sensitive topics how do i let you know &. development

tw for blood!

this wasn't how this small trip was supposed to go. they weren't supposed to return to camp like this, and yet... they did. okay, okay. maybe we are getting too ahead of ourselves... let's rewind a bit.

the day started out fairly normal... as normal as any shadowclan day could be. chilledgaze knew they hadn't had proper sleep in days, but after passing out in camp, they had forced themselves to be more careful. they could tell so many cats already thought they were weak and... if you asked chilledgaze, they were all right. they walked with their head high as if they had it all together but that couldn't have been any further from the truth. they weren't all put together. they were a disaster waiting to happen, but they had to patch themselves up with honey and feathers, and get through day by day. they had to because without them, shadowclan would fall into ruin. pitchstar would drive this place right down to the ground, even if the tom had good intentions. he just wasn't thinking clearly, and chilledgaze had to make sure he made... somewhat good decisions. they hadn't cared what other clans thought about them, but they had more important things to worry about and making sure that clans weren't trying to attack them didn't seem like it should have been so high on the list.

taking in a deep breath, the felidae stood up, brows furrowing as they walked out of the warrior den, nose twitching as they were suddenly greeted by an npc warrior.

"chilledgaze! do you mind joining me for a hunt? everyone else seems to be rather busy at the moment."

chilledgaze only huffed quietly. they couldn't refuse such a thing, could they? no matter how much their body begged them to.

"of course, hawktail. lead the way."

they dipped their head, before watching molly stalk out of camp, following not too far behind. chilledgaze made an effort to walk quieter, making sure to listen out for prey that may have been around. they were intensely focused because stars knew that they needed the prey. they slowed their pace, as hawktail did, only to spin around at the sound of rustling nearby. their nose twitched for a moment, jaws parting to taste the dampened air, and their body instinctively crouched to the ground. they narrowed their icy blue gaze before slowly stalking forward, before rushing forward, leaping and crunching on the poor creature, standing up with the limp thing dangling from their jaws.

"rather scrawny... don't you think?"

the sudden words of dispproval makes them spin to face hawktail who has been watching their every move. they dropped the frog, placing a paw on their catch. they almost didn't say anything but there is something about the way hawktail is looking at them that makes them uncomfortable. instinctively, they dragged the frog back as they took a few paces backwards, nose scrunching.

"it's a rather decent catch, actually. what are you-?"

"pretty pathetic for a deputy. makes me wonder how you even managed, huh? did you threaten pitchstar? or maybe even just talked sweet to him?"

chilledgaze's eyes widened, as they stepped back again, while hawktail inched closer, claws unsheathing. their fur perked upwards, as she bared her teeth, closing the gap between them.

"what are you doing?! back away from me right now, before i show you just how much of a deputy i am!"

they snapped, and hawktail only laughed, ears pinning against her skull before she rushed forward pinning chilledgaze to the ground, slamming their head against the forest's wet floor. with a grunt they only looked up at the molly, confused and stunned. they hadn't expected her to actually do anything!

"you are a failure! it should have been me! you can't even take care of yourself, but somehow you expect us to believe that you can take care of everyone else!? tch! i will show you what a real deputy can do!"

she snarled before she dug her claws deeply across chilledgaze's jaw, down and across their throat. before chilledgaze could properly react, hawktail grabbed their ear tearing a piece off and with a sudden click, chilledgaze kicked the she cat off, rolling back up, lowering their body to the ground, ignoring the blood staiining their fur, standing defensively.

they panted as they looked at hawktail, wincing ever so slightly at the pain that radiated through their body.

"you didn't even fight back! worthless! you're gonna fail us all!"

"you're right."

they rasped out, tears prickling at the side of their eyes, claws gripping the ground as they stared ahead. they didn't have any response. everything, except for the bribery, that she said was the truth. chilledgaze was worthless. pathetic. they would bring this clan down with them... and they knew it. they didnt need anyone else to tell them that. the voice in their head did it enough.

"i may be a failure but at least... at least i don't attack my clanmates... i will let this slide because i understand where your anger lies... you're right. but i cannot and will not betray pitchstar by stepping down. this is who i am now... fight me again if you must but the next time your claws come in contact with my skin, you will meet briarstar."

coughing, they stood back up, kicking the frog to hawktail before slowly limping back into camp. they nearly fell over, brows furrowing. not now. suck it the fuck up, chilledgaze. you already let a clanmate attack you... grow a pair and get over yourself.

"damn it... someone get me bonejaw."

//TLDR: hawktail ( an npc ) attacked chilledgaze. she wasn't/isn't happy that chilledgaze is deputy, and because chilledgaze agrees with some of what she said, they didn't fight back nor will they say that hawktail attacked them on purpose. they will simply say it was a sparring accident.

they have a pretty deep, though not fatal, wound going from their jaw ( the left side ), down and across their throat and a torn left ear.

kisses yall

Frostbite is doing what he usually does. Brooding in a corner, waiting for the dark of night to fall so he could begin hunting. Hidden in the shadows he watched Chilledgaze enter camp. He didn't see the wounds at first, but he saw the blood dripping.

So, he got up to investigate. He padded over. "What's wrong-" His eyes widened in shock at the wounds as he saw them. "What happened!?"

That wasn't important. Yet. "Come on, let's get to the medicine den." He said, standing beside them to make sure he didn't fall. He didn't know how long he had been bleeding.
He’s tired, a long day of hunting and waiting for his friend to return. Of course he could go out and do things by himself, but it was boring, and he quite liked the deputys company. Ears perk up as they see the familiar black coat of Chilled, only for their face to contort in ugly anger, seething, burning anger. Emotion is not common on their face but they can’t repress the rage that they get upon seeing the slash on their face. "Who did this?" his voice is eerily quiet, barely restrained as they move over much like a phantom, a snake rounding their prey. "What did this?" and whatever caused this better hope it wouldn’t reach their ears, its burning, his chest is on fire and his eyes rake over every single jagged mark, the way the blood dripped down and it only made it worse. They repress the urge to drag Chilled in to their paws, never let this damned clan hurt them again, this clan didn’t deserve them-

Wide pupils dilate as Frostbite speaks, another repressed urge to lunge out, snapping jaws to protect. Curled claws glint as they dig in to the marsh grass below, theres a loud exhale as they fall besides Chilledgaze in a protective stance. No one but Bonejaw gets to touch their friend, not until he finds out what did this. Not until they’re long gone with his paw on its throat. "Come." they flick their tail towards Bonejaws den.
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  • Quiet paws take Betonyfrost back through the bramble tunnel and into camp. She's proud of her work for the day, the proof of a successful hunt being a snipe carried in her jaws, it's tawny feathers unruffled from Betonyfrost's clean kill. A clanmate carries Betonyfrost's other kill, a plump rat. It's a good day.

    Stepping into camp proper stays Betonyfrost to place; her clanmate doesn't stop in time and nearly unbalances Betonyfrost, but Betonyfrost hardly notices because Chilledgaze had been in another fight and Betonyfrost had missed it.

    Blood on their face, a sight that makes Betonyfrost's heart flutter and her head spin. It's a twirling feeling, somehow pleasant and terrible all at once. Betonyfrost is being pulled down at the same time as she is pulled upwards: weightless and weighted. Want is a physical cord that tugs Betonyfrost forward. She stumbles as if jolted, and squeezes that perfect little snipe in her teeth until something in its delicate neck creaks into an audible crunch.

    The totality of Betonyfrost's want should scare her. Sometimes, it does. Now, Betonyfrost's mouth is too dry to care. She drops the bird-- let someone else make sure it finds its way to the freshkill pile, and turns on her heel to walk out of camp. She'll make a fool of herself if she stays.​
  • Code:
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 14 moons | tags

As lovely as it would be to go a good week without having a clanmate returning to camp in a savagely injured state, ShadowClan was built differently.

Smogmaw doesn't need the qualifications of a medicine cat to recognise that another cat had beaten the ever-living daylights out of the deputy. Process of elimination determines his conclusion, as a smaller creature couldn't have roughed them up so badly, and a larger being (say, a dog) would have run away with their corpse and turned it into a chew-toy. Chilledgaze, for the time being, stood themselves upright and appeared to be in relatively stable condition. Whether or not the same could be said for their combatant remains unclear.

"You're missing a bit of your ear, there," the mackerel tabby remarks as he comes within reach of Chilledgaze. His eyes give emphasis to the bloody streak across their throat, which fortunately didn't run deep enough to sever some vital veins. First, they got their ass kicked by insomnia - now, by someone else.

His gaze diverts to Bonejaw's cave. If both Frostbite and Spectermask intended to accompany the wounded deputy to the medicine den, Smogmaw figures it'd be convenient to let the medicine cat know what was up without further ado. Flicking his tail in a casual fashion, he departs in the cave's direction on hastened pawsteps. He is undeterred by Chilledgaze's intact attitude towards their own wounds. The less likely they were to bleed out, the better.

"Hey, Bonejaw," Smogmaw calls in an indifferent tone, "uh, it looks like Chilledgaze lost a scrap of sorts."

// tagging @BONEJAW bc youve been summoned ;O


The bicolor queen stepped into the camp not too long after Chilledgaze did, mismatched eyes moving to locate the deputy and lock onto them with intensity as they called for Bonejaw. Her ears twitched, would they not also call for Pitchstar to report what happened to them? It seemed, after a moment, that the dark deputy had no intentions of doing anything other than getting their wounds looked at and cleaned up and the incident itself would remain a mystery. All for the best, she supposed, the entirety of the clan would descend upon the cat who did this in moments like vultures coming down for abandoned carrion. She supposed it was for the best that they all need not bloody their paws so severely. After all, one pair of bloodied paws would be sufficient.

Halfshade moved forward with her usual bounce of a gait, a smile on her maw and she leaned in close to the wounded deputy to give that torn ear a hesitant sniff, "Oh my, I hope that doesn't get infected! Good on you to go right to Bonejaw with it!" She turns her mismatched gaze to Smogmaw's retreating form, already heading off to the den ahead of Frostbite and Spectermask to ensure the medicine cat is prepared for the bloodied patient she is about to recieve, "Someone left a bird on the ground-let me bring that to the den with us, you'll want a snack to help with losing so much blood~"

With a quick trot she made her way to Betonyfrost's bird, left behind in the other she-cats quick retreat out of the camp; perhaps she was squeamish a bit? Who could say, Halfshade did not know the other molly well enough to make any assumptions so she opted to just take the nicely fresh caught snipe ready to be eaten right to the medicine cat den to set it aside for Chilledgaze to have once they had been poked and prodded and patched back together! Setting it down near Smogmaw she flashed the tom a grin before stepping back and out of the way to avoid cluttering the area with too many bodies, three was a crowd after all! Her long pale limbs carried her along to the edge of camp in the direction Chilledgaze had come from with the intent to go hunting now that things seemed to be settling down and their deputy was being tended to. She fancied herself a nice bit of fresh prey herself..

  • Wow

Things have been peaceful and it is a peace that she wants to last. With how small her own herb storage is she is hoping for it and she will continue to keep looking but with the cold coming in and quickly things look a bit rough. Shaking her head she sighs as she lays curled in her nest, trying to catch some sleep when she hears Smogmaw. Blinking open those molten eyes she looks at them almost dumbfounded before she rises to her long white cloaked limbs. Chilled is hurt. That is all she needs to know and so she gets to setting up what she has. Her head turns to the side after she is finished and she exits her den to find them.

Her gaze is sharp as she narrows them because she wants to know just what happened. "What in Starclan's name happened to you?" Her ears are pulled forward and the white along her back bristles. The woman is worried and she insists on them following her into her den.