pafp house of the rising sun — questions and teachings


fate leads the willing and drags the unwilling
Feb 18, 2023
don't raise your voice . improve your argument .

He’d been minding his business ( staring at the fresh kill pile mindlessly ) when a bubbly molly bounded up to him, pestering him about the layer of scar tissue visible against his broad frame. He raised an eyebrow, molten hues sparkling in mirth. “Slow down there, kiddo. I ain’t got ears like yers.” He rumbled with a subtle chuff, wooly tail sweeping the ground behind him in contemplation. “My scars, eh?” He hummed, timbre lowly rumbling. Can’t say I ain’t too surprised. He had a lot of curious looks tossed his way — accumulating them like damn flies. He’d gotten better, seeking less lethal ways than recklessly tossing his life on the line, but he ain’t a saint, and Duskpool’s already made a few mistakes.

“If yer that curious, most of ‘em came from my younger days fightin’ dogs.” He explained, gesturing toward his facial injury standing stark against his fur. It’d been a recent addition to his scar-ridden body, but one he wouldn’t change for the world. He was a warrior, protectin’ others was his job, just as it was providing for ‘em. If he could bear the disfiguration of others, then he sure as hell would. Nothin’ but another scare. It ain’t special. Not to him. Maybe he’d grown desensitized to the way they tighten, aching like nothin’ else on a wintry day, but it was all somethin’ he’s dealt with since he was apprentice-aged. “If yer smart enough, ya can do some damage on ‘em, but it comes with enough risk.” He rumbled, gesturing toward his left shoulder where a bite mark lay beneath wooly fur.

“Ain’t much else to say.” He shrugged, glancing at Florabreeze, brow crooked against sharp features. “Some are from fightin’ cats, but can’t tell ya which ones.” He remarked, shifting his weight. “What’s got yer curiosity peeked?” He prodded, helm tilted subtly.

/ @Florabreeze
thought speech

Duskpool was a mysterious figure to her, someone who she'd hear about in reverence. That was because of her friendship with Sorrelsong, the molly would bring up her older brother occasionally for as long as she's known her. Florabreeze herself had not spoken with him yet, she wouldn't allow that to happen for long though! Her perfect window of opportunity was seized when she noticed him staring at the fresh kill pile. “Duskpool! Have you ever talked about your scars before? You have so many of them and they don't just appear out of nowhere y'know?” She spoke rapidly, excitement bubbling out of her words.

The daylight warrior's attention is captured immediately by the mention of dogs. There were a few in her neighbourhood, personally greeting her with snarls and barking as she'd pass by a little too close to their fences. The idea of a cat fighting one, warrior or not, brought her more questions, mainly being how? She tilts her head, green eyes narrowing in suspicion. Duskpool managed to ask her unspoken question with ease, explaining that that strategy comes mostly into play. Her curiosity was further peaked by the mention that some were from fighting with cats. “Cats? like other clan cats?” she asked with a head tilt, she understood that rogues were a thing but that wasn't as interesting to her.

She paused her questioning, thinking more about the fact that he's fought dogs before and seemed to have a strategy in place. “How do you do that? Fighting a dog, do you have any dog fighting tips? Outside of being smart.” There was a large toothy grin beaming at him, curiosity evident in her meows. It would probably be good to know, in case one of the dogs in the neighbourhood decided that just barking at her while she passed by wasn't enough. She's had too many experiences witnessing the process or aftermath of death within the past moon. She wanted to have some basic idea on how to avoid that for herself, at least to the jaws of a dog.

That wasn't going to play into her answer to his question though. Florabreeze was never the one to let herself get too serious when it came to herself. No matter if they were a cool sibling to a dear friend of hers. “Well Sorrelsong speaks highly of you, and I haven't heard anyone ask about your scars. Which I thought was disappointing since they'd be interesting and since I haven't heard anyone else say they've fought multiple dogs I'd say that I was right!”


  • SkyClan Daylight Warrior⏐ She / Her ⏐ Info

    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    32 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    Mentored by Sorrelsong
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}

Candorkit hears lots of things around camp... he tries very hard to, in fact! Because a SkyClan warrior ought to be one with his community! One with his peers! When curious things are about, Candorkit wants to be there to be curious! So when Florabreeze comes up to Duskpool, asking about his scars, he is totally listening! He's a little confused when Duskpool calls Florabreeze a kit... She was just made a warrior! She's not even in the nursery or a queen at all! But Candorkit can look past this if Duskpool talks about something interesting...

Duskpool fought dogs? " On purpose? " he asks, mouth agape. How brave...! Surely he must have some sort of... prize or a trophy? " Do you have any dog teeth, Duskpool? Can I see? " he pleads. Something so cool shouldn't be kept from the masses... and it'd help him know what to look for when he goes to slay dogs!

Then he would hum, thinking. He's heard of warriors in stories with great scars showing their battles... he's heard of warriors in stories with no scars, and it's impressive that they have never been touched by a tooth or claw... " Is it cooler to have scars, or to have no scars? " he asks. He needed to begin preparing for the future...
don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
“On occasion.” Duskpool fought more rogues than clan cats, tearin’ flesh to reveal the ivory hue of bone saturated with ichor. Injurin’ no less killin’ another was an unfortunate downside, but one he’d accept willingly if it meant keeping the youngsters from stainin’ their paws ( not that he’d done a good job — bad luck seemed to ooze off of him in waves when it came to morals ). He chuffed out of amusement, marred lips tilting upward in a battered barely there smile. “Ain’t much fightin’ the clans, but cats who go about trespassin’.” He mused, wooly tail angled to sweep across the ground, giving a managed ear a quick flick in contemplation.

At the spew of dog-related questions, Duskpool chuffed openly, amusement dancing within molten orbs till the kid mentioned Sorrelsong with a languid blink, shaking his helm in muffed mirth. Did she now? He ain’t much, sure as hell ain’t someone to look up to — battered and guttural, baritone timbre with a deadpan drawl — he ain’t much to look at with grotesque graphs permanent on pliable flesh and rugged, wooly fur that needed a damn good groomin’ when he had the energy for a monumental task ( he ain’t gonna say he regrets havin’ long-fur, especially durin’ the colder seasons, but it sure is a pain to maintain ). “Better to avoid their jaws, ain’t so fun once those things wrap around ya, but yer gonna want to aim for the shoulders or the eyes — or if yer lucky then best be climbin’ a tree or somethin’ the beasts can’t reach ya.” It ain’t much, but Duskpool had been dealin’ with mutts since he was a kid, no less facin’ death’s door on one too many occasions. He didn’t fancy dyin’ just yet. Surprisingly.

He chuckled — a low rumble in his chest — at the statement, brow creasing in subtle mirth. “Ain’t all that interestin’ kiddo.” His gaze flickered, lingering on Candor’s small frame. “Not all the time. I doubt anyone wants to fight ‘em on purpose, but sure kiddo. I hadn’t joined the clan yet, still just a small fry like yerself when it happened.” It’d gotten easier to talk so casually about it all. He supposed time healed wounds, but it sure didn’t feel like it back then.

He hummed, helm tilting. “Dog teeth, eh?” He grinned. “Why don’t we go look through my nest later and see what we can find, eh? If we find any, then ya can go show ‘em to yer denmates.” Give the curious kit somethin’ to do. It was harmless enough, knowin’ he had something after the several altercations with dogs since joinin’ SkyClan. Damn. Some luck he had.

With a slow flick of his tail, Duskpool’s expression shifted subtly to something bittersweet. Scars ached somethin’ fierce, but better him than someone else. He’d suffer a thousand injuries before he watched another suffer the same fate. How’s that goin’ for ya? Molten hues darkened. “Better if ya never get ‘em in the first place, kiddo.” He chuffed and in an attempt, Duskpool would reach out with a gentle paw to ruffle Candorkit’s helm.

“How about we give it a go?” His words meant for Florabreeze, but wouldn’t mind lettin’ Candorkit join if the kid wanted to. “Say I’m a mutt runnin’ at ya. What do ya do?” He inquired, paw jerking in a ‘show me’ gesture. “Don’t be afraid to knock me over. I ain’t that fragile.”
thought speech
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