how'd we get so busy??? // python's noodles

Dec 24, 2022

  • i have so many ideas and so little executive functioning, so the brainrot gets dropped here
    he's orange and white and STUPID and eventually will go in thunder <3
    also i'm so indecisive so idk what his suffix is oops

    mini bio written in brainrot fever:
    sal is an orange and white fluffy cat with golden eyes. Frequently irritable, this tomcat can be found patrolling the territory and takes joy in the hunt. At first glance one might find him solitary, but this cat loves to be near others, though he isn;t always talkabtive. He jumps to conculsions, but is the first to admit when he is wrong. On nights he can't sleep, he will sing the same set of notes over and over until he drifts off. He believes in starclan, but thinks that they probably know about as much as he does when it comes to being an omnipotent force.

    sal is known for his speed, as he frequently outpaces the cats around him. Similarly, his brain moves much faster than his mouth and he can get stuck when trying to speak. He also will come to conclusions that others may not.

    despite his fluff, he is a rather slender cat and bruises/scars easily, though these heal quickly. Due to these scars, his fur lays haphazardly, new parts having been formed by each wound. He has the basic medical knowledge to clean wounds and stop bleeding because of this. (clean with water, wrap with cobweb, very adept)

    he is quick to trust, but once that trust is lost it will take a long time to earn it back. He loves his clan, and is loyal to his leader. He will put his own well being above the clan's at times, though he doesn't mean it maliciously. He can be selfish and crude, often swearing and clawing trees or the ground.

    (+) social, devoted, self-aware
    (/) trusting, fast-thinking, devisive
    (-) irritable, selfish, aggressive

    - cairo (san fermin)


    "sals vehicle" channel name
  • listen i just want a little bitchy man to be mean with

    he would be a little bitchy shadowclanner who was grumpy and a bit mean and sorta a toxic, violent fave

    mini bio of brainrot:
    moose (moo for short but only for certain cats) is aggressive and cold, frequently lashing out at clanmates and enemies alike. He finds joy in taunting and out-foxing others, and is stubborn. He will charge into a situation without preparing for it, and is extremely fast. He throws his weight around in battle and makes use of his head when fighting, often butting cats off-balance. He is used to enduring, and will continue to endure with or without his clan. This does not mean he is disloyal; moose is simply prepared for a day when the clans are not there. He is solitary, like his namesake, and is uncomfortable in groups. Like a moose, he will fuck you up and then get up and walk off like nothing happened. Moose as an animal are terrifying, and Moose the warrior is terrifying, and you should be terrified. He's earned it!

    Lorge boy, all muscle

    - the gardener (sarah sparks)

    (+) prepared, honest, enduring
    (/) independent, oblivious to others, calculating, blunt
    (-) self-isolating, aggressive, short with others
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