HOUSE OF WOLVES | chittertongue


Apr 6, 2023
They'd settled on a time and date with the tom, after he'd suggested that they hunt together next time.

Together. Bloodhound hadn't hunted with anyone like that.. alone like that with someone in... Well. It had been a while. The hybrid had been part of hunting patrols and parties, sure. But there was something different about hunting alone with one other cat.

It was a strange intimacy, they guessed. One the bengal was not quite accustomed to.

Bloodhound had asked to meet outside of Carrionplace, late in the night, after all their other duties. Upon arriving, the moon still high, the bengal would sit and wait patiently, beyond the metal link walls, downwind so as to not alert the rodents. Listening carefully to the scurrying within Carrionplace, tiny claws and teeth clicking and gnawing at trash and metal.

The rats were more accustomed to the terrain within, to the darkness, the filth of the place. Whatever happened, Bloodhound was looking forward to the challenge, the thrill of the hunt. Rats were dangerous, threatening. Not quite predators, not quite prey. It would do well for them to be careful, and watch each other's backs.

Their face would light up, when they see Chittertongue.

"A lovely night for blood." They call to him, voice warm. Welcoming his company with a purr. Happy to see him. Happy to tear through Carrionplace with him at their side. "I'm ready when you are."

A plan circles through the hybrid's mind, fondness dwelling in their chest. Bloodhound would bring him a rat's head, when the night was through. The skull empty, cleaned and dry. A memoir of the occasion.

For now, their claws were sharpened, and their senses at their height. Ready for anything. Everything. Body tightly wound like a spring.


જ➶ Since being born in these marshes and living here before the clans even existed he enjoyed roaming the Carrionplace. Treading along the silver mesh and watching the rats below as they toiled and nibbled at the festering trash that the twolegs left day in and day out. To the strange lilac chimera it is a wonderful place full of trash and treasures. A place of mystery despite the off putting smell. Though his brother had banned them before of going there it is a free place to visit again and the half blind warrior is ecstatic to have somekne to share such a perfect night with. His grin is broad and wide, those dual colored orbs shifting and spying through the dark night. He is skilled in his silence but any Shadowclanner is. Anyone worth their salt should be. His paws carry him with a light touch and turning his head slightly he sees them.

A partner of the darkness, one who is not afraid of the Carrionplace place because old detrinents. He personally likes that and it stretches his smile wider. "A lovely night and a lovely view indeed." His voice is a purring chuckle and who knows what the chimera is talking about but the words flow from his muzzle with such ease that how can anyone deny them. Stepping forth his tail shifts back and forth and he looks at them once more, a laugh issuing forth. "Keheha! Sorry, sorry, I tend to....have a little chuckle when I'm excited. We should get going. Don't wanna keep the rats waiting, heheh." He shakes his head a little before with a practice ease he slips under the fence. For them he uses his claws to push more of the dirt away to allow them an easy entrance.

Turning then he looks at the large mounds of trash. Listening to the sound of tiny teeth scrapping against bones. "Maybe we will find bird bones here or maybe even something left uneaten by the twolegs in their thin wraps. I like some of their food."
A lovely view. They suppose the Carrionplace could count. The two of them seemed to be the only ones strange enough to not entirely mind the place, so what if he considered it lovely?

Perhaps it could be, in all its twisted metal and discarded junk and half rotting food, an ecosystem of rot and decay.

Chittertongue laughs, and then apologizes for it. Saying he does it when excited. They laugh too, shaking their head.

"No need to apologize. Your joy is yours. I'm happy to share in it with you." They say warmly, watching him slip under the fence, his paws digging away some of the dirt to allow the hybrid entry, too.

Thoughtful of him. It's touching, in a way. They slip under the fence, following him.

"Thank you. It's almost like the twolegs don't want us here." Bloodhound says, appreciative. Knowing that the twolegs probably don't want two feral cats tearing through their garbage. Bad joke? Probably.

Chittertongue wonders aloud about finding food unfinished by twolegs, liking the taste of it. It was something Bloodhound had never tried, never thought to try. Their mind had always been set on the wild, the forests beyond, the marsh where they'd settled. Twolegs and their lives had always been an afterthought.

Their garbage was infested with rats and birds, and that was about all the interaction they'd ever cared for between them and twolegs.

"I've never thought to try their food." Bloodhound admits, keeping an ear out for rats nearby. Hearing one close by, closer. Shooting a knowing look at Chittertongue. "I always focused on trying to get away from them. Perhaps too much."

They pause, hearing the rat close. Smelling it, now. The rat skitters out in front of the pair, rearing back. The hybrid reacts quickly, swiping at the rodent, claws extended.
જ➶ "Oh...." His tone is perplexed as no one has ever shared in his chaotic joy. Always he has a laugh bubbling in his throat. Always an unnatural smile pulling his lips too wide, hurting. Yet the other does not mind? He feels like his family does but he never says anything. Instead his gaze is leveled on them for just a moment and the chimera says nothing more. Keeping his thoughts to himself. On the other dide of the fence the Carrionplace, to him, is a lively place. One of filth and rats and other things. Crows, and other scavengers. Bugs. There is so much that can be seen out here and frankly he feels freer without being in the confines of camp. Where rules seem to always be a tight constriction on his throat. His tail sways back and forth as he listens to his companion and turns to look at them, a smile pulling at his muzzle. "Twolegs are definitely creatures to be wary of, but they also have a knack for food. Keep that in mind, hm."

He is about to say more when finally that skittering rat finally makes an appearance. Rearing up as if to be a threat to the two felines. But Bloodhound is quick to react and their claws meet the flesh if the rodents. Chitter beams as blood splashes the ground and then he too enters the fray and pounces. Teeth snap on grease stained throat and he ends the beady eyed creature's life and turning he places it at their paws. "Truly your kill first. You should have it!" Eat it before they go back to camp if they want. Sometimes he eats out in the woods to have peace. Shifting he leaps graceful on a pile of trashbags and claws start to dig through the thin black membrane. It break open easily enough and the smell is ghastly. Yet he continues, shifting through things before he suddenly kicks something down.

A stone, one clear besides a disgusting ooze that mars it. It is transparent as if not belonging to this world and the chittering laughter that leaves his maw is apparent of his intrigue and excitement. "An excellent gift for you! We can clean it in the swamp waters!"
No, they really didn't mind. His laughter, his smile was comforting, in a way. It helped them to relax, to feel a little more comfortable around him, soothed their nerves. It was infectious in it's own right, urged them to smile and laugh too, in kind.

He tells them to keep twoleg food in mind, that it was good. Bloodhound considers it for a moment, nodding. "I would be happy to share some with you, if we come across any." If he was partial to it, if he was willing. They think.... there is a lot, they may be willing to share in with him. His presence was nice, even like this, on a night tinged with bloodshed.

Their swipe connects, blood blooming on the filthy ground, Chittertongue leaping upon the stunned creature, tearing into it. They watch him raptly, a purr in their throat, something they only noticed when thinking about it. This was fun. They were having fun. It was more than the compulsion to hunt, to kill and slaughter in the name of StarClan, this was.... companionship. Camaraderie.

He declares the kill theirs, laying it at their feet, a gentleman. They laugh, something deep and warm in their chest, shy, finding a sort of humor in it. Licking their claws clean. "I couldn't possibly. I only stunned it. Your jaws were what snuffed it."

Chittertongue turns, then, tearing through one of those great black bags, the smell enough to make any elder keel over. The bengal's face screws up, just a little, until this strange, greasy stone tumbles out, glittering in the moonlight, false rainbows smeared over its surface. Bloodhound's eyes are captivated by it. Confused by it. What was it? What had twolegs used it for? Thrown it away for, in all the rest of their filth?

And then the tom offers it to them, brimming with excitement, and their eyes widen, crimson on a pale canvas. Bloodhound looks at him, shy, fond, surprised. Was he really offering it them? His finds, his kills? It makes their chest ache softly, a feeling they had been content to shove away, drive a nail in, pin down like some great beast. To hold others at arm's length, fear and uncertainty clouding their judgement. Their heart flutters, a fledgling only just learning to fly. Were they being foolish, in locking themself away like this?

A creature that only dwelled on the edges of clan society, a beast that refused to get too close, wild, wary, afraid?

"For... me?" Their voice echoes, touched. Quiet, like saying it any louder would make Chittertongue change his mind. "Are you sure?"

The hybrid can hear rats scuttling in the background, but they are far away.

જ➶ He'd love to share a meal with them. Sure, of course! There is no refuting that he is enjoying their company and a meal shared seems exceedingly calming, natural. Twoleg foods have such strange and unique flavors, explored by him for mang moons while his clanmates, then colonymates, never touched upon them. What a waste it is to not take what is an easy meal. Yet he does not beg them to come with him to the place of many wonders. As the other speaks on the deceased rodent he grins, showing his intent on his sleeve. His heart bared to them. "Okay, okay, we can share it together! It'll be nice." Besides a rat is a big enough meal for the both of them and he is sure that they will both get their fill. Yes.

As he releases his claws back from the thick trash bag he skitters his way back down to land mear the other. Gaze pensive as he listens to their hesitant voice. "Yes, of course. One lovely thing deserves to be with another right?" Right? It only seems natural, fitting that Bloodhound gets to see themselves in the prismatic light of something as equally pleasing. Though his words can be a little out there he means what he says, not even thinking twice. He doesn't have a filter, he likes Rose and he likes Bloodhound. Is that bad? He frowns slightly yet it lingers for only just a short moment before his smile is raident again. "It'll look pretty in your nest after it's cleaned. I'm sure! Now then, we have dallied too long. Let us have more fun!"