HOW FAR I'LL GO - rain, lightning


↣ far from home
Sep 25, 2022

Storm had had just about enough of this river clan place. They had made him change his name to Stormpaw, had made Brook change hers. Training was hard, hunting was hard, making friends was hard. Everything was hard, and leaf-bare only added to the struggles. He blames them, River Clan, and not the seasons for his empty belly. He could not eat the things he had managed to catch, always he had to give to someone else. It wasn't fair! He was hungry too. The blue pelted tom is kicked awake by one of his den mates and that is when he makes his decision.

Resolute, he pushes himself to his paws and makes his way into the camp. Head swinging around he looks for his brother and sister who he finds sitting together, sharing a meal. Irritation pricks at his pelt, jealousy too. Why hadn't they invited him to eat with them? Brook or Rain or whatever he was meant to call her now was his sister too! What made Lightning think he was so special? He almost forgets his mission and turns around to leave, unable to look at his sibling's faces any longer but he steels himself and approaches.

He clears his throat loudly, obnoxiously, as he draws near, hopefully catching their attention. "Hey guys" he opens but does not wait for them to return his greeting before plunging ahead "It was really cool to see where you live and play whatever this is with your friends and all but I think its time for me to go home. Mom is probably worried sick about me, you know how she is, and dad will throw a fit if I come home any more scarred than I am now" he thinks of the recent skirmish, the fights between clans. It wasnt safe here. "You guys could come with! Im sure mom and dad miss you guys too" its a lie, he knows. If they had missed them then why hadn't Storm heard of them before? Still, he holds out hope that it could work and he waits with impatient but hopeful eyes cast their way.

Lightningstone has never had to be a big brother before, and frankly, he still doesn't know how to be one. He is a sentinel, keeping a watchful eye on Stormpaw as he trains and interacts with the clan, but hardly ever approaches him. He doesn't know what to say - he has nothing to say, as usual. Words aren't his thing. Protection is. His will lend his eyes whenever necessary, and it's those eyes that catch the approach of the young tom. He sits up, prepares to greet him but before he's able to, Stormpaw demands they take him home.

The tom glances towards Rainwhisker, curled ears twitching. Didn't she tell him the truth of his home? Or has the mouse-brain already forgotten? Ease up, he's just a kid, He reminds himself, but he never has been one for softened words. "You're not going home. We're not taking you," He states simply, tail-tip flicking as he returns the apprentice's gaze. Something in him twists when he catches it. Dad. So, Grace has taken on a mate, then. He and Rainwhisker never had a proper father; it had always only been him, Brook, and their oh-so-sweet mother. He wonders how they treated Stormpaw, two parents rather than one. Maybe that's why he wants to go back so badly, whereas he and his littermate only wanted to run when they'd discovered the truth. It's time for blunt honesty. He looks to his sister, a silent gesture for her to take the wheel.