camp HOW I MISS THAT BRIGHT SUN | open & late night


Oct 12, 2022
( ) Being an apprentice is tiring, Aspenpaw has come to learn. Well worth it, of course, but getting up early and spending all day doing some sort of typically labor-intensive work is certainly draining, and she's found that sleep has come much easier, than it had as a kit, at least up until as of late. While she's still getting up just as early and putting in her best effort, ever since the rogues have joined she's has been having a bit of trouble falling asleep some nights. It's not the rogues themselves; sure, she doesn't exactly trust them, even if they have been loyal so far, but they haven't been the ones disturbing her sleep. No, what's been keeping her up at night stems from when the rogues were recruited - the battle between Sootstar and Gin, specifically. The fight itself hadn't fazed her for too terribly long, but the aftermath had stuck with her, clinging to her like a shadow. The image of Sootstar, completely still and covered in blood, dead, has been plaguing her, especially when she lays down at night to sleep. Her leader had just been so still, even if it had only been for a minute or less, and then Gin's body afterwards, which had never moved again, had been disturbing to see. Cats die, she knows, but death isn't something she had experienced before then, certainly not in such a violent manner, and frankly the whole display still made Aspenpaw's skin crawl. She couldn't help but think of Periwinklepaw, fainting in the middle of camp - he had been still, too, though not as deathly still as Sootstar and Gin had been.

Shifting around in her nest, Aspenpaw huffs out a quiet sigh. All these thoughts of unease, things so unlike her, were keeping her mind awake, and consequently she finds herself once again unable to fall asleep at a reasonable time. Usually, she just tries to wait it out, sleep eventually claiming her, but tonight she's feeling a bit more restless, almost antsy to get up and do something rather than sit around hoping she'll eventually fall asleep. Very carefully she climbs to her paws, trying not to disturb any of the other apprentices around her, and heads away from their nests, towards the opposite end of camp. There's not really much to do this late at night; even though the hawks had been much less of a threat as of late, she's still not quite willing to leave camp on her own, especially not at night when there likely won't be anyone else out there to help if she really does get into trouble. Settling far enough away that Aspenpaw's satisfied she won't disturb anyone else, she cranes her neck up to look at the stars, drinking in the light of the moon. There were so many up there, far too many to count...are any of them Starclan warriors, she wonders? She's always grown up hearing about Starclan, about how Windclan is much closer connected to them than any of the other clans, but it had all seemed so far away until she had watched Sootstar quite literally rise from the dead, a feat that could only have been accomplished by some sort of divine intervention. Even if Starclan cats aren't actually in the stars, perhaps they're still looking down on her now. The thought is comforting, that she might have someone watching over her, and Aspenpaw hopes that they're watching over everyone else, too. Mostly, she hopes that they'll protect her loved ones, so she'll never have to watch them fall to the ground, covered in blood and deathly still.
Honestly ever since Spirit had wandered to the border and was picked up by that patrol of cats, she finds herself unable to sleep properly anymore. At least as often as she had in the barn. Perhaps its the fear of Mother finding out where shes been (shes a Windclan cat now, it shouldn’t bother her) or just staying up thinking of excuses she could say, honestly shes exhausted. Its that deep rooted exhaustion one could feel in their bones and Spirit inwardly complains, yells that shes too young for this (and in all actuality she is).

Theres a shuffling of a nest nearby and Spirits wide awake, eyes shifting from staring through time and space itself to the noisemaker. She can’t make out the pelt in the darkness and a hushed noise of frustration bubbles in her throat as they slip through the sleeping bodies and to the opposite side of camp. She decides to follow for no reason other than being nosy, rising to her own paws and dipping down in to a big stretch. Aw fuck yea, her legs crack and instantly she feels a bit better and less curled up.

She follows after them on quiet paw-steps, or at least as quiet as she can manage, before the moonlight shows a familiar pelt that brings a large smile upon her lips. "Boo! Did I scare you?" her giggles are unusually quiet, her voice hushed as she shakes out her fur. She follows Aspens gaze to the sky where the clouds are split to reveal millions upon trillions of tiny little pinpricks. Its not the first time shes seen it at all but every single time she does it takes her breath away. "What are you thinking about?" any nefarious thoughts have long flown out the window, a genuine question as she notes the spark in Aspens eyes.

She liked people watching, more so when it came to those she liked. "Pssh, we can go out further you know, get a better look at the stars." she blinks. Spirit does not have a good regard on rules but with the way Sootstar is shes sure that if they went out of camp and at least returned with something it’d be fine.

—————————————【 She/Her | Windclan warrior | 32 Moons 】——————————
"Oh you can, can you?" A familiar monotone voice would seem to speak from a shadow not far away and Moonshadow would seem to materialize from the darkness. Dark eyes of glittering sapphire would watch the two apprentices for a quiet moment before she came closer to her daughter and her denmate and meowed softly.

"Is everything alright? Young cats' should not be missing their rest." Her gaze would flicker towards the warrior dens as if expecting one of the rogues to come out and attack them before the look on her face was gone and replaced with its usual stoicism. She could understand in a sense if the new bodies within camp made most in the clan nervous. After hearing the tales about the fight between Sootstar and the rogue leader and left a horrible taste in her mouth, as most things Sootstar did lately.

[penned by Zaeya].
periwinklepaw | 04 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff

Late night worries are something peri has long been familiar with. Perhaps because there is always something worrisome on his mind, or perhaps simply because sleep rarely seems to come and there's simply nothing to do but think. It is unusual, however, to not be one of the only ones up. Sleeping out in the open - out under the starlight - is something that makes him feel uneasy. He misses the saftey of a roof above his head - the comfort of shelter, of being able to hide away from the world.

Sometimes, he wonders, if dandelionwish would really mind all that much if he asked to put his nest back in there. But it would feel wrong - both to ask for something, and to take away space for whatever patient might need it. With a quiet sigh, he rolls over, fidgeting restlessly within his nest. He's placed it a bit away from the others for this exact reason - he doesn't want to bother his clanmates with his sleeping sickness.

Pale blue gaze is drawn by the sound of whispering, only to blink rapidly when he realize it's his mother and sister.... and spiritpaw, who he realizes he's never really interacted with now that he thinks about it/ Not that that's anything strange. He's never been very social after all. Getting to his paws with a wince as his joins pop softly, the sickly oy pads over of soft paws, near silent in the night. "C-c-can't sleep-?" he jokes weakly, a self depreciating smile on his lips.

He squeezes himself in as close to his sister as she'd allow - brushing his shoulder against hers. He spares Moonshadow a small smile as well, but it's aspenpaw he's more worried about. She's always seemed so much stronger than him after all - to see her worried about anything really has him on edge.
( ) And just like that, Aspenpaw's reverie is interrupted by a sudden boo, and she nearly jumps out of her skin, eyes wide in the moonlight as she whips around in the direction of the sudden voice. Seconds tick by as she just stares, and surely her heartbeat is audible to just about anyone in camp right now, she thinks. After a beat, however, her shock begins to melt into a grin, hesitant at first but quickly growing as she realizes it's just Spiritpaw who's responsible. The other apprentice's laugh is contagious, and soon she's giggling along too, remembering almost too late to keep quiet so as not to wake anyone else. "You really did!" she manages to get out between giggles, though as Spiritpaw asks about her thoughts Aspenpaw sobers a bit, reigning herself in. "Well, I was just thinking about the stars, mostly, and whether or not Starclan is up there watching us. Like, if the stars really are cats up there, since they're called Starclan," she muses, choosing to focus on the more intriguing of her thoughts. She's not sure she's quite ready to put a voice to what kept her up in the first place, particularly so late at night.

Spiritpaw's next suggestion, that they could find a better place to stargaze, causes Aspenpaw to wrinkle her nose. "I dunno, I don't think it's all that safe with just us..." Before she can entertain the idea any further, Moonshadow's voice causes her to jump once again, though it's not quite as much of a shock as Spiritpaw's entrance. "We weren't going to go anywhere dangerous, I promise," she offers, gaze flitting back over to Spiritpaw for a moment. Well, Aspenpaw hadn't planned on leaving camp at night without a warrior, at least, though she wouldn't have let her friend do so either, if she could help it. She nods emphatically in response to Moon's second question, a soft smile taking over her features. "Just couldn't sleep, that's all," comes her clarification, punctuated with a small shrug. It had just seemed like a better idea to actually do something rather than waste her time tossing and turning when Aspenpaw knew she wasn't about to get any sleep, and she still stands by her decision, especially considering she's going to be tired in the morning either way.

Third time's the charm, she supposes, as Periwinklepaw's approach doesn't startle her, not like Spiritpaw and Moonshadow had. Instead, a warm smile is offered in greeting to her brother. It should have been expected that he would show up sooner or later considering his sleeping habits, and for a moment she considers what it must be like not being able to sleep so often so often as he's wont to do. Even just having a handful of restless nights has left her feeling more tired than usual, and a new wave of sympathy for her brother washes over her. Is he kept up by his thoughts too, she wonders? Rather than ask, she lets out a quiet laugh in response to his question. "No, guess not," is her simple response, though as Periwinklepaw brushes up against her Aspenpaw lets out a small purr, gently leaning back into his touch. For a moment, it's quiet, and she's content to share the moment with her loved ones, any ill thoughts banished from her mind by a sense of peace.
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