camp house of the [warriors+ only] rising sun

While sometimes he misses the clamber of kittens crawling around and trodding on his tail to wake him, he can't say he misses the nursery too much. It was nice being back in the crowded warrior's den, snug in his nest with his mate and almost too warm at times; this many bodies and the heat remained lingering long after they all dispersed for their patrols but he would find his duties of dawn patrol put on hold as he lifted his head. Sunfreckle's green eyes blinked in confusion to the white brightness filling the mouth of the den, almost mistaking it for an actual light source too powerful for him to see past, but shaking his head as he raised it he quickly realized what it truly was. Snow. Snow piled up so high it fully covered the den. The red tabby slowly untangled himself from where he was coiled next to @Rabbitnose and rose to stand stiffly and carefully as to avoid stepping on his clanmates loose tails or paws on his way over. Sitting down to maintain his balance he raised his lone forepaw and extended it out to push, carefully, to test the surface only to find it was almost solid as a rock. An actual wall. For his part he did not panic, unfortunate as it was it meant no other creature would risk being near their territory with this sort of weather and perhaps when the day moved forward and the sun rose it would soften the cloak of white enough they could fight their way out. He only worried about the apprentices...
"Darling." Careful steps made his way back over to his own nest where he sat back down to prod his blue spotted mate with a now cold paw, "Wake up, we've a problem."

He was so nice and snug and warm snuggled up against Sunfreckle. There was little he loved more than wrapping his legs around his big fluffy mate and holding him close. When Sunfreckle got up, it made him stir.

Though he was still drowsy, still half asleep. In fact, he was falling back asleep when he heard Sunfreckle call to him. He purred at being called Darling.

A problem????? What could be wrong........


A cold paw touched him and he jolted a little. He lifted his head with a start and pried his eyes open.

"What- Why is your paws so cold-"

He caught a glance at the den entrance.

"..............................................So no dawn patrol?"


Muffled voices buzzed around him as he slept, curled up along the edge of the warriors den. He lay still as if he were a statue, besides the steady rise and fall of his ribs. Sunfreckle's voice began to stir him from his dreamers slumber, but it was Rabbitnose's jolt that had him opening his eyes lazily.
So, no Dawn Patrol?
This caused a flick of Stormchaser's large ears towards them, followed by a groggy raise of his head. "Hmm? What're you talkin' bout, Rabbitnose?" He mumbled with a wide yawn, ivory teeth glinting in the dim light. His golden gaze opened more and his focus came more into view, the blurred background of sleeping bodies and the silhouettes of the two toms becoming clearer. He shifted his gaze towards the entrance of the den, only to find a thick shield of ice and snow had molded together into a thick wall that blocked them in. A slight alarming sensation had the Oriental pulling his body into an upright position and shaking himself out, ridding his body of the last of slumber. "What the hell—" He started, shuffling his way over and placing paws on the sheet of icy snow. It was near solid. His paw pads slid over it, attempting to find a grip. Even with unsheathed claws, it was rather difficult to get a grip to even try to bear his weight on it. Even so, there was no way he'd be able to even make a dent in this.
Stormchaser shifts his gaze towards the couple sitting by one another. "Well—seems like we're stuck between a rock and a hard place, hm? Can anyone find another way out from under the ferns?"


the storm plaguing the clans had been raging on relentlessly. with no end it sight, nightbird was growing tired of the snow. the past few days she could barely leave camp without being attacked by the biting winds that threatened to blow her off her feet. despite the treacherous conditions, at least it had been her choice to bare them. then, suddenly it wasn't.

she awoke that morning to many voices in a still dark den. her first thought was that it was awful strange for everyone to be up at such an hour. chattering about nonetheless. silver eyes unwillingly peeled open and landed on the entrance, completely blocked off by the snow. her ears pressed back. nightbird liked her clanmates well enough. however, there was no amount of friendliness in the world that would prompt her to be happy with this arrangement.

the warrior groaned in protest to their confinement before rising to her paws. a quick stretch loosened her muscles before she joined stormchaser at the icy barrier, testing it's strength with her claws. she had as little luck as her clanmates before her. the blue tom suggested to find another way out. she gave a pessimistic glance around the den, but no light seeped through. it appeared they were entire snowed in. "doesn't look like it, better get cozy," her words came out a nonchalant huff, annoyance trickling in towards the end. nightbird moved back across the den to her nest, wrapping up into a ball to shield against some of the chill.
[ ☾✩ ]


Well, being stuck in the warrior's den was not how Flycatcher expected to start his morning. The sounds of his chattering clanmates had woken him up, and seeing how dark it still was, he believed it to be late at night. He had considered urging his fellow warriors to be quiet until he realise it was not in fact nighttime and they were in fact trapped for the time being.

"I worry we might have to make another hole in the den wall," Flycatcher mewed to Stormchaser, who asked if anyone could find another way out through the ferns. Considering he had only recently reinforced the dens in camp, he wasn't so keen to ruin them straight away.