camp horrible kids - kit chatter


( sunflower stars )
Jul 19, 2024
brindlekit sat outside the nursery. she was still, as usual, simply observing the innerworkings of the water-trotters. quite interesting. especially those closer to her in age. they were all so... rambunctious. they jumped and shouted and tackled. how mannerless, she thought. head tilted a solid 45 degrees, she observed. they were playing some sort of game she'd never heard of. though it's not as if she'd heard of any games. "what are you doing?" she asked the one nearer to her.

  •  anyone can be the kit she's talking to! "speech"
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    abandond kit, brindlekit found mysteriously on the border of riverclan, with no memory of how she ended up there. she is 2 moons. she is very small for her age, but is healthy. she is a dilute tortoiseshell with a white throat and chest. her stomach, paws and tail tip are also white. her eyes are golden and round. penned by Twitchtail, 
Foxkit sat a short distance from the other kits. He hardly noticed their roughhousing, and so hadn't asked to join in. Wobbly paws often left him quickly defeated in rougher games, and he crouched near the lapping water's edge, bent forward over several shiny beetles. He stared wide-eyed at their iridescent wings, glimmering and changing color under the bright sun. The six legged creatures moved slowly, catching onto small streams of water and drifting further away.

With a squeak of alarm, Foxkit shot out one small red paw and gingerly guided the bugs back towards him. He didn’t want them to go yet! Not while he was still studying them. He was so engrossed in staring at the bugs that he barely even heard Brindlekit’s question. It took him a moment to register what she had said, ears twitching back slightly to listen, and then forward again as he paused.

“What am I doing?” he echoed as he finally realized she had been speaking to him. “I’m just…looking at these beetles. I think they’re pretty, don’t you? I wonder where they’re going.”
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hm. bugs were certainly interesting to watch. pretty wasn't exactly something that had crossed her young mind. they scuttled around, curious in their empty minds. mere survival being their only objective. seemed peaceful. "i guess. though they are mindless. looking for food, probably," she mewed.

brindlekit's eyes scanned over foxkit, already bored of the bugs. other cats were much more interesting. they held complexity. "i like your white patch," she hummed, referring to the splash of brightness on his nose.

  •  "speech"
  • 1b1525b12b0c93ddd7c8a44d39a6bccb.jpg
    abandond kit, brindlekit found mysteriously on the border of riverclan, with no memory of how she ended up there. she is 2 moons. she is very small for her age, but is healthy. she is a dilute tortoiseshell with a white throat and chest. her stomach, paws and tail tip are also white. her eyes are golden and round. penned by Twitchtail, 
Foxkit continued gazing at the insects, a small hum escaping him as Brindlekit suggested that they were likely searching for food. "Maybe," he mused quietly. "Or suppose they have their own little bug world going on down there. We'd never know. They probably talk to each other in bug. I wonder where they live...surely not out in the open like this. Birds and stuff would eat 'em. I wonder if beetles have camps out there somewhere."

He looked up at Brindlekit again, a smile cracking his features as she complimented his white nose spot. "Thank you!" he chirped. "I like your white spots too."
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"Beetles?" Came the inquisitive tone of Algaekit as she padded up to her adoptive brother, eyes aglitter like young gaze laced themselves in gilt, ardor of morning that peppered naive youth. Brindlekit was a much more unfamiliar face, though both she and Algaekit harbored the same coloration, only differing in the manner in which spots sprinkled upon their pelt. The strange never bothered Algaekit, and she often wandered headfirst into the abyss of the unknown, if only to satiate the knelling curiosity that echoed deep within her. "They're part of Beetleclan. It's a secret clan full of beetles. They fight with Butterflyclan and Antclan." He mewed with such verity that it was as if he had talked to the insects himself, though it had been honeyed in his rounded fantasies, for it was what the beetle's shuffling movements had communicated to him. Urgency, did the ever-constant movements of time dwell upon the smaller and faster kind. With the certainty in his voice, he might as well have believed in his fabrications himself. The wild-furred kitten trailed around so that she could see the bugs, carapace a mere flicker of sunshot light upon the ground, though even the littlest creatures had a story to sell. Perhaps Brindlekit saw them only as mindless beasts, but Algaekit liked to believe that the energy of life flowed through each and every thing, an animation even to the dead and destitute.

  • OOC:
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  • —— ALGAEKIT / He/She / 3 Moons
    —— Kitten of Riverclan / Sibling to Redkit and Rivuletkit / Mentored by N/A
    —— A wiry, wild-furred blue tortoiseshell with high white and freckle-like spotting. Brilliant yellow eyes, like twin molten suns.
    —— Chaotic, obsessive and strange, Algaekit is a weirdly refreshing character to encounter amongst the sea of her dutiful kin. Beset by nature and her patterns, he is quick to connect the dots even when no such connection truly exists. Somewhat easy to befriend, provided that one can handle his bluntness and honesty at times.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.

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