ripple colony hot wings ( i wanna party ) — hunting [ intro ] ripple colony

die with memories , not dreams .
The smoked tabby sighed, stalking further, gaze lingering on his fellow felines, the air thick, choking the bi-colored tom. He had traveled further in search of food at dusk, just before the sun had risen from its slumber to grace them with its appearance, now returning to catching sight of the sun hanging low in the sky, kissing the horizon. I’ve been away longer than I realized. He thought, whiskers twitching in thought.

In his maw, Kaede carried two relatively alright rabbits, dropping them in a silent offering to anyone who was peckish. His mismatched optics lay heavily on their destroyed camp, adrenaline coursing through his veins as he mulled over what to do with the rest of his time, ignoring the rumble of his stomach.

He could see his father close to where he stood, watching him with a seething expression. Kaede stared at the other, nostrils flaring in challenge, optics narrowed. Just as he made his way towards his father, the older brute whipped around, stalking away from his only disappointment.

Kaede sighed, pausing his steps to watch his father, face every so blank but the hurt swirled deep within his gut. Was he hungry? No. That couldn’t possibly be it. Was he coming down with something? “Odd.” He muttered. Why was he feeling such … odd things whenever he saw his father?
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The sun dips below the horizon, but Sunny’s paws remain as restless as they were when it’d first risen. Pacing throughout the camp— their home away from home, even if it still doesn’t quite feel like home to the chimera just yet— and looking for something productive to do: asking if everyone’s had something to eat today, checking nests for stale moss… Anything is better than sitting around and worrying over the receding river. Or worse, giving into the razor-sharp fangs of grief for those lost in the flood that’s embedded in his heart.

His own growling stomach is ignored. Until everyone else fills their bellies, he could deal with the pangs of hunger; that’s how it’s always been.

Kaede passes by with two rabbits, a decent catch that Sunny mutters an appreciative, good work to. (Though, with the stress of the river slowly drying up combined with the lingering homesickness that pulls his features down into a near-permanent scowl nowadays, the compliment doesn’t seem enthusiastic in the slightest.)

Sunny’s content in letting their interaction end there, until Kaede mutters, odd. The curly-furred tom pauses in his tracks, one paw suspended in the air mid-step. “Huh?” His voice, riddled with sudden confusion, rises as he whirls back around to face Kaede once more. Was he talking to me? Already, he can feel the defensive bristling along his spine. What did Kaede find so odd about Sunny that he felt the need to point it out?

But Kaede wasn’t even looking in Sunny’s direction. The other tom’s dual-toned eyes are focused solely on the retreating figure of another… Kaede’s father, if Sunny recalls correctly. His curly fur returns to lying flat and his scowl falters, replaced with a bemused expression; lips slightly parted and a brow raised. The way that the older tom stalks off with his tail tip flicking behind him betrays anything other than pleasure. However, what Kaede’s father is ticked off about, Sunny hasn’t a clue… Aside from the colony’s current predicament, but Kaede has nothing to do with that. Odd is right; Sunny would expect a parent to congratulate their kit on a catch. Or, hell, say anything to them, at the very least.

Then again, Kaede’s father never seemed to be pleased with Kaede’s mere existence. Unfathomable to Sunny is how a parent could ever hold anything other than love for their children. They didn’t even deserve to call themselves parents.

What stick did you put up his rear-end?” Sunny comments, tearing his gaze away from Kaede’s father to look up at the other chimera. There’s the sharpness of critical judgment in his blue eyes, but none of it is for Kaede, despite his sarcastic inquiry.
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Father's. Bleck! She had never seen such a sorry excuse of a father like Kaede's. Her own father, the one that had raised her was quite terrible. He didn't hold a candle to Kaede's though, which she wasn't sure was a good thing to be saying. Like, now welcoming the winner for the shittiest father award~. Yeah, 10/10 worst award to even think of much less give. Unlike Kaede, her issues with her father were solved by one thing. Death. Her father had died during the flood and... The point is. He wasn't an issue anymore. If you asked her about him, well... Don't. The history she had with that tom was a rocky one and she was not going to be processing it anytime soon. She made a promise to him and she was going to keep it.

She trails behind Sunny, scoffing at where Kaede's father had previously been. Kaede is by no means a terrible hunter or fighter within the colony. Here they were struggling, yet Kaede brought not one but two rabbits! Rabbits were a pain especially when you wanted to conserve energy. Those things could run, so the fact that Kaede was able to catch them was spectacular. However, she could relate. When she was younger her father forced her to fight him and let's just say it was ugly. Her father wanted her to become the strongest, so she isn't sure if that's the case for Kaede's father. She had seen them once or twice together, but who knows if their father's were friends?

"Or maybe he's always had a stick stuck in there," she snickers. What? Sue her for making a joke to try and make Kaede feel a bit better! So she says, but she's not the greatest at comforting someone. In fact, she has the urge to go catch three rabbits because there's no way she's gonna let Kaede do everything on his own. Let her pull her own weight! "Your dad's lame Kaede. You brought two rabbits back, what more could he want? It's not like he brought anything today. Heh, you think that's it? Feeling shown up by his kid?" Why do they have to be such a pain? Honestly I wonder if it'll kill them to say I love you or something. Ugh, fathers...
die with memories , not dreams .
He blinked unhurriedly, head cocked, bobbing in acknowledgment, pride churning deep in his gut at the compliment, overshadowing the pain that continued to fester as his father pulled further away. He knew as much as anyone that Kaede was a disappointment, but the outright display made the unexpressive tom frown. Did I not bring enough? Perhaps he should have stayed out longer, ignoring the claws of hunger as he hunted through the night. Would that make him proud?

It was no secret that Kaede strove to make his father proud, losing so much, it was the least he could do, if not more. Always seeking those who need help, ignoring his own needs like he was now, stomach humming in reminder he hadn’t eaten since last night. Maybe I am just hungry.

Kaede was pulled out of his thoughts, leaning forward quizzedly, dual-optics narrowing, looking for a stick. “I did?” He turned, optics wide. When did I do that? “Wouldn’t that hurt—” At Sasha’s remark, Kaede couldn’t help but worry. “Where is it? Did it go far? I don’t … see any sticks.” He always tipped forward, his larger frame stumbling until he gained his balance.

The bi-colored tom blinked, head cocked, staring blankly at the feline. “I should have stayed out … I could have brought more.” He mumbled, staring at the two rabbits he managed to catch. “I was gone before daybreak.” Glancing up. “He expected more.” He shrugged. It was the perfect excuse for the evident disappointment. It made sense.

His father always expected more. Become the perfect son. He’d say when Kaede failed, staring him down with beady eyes, sneering as the bi-colored male struggled, dehydrated.

Of course, he never did become the perfect son. Kaede didn’t mind. It made for some ... questionable interactions when he introduced himself as a major disappointment.

“...Shown up?” Kaede didn’t want to show up anyone. “Should I apologize?” He wasn’t good at apologies. Most thought he wasn’t sincere, believing he was making a fool out of them. “Should I smile this time?” He didn’t want to get slapped again. He wondered if he could catch up to him now before the black-furred brute vanished.
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the scent of fresh kill was quick to enter her senses, made her mouth water. her blue gaze trailed around, finally finding kaede with two impressive catches. rabbits were never an easy kill, quick and agile with a knack for giving a nasty kick. she rose to her paws to go congratulate the hunt when they began to walk towards someone. turning to look she noticed his father shooting an angry glare just before storming off.

north usually prided herself on viewing all colony members equally, even the most prickly of the group bore a special place in her heart. however, the mottled feline's father showed time and time again he was bad for his child. she could not respect that, hell she barely even considered him a member. it was a shame that they lost good, deserving cats to the flood that wrecked their home only for ungrateful ones to take their place. the memory of her own family sparked up, kind and capable individuals swept up by the icy depths. it just wasn't fair.

"no. you were gone all day, brought back more than he has in a week." anger drove her words out, tail twitching behind her. "the one apologizing should be him. you have done nothing wrong." and it was true. she did not know a world where this could even be perceived as a bad thing. "you've done more than earn your meal. leave him to wallow in his own self pity."
"You had a productive day!" Goldfish's loud meow trills from where she stands from her previous loafing position, her attention being stolen from a colony member she had been chatting the evening away with. "Two whole rabbits! I'm jealous! Say, next time you go out, can you take me too? Pretty pleaaaase? Maybe your skill will rub off on me too. Can you teach me?" her lips turn upwards in a grin as she seemingly sizes the rabbits up. Foul creatures of the lands, she shall smite them where she stands! And then she'll bring back yummy looking, fire-scorched rabbits back for all of the colony!

Ok. Maybe she couldn't control lightning, but it was nice wishful thinking.

"A smile doesn't hurt anyone at all, I think it'd be nice to smile more! But North's right, I think he should apologize to you! I can go talk to him for you, uh huh!" she offers to Kaede, quite unhelpfully oblivious to the situation at hand. But then again... When is she not? Social cues were not her thing. Eyes flit to each member currently present: North, to Kaede, Sunny and Sasha. "Why'd he expect more from you? I think two," she sits on her haunches and holds up her two front paws, waving them around, as if it were emphasis to her words. "TWO big, big, big rabbits are super cool! I didn't see him come back with anything, nuh uh." she echoes North's sentiments.
She opens her maw, dumbfounded at how clueless Kaede could be sometimes. "Kaede. Buddy, it's an expression. We're just saying that he's uptight and a jerk. There's no sticks." Not yet. She found him strange. His father treated him horribly and yet he didn't make a quip about it or decide enough is enough. Although, she supposed it would be difficult if your dad was strong in more ways than one and overly present. At the mention of getting more, she was beginning to become cross with Kaede. Not because he was at fault, but because your stupid head ugh. You got enough! If I need to claw you brains out for you to understand that, then I'll do it! Before she could even dare of doing such a thing, North swoops in and saves Kaede's life.

She moves her neck side to side to calm herself as North says what she means in a more gentle manner. Goldfish decides to join them, guess like a party was happening with the way they were gathered. She remained silent considering Goldfish was boosting or attempting to boost Kaede's spirits. However, she would butt in after Goldfish mentioned teaching. "How's about we hold a contest? Tomorrow, whoever brings back the most food is the best hunter of us all! We need food and it's hard to come by, but why not make it a game? The winner gets bragging rights." It's not much of a prize, but it's not like the colony had much in the first place. All they could offer as a reward was some neat things they found in their new home or flowers.

Oof. Yeah no, someone as puny as Goldfish wouldn't be able to handle Kaede's sorry excuse of a father. It would be amusing to see, but it's not like others haven't tried it alright. The dude's dad was just a sucky guy, no other way around it! On the topic of reading the room... She turns her head towards Goldfish and rolls her eyes, "No point in that. His dad would rather die than apologize, 'sides I doubt he wants to hear it from you. Waste of time, all you're gonna get is a grown cat scowling and yelling at you." As much as Kaede deserved to be treated better, his father was one stubborn mule. How many times did his dad get scolded by the elders? The tom never listened though, always wanting to do things his own way. That's something we share though. Dang. Yeah, I don't wanna think about it.

Clearly Goldfish wasn't here from the beginning and they would have to give her the rundown of what happened. If she was expecting some revelation of why, yeah... That wasn't happening. "His dad's a jerk. The guy's never happy about anything." That's not really the answer that Goldfish was looking for, but what else did she want? Sasha herself had no clue why exactly his father had high expectations. Sure, their fathers were alike, but their expectations were different. Her father wanted her to become strong to ensure the well being and safety of their colony. As for Kaede's father... Who knows. Maybe he was hoping for Kaede to lead this colony or something. Which news flash bozo, they didn't have a leader. Elders were the closest thing to it.
TAGS — The sun setting without all of the Ripple Colony back safe and sound has been a weird sort of stressor for Tempest lately. As if the rag-tag group of cats might be taken away from her at any moment, despite them having been in her life for most of it so far. There's nothing to support this concern, no tales of stolen friends taken away from them too soon that spring to mind, nope, no flood and nothing else. Just ... the remnants of the colony, and the receding river. And the shadows stretching across their little camp, light shrinking with missing cats still trapped within...

The little smoke takes a shuddering breath and shakes out her pelt. Anyway! Kaede's home, which gives Tempest reason for a little sigh of relief ... but his dad's being weird again, and the mood is noticeably gloomier than it should be for a cat who brought back two huge rabbits. They may be average sized rabbits, but as a cat who tentatively likes fish the most, Tempest thinks the rabbits he's returned home with are wonderful. Joining the little group clustered around poor Kaede, Tempest finds herself next to Goldfish.

"He is really mean, isn't he?" She echoes Sasha's thoughts, wrinkling her nose conspiratorially towards the older she-cat. What was he, an elder? Not even close, the elders were categorically old, and--


Mostly to herself, Tempest titters a disbelieving purr as something clicks into place. Does Kaede's dad think he's one of the elders already? Just because he has an adult kit doesn't make him old old, not like Ol' Blue or Pepper. Those two at least had proper experience behind them. Clearing her throat as eyes turn towards her, Tempest bounces on her toes awkwardly and chirps, "Goldy's right! You made some great catches today Kaede, this could feed half the colony."
die with memories , not dreams .
Oh. He didn’t expect so many to gather, blinking owlishly at the others, confusion swirling within his dual-toned optics. “Oh. Okay.” He nodded dumbly, staring at North, gaze ever so … not present. He would have to ask his father when the male wasn’t … stomping off to wherever he goes ... how did North put it? Wallow in his self-pity.

An odd phrasing. Kaede never saw his father in that light, but it was … funny to think about. “Thank you?” Should he be thanking North? He didn’t do much. All he did was bring back prey. It wasn’t … impressive by any means. He was sure others would have better luck, not shrouded in bad luck that seemed to follow Kaede wherever he went, or that’s what his father said.

Dual-toned optics blinked unhurriedly, staring down at Goldfish, offering a meek nod. “Okay.” “But I don’t have—” Skills. If he spoke anymore, someone would hit him silly if he finished that. Blinking owlishly, Kaede nodded mutely.

“Like this?” He made an attempt, lips wobbly, looking more murderous than anything. Maybe I should make it bigger? With that thought, Kaede’s mouth was going numb. Ouch. Sighing, Kaede smoothed his expression, cheeks puffing subtly. “Is smiling supposed to hurt?”

His attention shifted to the familiar feline, optics curious. “Oh.” It was just an expression? How silly. “Does that mean he has more than one?” He asked theoretically, staring at Sasha who had rambled off about … a contest? “Bragging … rights?” Why would he brag about something .. ? Oh. “...Alright.” He wasn’t sure what he just agreed to, but it couldn’t hurt to find more food for the rest of the colony. They certainly need it.

Without thinking, his body moved to shield Goldfish, close to declining because no Kaede didn’t want anyone to talk to his father if he could help it. He didn’t like how his father acted around the others. Stand-offish and cruel. A broken statement of ‘You’ll cry’ weighed heavily on his tongue when Sasha butted in. Few. He wouldn’t know how to handle a crying cat. Would Goldfish cry? Kaede blinked.

“Mhm.” When had his father smiled last? Perhaps he should—No. Sasha would kill him. “If smiling hurts this much, then … I see why father never does.” He murmured, pressing a paw to his lips. “But yes. Certainly not a son who he finds … disappointing.” He sighed.

“....Thank you.” He offered a tight-lipped smile, one that didn’t make him feel like his lips were splitting open. Pushing the two rabbits toward the group in what he hoped was a friendly gesture. “Eat.” He’d say, nuzzling the still-warm bodies as he padded away from the cluster of cats.
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