camp HOUSE OF HOPE | prompt, changing weather

Life close to the mountains had been fine, but it had provided some challenges that Thornmask would like to forget for the sake of their narrative about the grass being greener there. With his thin fur bristled like a boars, the cold's bite had been felt whenever he was out hunting or exploring, their paws equally nipped having to traverse snow for hours a day. Being in RiverClan during this season was nothing new, except, it was slightly less frigid. The usually sour mood of the fisher seemed to increase tenfold whenever a particularly nasty gale of wind rushed through the camp, the black tabby reaching the point of hissing in indignation at the sky for daring to cross them. Greenleaf was taillengths better than this. Emerald groves as far as the eyes could see, fish practically leaping into one's maw, why, it was almost boring how easy life was when the sun was shining. Still, it paled to the excitement of Leafbare, which was so bad that Thornmask was wondering if they could just obliterate it if they asked the Stars nicely enough (probably not, seeing how utterly useless RiverClan's ancestors seemed to be - saving Smokestar's life wasn't that relevant when they totally let down the geezer before him).

Curled up close to the Warrior's den, the prickly feline let out a sniffle as a snowflake landed upon his sooty nose. "Knew I should've been born a hedgehog," he huffed, half to himself, half to the uninterested creature he saw out the corner of his eye. "What a life that'd be, eh? Eat worms, prick anyone that gets too close, then when you can't be bothered anymore, you can just sleep for moons. Blessed Rat King.... to be a hedgehog would be so mint." A smile appeared on his muzzle, his tail flashing madly behind him. Orange eyes peered into the den behind him briefly, where some Warriors were huddled up for warmth, scowling at his commentary. Right... it wasn't exactly like he'd made friends in RiverClan, truth be told he didn't think he needed them, his lonesome was far less troubling to deal with. "Better than being stuck with you miserable lot. Don't tell me a little bit o' cold's gotcha all hot and bothered has it?"

𓆝 . ° ✦ The uninterested creature in question had no interest in Thornmask's words. Mosspool was certainly not the right audience for his words, as she had never wished to be a hedgehog herself and he had not persuaded her on the matter. "Personally, I vastly prefer being a cat, thank you very much." Her tone was not hostile, just idly disinterested. She did not even bother looking at him, simply stretching as she prepared for her patrol. To her, everything he was saying was nonsense and she saw no need to engage with it. Some of the warriors in the den behind her may have scowled at him, but she was above that. Leaf-bare was going to test them all, and only a unified clan would be able to get through it. Which meant getting along with all her clanmates.

Even the annoying ones.

Mosspool was almost certain that he was one of those, but did not know him well enough yet to be sure. He seemed to keep to himself for the most part, which was his best quality in her mind. As long as he did his job and broke no rules, she had no qualms with him. He was her clanmate. Even if he was a bit of a fool.

At least, that was what she thought until she heard the words "you miserable lot." Though she had been about to set off, she stopped in her tracks to shoot Thornmask a look befitting the icy weather. "This 'little bit o' cold' puts the whole clan in jeopardy, and we all need to work extra hard to make sure every kit and elder stays fed." Mosspool declared with no shortage of self-importance. "You would do well to be a bit more "hot and bothered" about it."
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc: — ic opinions! im sorry my girl is like this
  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.
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He was still a little perplexed on why some of the cats in RiverClan seemed to hate... being in RiverClan. Actually... the chimera thought about it for a second and could name a few major issues he had with it but most of them came from his den-mates, who seemed keen on a very separatist mindset that boxed the young boy out of their social acceptance. Flicking an ear at the suggestion of a hedgehog alternate life, he was actually quite keen on this idea, remembering stories from The Night about creatures that changed shapes, cats that could create ice under paw, heroes that could warm entire burrows with their radiant personalities. Maybe he knew a fable that Valepaw hadn't heard before then?

"My fur's.... warm," he interjects, glancing between the thin, short spikes that decorate his clan-mate compared to the swirling lengths of his own. "Hedgehogs.... are furry?" It didn't seem like a very accurate way to describe those little rodents but... he'd never really seen one himself to know better.​