she had been reduced to a ghost amongst thunderclan's camp. since being brought to berryheart's den, there was little prompting her to leave it. so she didn't. wasted most of the day sleeping, blonde fur matted on the side where she lay. waken only when someone delivered prey, and then back to sleep. it wasn't a fulfilling life by any means. quiet and lonely for the most part, everyone was usually too busy to keep her company. sandpaw had to keep reminding herself that it was only temporary. soon, she would be back working towards earning her warrior name.

golden eyes peeled open much later this morning, although the concept of time had been partially lost she could tell by the volume of the camp chatter. it was quieter, many off training or on patrols. usually, she was awoken by a mouse being tossed her way, but when she raised her head to check there was nothing. tufted ears twitched downward at the gnawing feeling in her stomach. nobody would hear her call for help, all too consumed with their tasks. for a moment, sandpaw considered shutting her eyes once more, waiting until someone came to her for dinner. but the emptiness inside of her was already too grand.

rolling to her side slowly, a half tail tapped impatiently behind her as she pondered what to do. she had been healing, there wasn't much else to do, but fear often consumed her. scared that she would step wrong and have to start all over again. even more terrified for the pity filled glances from clanmates, her name echoing once again around the camp walls. this was far from what she wanted to be, but she couldn't stop being anything more than that poor injured apprentice until she showed them that she was.

her gaze narrowed with more life than anyone would have seen for weeks. determination was her sole aid as she carefully positioned three paws underneath her body, slowly pulling her weight upright. a fourth snowy white paw hesitated to make contact with the ground. a ragged breath was released as a fourth snowy white paw met the floor. the dull, lingering pain drew it out from her lungs. moments passed of her just standing, before cautious paws begin to move forward.

it wasn't an even gait by any means, she appeared rabbit-like as she hobbled and tried her hardest to put the least amount of weight into her shoulder as possible. the fresh kill pile had never seemed farther as she moved awkwardly. the scent of fresh kill kept her moving, closer and closer until finally she could extend her neck and select a recently slain squirrel. it's scent between her jaws heightened her senses. a perfect prize for her persistence. sandpaw shifted back down to lay on her flank as she ate in silence. eventually she would crawl back to her nest, but for the moment the apprentice was happy to bask in the warm sun with a fresh meal.
✦ 𖀓 ✦

❝ WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.β˜€ β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”
Lightpaw wasn't oblivious to the way the formerly fiery Sandpaw had made herself scarce since the incident. Knowing she was stuck around camp until her shoulder was better dredged up sore memories of his own shoulder, a scar he would bear forever. It pissed him off to think that Sunnyday could have done something like that to his own Clanmates- to his own apprentices. What a freak.

With coincidental timing, green eyes raised upon spotting a flash of sandy fur emerging from Berryheart's den. She looked determined, for lack of better words, a distinct concentration crinkling her brow as uneven steps carried her further and further away, closer and closer to the fresh-kill pile. The golden tom watched in silence and intrigue until she made it to her destination.

As Sandpaw settled down and selected a squirrel for her troubles, he frowned at the thought that no one had thought to bring her something earlier. He had thought someone already did.

Pushing himself upright, Lightpaw carried himself over and stopped just short. "Hey," he greeted simply before he took a seat. "You look less miserable today. How's the shoulder?" He looked away, scanning the cats lounging about the clearing and speaking up again before she could reply. "Y'know, it really sucked when I had to sit around camp for days and days until my shoulder healed. Don't worry, though. It'll be better before you know it."

He chuckled dryly. "But if you're worried about falling behind, it's better for your sanity that you don't think about it too much. Trust me. You'll make up for lost time eventually." He gave her a brief, small smile. "I'll help you catch up once you're not pinned down, if you want."

[penned by its_oliverr - β˜€]
β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” β˜€.°✧ BUT WE STILL MAY AS WELL ENJOY IT ❞

It was hard to ignore the tension weaving its way slowly through camp, digging its claws into the very heart of Thunderclan as it tries to deal with such a horrible event. He couldn't imagine what Sandpaw was going through, nor Howlingstar who willingly allowed such a cat to continue living among their ranks. Sunnyday was no warrior in his eyes, he was just another coward picking fights with the inexperienced. Lionthroat goes to shake his head, finding his thoughts disrupting his ability to hunt.

After an hour had passed Lionthroat pads through the thick bramble shrouding Thunderclans entrance, a squirrel sat firmly between his jaws as he directs his path toward the fresh kill pile. His eyes shine for a moment when he notices one of the squirrels missing, his gaze following up to the disappearing Sandpaw and a hearty Lightpaw tailing her in tow. He was happy to see she was moving around again. Replacing the squirrel that was taken from the pile, Lionthroat goes to follow after lightpaw, his tail tip twitching happily once he heard their voices.

"Hello Lightpaw, Sandpaw" he hums a greeting, stealing a spot beside the cream tabby he turns his attention to Sandpaw, "Feeling any better?"



white paws stop right at the top of her view. a stub of a tail waves at lightpaw, but he does not leave after his greeting. instead, he opts to sit, join her. sandpaw tilts her head upwards as he continues. less miserable today, she huffs out a laugh. "hurts. not like before though." the memory of a searing pain flashed back through her mind. compared to that, what she felt now was nothing.

she nodded along as he reminisced his own injury, said not to worry, that it would be better before she knew it. long teeth chewed at her cheek for a moment. there wasn't much else to do. mentorless and three short moons from what would have been her warrior's ceremony. sandpaw often wondered if she would have to start all over again to make up for the time spent rotting away. she already felt weaker, muscles loose from lack of training.

"eventually," she echoed solemnly, dipping her head to bite once more from the squirrel. "hopefully before i'm old enough to move into the elder's den," her tone was light, joking, however her chest squeezed at the thought. the feeling vanished with lightpaw's offer, her ears perking up ever so slightly. "yeah, i'd like that."

another voice has her head turning, she gave a soft smile to greet lionthroat. however, she just shrugged his question off, tired of the topic already. "what's new around camp? the walls in there are too thick to catch any of the gossip." sandpaw had never really been one for gossip, but with a warrior joining the conversation she felt less comfortable sharing her woes.
✦ 𖀓 ✦

❝ WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.β˜€ β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”
At the simple comment of hurts, Lightpaw only grunted in affirmation. Yeah, that sounded about right. Even still, less was an improvement. "I should hope so, if you're bold enough to be hobbling around like that. I don't blame you for wanting some fresh air that doesn't smell like bitter herbs, though." Not even the will of StarClan could keep him sitting around there day in and out.

Eventually. Lightpaw hummed at that, a simple acknowledgment. Sometimes he still felt like he was making up for lost time, even though there he had been pretty sure his mentor was going to kill him from overwork at some point. "If it makes you feel better, we're already old. Just go ask the kits." Although it was a joke, there was no visual indication of such.

"But in all seriousness, trust me. Really, after all that, I'm pretty sure every warrior in ThunderClan would be willing to help you out when Berryheart gives you the A-okay. Lichenpaw, too. Though, I bet I'll do such a good job Howlingstar won't need to assign you a mentor. You'll be made a warrior on the spot." Lightpaw flashed her a dumb grin.

It was then the scent of Lionthroat hit him shortly before the warrior took a seat at his side. "Hey," he greeted back before looking to Sandpaw for her response. Something new? He thought it over for a moment. "Not sure. Oh wait, actually, I heard Bloompaw went hunting and failed gloriously yesterday. I think she just about scared away every prey within half the forest. And no, she didn't catch it."

Anything else? He thought it over. "Oh yeah, I found a cool stick the other day," he commented. "Kept it too, if you wanna see. Also I don't know if you heard all the commotion, but Duskpaw said he's not a girl anymore, so there's that." Probably something he should have started with.

[penned by its_oliverr - β˜€]
β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” β˜€.°✧ BUT WE STILL MAY AS WELL ENJOY IT ❞
β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” ❁ β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”
Lichenpaw hasn't quite known what to do with Sandpaw in the medicine den. They've been worried for her, of course they have. It's hard not to be, after having watched firsthand as her leg was pulled from its socket. He's been trying to push the sound of her pleading with Sunnyday from his mind; the whole thing makes him sick to think about. And yet β€” he knows he probably should've checked up on her. Really checked up on her, asked her how she was doing, caught her up on the gossip like Lightpaw is doing now. She could probably use the company.

Well, there's a lot of things he should have done. Lichenpaw is no stranger to making mistakes. But she's out of the medicine den now, that's what matters. Seeing her out here, it β€” it feels like letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding. She's walking, she's got a light in her eyes. That's good.

It's not that they don't care. They volunteer to bring her food when they can, their eyes keep flicking to the medicine den with worry. They know Berryheart is probably handling it, but they can't say they really understand how the healing process works, they want to make sure for themself that she's actually going to recover. They just... don't stick around to talk to her. Not sure what to say, they suppose. They can't seem to say anything right, these days. And to offer sympathy, even if it's for something they've shared β€” well. It feels unearned. She had it worse after all, she doesn't need him acting like he understands. His bruises have already healed.

He doesn't jump in to talk to her, like he might have a few moons ago. Instead he hovers, awkward but glad to see her, until he hears his own name from Lightpaw's mouth. Saying he'd be willing to help. "Yeah, 'course I β€” of, of course I would." He tries for a reassuring smile. He has no clue how to do that. Luckily, his attempt at genuineness is quickly foiled by a snort at Lightpaw's words. Made a warrior on the spot. "Oh, heh, oh yes, I'm sure you would be. With, um, with the both of us, too? Howlingstar'll have no choice. Instant promotion," he jokes, grin falling lopsided.

For once it feels good to let someone else do the talking, let Lightpaw catch Sandpaw up on the clan's going-ons. He covers pretty much everything. Lichenpaw doesn't interject, waits til the belated news of Duskpaw's announcement to speak. "It happens," he says knowingly, not missing a beat. They're glad they didn't have to go through all that, honestly. Having it all sorted out before joining is much preferable, avoids all the commotion.

It almost feels normal. He doesn't bring what hangs over the two of them, doesn't bring up his apparent avoidance of Sandpaw. He just gives a smile that's only half-forced and joins in on the gossip as though it's the easiest thing in the world.
β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” ❁ β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”

  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    β€” he/him or they/them. 10 moons.
    β€” thunderclan apprentice, mentored by blizzard fang.
    β€” bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid. IC opinions :']​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 64271928_XoeYkJjFj5096aN.png