howl at the moon | "swearing"


An otherwise peaceful morning for ThunderClan was swiftly ruined by the angry shrieking that erupted out of the nursery. The source of that yelling - none other than Howlkit. Her target was a poor NPC kit named Curlykit, who the torbie could have sworn was made to spite her. He was a little older than Howlkit and her siblings, and in her opinion was an annoying little know-it-all, who took pleasure in goading her and then crying foul when she tried to inform the other queens of his actions. Today he had really gone and done it though, he had stolen her favourite feather! It wasn't anything special in truth, just a small pigeon feather that Howlkit had liked and insisted that Little Wolf let her keep near their shared nest. She had awoken to find the feather close to Curlykit's nest and had assumed he had taken it, not knowing it had been moved there by the comings and goings of her littermates.

Upon discovering the feather, Howlkit promptly turned her ire on the unsuspecting kit and could be found in the nursery giving him a piece of her mind. It made for a comical scene with the larger Curlykit having to keep close to the den wall, whilst Howlkit stood opposite him, fur puffed out to the extreme. She would have continued to yell at him had the arrival of another cat, not granted him an opportunity to slip away. "Go ahead and run!" Howlkit snapped as he darted past the arriving cat. "You fox-hearted coward! You're just too scared to face me!"
Always not far behind all of his siblings, Fireflykit managed to keep an eye on them most of the time. Though, the loud swearing of Howlkit caught his attention and made him flinch- weren't those bad words? Bad words shouldn't be said by kits, right? His half-lidded eyes search the camp for their mother, cautious of any snitches- after all, snitches get booboos! He quickly hurries over, only for his sister to rush past him. He frowns, turning around to try and bite down on Howlkit's tail quickly, in attempt to stop her from running.

"Stop sayin' those bad words before mama hears!" Fireflykit wails out, words possibly muffled by his sister's tail in his mouth. If he was successful, he would put all his energy into pulling his sister's tail, preventing her from dashing away any further. "Apologize for bein' so mean, Howlkit."

The gasp that escaped him might have been a little too dramatic but frankly he was not prepared to hear this kind of language from such small kittens and certainly not Little Wolf's. Honestly, he was more surprised it wasn't Spark-kit or Flickerkit (his own kittens) making such a ruckus with such words. If he was away Spark-kit had swore once before already he was going to turn into a silver tabby out of shock and then probably scold Rabbitnose because it was clearly his fault their kits were heathens. The red tabby shook his head, pushing himself up to roam over and give the two kits a quick once over before uttering a sigh. "Fireflykit is right, your mother would not like that." He certainly didn't and they weren't his kits, but he'd felt compelled to mother every kit in the clan whether they were fond of the idea or not.
"What was all that noise about? What were you and Curlykit fighting over?" Sunfreckle turned and sat so he was blocking the rambuncious child's path in case Fireflykit's paw was not enough to stop her from bolting after the other kitten still.


Little Wolf had left for five seconds while her kit napped to grab prey from the fresh-kill pile for their lunch. Five seconds. That is all it took for them to cause trouble. She walks through the den right as a kit runs out, tears forming in his eyes and already Little Wolf has a feeling that one of her kits is the culprit. When she enters the nursery her thoughts are confirmed. Sunfreckle stands between her kits and the nursery entrance, scolding Howlkit for using foul language. What was said, Little Wolf could only guess.

She comes to stand next to the red-furred queen, her eyes meeting his with a thankful glance for interfering before she turns her attention back to her children. Her gaze finds Fireflykit first. He was such a good kid, so responsible. She was proud of the way he took care of his brothers and sisters, kept them out of trouble, but such a responsibility should not fall on his shoulders. Sometimes she almost wished he would get into some trouble himself, be a kit, but she supposes it cannot be helped. She places the squirrel she had been carrying at her feet, her eyes finding Howlkit with a disapproving glance. "What's all this I'm hearing about you cursing?" she asks, not bothering to hide the frown on her face. "I'm also very interested to know what all of this is about" she says giving her kit a quizzical look and waiting for her explanation.

Although it is an unconventional way if stopping her, it is probably a good job Fireflykit holds her back by biting her tail, as Howlkit was fully determined to chase after Curlykit. She makes a grumbling sound, ignoring her brothers pleas and managing to squirm free. For a moment, she considers bopping him on the nose in retaliation but the appearance of Sunfreckle and Little Wolf five her pause. Instead of hitting him, she presses closer to him, almost looking to him for support now.

"It was Curlykit's fault!" Howlkit protested, voice coming out as a pitched whine. "H-He stole my feather! I asked him nicely to give it back but he said he didn't take it even though it was by his nest! A-And then he called me stupid!"
He was expecting to get a good smack between his eyes from his sister, though he's quick to realize that their mother had joined the cats that had been scolding Howlkit for her language; Fireflykit moves his body to stand over his little sister, leaning down to lick between her ears to comfort her through telling the truth. He wouldn't look so upset anymore, but Mama certainly did- it was unbecoming of a lady to act like a rogue, speaking mean words like that- or so he'd heard one of the elders say.

"I can find her another feather, mama. I'm sure she didn't know any better, Blackbones always saids words like that." He tries to excuse his sister's actions for her, to minimize her punishment- he was the older brother, after all. It was his job to get his siblings out of trouble when they needed it. He gives his mother and Sunfreckle a sheepish smile, hoping they let Howlkit off without much punishment for this.
  • Crying
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Jaypaw watches the whole scene play out, perplexed almost immediately by the reactions to what the young kitten says. Maybe his mom just cursed like a sailor and he didn't realize what those words meant or maybe she didn't curse at all and these are just entirely new phrases for him. In that case. 'Hehe. Fox-hearted...' He'll have to keep that in the back of his mind for future reference. Jay keeps his pink lips pulled thin because he's no snitch but soon enough Howlkit is telling on herself and Curlykit. The trouble kits get in shouldn't be that big of a deal for them since they're all icky but he can't help but feel a little sorry for Fireflykit trying to bail his sister out trouble. He tries to think of what he would want to hear as a kit. "What if the new feather was a new, cooler, bigger-er feather?" Maybe that's awarding bad behavior or whatever but he just wants some peace and quiet so he can take a nap before dusk hunt practice and placation sounds better than dealing with a pouty kit. Besides, then Curlykit could keep that old dust feather if he really did want it and everyone wins, at least in Jay's mind.