pafp How Many Kids Could You Take In A Fight? | Sparring


Snakeblink doesn’t know how he keeps ending up in these situations. He only knows that right now, he’s supposed to help Mosspaw with fighting training (why anyone would trust him with the task he does not know) and despite his opponent being an apprentice, he’s not entirely sure this is going to be one of the rare few battles that he wins. He certainly hopes that this is a sign of Aspenhaze being a stellar mentor, or Mosspaw a prodigy: anything else would be too depressing to consider.

But he’s being defeatist. Surely, a cat half his size and a quarter his age will not so easily drag him through the dust: just because he will not stoop to using his usual, unsporting techniques on an adolescent doesn’t mean he’s entirely out of tricks.

”Alright, Mosspaw,” he says, glancing at the other cats taking advantage of the day’s mild weather to spar in the beech copse. He lowers himself into a cautious crouch and nods to the apprentice. ”Ready when you are.”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • @Mosspaw
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 43 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

Mosspaw nodded her assent to Snakeblink's words, too focused to respond further.

Her eyes were narrowed as she stared down her foe. This would be the greatest challenge she had ever faced. Of that much, she was certain. She had been purposefully seeking out a challenge when she sought out an opponent twice her size, but she had never expected to face a lead warrior. Snakeblink, admittedly, had not impressed her from what she had seen of him, but she reminded herself that even the least of Cicadastar's inner circle would no doubt be a fearsome foe for any warrior. For a mere apprentice?

In Mosspaw's mind, there was no chance that she won.

What she wanted was a defeat that she could learn from. She wanted to fight an opponent that could force her to improve, and in order to get that she needed to make sure that she gave this spar her best effort.

The difference in size between them was her greatest weakness, but - if she could make use of it - it could also be her greatest strength. She brought to mind all that Aspenhaze had taught her about fighting larger opponents.

Without hesitation, she charged. If the two of them swiped at each other from a distance than she would be at the mercy of Snakeblink's superior reach. In order to have any chance at all, she needed to get in close. She kept her head down as she raced forward, staying as low to the ground as she could while maintaining her speed. Hopefully, she could get under any attempted swipe he might make at her. All so she could attempt to dart underneath him and swipe at his hind legs in an attempt to knock him off balance as she popped out behind him.
An urge to follow the duo towards the beech copse, she finds herself by the very camp where they once resided. Bramble and reed still layer, beaten down now but moons of use and trampling of paws. She does not miss this place, does not care to see it for all she cared. But luckily with training, it would be a temporary thing. She looks to Mosspaw now, studying the tabby with great interest. It wasn't too often that an apprentice was to take on a lead warrior, albeit hardly any of their apprentices didn't back down from a challenge.
The woman sits off to the side as a spectator of sorts, her tail curled around her paws in a poised sit. Apart of her knew this battle was an inevitable win, for Snakeblink may not possess a strong sense of battle prowess—but he has something Mosspaw does not and that is experience. Virdian irises flit to her own apprentice, nodding her head for her to join her. "I'd like you to watch them, Sablepaw. Study their movements and then tell me what you would do differently in their situation." Keen eyes flutter back to them in time for Mosspaw to make her first move, darting in closer for Snakeblink's longer strides and reach. She nods to herself, a helpful attack albeit a bit basic. The lead warrior will only watch carefully with a certain eagerness to see just how this spar would turn out.

/apprentice tag @Sablepaw

જ➶ Hmm, another training? Her glimmering gaze latches onto the pair with slight intrigue and she debates about going over herself. Her paws shift from underneath her and she makes her wah forth from her spot. She is curious to see how everything will go honestly. Mosspaw though young can always learn something from a warrior. She still thinks that the other is doing rather well in regards to their path to warriorhood. Settling down not too far away to observe she wonders too on Snakeblink. She hasn't seen the other fight before. Perhaps too caught up in other ordeals. But she is curious about his fighting skills as well. Ears prick as she sees Cindershade and her daughter come over. A simple nod to them before she turns her eyes back to the beginnings of the spar. Mosspaw makes the first move and she is quick to follow with her sharp gaze.
For a tom who is as full of contentious words as blood and air, Snakeblink is woefully unprepared for the consequences of such. Were it not at times depressing (in a manner of speech), it would be entertaining. Though he cannot say with any certainty that it is how he found himself in this very situation, there is a high probability that it is the warrior to blame. Still, it would serve both of them well to practice. Settled somewhere between Boneripple and Cindershade, the dark tom crouches low in observation, tall ears pricked forward. As a remnant of his own time as an apprentice, he finds himself instinctively responding to the rosetted molly's query. Already he thinks of what he would change, what he might bring into this fight. Snakeblink has reach. Mosspaw, greater maneuverability. She utilizes her size admirably to start their bout. Though he does no more than contemplate, his eyes are narrowed with thought.

  • ooc:
  • saltsting. formerly named idk yet.
    —— cis male. he - him // they - them. unoffended by others. 11 moons old. riverclanner.
    —— sexuality unknown. seems rather impossible to form close relationships with at first.
    —— half pine + marsh heritage. his father being a skyclan kittypet is general knowledge.
    —— earned his warrior name early despite a,, slight disagreement with cicadastar over it.

    Being the son of a kittypet, there is much there that Saltsting has inherited. From the sharp, angular profile of an Oriental Shorthair to the trim, glossy coat– he may as well have been his father's clone were one to not look too closely. He is a dark black smoke with a smattering of low white, particularly on his paws and muzzle, as well as very dark brown eyes he inherited from his mother.
  • "speech"

Snakeblink is not a particularly tall tom, despite what proximity to Cindershade’s stout frame makes it seem. It’s only that he’s all legs, gangly and skinny like a bundle of sticks tied in the approximate shape of a cat. Raised in and around bodies of water, this elongated form has made him quite skilled at weaving through water, but the same cannot always be said for his ability to get around gracefully on dry land.

Usually, he palliates this weakness by staying low to the ground, giving his limbs fewer chances to get tangled together. Today, in an effort to appear more like the accomplished warrior he is supposed to be, he drew to his full height: a bad call, as proved by Mosspaw barreling into his paws.

He awkwardly dances out of the way of her swipe, nearly sending himself sprawling as he spins around to face his opponent. Sharp eyes jump around, falling to the clanmates that have come to watch this bout. Oh great, an audience. And not the least judgmental of them, at that: with Cindershade and Saltsting there, he’s sure he’ll hear about every single mistake he makes for the rest of his life.

Back to Mosspaw, assessing her. She’s smaller and less experienced than him; more agile and bolder as well. Most importantly, she has been extensively training in fighting another cat one-on-one for moons, while Snakeblink has only ever been taught how to run. Every subsequent fighting lesson has been taught to him by the scrambling panic of real battle, which is hardly conducive to learning. His paw twitches towards the ground, instinctively going to scoop dirt into her face, but he stops himself. No tricks; he promised.

Pushing the awareness of attentive eyes trailed on him aside, Snakeblink darts to the side and tries to bat Mosspaw’s flank with his paw, hoping to destabilize her.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • Everyone: surely snake cannot lose this fight against an APPRENTICE
    Snake: they don't know i know this trick (being bad)

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 43 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

In every situation you give me peace
The tip of Sablepaw's tail flicks to and fro as she watches Mosspaw approach the lead warrior eagerly. A single ebony ear swivels in Cindershade's direction, allowing periwinkle eyes to narrow briefly in thought. What would she do differently? While her fellow apprentice busies herself with attempting a basic attack, Sablepaw studies Snakeblink and his movements. He was darty, dare she say almost clumsy in his dance away from Mosspaw's swipe. Much like herself, the tom's movements mirrored her own lack of confidence fueled by hesitance during her earlier moons of training. Although she would never mention such a thing aloud. Pulling her gaze away from the spar she looks to her mentor. "I would make quick, abrupt attacks while encircling keep his legs entangled. Perhaps fake a strike or two to keep his mind going." She voices softly before tossing a smile in her mother's direction.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead
Mosspaw was completely blind to the audience forming around her, she was completely in her own world. Her narrowed eyes were only for Snakeblink. The rest of her clanmates might as well not exist.

Snakeblink avoided her attack, as should be expected of a lead warrior such as him, but to her his footing appeared was unsteadier than she would expect as he spun to face her. Not taking the time to second guess herself, she tried to push the attack. Offense would be her best defense, in her mind. So long as she remained underfoot she could make it awkward for him to retaliate against her. Charging in repeatedly, foolhardy as it was, would be her best chance to stop him from retreating too far from her and causing her to lose that advantage.

Before she could jump upon him again though, he darted out of sight and she saw a blur come swinging toward her out of the corner of her eye. She ducked, attempting to use her size to her advantage. His paw barely connected across the top of her back but was enough to cause her eyes to briefly go wide as she desperately attempted to stay upright.

Swiftly, she rushed toward him, aiming to fake as though she was repeating her prior attack before darting to the side and swiping at his flank with claws sheathed.

Though Snakeblink is a poor fighter, an idiot he is not — though some would say otherwise. Ce can tell that Mosspaw is trying to keep him close for a reason, and that it would be in his best interest to back away and use these stick paws for something.

Easier said than done: she is very good at being a nuisance and too much of his efforts are spent worrying about tripping on her to efficiently put space between them.

Thankfully her boldness is as much of a fault as it is a quality. His paw hits, if only barely, and he can see their size difference work in his favor as she struggles for balance. She leaves herself open when she goes in head first and, unlike a bigger cat, cannot bully him backward eternally: as long as he doesn’t fall flat on his face he should be able to turn this spar around. Maybe.

There she goes, trying to get under him again. Wait, no— Sablepaw’s words drift to him just as he notices Mosspaw veering sideway: fake a strike or two…

He wills himself to turn with her so her paw meets nothing but air. His body fails to catch up with the thought: his paws are already moving to avoid an apprentice that isn’t there. Instead of successfully dodging or being hit by her paw, he somehow manages to do both and neither. The two contrary movements cancel each other out and his paws tangle together helplessly, tripping on nothing and sending him flat on his side in the dust with an impact that rattles the teeth in his skull.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 43 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo


Fernpaw took polite rank on the outskirts of this small battle. Bitter memories of his warrior assessment had its blade slightly blunted with time, but he couldn't say he particularly liked being in this clearing. Battle prowess still largely eluded him, though he was notably improving- and by watching the techniques, carefully, of apprentices who were already talented at this... and the warriors they faced. His eye was steely upon the battle, picturing the scenario in which this would be life-or-death; Sablepaw's suggestion for a fake-out made Fernpaw's jaw hang a little ajar for a moment.

It was pretty simple, but- how did you even remember to do that in the excitement of battle? He took mental note of Mosspaw swiping at Snakeblink's legs, too; Fernpaw figured he'd almost always be facing cats bigger than himself in battle, the svelte thing that he was. Would be a good strategy if he could take hold of his mind- grasp it in his paws and learn it...

A wrinkling wince spoiled Fernpaw's features as Snakeblink tumbled into the dust, hard- not even from Mosspaw's strike. For a moment he forgot that the tom had not just been felled in battle with how unceremoniously he'd crashed to the ground.
penned by pin
Feeling her paw hit only air, Mosspaw tensed her muscles, watching Snakeblink carefully to leap away from any potential counter attack. None came though. Instead she watched as he scrambled desperately for balance before coming crashing to the ground.

She winced in sympathy, her ears flattening back against her head.

Once, twice she blinked owlishly in surprise. A fall like that usually marked the end to a spar, and victory for whoever had caused it. She hadn't even hit him though. This certainly didn't feel like victory.

"Um." Mosspaw glanced around at the assembled spectators, suddenly shaken out of her focus. Her stance was halfway between a battle stance and relaxed, as she was too uncertain if the spar was going to continue or not to commit to either. Then she focused back on her fallen opponent. "Are you alright Snakeblink?" It felt strange to have to ask a lead warrior if he was okay in the midst of a spar. Worry and confusion tinged her gaze as she stared at him. What just happened?​

It’s better not to have high expectations of oneself; harder to be disappointed this way.

On that subject: it seems Snakeblink has lost yet another spar. ”Ah,” he says eloquently, staring at the dirt in front of his face.

A heavy sigh makes his shoulders rise and fall before he pushes himself up once more, shaking dust out of his short fur. He doesn’t have it in himself to be truly embarrassed: this is an all-too familiar situation. His eyes skitter away from their impromptu audience and instead focus on Mosspaw, who looks at him as if she’s not sure whether to be worried or not. He shrugs, offering her a grimace that has the pretensions of being a smile. ”I am perfectly fine. Good spar, Mosspaw: you have a lot of skill.” And, hoping to distract from this truly awkward moment: ”Good thinking, staying underpaw like this.”

He doesn’t dare offer advice: he doubts it would appear sound, coming from him, especially after such a display.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 43 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo