house of memories | recovering


Nov 11, 2022

Leaving the medicine cat den early is only natural for him. He keeps himself out of Dawnglare's fur so that he can work on those that need it most. Even though he has suffered a lot of wounds from that skirmish, they are not deep and most have closed over. Despite the pain he is a restless old tom and he finds himself not wanting to sit around for too long. So much has happened and he wonders just when will things settle. Flicking his tail back and forth the large tom makes his way up a tree, wincing slightly before he settles down. He needs to take Fierypaw out as well for some hunting and showing the borders. Perhaps that will give some normalcy, something he hopes for and what he craves. Just some time for the clan to be at peace and to focus on their survival during these cold and frozen moons. Finally the large tom moves and he steps along the branch, sharp blue eyes shifting across the ground before he makes his way down. He can forget about his wounds and focus on bringing home prey. Flicking his tail slightly he makes his way down from the tree and into camp he bounds. Glancing around he looks to the apprentice den before calling out.

"Mon apprenti, il est temps de se lever! Fierypaw, we have things to do." He smiles with a good nature as he makes his way forward. Though he hasn't noticed it yet his chest is stained with the blood of a reopened wound. Yet he finds himself feeling just fine and dandy. At least for the moment. Really he has a good plan for the day and he wants to see it through.


Feel free to respond before his apprentice does
There was a definite contingent of cats with whom Finchfang was familiar, those he encountered most often in his day-to-day duties as a warrior. He wouldn't call any of them friends, necessarily - mostly because he wasn't entirely sure what that meant nor if he was capable of making them (aside from Orangeblossom, of course, but she was...different) - but certainly those with whom he was more comfortable and with whom he'd exchanged a few words. Foxgecker was not one of these cats; their paths had not crossed before, likely because of the older warrior's injuries. Thus it was a little bit of a shock when Finchfang spotted a bloodied ginger tom enter camp and begin calling out unfamiliar words, clearly addressing another SkyClanner he had yet to meet. The stranger didn't seem to realize that he was wounded and Finchfang abandoned the work of cleaning grit from between his toes and took a few purposeful paces forward, his hazel eyes bright with concern. "You're bleeding." he said, perhaps unnecessarily, flicking his dark tail towards the bright red smear over Foxgecker's chest. "What happened? Should I fetch Dawnglare?"

Fierypaw had been chatting with his best friend Jackdawpaw when his attention had got drawn over to the entrance of the den when his mentor had called out to him. Uh, what now?. Foxgecker had already left the medicine cat den?. That was great then!. He had been waiting for them to get better so they could continue his training. The apprentice got up, a unoticed smile about to tug upon his lips as he started to make his way over however Finchfang said something that alarmed him to a stop. You're bleeding. It was then he saw the bleeding chest himself. What could have been a smile was now replaced with a deep frown. " You should get back to the medicine cat den like right now." What had his mentor been thinking?!. Only a kit would be this foolish to push themselves when they clearly needed to rest and let their injures heal. With a sigh, the apprentice walked up to his mentor and tried to nudge them to step outside the apprentice den. " Come on, i will take you back." he said with a forced smile, not all too happy about this. Sometimes he wonders who was the apprentice and mentor between the two. Foxgecker seemed to have more of a young spirit than he had sometimes. Still he cared for them and would hate if anything seriously happend to them.


He swore on the stars, some people wished to embrace death. They were mad for it, really. It was the number one thing Twitchpaw sought to avoid, especially in his youth- for obvious reasons. What a stupid waste of his life it'd be now if he died this early? Doing nothing but training, running errands... maybe when you were an adult you started to lay off it a bit. Maybe with age he'd... come to be a little more reckless with life-endangering things?

No. Stupid thought, really- spurred by the scarlet stain upon Foxgekker's chest, one that pulled him over, scrambling paws a brown and white blur below him. "Shit!" he exclaimed, eyes flared with amber-struck panic, the word catapulting from his mouth before he had a second to think about it. A brief glance was cast Fierypaw's way, then Finchfang's, pupils flitting to-and-fro at dizzying speed. "How'd you- why'd you- do that!?" Muddle of breathless words, it was a jumble that fell to a pile at his paws, falling from his tongue as if it had been tied. But he left his question- questions?- aloft in the air, ready to be answered. He expected one, really, with this sort of sight.
penned by pin ✧