In fact, the tears were already welling up in her eyes.

She didn't know where they were, everything was unfamiliar to her. All she had ever known was the camp, and suddenly the safest place in the world was suddenly the most dangerous place in the world.

She stayed glued to Halfshade, trembling and panicking as things happened so quickly around her. Soon, she is ushered into a burrow with her siblings and she wastes no time in pressing against Halfshade.

Her paws hurt from walking and she was tired... But she would try to remain strong... She was going to be an apprentice soon, she had to be brave!!!​
Applekit toddles alongside the rest of her littermates, tucked as close to her mother as she can possibly manage. She's never admit how scared she was. Her mismatched eyes were wide as they stared ahead. Her kitten tail would twitch to and fro, anxious. Applekit puts all of her faith in Halfshade. They'd all be okay, as long as they followed Halfshade. She's oblivious to her mother's own worrying. She sees Garlickit beginning to cry, and she knows that she can't. Applekit is comforted by her mother's side.

They come to a stop before some large roots, and Applekit follows her mother's orders wordlessly, even though the place looked icky. Rest sounded nice. Applekit has never walked so far before.

She blinks at Halfshade's words, lips forming a worried frown. So they were supposed to be with the other cats. What happened? " Smogmaw's still hurt... " Applekit mewls quietly, as if reminding their mother. She tucks cream paws close to herself. What if he could never find them? Where even were they? Would they live in this tree now? " Are we s-supposed to be here? "
————— ☾ —————

The panic is starting to set in now. Swankit has been following after Halfshade silently, sleep-addled mind growing more lucid with each soft step. He'd glimpsed the creatures as he was leaving, larger than he ever thought a living thing could be, darkfurred and almost catlike but not, like a twisted reflection of that which he knew. A monster, nightpelted swamp monster. Maybe that's what Crowkit had been pretending to be.

Oh, right, Crowkit, his nurserymate left behind. He hopes the other kit is with the others, hopes he didn't get lost or eaten.

Swankit is herded into a burrow, farther than he's ever been before, out in the swamplands beyond camp. He huddles close to his sisters, plopping down with a shaky sigh, limbs tired from walking and mind tired from worrying (not a feeling he is used to).

A small frown curves across the child's maw, droopy eyes turned sad and worrisome. "All alone..." he laments, looking to the barren marsh outside the burrow. Halfshade says that his father is coming, and yet he can't help but wonder if this is it, if the swamp monster ate everyone and now it was just him, his mother, and his sisters against the world. Fearful blue eyes turn to Halfshade. "Mama, what if... um, what if the monster finds us first...?" he asks hesitantly. Applekit's right, Smogmaw's injured... But the big monster isn't. It could probably stick it's head in here and gobble them all up like freshkill if it wanted. He shivers a little thinking about it.
————— ☾ —————

  • //
  • SWANKIT named for his pale fur, after his maternal grandmother.
    — he/him. 2 moons.
    — shadowclan kit.
    — quiet and dreamy.

    penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • Untitled147_20230514003200.png
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Valeriankit was often quiet and reclusive in comparison to her siblings. It was easily noticeable then, and yet, it was concerning now. While her siblings let out cries and mumurs of panic, Valerian was simply silent. Really, the runty torbie, was more than likely in shock. She seemed lost in her own mind, toddling after her mother and obediently settling in their current spot to rest. Dual hues blinked slowly, ears twitching as her siblings aimed uneasy inquiries toward their distressed mother. She leaned close on one of her siblings, was it Swankit? She didn't really know, she wasn't thinking of it. "..." She made a minor noise, no actual words leaving her maw. "be safe till papa comes, right mama?" She finally spoke, looking up at her elegant mother. She could understand her brother and sisters' fear of Smogmaw not coming for them. But her father always returned to them, didn't he?
[sweet like honey]

"...he is but he's strong. He won't rest until he knows we're safe." And she knew it was true, despite it all, if there was one cat who would search for them with earnest and no hesitation it was her mate; not to say her other clanmates wouldn't but obviously with such danger they would prioritize themselves. Still, she had hope some kind of search party would become away they were not there and go looking. She just needed the guidance to get to the thunderpath and having four kittens trailing her made it difficult and overwhelmingly stressful. She shushes them and their mewls of concern, whisks them into the hole and makes sure they are all accounted for and comfortable enough; not much to be done for a dirt floor.

Before she can even console Swankit that the monster won't find them, it does. Be safe till papa comes. It was no longer an option..
She sees the shadow lumbering forward past the trees and her eyes widen briefly in horror as it shuffles ever closer, the kits are behind her in the hollow of the burrow and she twists in place to look back at them with a frown across her maw and wide eyes. It wasn't deep enough that one of those long clawed arms couldn't reach in and grab at them, there would be nothing she could do to stop it if the beast intended them harm and flung her aside; what hope did she have against such a thing. She remembered her clanmates attacking it and somehow not dying from sheer foolish luck alone, though Chilledstar had not been so fortunate; nine lives not withstanding. Halfshade inhales through her nose sharply and when she exhales it is to speak in a stern tone that was not to be disobeyed, "Stay here. Do NOT leave this burrow, no matter WHAT." It pains her, somewhat, to take such a harsh and hissing tone with her kits because she adored all four of them so much but they had to listen to her, they had to. Because she had decided the only way to keep them safe was to draw that thing away and hopefully climb a tree to elude it further. "Be good all of you. Applekit, make sure they listen. I'll be back." Maybe.
The torbie rises stifly, pulls herself from the small groove in the ground and the moment she does she's seen immediately; a huff and growl in the distance and thundering paws and she darts forward thankfully fast enough that the plodding behemoth notices only her and turns to pursue with a grumbling roar of a noise. It's faster than she expected and she panics, flinging herself onto the first tree she sees and realizing too late how thin and pliable it is as she scales it; her mistake became quickly evident as she got up higher and the entire thing shakes as the brute slams into it, pushing and clawing at the already weak trunk in an effort to shake her loose or topple the entire thing. Despite herself and her bravado, Halfshade gives a shrill yowl of alarm...



Loud splashing can be heard as paws thump against muck and surge through swampland plants. A calico stands before the scene, she pants as she stares wide-eyed at the black cloaked beast. Its mighty paws thump and its shoulders slam into the tree, above dangles the missing Halfshade. This was hardly the time to be stoic about finding the queen, not when she was so close to falling into the slobbering maw of a monster.

Tangoing with a bear was foolish, suicide even, as a senior wild cat Stumpyspots knows this. One swipe of its paws would mean certain death, to survive this long she’s had to put herself before others before. Stumpyspots doesn’t know if it’s out of sisterhood or the desire to look out for another cat with the title of mother, but she yowls. ”Come and get me!”

Can a cat outrun a bear? This Stumpyspots does not know.

Sailing across the treetops is a shrill yowl which congeals the blood in his veins. Dark, dread-steeped pools gape open and lurch towards the origin of the piercing scream. Determining the identity behind the sound comes without a moment's pause, for its a voice intimately entwined within his own heartstrings. Halfshade. Several aching sunsets have painted the sky since the last time he had seen her or the kits, and now, wherever they found themselves, they dangled before the claws of disaster—lest they already have, and that shriek he'd heard was a dire confirmation of their fate.

Every fiber of his being swells with a singular purpose as he races against time alone. He carries not a shrivel of hope, nor any trace of foreboding; his heart pulses solely with raw determination to reach the only living kin he has. Pained footfalls send showers of stagnant water in their stead, sprinting across the swampscape with reckless abandon. The tangled undergrowth catches at his claws, yet he pushes on with a grimace, not wavering the meagrest amount until the bulbous outline of Stumpyspots manifests in the near distance.

It is then Smogmaw decelerates, slowing his pace in increments until the context of Halfshade's cry is made painfully clear. A snapshot horror in its purest form. The vile creature that'd torn apart the camp has now set its sights on his mate, suspended from a branch above like a doomed pendulum. What fright was etched into her beautiful features—beholding her resolute spirit swallowed by paralysing terror dealt a crushing blow to his will in the moment. He looks upon her, paralysed as well, only torn from his stupor when he glimpses pairs of tiny ears jutting out from the earth.

His kits.

Perhaps in a fit of blind heroism, Stumpyspots beckons the bear to maul her to tatters. Smogmaw immediately slinks away, whispering a wordless prayer for his clanmate, thanking her for her sacrifice and wishing that her death won't come as an agonising one. He weaves through the low-lying vegetation as he circles around the scene. The divot in the earth was nigh on in his grasp, and bears be damned, he was steadfast in his commitment to save his family.

He penetrates into the hollow swiftly, to be immediately greeted by the alive-and-intact faces of his three daughters and his son. "Don't move." The tom lurches forward, clasping Garlickit's scruff betwixt his jaws like a vice grip. She's dragged towards her nearest littermate, which happened to be Applekit, before her nape meets the pinch of his teeth as well. Only now is it evident how large they've gotten, a fact which would have evoked a sense of pride if their lives weren't hanging in the balance.

A cautious and calculated leap would hoist Smogmaw and half of his children out of the cleft, and the moment he lands, he tows them to cover (the thickest fern within reach) with utmost urgency. Finally, once he is certain they are safely hidden, he gingerly releases his grip, allowing Garlickit the freedom of movement once more.

And then his blood curdles.

In the midst of his movement, Applekit fell from his clutches.

// @Garlickit @APPLEKIT

Garlickit was too afraid to speak. Her tears spilled over as she heard the bear outside and her mother tell them to stay out no matter what. She trembled more than she ever had before as she left Applekit in charge and left to face the bear.

She stayed frozen in place, eyes glued to the scene unfolding before her. She watched Halfshade grab the bears attention and dart up a tree, but when the tree bent against the brutes strength and she heard her mother cry out..... A strangled whimper escaped her throat as she tried to keep quiet.

Was her mother about to die?

But suddenly, she hears other cats. Clanmates. She hears her father. When he enters the burrow she nearly launches at him.

"D-daddy..." She squeaks as she and Applekit are picked up together.

It was going to be okay. Everything would be okay. Everything-

Applekit falls from Smogmaw's grip and her momentary relief is shattered.

"Applekit!!" She cries out, looking back at her sister who had fallen.​
  • Wow
Reactions: smogstar
What if the monster finds us first? Applekit's ears press to the back of her head. She normally wouldn't even think of something like that, but hurt cats could do so little. At least– Starlingheart made it seem that way. Could they not even look to Smogmaw then? Hurt, her littermates all agree. But he is strong, Halfshade tells them. He won't rest until he knows we're safe. Applekit looks at her with wide eyes. She doesn't answer her second question. Unconsciously, Applekit takes a step toward her siblings.

Did Halfshade know that they were safe?

They're hushed, and Applekit falls quiet as told. Halfsahde is watching something that Applekit can't see. When she looks back at them, she's unhappy, and Applekit can't help but be unhappy with her. Her own frown mars her features, and she stiffens as their mother speaks to them harshly. No matter what. Applekit watches her with wide eyes, her nod slight. Applekit, make sure they listen. She sits just a bit straighter.

She couldn't be scared, because she was strong like Smogmaw and Halfshade. She wouldn't be afraid of any shadow monsters, even if she wants to shake, 'cause being scared was what weak cats do. Applekit only turns to her siblings when she can't see Halfshade anymore. You heard her, her gaze says.

The sounds outside don't sound good. The world thumps and, at the head of the burrow, Applekit finally sees the monster. Big and black,it must be roaring louder than any monsters did, her eyes round the more she watches and she thinks– She thinks–

She can hardly process Stumpyspots behind here beforeSmogmaw comes into view, grey face blotting out the scary scene, and she's so happy. A large neck cranes overhead to scruff her sister, and Applekit is snapped up alongside it. She can't remember the last time she's been carried like this, but she doesn't care. Mismatched eyes have a glassy sheen as they look back at her siblings. " S-stay like Halfshade said! " she reminds them shrilly.

Applekit squeezes her eyes shut. She squeezes them shut until they're lurching and she's tumbling, the relief gone as quickly as it'd came. Pale paws scrabble and find nothing as she tumbles town, no longer within jaws of safety, nor the grimey overhead that her two of her other siblings would still be under. Her jaws are agape in a silent scream, and teary eyes look back at the form of Smogmaw, too far now. She didn't like it at all. She hated this.

Applekit mashes her lips together. It wobbles, close to tears, but she does not cry. She does not yell. Applekit curls up to become as small as she possibly can be, tiny flanks rising unevenly and whiskers trembling.
  • Crying
Reactions: Swansong
————— ☾ —————

Swankit should not have spoken, it seems. He calls the bear, that must be it, for as soon as his fear leaves his mouth it is realized, the return of the creature with no solace in sight. Halfshade takes no time to reassure him as she glances back. Stay here. Stern tone, almost angry, like he's never heard her before. He huddles closer to his youngest sister, already leaned against his side. Her words, Be safe til papa comes, settle in his mind. She seems calm, strangely.

And then — a word to Applekit to watch over them, and Halfshade is gone. The sound of thundering paws, a glimpse of pitchfur, the horrible roar like nothing he could have imagined. Applekit's gaze is on him and his two other sisters, but there's no way Swankit would ever want to leave. It's just the four of them now.

Stumpyspots challenges the beast, and Smogmaw — Smogmaw's here. His father. Here to rescue all of them.

Except —

He only grabs two. Applekit and Garlickit.

Swankit waited, and Smogmaw came, and he was still left behind in the tiny burrow, pressed against Valeriankit's side. Stay like Halfshade said. The monster rages outside. Applekit and Garlickit are gone, disappeared out the mouth of the burrow. He shrinks back, shaking, eyes blank. I'll be back, said Halfshade. Will she? He saw the bear pursuing her. And Smogmaw's already come and gone...

Just the two of them now, him and Valeriankit, cowering from a monster. A wriggling fear rises in his mind. Maybe they'll be forgotten here, maybe no one will come back. Maybe everyone will be eaten by the monster. He'll stay, they both will, and maybe they'll never leave this tunnel.

Swankit presses his face into Valeriankit's fur, trembling violently.
————— ☾ —————

  • //
  • SWANKIT named for his pale fur, after his maternal grandmother.
    — he/him. 3 moons.
    — shadowclan kit.
    — quiet and dreamy.

    penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • Untitled147_20230514003200.png

so much chaos. they aren't sure they remember hearing so much at one time. they can't even pinpoint where to go. it's all happening so fast and they have to focus. with a grunt and a stomp of their paw, they do so. they manage to focus, just enough, to see applekit tumbling out of smogmaw's grasp. with a low hiss, they don't stop their legs from springing forward, forcing them into a sprint. they move towards the kit who has now curled up in an attempt to hide herself. they gently, yet firmly, grip her scruff and pull her upwards, running away in the same direction as their deputy had.

damned bears! damn it, starclan, they're just kits! give them a break! they hiss internally but they don't stop running. they can't. they have to at least get one of the kits to safety before they can even think about going back to save the others– lest someone got to them first. hopefully, someone else saved them first.

//saving @APPLEKIT
horror is etched onto point features at the scene unraveling before her, halfshade clinging helplessly onto the bark of a gaunt tree that threatens to give as massive ebony claws continue to strip away at the trunk waiting for something to fall over first and right now it looked like it was going to be the tree seeing as it's starting to wilt underneath all that pressure. the bear lets out a dangerously low growl, frustrated that halfshade refuses to come down from where she is and rears carefully onto hind-legs where it would swipe a hefty paw upwards in an attempt to reach the poor torbie but of course it's futile. geckoscreech is careful to stay hidden but her heart is beginning to pick up pace, they were running out of time and they needed to act fast.

she's aware of stumpyspots who is futher down to her right, yowling up a commotion in order to distract the beast from its main target and just briefly does she catch the tail-ends of smogmaw and chilledstar rushing out with something clenched between teeth. the kits! aquamarine hues are quick to dart over every nook and cranny in the area before she spots a dip in the earth, an opening to a burrow and where the rest of them are most likely being kept. geckoscreech acts instantly, keeping to the edges to avoid being seen until she finally reaches the den where she dips inside to see the remaining two huddled close together. "you're going to be alright little ones." she mummers softly, leaning down to clamp jaws around the scruff of swankit first before maneuvering herself a little to grip valeriankit alongside him.

with both children hoisted up in her grasp gecko peeks out of the burrow with the utmost caution and when it appeared safe enough she pulled herself out and dove back into the shadows of the underbrush where the rosette tabby would then break out into a brisk jog, hoping to get far enough and run into the others.

they needed to go back and help halfshade and stumpyspots.

// carrying @valeriankit and @swankit, looking for the others
  • Wow
Reactions: Swansong

A thick lens of distress draped over his weary eyes, Smogmaw extends his face through the tangle of shrubbery in desperate pursuit for a glimpse of his displaced daughter. Yellowed fangs reveal themselves as he curses himself in a low snarl, for his hopeless efforts have merely thrust Applekit further into harm's reach, not closer to safety. Wrapped in the guise of a deputy is no more than an inglorious failure of a father. One who couldn't shield his flesh and blood when they needed him the most. He cannot place Applekit's outline in his scope of vision—only the hulking frame of the savage beast, rending into treebark with its hungry sights set on his mate.

"I- I don't know what to do," he'd mutter between clenched fangs, his voice scarcely audible over the bear's grunts and growls. Dark eyes shift towards Garlickit in a cursory look. If the creature had taken note of his presence, emerging from the undergrowth would simply escalate the danger his kits were in. For the moment, its jaws lusted for the savoriness of Halfshade's blood, and as sordid as it is, under no circumstances can he redirect the bear's focus away from her. A heartrending conumdrum, to put it mildly.

Smogmaw exhales sharply as a black-tinted blur fills the gaps between the shrub's shoots. One of his hind legs moves rearwards, and he gestures to his daughter to follow in his footsteps. If it's a bear cub, he and Garlickit are simply fucked. If it's another clanmate who'd stumbled upon this anarchic scene, there may very well be a glimmer of hope.

The vague shape approaches fast, and the blood in Smogmaw's pulses at a quickened pace when he notes a familiar white streak running down the figure's visage. "It's Chilledstar," he would think aloud, putting voice to his thoughts so as to paint a clearer picture for Garlickit. Brows crease, and he studies the encroaching form of his leader as they draw nearer. He can see that, grasped by the scruff, Applekit hangs from their maw.

Whatever strain remained in his eyes is soon washed over by momentary reprieve, and when his poor daughter is placed before him. Promptly, he cranes his neck low and takes his tongue across the length of her forehead. When his gaze ascends from her, it latches onto his leader's straightaway. "Thank you," the deputy expels in a harsh whisper. The time on their paws is scarce, and there's narrow room for pleasantries in the current situation. "Have you seen my other two? Is there anyone else-"

The remainder of his words dissolve in his throat before they can be uttered, for his question is answered by another fast-approaching figure. Geckoscreech hauls along Swankit and Valeriankit by their napes, and when it begrudgingly dawns upon Smogmaw that he is now indebted to the rosette tabby, a rotten smile taints his expression. "In here!" he'd call through the thicket, in a tone both hushed and intent on seizing her attention.

In this fleeting instant of haywire reality, his kits find sanctuary. Recognising that is all the tom needs to grasp his next strategic step. His skull pivots around, facing his leader. "Make sure they get somewhere safe, please," Smogmaw requests, giving Garlickit and Applekit tender nods. He conveys a mixed look of worry and resignation. "I have to help Halfshade. Be on your best behaviour for your leader."

Not a lone breath is spared before he departs from the security of the bush. Leaving his kits for a second time, coupled with this perilous plunge into the unknown, ignites his nerves into a volatile blaze. He cannot waver, not now, and this he knows. He must make sure his mate leaves that tree unharmed—and, moreover, he needs to put a hypothesis to the test.

Clawtips taste the rough texture of tree bark, his teeth gritting together as he laboriously ascends another tree, contending with his throbbing muscles and combat wounds, all in a desperate bid to reach the elevated height of Halfshade. His paws cling firm onto branches as he makes his way up, and though the distant sight of his mate fighting for her life gnaws at the worn edges of his core, it only serves to fuel his determination in doing this right.

With Stumpyspots off yonder, Halfshade directly above, and Smogmaw positioned precariously on a branch just a bit away, the tattered tapestry of a plan begins to weave together. They're all spread enough to contend with the bear's attention while straying from harm's grasp. Maybe, just maybe, his mate can be afforded an opportunity to escape. "Open your eyes, you mindless oaf, I'm up here! ROAR!"


Her fear is that the bear will become bored of trying to reach her and lumber off to her kits, her fear is having to make the choice to rush to defend them and die for it or letting it shove its horrible head into the burrow to get to them; her mind is racing. She could maybe grab two of them at the most with how much they had grown, she would need to leave two behind in turn who might perish as a result. Halfshade wants to cry, clutching the limb that shakes under her desperately and trying to focus on her backup plan rather than the gnashing teeth under her. Valeriankit is so small grabbing her would be simple alongside another, Applekit a bit too big-she'd surely slip from her jaws, but did she save her smallest and weakest daughter who was still at risk of being lost so easily going forward? Her drowsy son who needed constant nudging to awaken in the morning? Did she prioritize the healthier of the kits to ensure they would grow or did she grab the weaker to protect? There was no right answer, her heart ached and then the bear stopped its beating of the trunk and turned-her gaze following to othe flat face of Stumpyspots hollering for its attention and though it did not move it did stop trying to shake her down.
The torbie had a moment to breath, readjust herself back up onto the branch proper and in the distance: oh thank StarClan...
She almost yelps in horror when Smogmaw darts in to grab the kits and loses Applekit halfway in his rush to escape, gives a strangled whimper when Geckoscreeh grabs the remaining two and Chilledstar of all cats rescued her left behind daughter; finally. Finally. They were all safe and she too hadn't been forgetten, mismatched eyes wide as Smogmaw rushes back to climb his own tree; making such a ruckus that as the bear turns she sees enough of an opening to safely leap down out of its sight and rush to Stumpyspots to nudge the other with her shoulder, "Go-go!"
The tree her mate had picked was, thankfully, much bigger than the one she had blindly scrambled atop of and would hold against the beasts fury and as she darted away she could see it gradually wearing down more and more; it was tired. With a final huff she watched from under the bush she'd quickly dug under as it snorted as if annoyed and twisted back down to all fours and stomp away into the forest in the opposite direction.
"Smogmaw-!" Her voice is strained, she dares not raise it higher, but she hopes he hears where she's hidden so they can finally leave this nightmare behind.