private Hounds of love ✶ Orangestar


Make me a bird of prey
Feb 11, 2024

Normally she would take care in passing around puddles left behind by the fresh rain, yet she had something hanging heavy on her mind so she walked straight through the puddles instead of walking around it like normal. She looked heavy in thought, whether she had been delivered the best news of her life or the worst, would depend on the third party's perspective. Earlier today, amidst the company of a large oak tree and a passing Greenleaf shower she had realised that she would like to be mates with Oddgleam and Crowsight. At least, this time she was certain she did, she thought that one starts off at mates the first time she had approached Orangestar over this concern.

She still didn’t know much about love and what the ‘correct’ way to go about this would be, but she was learning. The three of them had been traversing through this unfamiliar terrain together, going about it in their own way. As she trudged through camp and towards the leaders den she carried confidence with her, there was still hesitance in her steps, she was still Owlheart after all. Anxiety and uncertainty were paw in paw with the core of her personality, but these aspects of her had dulled slightly. This time, Owlheart was certain what she wanted, she just didn’t know how to go about it or what to do after making this decision. The ginger tabby’s tail swayed and weaved behind her gently as she stood outside the den, debating momentarily if she should go in and bother her mother right this second about it.

No, this is what she was trying to avoid. She was working on trusting her gut more, doubting every choice in her life was reserved from before she became an apprentice. She’s a warrior now, she needed to have more faith in herself. With the tip of her tail twitching in reaction to the nerves she was trying to swallow she peered her head into the den before walking into it. With a sweeping look once she was inside to look for a familiar white and ginger pelt, a wide smile beaming when she recognised her. The smile was wobbly, clearly nervous but that was a common expression for her youngest daughter.

“Hi mum- is this a bad time? Do you have a moment?” She asked with a tilt to her head, it didn’t dawn on her that this is how the last time she spoke to her regarding her confusing love life started too. Wide eyes stared at her mother for a moment as she tried to gather her thoughts together. She had a habit of just speaking without thinking, often leaving her a fumbling and stuttering mess. It was clear that she was worried about coming across that way, a paw digs at the ground below her. Nothing to break the dirt more so just tracing a paw over it, grimacing as it became slightly muddy due to her wet paws.

“I’ve been thinking. I know I asked this before but how do you know when you’re ready to be mates with someone?” She felt very proud of herself that she didn’t trip over a single word, even if her voice did sound a little shaky. There was intent to try and read what her mothers expression was telling her, was this a bad idea? She said that she was too young to think about mates last time and she wasn’t sure if that idea was still prevalent. “I… I know that I want this, I really love them. I just don’t know how I’m supposed to go about this? That’s if they would even want to- I just need help. I don’t know what to do and you’re smart so I thought you may know what to do.” Despite her strong start she had lost herself to the tide of rambling once again, some habits were just too hard to break.

@Orangestar (takes place after this thread)
  • Love
Reactions: mercibun
"Always, for you." It's the same thing she tells all her kits (except maybe Tawnyclaw who doesn't often grace her with his presence anymore), beckoning Owlheart into her den. She's struck by familiarity as her daughter dips under the holly twigs, joining Orangestar amidst the two nests that occupy the space. Orangestar invites her close, setting her nose briefly atop ginger fur, and fights a flash of concern over the wobble in the warrior's voice as she speaks her mind.

The leader inhales a slow, careful breath as her daughter broaches the topic of mateship. The last time Owlheart had come to her about this, she'd been pining for two of her denmates; Orangestar had sent her on her way padding after them. She's surprised that the young warriors haven't confessed to each other outright ... and she's touched that Owlheart has come back to ask her advice on the matter. Orangestar hasn't ever felt that she is the one to ask. She would have pointed Owlheart in the direction of Ashenclaw, were he still around; but even now, she still remembers the confrontation-turned-confession of her former mate.

Brown eyes dip, to the empty nest by the den entrance. Her throat tightens. Turning her attention back to her daughter, and not the second inhabitant of her den who is not her mate (it would be easier, would it not?), her attention sharpens to a point before relaxing a little once more. Orangestar stifles a purr, amusement turning to a mild exasperation as she shoves Slate from her mind once more.

"You ask, Owlheart. You're a warrior now, and you can make this choice. You can't force them to say yes-" she adds, eyes narrowing thoughtfully- "but if your heart - that wonderful heart you were named for - says to pursue them ... then you have my blessing to try." Whether that blessing came from Owlheart's leader or her mother, Orangestar would leave up to her daughter.

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | eight lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — single ; mentoring springpaw & ashpaw
    — speech is in #F18C47
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.


Perception was something that Owlheart prides herself on, while she's not the best at reading her clan-mates by any means she at least knew to pick on their surroundings. All those sunrises spent cat watching around the camp had to have been for something after all. In this moment it seems that it has, she watches her mothers eyes dip down to the nest that Owlheart presumed wasn't her own.

Something clicks in her mind, while she wasn't one to partake in gossip she did keep an ear out for it. Rumours of Orangestar and Slate both sleeping in the leaders den was a hot topic around camp, it seemed that the gossip had only further sparked when moons have passed and their situation remains the same. Buried so deep in thought she barely hears what her mother says, temporarily distracted from her original point of being here. She blinks at her, surprise blending into a beaming smile as she finally registers what she said. She hoped that the blessing came from the point of her mother, not that she would be unhappy if Orangestar the leader had given it. There was always a part of her that sought the familial side though, no matter how much formality she held.

“Thank you mum. Is it… supposed to be this scary? Asking, I mean. I'm terrified” She's unaware of the fact that her mother hadn't been the one to approach Ashenclaw, nor is she aware of the current situation with Slate. In her mind Orangestar had to have been the one for initiative, that was mostly due to her inherent bias as her daughter. In her eye the SkyClan leader had always been one to take charge, a strong woman who knew what was right at all times. That was before she was bestowed the star moniker too, Orangeblossom was to those same standards.

There is something that tugs at her as she listens to her mothers answer. Unable to shake the fact that those brown eyes sought a nest that wasn't her own. “I hope this isn't a rude question” her mouth ran without the restraint she liked to uphold once more. Once she realised she had opened this pathway she couldn't really close it could she? “Do you- Are you and Slate mates?” It's an innocent question asked with the usual sincerity that the ginger tabby carries. “I'm happy for you if so, if I'm wrong- then do you like him? Or am I up the wrong tree?” She adds on in quick succession, trying to provide an out if she has misread the situation entirely.
  • Wow
Reactions: Orangestar
Owlheart seems a little happier for their discussion, a little lighter, and Orangestar relaxes in turn. Good. Concern still sits weightily upon her muzzle as she regards the young warrior, the nervous twitch of Owlheart's ears and the fine tremble in her meow. In a rare show of affection Orangestar rasps her tongue across her kit's ears, reaching up to do so. Owlheart is one of the taller in her litter, a little more of a reach to smooth down ginger fur in a soothing way.

"You care about them. Of course you'd be scared; any cat would be." StarClan knows Orangestar herself would have been, had she been the one to approach any of her potential mates. Quiet settles between them, but the distinct kind of quiet that belies an incoming question. Orangestar pulls away curiously to regard Owlheart, ears twitching forward as a gesture to go on. A rude question? That's unlike Owlheart, what question could be rude-


"Ah- uhm. Ahem."

Her heart seizes, any words she might have had immediately drying on her tongue. Thank StarClan Slate isn't here to hear the question, or to see the immediate unravelling of his leader over it, as the realisation she'd had in the middle of the night rushes back to her in full force. The way she still loved them ... the way she still loved him. Her throat feels dry, blood pounding in her ears.

"No, I ... we aren't, no." It's flimsy, distracted, but not a lie. It feels like one, though they've never spoken on the topic. She feels like her ears are on fire, angling backwards briefly. Orangestar closes her eyes for a breath, a futile attempt to school her thoughts and emotions back into line, and sweeps her tail around her paws so that Owlheart does not see her mother shuffle them like an apprentice.

"Owlheart. Are ... you sure you'd be ha- would be comfortable with the idea, if I had said yes?" She omits the answer on her own feelings, instead reaching for an answer of her own from her youngest kit. It's tentative, guarded. As if their roles were reversed, though Orangestar would never place the weight of motherhood stop her kit's shoulders. It's been long enough now, though, that she can ask.

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | eight lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — single ; mentoring springpaw & ashpaw
    — speech is in #F18C47
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.


A quiet purr rumbles from Owlheart, happy and content in this moment with her mother. She craned her head down a little bit so that Orangestar didn't have to reach up too high. There was a moment of peace here, letting herself enjoy this rare show of affection. There was comfort in this, easing the last of her worries at this moment.

That was what brought her into questioning, never one to shy away from asking questions especially not in this situation. She always felt safe enough around her mother to ask anything no matter how silly or deemed rude it could be. While Owlheart didn't know what reaction she was expecting it was safe to say that she wasn't expecting her mother to be at a loss for words at first.

Jaws part to stammer out an apology for overstepping but her mother beats her to speaking. It was strange to see her normally calculated mother be so caught off guard like this. Her head tilts as she examines her, in a brief moment losing the formality and treating her like a clan-mate rather than her mother and leader. “You aren't? Okay, I'm sorry for assuming-” she cuts herself off flustering in embarrassment. The ginger tabby shuffled uncomfortably as she tried to figure out a way to get herself out of the hole she has seemed to dig.

Orangestars question ceases her digging, gazing back at her mother from the spot on the floor that she had been inspecting. “Would I be comfortable?” She parrots back with a slow blink, would it matter if she was comfortable? Was she? Slate wasn't a cat that she had a lot of contact with, if her mother was after a judgement of character then she wasn't sure if she could give an accurate one; surely Cherryblossom would know better. He was grumpy, a little mean at times but he's always been by Orangestar's side. She remembers how he was by her side when they returned from the patrol with those foxes... Despite his own injuries he was by the SkyClan leader's side guiding her to the medicine den.

To her knowledge he seemingly volunteered to guard her den, or maybe Orangestar asked? She couldn’t really see her mother doing that though. He seemed to volunteer to do a lot for her mother. She would feel comfortable if she had said yes because she had hoped that Slate would be able to keep her mother safe- not that she needed protection or anything. A long silence and a thoughtful expression melts into another beaming smile.

She gives a curt but enthusiastic nod, at least as enthusiastic as Owlheart could give. “Yeah, I'd be comfortable with the idea. I think he's good to you, if it would make you happy though I'd be comfortable no matter what.” There's a pause before she adds on “so if your answer ever becomes yes then I'm happy for you and you'd have my blessing” she mirrors her mothers earlier words with a light laugh. Owlheart didn't really think that her blessing was needed but it felt right to say.