camp how far i'll go ;; o - return to activity


my eyes wide shut
Nov 11, 2023
Large lumbering paws found themselves walking through camp again. The feline's face plastered with the same stoic, harsh expression. His blue eye looked around the camp, trying to avoid the rest of the clan. His tufted ears were pinned to the base of his skull, his tail lashed behind him. Crashingtide didn't know many faces and didn't seem to have an interest to seek out companionship. His heart, hardened from the pain he experienced, didn't yearn for companionship like the rest of the clan. He still had Pikesplash as family, but that was it. Now, Pikesplash had his own family, which was fine in his eyes. He understood the friendly felidae wanted his own family.

The brown tabbied tom's long tail flicked behind him. The brute didn't know if it hit anyone as the feline had little to no feeling in it. He headed to the entrance of the camp, huffing as his tail end hit the ground forcefully. The quiet tom looked out to the horizon. His mind seemed to be lingering on the idea of leaving. However, he was born in the Marsh group. His family had chosen to stay here. He had loyalty to his kin. Plus, he had Asphodelpaw to train after all. The other feline was promising and held many of the qualities that Crashingtide admired. However, he still had the idea of disappearing. The felidae felt the ache of wanting a different life yet his roots grew ever stronger with each passing day.

Crashingtide's shoulders heaved as he sighed once more, staying where he was.

Not far from the massive warrior Bumblepaw was pursuing the fresh kill pile. She had worked hard that day alongside her mentor in training and hunting. Now it was time to reap the rewards. Eagerly she picked up a fat fish and trotted away only to spot the slumped figure of Crashing ride. A clanmates she wasn't overly familiar with but none the less seemed to tug at her sympathies. Quick on her paws she turned course and trotted up to the other. Beaming a smile with her mouth full as she haphazardly meows. "Whant tof sharew?" Hopefully, in her full-mouth murmur the other got the point. Maybe a nice meal shared could brighten the other's spirits
THE HERMIT ─── If there was something Rookfang understood best was feeling like an outsider in a world of so many lives and backgrounds. If you were unsure of yourself for one second, you would be rolled into a sea of distant echoes and forgotten memories. That was what he had felt when he had been in his younger times when raised to become another feline to roam the lands without the stench of two legs staining his pelt. Even so, being the son of a slippery lone rogue and the traitorous cowardly Riverclanner was not a good mix for him although that information he kept tightly sealed within his chest and heart. But with no family or relations, one felt lost despite the attempts of other clanmates who had tried to integrate him the best he could. He held no sleek pelt, instead, it was jagged and spiked as if there was constant static coursing through it and his odd eyes and fangs did not aid in his peculiar appearance of being a black sheep. This led to certain thoughts to blossom and grow as he grew older. Would life as a rogue be so bad? His mother had been one and she seemed fine. Then again, she had grown selfish and comfortable in using others, Rookfang included. The mixed blood within him held a small trace of curious nomad desire, of wanting to see what was out there outside of their known territories.

The wonderous curiosities were kept silent and locked away, not daring to run off and betray those who had fed him and raised him to become one among their ranks. He held a connection to the sound of the water and the voices that danced in the air. They were his clan and they meant more than he cared to admit. Rookfang had been growing even more fond of seeing how quickly Bumblepaw was growing into her apprenticeship, but he made a mental note to take more responsibility with her and guide her to a path she would be prideful of. It was a terrifying responsibility of having youth look up to him but as an older brother, he was becoming quickly accustomed to providing such leadership to his apprentice. The lean figure followed shortly behind the molly, a small yawn cracking and splitting his jaws as the day was getting to him. With the little sleep he got, the cold tempted him to rest even if it meant rolling around senselessly for hours, at least it was better than pacing.

"Talking with a mouth full..not the best idea, Bumblepaw." His tone was lightly playful if one could call it that as he settled down next to his apprentice, shaking his head at the lack of manners she least she was sharing, he noted to himself. The last thing he wanted was someone to see fish chunks on the ground when they were already quite scarce in food. Yet, his attention did not remain there as his half-lidded intense gaze locked onto Crashingtide. He didn't know much about the large tom other, a stranger he was quite curious as the tabby was more of the reserved type. He knew the feeling and supposed it was his time to grant what had been given to him as a youth. "Are you alright? You seem lost in thought." He questioned with his tail twitching towards the direction of the other warrior. The sighing and pacing were all too familiar to Rookfang. ​

Ferngill could read people well enough to tell when they were lost in thought, but he was not quite talented enough to know exactly what they were thinking about. Never had the ginger tom felt like an outsider- he and his littermates were the first kittens born to RiverClan, and had thus held a place there from the very moment they had opened their ideas. Thoughts of unbelonging didn't occur to him. When cats turned tail on RiverClan, when their loyalties were split and shattered- he couldn't relate. As ever, he'd do his best to try and understand, if anyone were to betray those feelings to him.

Hearing Rookfang playfully chide Bumblepaw coaxed a small laugh from Ferngill's throat, and- catching the muffled smile on the apprentice's face- he'd give his own advice. "You'll give even shinier smiles when your mouth is, uh... unblocked, too!" he encouraged, demonstrating with the largest, glitteriest grin he could possibly muster.

The smile faded to something more sincere when his half-vision settled upon Crashingtide, a silent seconding to Rookfang's concerned question shining within the green depths.
penned by pin
The brown tabby looked down to the apprentice, his eyes narrowing in thought. A soft growl grew in his throat as he was deep in thought. Crashingtide was quiet at first. Did this apprentice have an motive to asking him to share? Was it poisoned? The long furred feline knew that couldn't be the case. Otherwise the apprentice would have ingested it as well. So, he knew it was safe. However, was the apprentice trying to gain favor with him? No. He held no power. The felidae finally caved, turning to the apprentice. "Very well, I suppose. Ain't trying somethin' 're ya?" His brow was quizzical, his words laced with caution. The warrior laid down, making himself smaller to share the prey with the apprentice. Then other warriors joined them, neither of them familiar to him. However, he supposed that they had no illwill towards him. After all, they seemed rather unburdening.

The stoic expression changed to one of joy for only a brief flash and in an instant it was gone. Kind souls. These were at least. No blaming him for his tone. No fear. Nothing but concern for him. They could tell in an instant that he was deep in thought. The comprehension of their concern was something that was unfathomable as he dipped his head towards them. "I suppose I'm alright. Just thinkin'. Just..." He quieted down again, debating if he should say the next portion. He let himself breath. "I reckon ya two 're hungry as well. Might as well join us. Pretty large piece of prey we can all share."