HOUSE OF AMERICAN STYLE [ ✦ ] thunderclan dusk patrol

He is a lead warrior now. Something he had always strived for but was not expecting so soon, so early on into his training. And he had an apprentice. Albeit one who was close in age to him, but still. It felt like such a huge leap in responsibilities to suddenly be these two things all at once. A mentor and a trusted member of his grandmothers council.

"I’m sure your previous mentor has taught you all about SkyClan as well as the other clans?" he asks, raising an eyebrow in Falconpaw’s direction. The tom was old enough that there should be not too much left for Burnstorm to teach, at this stage it was all about refining those hunting and fighting skills. A part of him is glad that someone has already laid down the ground work for him but another, smaller part is disappointed. It would be rewarding to have a kit to train from the ground up, to mould and guide and teach. Falconpaw was a good cat though. The son of his own mentor. It was just strange to be in charge of someone who, up until a couple of moons ago, he used to share a den with.

He looks back at the rest of his patrol. Mousenose and Sandthorn. A part of him feels bad for the yellow-furred warrior. Hollow Tree, his aunt, had been like a mother to her. He can’t imagine how difficult that must be. His own mother was somewhere far away, and even that hurt. And then there was Mousenose. Supposedly her and Lightstrike had something going on between them before he had left but he wonders about the truth of such a statement. They would find out soon enough when the journey cats returned.

"Here we are, remember if we see any SkyClan cats… be civil" ’Let the past stay in the past Burnstorm’ he reminds himself, taking in a deep breath as he goes to mark ThunderClans side of the border. Internally, he prays that they don’t run into anyone at all. That would be a small miracle wouldnt it?

  • ooc : — patrol tags : @FALCONPAW. @MOUSENOSE @sandthorn

  • he / him
    thunderclan lead warrior
    single ; crushing on roeflame

    - - Burnstorm is a hot headed tom who, above all, loves his clan and his family. He cares deeply and passionately for those closest to him and is one of the most loyal friends a cat could have. Because of his half-kitttypet heritage, Burnstorm is always hard at work, believing that he has to put in twice the amount of effort a normal cat does in order to prove himself as a worthy clan member
    ISTJ-T 'the logistican'

    - - a large, black furred tom with golden eyes
    toyhouse [ ]

    skilled fighter and decent hunter
    LITTLE WOLF X BLAZESTAR ; sibling to Fireflypaw, Howlfire, Morningpaw, Moonwhisper, Duskpaw and Skypaw

Poor Falconpaw, Mousenose thinks, padding behind Burnstorm and alongside Sandthorn. She couldn’t imagine being trained by someone only a few moons her senior. She struggles hard enough to obey orders from warriors many moons her superior—how would she ever take a cat as young as Burnstorm seriously? She likes him just fine, but he’s not her peer anymore. Lead warrior, with the blood of two leaders in his veins. She wonders, with a smile, how Moonwhisper feels about his promotion.

No need to remind me,” she mews cheekily to the dark-pelted tom. “I’ll be so friendly, they’ll want to give us all their prey!” She rubs her tufted cheek against a berry bush.

  • mousekit . mousepaw . mousenose
    — she/they, warrior of thunderclan
    — pansexual ; single
    — long-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai

Sparrowsong's paws were weary as they trailed behind their patrol, head unusually low. Sick warriors, warriors on the journey, rogue theft, kits and queens... no matter how hard they worked, it just wasn't enough anymore. Constant patrols, border and hunting both, and yet they hardly got to settle down for half a mouse when the sun set for the night.

The weight they had lost from their battle with yellowcough had never been regained, not with the shortage of prey. Leaner than ever, their short pelt did nothing to hide the ribs protruding from their sides, and it wouldn't be long before their Clanmates were about the same. They felt self-conscious, ugly almost, but it was all they could do to try not to think about it.

Brushing themself against tree after tree, Sparrowsong only paused when the scent of ThunderClan grew stronger, suggesting a patrol was near. Head raising, gray eyes searched. They recognized Burnstorm, Blazestar's son and a dark mirror of the flame-pointed leader, as well as the tortoiseshell... even if they didn't quite remember her name. Wordlessly, they lifted their tail in greeting.



Pollenpaw knows that things are... kinda weird with ThunderClan, but the specifics are a bit fuzzy. A lot tends to go over her head, and not many are keen on discussing political drama with an apprentice fresh out of the nursery. She's almost certain it has something to do with Blazestar, though. But what could it be? Maybe it's some Great Battle drama from long before she was born. All sorts of crazy stuff probably happened back then! Her brainstorming devolves into fantasy as she trots along with the rest of the patrol, imagining herself tearing through enemies like the fearsome feline she absolutely isn't. The visual is almost funny, and she smiles to herself while staring at the ground ahead of her instead of actually scent-marking anything.

That is, until Sparrowsong abruptly pauses in front of her; she just barely manages to avoid walking straight into them, stumbling back a mouse length in the process. "Oop!" The vocalization slips out automatically. Newly aware of her surroundings, ThunderClan's presence suddenly wrests her attention, drawing the little tabby closer with a wide-eyed, unabashed stare. "Hi!" she greets in stark contrast to her silent companion. "How's your guys' day been?"

  • POLLENPAW she/her, apprentice of skyclan, five moons
    little cream tabby with folded ears, low white, and big green eyes
    friendly, silly, playful, adventurous, tactless, oblivious, forgetful
    mottledove x stormy; sister of aspenpaw and pipitpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by mercurial@mercuriial on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


The last time Twitchbolt had seen Thunderclanners on their border, it had been after Howlingstar had trawled a bloodied Brightpaw home, and he'd shuddered with rage at the sight of it. Though he still quivered, an ever-present affliction, he was decidedly less angry this time. A crooked tail beckoned Doompaw toward him, knowing it was best to keep a close eye on his whirling spitfire of an apprentice before he flung himself over the border at a minor misstep. "Save your aggression for- for any rogues," he told the calico tom before striding a little closer to the Thunderclanners.

Wide eyes of olive-flecked-amber stuttered from face to face. There was a calico, a golden she-cat and a snow-flecked brown tabby he didn't recognise, but the hulking shadow of a tom leading the way he did know. If only for his thick pelt, his resemblance to Blazestar, and the fact he'd seen him when time had been split between ThunderClan and SkyClan... Twitchbolt knew that was Burnstorm. Knew it was Blazestar's son.

It didn't take an idiot to realise that ThunderClanners, one of which Burnstorm undoubtedly was, didn't want to be compared to a Skyclanner. A kittypet, inescapably. Twitchbolt seized for a moment, but ferried on as if nothing happened when he offered the other tom a short nod of greeting. "Hello, buh-Burnstorm." Even for only a brief time, they'd been apprentices together. It was a bygone time now, when loyalty to one place and its importance wasn't at the forefront of anyone's mind. He was grateful for Pollenpaw's skill in small-talk, at least... it seemed he could only dwell on things no-one would ever want to talk about.

\ talking to @DOOMPAW but i know marq is already in this thread lol
penned by pin ✧

be civil, sandthorn couldn't imagine mustering up the energy to be anything but. hollow tree had become a ghost around camp, but now the tabby was gone. vanished when the clan needed healthy warriors more than anything. she didn't want to believe that anything raccoonstripe had insinuated was true, especially when howlingstar had so vehemently shot it down, there wasn't much pointing to any other reasons for the sudden disappearance. no traces of blood, not even a scent trail to follow, it was getting harder to vouch for her innocence.

tufted ears twitched to the cats speaking across the border, to mousenose's jokes, but aside from that she mostly paid no attention to anything besides marking the border.

  • SANDTHORN she/her, warrior of thunderclan, fourteen moons
    sandthorn is a stocky fawn ticked tabby with a golden gaze. born a loner, she was abandoned soon after birth and taken into thunderclan by hollow tree. she is a laid back molly with a good heart and a strong drive to protect her clan, but she does have a hot-headed streak that can coax her into irrational decisions. like most thunderclanner's, she is distrustful of outsiders and committed to her duties.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Walking alongside a lead warrior and a new mentor in one, Falconpaw feels small in comparison to Burnstorm. The older tom was an apprentice only a few months ago, and already he carries the same authority as Falconpaw’s own mother. It makes the cream tabby feel off-balance, even though he understands that logically Burnstorm wouldn’t have been promoted if he wasn’t a good warrior. Perhaps the young lead warrior is the best mentor he could have been reassigned to. He’s a bit startled when the older tom speaks to him directly, hopeless to stop the flinch that tears through him.

Oh no. Is his new mentor going to start asking questions, testing him? Falconpaw tenses, tail flickering nervously as he glances between his mentor and the border. He’d been here many times before, with his old mentor, and it’s strikingly odd to be here without her at his side. That untethered feeling coils in his chest, and the boy casts a nervous glance to the SkyClanners standing on the other side of the border. "Yes, I know about the other clans. SkyClan especially." His mouth snaps shut, feeling more than a bit foolish. SkyClan especially, why would he say that? What if Burnstorm thinks he’s being a know-it-all? "I—I mean, my old mentor taught me about them. She liked coming to this border a lot," he mumbles, trying to fix his mistake. He looks to the SkyClanners once again, hoping that they’re too far away to hear his halfhearted rambling.
[ find me way out there ]

XXXXXMousenose’s tail lifts to mimic the tabby warrior’s in greeting. A little apprentice—new, by the look of her—mewls a friendly greeting. “Hi there! We’re doing fine, thanks.” She purrs with amusement, exchanging glances with the brown tabby beside the younger cat. “Prey running well in SkyClan?” It’s inane, this border talk, but it’s the polite thing to do. Besides, she’d rather be talking than silently marking things with her moody patrol. Falconpaw is nice, but he seems a bit nervous, and Sandthorn and Burnstorm are both too quiet for her tastes. She wishes one of her littermates had been assigned this patrol—they always knew how to have fun.

XXXXXA lead warrior approaches, just as Burnstorm starts quizzing his new apprentice. Mousenose twitches her nose, having just caught a quietly-made comment to a young calico apprentice. “Rogues? Did you say rogues?” They blink owlish green eyes. “Are you guys having issues with them, too?
