private hot naps & fever dreams ♡ chilled

humidity of day pools easily into the long stretches of night making sleeping comfortably almost impossible, the air is thick and stagnent with damp heat which sticks like a burr against geckoscreech's skin making her shift constantly within her nest in attempts to find a happy medium but it proves to be futile. the warrior eventually gives up with an irritated huff, settling for a half-splayed out position as she shifts her focus towards the entrance of the den where silvery moonlight spills passed hanging roots and illuminates most of the entryway and if she focused long enough she could spot an occasional blip of light passing by. a firefly.

no longer able to fall back asleep, geckoscreech finally decides to escape the stuffiness of the den but not without pressing a chestnut nose against the ebony ear of a slumbering leader before doing so. it's unfortunate that the mugginess of outside is no different than what it was inside with the only relief being the slight coolness provided by the mire beneath dainty paws. the clearing is barren of any movement at the moment with exception being the half-asleep guard sitting by the entrance who would jolt a bit to keep from succumbing to sleep entirely. a slow exhale escapes from slightly parted jaws, geckoscreech is once again alone with only her tangled thoughts to keep her company or atleast she believes so until soft steps reach twitching audits that turn slightly towards the source that happened to be behind her.

"sorry, did all my moving about earlier wake you love?" words are spoken in quiet apologetics as her crown moves to peek over her shoulder.


  • ✎ my apologies if theres any mistakes i wrote this half-asleep—
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  • Love

they're sleeping, sure, but they're not resting. their body only slightly twitches back and forth– not nearly as much as their mate's– unease rising in their chest like that of a wave that seemed to come back over and over. their face scrunched ever so slightly, claws slowly kneading their nest, and yet they barely move all the same. the gently press of a nose to their ear makes them slowly blink their gaze open, just in time to catch geckoscreech walking out. they yawned, staring as they tried to gather a full consciousness, before standing up and following the other out. the night air never fails to relax then, as they breathe in and out. they brush against the rosetted patterned molly, settling beside her with a gentle smile on their face.

"of course not, my darling. it was time for me to wake, anyways."

they insisted. there was truth to the words, but also not. they weren't sure they planned to get up around this time exactly but... an early start is better than a late one. and besides– it gives chilledstar time to just be around geckoscreech.

"couldn't sleep, hm? what's got you so worried?"

they ask, gently brushing against her again, but not without a few licks to soothe her bed head.

geckoscreech sinks easily into the touch provided by chilledstar, helm dipping slightly downwards to press a narrowed muzzle against their own as an affectionate purr thrums from within her chest. nights similar to this one remind her of the moments where the two would slip away from camp to gallivant across the territory, basking in one anothers company with the only listeners being the stars themselves. chilledstar's gentle inquiry causes the older woman pull back slightly, uncertainty flickering behind pools of aquamarine as if trying to decide whether it'd be a good idea to come forward with the truth about her restless thoughts or sweep it beneath the undergrowth to fester a little longer.

being open, even with someone she loved, had become increasingly difficult these last few moons and she almost always opted to push it away and busy herself with other things so it could be forgotten for another day but how many times can she keep doing that before it all comes crashing down? a slender tail flicks once, twice before it comes to intertwine with plumed ebony. "all my life i've always followed a linear path, never straying too far from what i know and never once have i thought about changing it because it served me well so far." she begins speaking in a soft mummer. "when i stepped down it gave me a moment to reflect and come to realize, what exactly do i have to show for myself? if i were to die the very next day, who would truly mourn? will the clan remember me fondly when the newer generation asks or will i become just another passing thought? i'm not getting any younger either. . ." paws would curl deeper the soft earth creating a small imprint, there was more that she wanted to bring up like her strained relationship with ribbitleap and how that's been affecting her but she found the words were beginning to get clogged inside her throat. it was a sensitive subject that always brought her near tears just thinking about it.

  • ✎ late reply sorry ^^;
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