pafp how do you sleep so well // spar gone "wrong"


swallowpaw 08 moons polygender any pronouns shadowclan apprentice

Its an accident - a simple spar gone wrong, things taken a little to far in the heat of the moment. They just got a bit too competitive. Or at least, that's what Swallowpaw will say if asked, and though eyes stare daggers into the orange and brown point's back, the other apprentice doesn't disagree, jaw clamped shut as they refuse to say more.

They both know it wasn't.

It starts with annoying questions - of all the places, the other apprentice makes the mistake of making her intentions clear within Swallowpaws earshot. And sure, at first, Swallowpaw really is annoyed - Lividpaw is her friend, not theirs. He'd told them off, ignored their advances. It should've been the end of things. Except, Swallowpaw's anger doesn't go away - doesn't ebb or fade away. No, it only grows - especially when she catches the apprentice batting her eyes at Lividpaw yet again, stealing glances as though something will change.

And maybe, if Swallowpaw actually stopped to think about it (he didn't) that's the issue. what if something did change? Lividpaw might not be nice to Swallowpaw, but he'd taught him cool things when her mentor had been busy with Snowpaw (eugh!) - and sure, he'd asked a favor in return, but it'd just been to keep Basilpaw away form him! Easy, right? And clearly, it was an excuse for them to hang out more - 'cause how else was Swallowpaw to keep Basilpaw away from his brother, if he wasn't hanging around Lividpaw all the time.

Besides, she was getting better and better at being less annoying - copying her clanmates, keeping her mouth shut only until she couldn't. Quieter, calmer, more well behaved.

Until now.

Perhaps it's only expected, but Swallowpaw blows up. It's meant to be a friendly spar - mentors making the mistake of pairing the two. They're getting older now after all, well on their way to warriorhood. Surely, they can be trusted to spar with claws unsheathed and not take things to far. But the warriors supervising look away - another pair of learning 'paws seeking advice on what they're doing wrong. And Swallowpaw's grin grows a little to wide - a little to sharp.

The flurry of blows that come from both sides are frantic and full of wild energy, and truthfully it does start out as just a spar. But when his jaws creep a little to close to the she-cats throat, Swallowpaw makes sure to whisper mockingly into their ear. "He won't ever notice you ya' know - Lividpaw doesn't like pests like you," he has no idea if it's the truth, but the she-cat puffs up anyways, and Swallowpaw relishes in it. " 'sides, he's mine, "

She means her friend of course - certainly not anything else. Because swallowpaw can't possibly mean anything more. It's not like she has a crush or something. Nope, not at all. Never. But it's enough to have both tempers flaring. The other draws first blood, but Swallowpaw only laughs, a manic giggle that would unnerve anyone and certainly unnerves her sparring partner, blood dripping down her muzzle. And then it turns into all out warfare. Its all a blur really, she only knows that teeth and claws are finding purchase in fur and skin and she tastes blood. Someone is yelling, distantly and incoherently, and then suddenly they're dragged apart. Blood on her muzzle and teeth and wounds on her neck and flank - her opponent coming out not much better - she can only stare blankly at Mirepurr for their interruption.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

T E L L - M E - N O T H I N G - L A S T S ( - L I K E - I - D O N ' T - K N O W ?- )

// please wait for @MIREPURR

tl:dr two apprentices taking a spar waaaaay to far (over a boy. because of course thats what its about /j )

Mirepurr makes the mistake of looking away and splitting their attention between more than one apprentice — and really, that shouldn't count as a mistake or lapse in judgment in the heat of the moment, not when warriors assemble their pupils to teach them together all the time. It's just another aspect of Clan life; the more paws present the better. Easier to get a load of information out and into growing minds. Even easier to compare strengths and weaknesses in a way that is useful to everybody, not degrading or too-critical.

Swallowpaw is paired with a fellow apprentice to spar: another usual little thing in the life of warriors who fight to survive. The two of them are close to warriorhood and they need to sharpen all their skills even further to pass their assessment... a reality far too quickly seeping in, too, when Mirepurr looks at their own 'paw. In due time, Snowpaw will receive his warrior name and climb out from under their wing. It's necessary to send him off properly.

So when their gaze flicks to his pale pelt, just for a moment to comment on his stance, they do not think much of it. They will look back and see Swallowpaw either still dancing the usual tango with her partner- they certainly do not expect to smell blood before they see it, claws and teeth finding purchase in soft skin.

Mirepurr yells before they realize.

Words appear to be futile, the two younglings too caught up in their own world to pay heed to a warrior's alarm. And Mirepurr is very much so alarmed, the next breath knocked out of their lungs as they rush to the quarreling apprentices. They're hurting one another and it's a terrible sight to behold; it's supposed to be an ordinary, calm day. Instead their heart lurches within their chest.

They have no choice but to sink their own fangs into Swallowpaw's scruff to pull her back. Mirepurr does not like to get too physical, preferring their own words to control the situation, but Swallowpaw is in a frenzy. The least they can do is pay attention not to harm her, to add more damage to what has already been done.

"What's all this?" Mirepurr demands when there's a respectable distance between the two, all but a pant. "You're not on the battlefield- this is practice between Clanmates, not a fight to the death!"

A pause. They steel themself; it'd be all too easy to deliver more scoldings, more scorching words to get their own concern and disappointment across... but what would that achieve? Swallowpaw's gaze is vacant. The pair is equally as bloody and roughed up. Mirepurr could yap away about not harming your Clanmates, whether they're friend or not - or they could first assess the injuries and then worry about what happened internally.

They choose the latter. Careful sniffs circle Swallowpaw's form first, worry pulled tight inbetween their furrowed eyebrows. "Dear StarClan," the low murmur comes without Mirepurr giving it proper permission. Stress factors are always somewhat easier to swallow when they come strictly from the outside, not inside.
the kids got moxy it seems. ready for battle over something, or someone rather, and taking it entirely too far. they only twitch their ears back and forth, standing from their place of rest as padding over to mirepurr with a look to their new lead before looking a swallowpaw. they've never really discouraged sparring with claws, as it does not matter too much so long as no maiming is involved and no one goes too far. seems like maybe they should have hear. they look over at their own apprentice, basilpaw, briefly before turning their attention back to the two that are sparring.

"what's all this about, then? to spar is to practice. not to kill. kill enemies. not your clanmates. save that for windclan. or riverclan, if you prefer. not here. shadowclan is to be united. even if sometimes we forget that."

they snort with a lash of their tail.

"now starlingheart must use herbs upon the both of you. no more sparring for now. you're done. basilpaw, go take a warrior with you and go get starlingheart. as for you two, I don't know what this is about and I quite frankly do not care. watch your claws."

they huff. apprentices. always so damn dramatic. what in the world could they possible have to fight over like this?

// sending @BASILPAW to go get @Starlingheart

———————---***i try to live in black and white***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    47 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

It had not come unnoticed of course. The looks he continues on to recieve from the molly despite his first attempt to chase her away. It had started to become bothersome to deal withas the days contunie on to pass by when ignoring her did not seem to solve this problematic issue. If this was a normalized behavior to act during the search for a mate then...he was left disturbed. How anyone could stand it was beyond his understanding. Even now he find it hard to accept the molly acted this way because she was actually interested in him and not because she was retarded. This was almost worse then Basilpaw's clingy nature.

One or another way he had no choice but to find a solution to this uncomfortable attention if this continued on for much longer. What he had not expected though was for Swallowpaw to take action on her own. Of course, there was no way for Lividpaw to really know the true reason behind the spar that had esculated into a fight between the two apprentices. That he was the main reason behind it, if not the only reason.

All he could do was to take in the information that he saw right there and then. For whatever reason that lay behind this violent side to break out from them, Lividpaw couldn't say he approved of it. Attention was not his thing, it never had been and lately the two had associated with each other more than usual. That obiviously meant their poorly made actions might result straight back on him as well. That could only be viewed in a negative light which made him question their association with one another. However, this could also been used to his own advantage if that molly started to distaste Swallowpaw after this resulting in her leaving him alone as well. With his warrior ceremony creeping closer for each and every day he really had no time to deal with nonsense like this.

Ignoring his brother who run of to get the medicine cat, Lividpaw watched the scene under silence as Swallowpaw got scolded rightfully so for such childlike behavior having no intention to step in or help at all. This was thier mess to clean up.

If he knew the truth then perhaps he would have felt a single drop of gratitude.

// just assume that basilpaw has run of to get starlingheart because i'm too lazy to put both my characters in here (':


[ ༻❄༺ ] This was supposed to be a simple sparring practice, a way for mentors to look into their apprentices skill, and see what they needed left before they're officially warriors. It wouldn't be long before he would recieve his warrior name, and as far as Snowpaw was aware, he has perfect the craft of hunting, fighting, and ambushing and was more than ready for his assessment, yet everyday went by with it looming over his mind. Yellow gaze flicking to his mentor awaiting for Mirepurr to make a comment, yet nothing came from the other.

Snowpaw only paused in his spar with his paired companion when Mirepurr had yelled, and the smell of copper smacked him in his nose making the boy turn to look at what was happening, a horrified look dance in his gaze, grateful the two were no longer paired together and yet, the warriors already had everything handled, from Chilledstar and Mirepurr scolding Swallowpaw, to them getting Basilpaw to fetch Starlingheart, Lividpaw only stood there emotionaless as ever providing nothing to the situation.

Silently he stepped towards his mentor, pushing away the horrified shock that he felt while a cold look flsshed onto Swallowpaw. "A warrior who attacks their own clanmate with such malice shouldn't be trusted" he stated, keeping his words low but not low enough where the others couldn't hear. But it was true, was it not? How would he know if the other wouldn't do the same as he had shown today. Narrowing his eyes slightly he turned to look away at the mess created before him, what even caused Swallowpaw to do such a thing anyways? It was childish, more childish than normal and it was pathetic to see the other hasn't grown out of it yet when he wasn't much long to be a warrior himself, only 3 moons to be exact, but he wasn't paying attention, not really.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw He/Him, apprentice of Shadowclan, 11 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.