how irritating | rta, snowed in

Sep 13, 2022
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Silverlightening lay tucked away in his nest, paws nestled deep within wispy long fur to stay as warm as he could. Back in the mountains of his home it snowed like this fairly often, but at least they had the safety of the caves to retreat to. Here, these clans only had rudimentary coverage like bushes. While it was wonderful for something like escaping the heat of the sun, it left him completely snowed in during situations like these. A lengthy sigh filled with irritation billowed from his nostrils as he finally lifted his head from a frosty bed of moss, chin tucking as he glanced at the wall of snow ahead. "How troublesome..." His tail flicked back and forth briefly before standing to exceedingly long limbs, the stilt like objects guiding him to stand before the frosty wall of powder. Though he was brimming with agitation inside his expression remained placid, never portraying just how annoyed he really was.

The ticked tabby gives a tester swipe at the packed snow, watching it crumble and cascade easily enough, although there happed to be a sea of the stuff blanketing the rest of the campsite. Wonderful. Turning his attention towards the nearest warrior with a steady blink Silver questioned them. "Are your winters like this every year?" He was beginning to get hungry and the blockade cornering them on all sides was not making the task of grabbing a meal easy.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road

When Little Wolf had opened her eyes that morning she had been, like many others, greeted by a blinding wall of white. To her dismay, they were snowed in, trapped behind a thick wall of powder and ice, and therefore, stuck in the warrior cats' den. She stretches her ebony-colored limbs out in front of her, breaking out into a wide yawn but makes no move to get up. They would probably be trapped here for a bit, might as well stay comfortable in her nest.

Her head swivels to the other warrior as he speaks, asking if leaf-bare is always like this. None of them would really know, she muses. It was many cats' first winter in here among the oak trees but still, she speaks calmly to placate him and anyone else with similar fears. "Leaf-bare is always hard" she admonishes "But with the fires, this one has been harder than usual. Next year when the forest grows back, leaf-bare wont feel nearly as bad" she says, hoping it's true.
( ) Unlike some within the warrior's den, Mintpool was overjoyed when she spotted the mass amount of snow in front of the warriors' den. Verdant optics glittering with an almost kitten-like wonder, the chocolate torbie would hurry forward to join Silverlightning and Little Wolf as they spoke. She would catch the tail end of what the ink-pelted she-cat was saying and nod in agreement, "My mama always said that the harsher the leaf-bare the more beautiful the New Leaf!"

Her cheery chirp would come with a warm smile as she blinked in greeting to her denmates before looking back out into the snow bank and her haunches wiggling slightly, "Better to embrace what we can't help, that's what I say." And without another thought, the molly would suddenly hurry forward and attempt to plow into the powdery cold before them. A short yowl of shock from the cold would quickly be followed by a rumble of laughter as her head popped up from the snow in a comical fashion, some of the snow still sitting on her head like a hat, "Might as well dig a way out now!"

She would playfully flick her paw, sending a gentle cascade of snow to tumble towards the two warriors as another laugh came from her throat.

The snowstorm has completely nipped his ability to show Emberstar and Howling Wind how capable of a warrior he is. How can he rise through the ranks trapped in camp with the rest of the rabble? His irritability gleams in dark eyes as he trails Silverlightning, who asks if all of their leafbares are this bad. "Storms are common, no matter the season," he says, sighing. Little Wolf tells him it's worse because of the fire, which he thinks could be true -- but his response is, "Or maybe StarClan is mad at us for something." He holds her green gaze for a moment before finally looking away, to Mintpool, whose attempt to be playful would usually have him retaliating. He just doesn't have it in him right now -- though he offers the silly young she-cat a smile.

War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Ah yes, the fire. How could have forgotten about the brutal flames tearing through the vast majority of thunderclan's turf. He'd seen the disaster from afar, long before he mustered up the courage to join the clan. A low hum vibrated within his throat, giving Littlewolf a shallow not of his head in agreement. Surely after the vegetation grew back in full next year's winter will be better. "I'll hold onto that hope." He drawls out, gaze trailing over Mintpool as she emits excited quips. The tom hardly held a playful bone in his body, all business as per usual, though he did see the value in carving a path. "Perhaps you're right." Silver turns clockwise so while he digs his shoveling sends the snow spray further outside the den rather than covering his denmates.

Long limbs churn against the fresh powder, kicking it out toward the clearing of camp, ears angled in Raccoonstripe's direction to hear the tom. Though his concerns are shared with Littlewolf a brief sigh leaves his maw as he halts his digging. Straightening himself he looks between the three of them, there was that word again, Starclan. "Who is this starclan everyone seems to hold in high regard? Are they another group that shares our borders?" He would hear them mentioned off and on, but never saw them for himself.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road

Little Wolf smiles softly at Mintpool while she speaks, nodding her head in agreement. She liked that sentiment, it was sweet. And she was a firm believer in it as well. New-leaf would be beautiful, the forest would heal and Thunder Clan would thrive. She had named her son with this hope in mind, after all. She is about to speak when Raccoonstripe interjects, saying Star Clan may be mad at them for something, and gives her a pointed look. The fur under her pelt prickles and she frowns. The urge to scold him like he is a mouthy kit overcomes her. If any of her own kits ever talked to someone that way Star Clan help them! "Perhaps" is all she says instead, tampering down her anger at her brothers implications. She would not give him the satisfaction of her rage or annoyance.

Instead she turns to Silverlightening, more than prepared to answer his question. She had explained it to her kits not too long ago, after all. "Star Clan are our warrior ancestors, they live in the night sky and watch over us from the heavens. Many of our loved ones are among them" like my father and my daughter she adds silently "They also grant leaders their nine lives. We have seen Emberstar die and come back to life ourselves so we know it is true." She does not care if the tom is skeptical after her explanation, they had seen the spirits of the deceased rise after the great battle, and to her their existence was undeniable.