Howlingfam Open Slot [CLOSED]

Blitz Krieg

alpha and omega moonlight howl
Jun 7, 2022
Welcome to this incredibly sloppy adopt! Pardon the lack of flare, I’m doing this on my phone just so I can go ahead and get it up!

Long story short, there is a slot open in Howling Wind’s third and youngest litter. You will find all litter information below! This is NOT first-come first-serve. I will be wanting to pick a roleplayer who will stay active with the slot, so activity with your current characters is a plus - he doesn’t have to be your main, but I would like him to remain decently around as the family as a whole is pretty active. If the slot falls inactive, I will reach out to you about rehoming the slot. You can use any form you’d like. There’s no set closing date, I’ll try to keep it open for a few days to a week, though! Once the slot is yours, you can do whatever you’d like with it plot-wise and you will be added to the family discord.


  • 21 moons old, aging realistically on the 7th of each month
  • Must be cisgender male for backstory reasons
  • Must follow realistic genetics, listed below
  • Names are pretty free-reign as long as it’s realistic (I can let applicants know if she wouldn’t give that name to a kit!). He would have been given a loner name at birth, either one word or two words. If one word, he would now hold a warrior name. Preference given to prefixes not in use by active characters, so glance over the clan censuses to make sure it’s not being currently used!
  • This slot also gives you to option of claiming one of two previous designs. The first is free, and is the solid blue (with white that doesn’t show) in this piece. The second can be purchased from Rev, who held the slot previously with this design. Claiming one of these designs is NOT required, just an option! Feel free to design your own character if these don’t vibe with you.
  • Quick backstory: This litter was born in the marsh group, surrounded by their family. They never knew their father, Gray Wolf, as he died before they were born from infection. Berry had been found when the litter was roughly one moon old and still nursing, so he had been taken in and raised as their littermate. The family is extremely close and tight-knit, and they were raised to be dutiful, honorable, and respectful. Your character doesn’t have to follow these traits, but this is how he would have been raised. Howling Wind is gentle and deeply caring, but also a firm and lawful mother who would have disciplined them fairly and sternly. Your character may have fought in the Great Battle if you’d like. It is preferred this character went with the majority of his family to ThunderClan.
  • Here is the family tree: Link
Sire: SH blue w/ low white (carrying longhair)
Dam: LH black tabby w/ low white (carrying solid, dilute)

Kits can be black, black tabby, blue, or blue tabby
- can be shorthaired or longhaired
- can have no white, low white, or high white
- kits with no white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- shorthaired kits will carry longhair; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; tabbies will carry solid

Thank you!
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name meaning?
Named for his many stripes like a raccoon.
previous names? Raccoon
age? 21 moons
position in clan? Warrior of ThunderClan
gender/sexuality? Cis Male | (He/Him) | pansexual demiromantic
relationship status? single

A broad shouldered and large black tabby tom with a white underbelly, right forepaw and chin, his eyes are blue and green.
Torn right ear and thick scars on his chest.

➸ easy to form platonic relationships
➸ moderately average to form romantic relationships
mate of? crushing on? N/A
parent to? N/A
child of? @HOWLING WIND & Gray Wolf
sibling to? Will tag later to avoid pings.
➸ mentor to? N/A

➸ Personality: Jovial and friendly, Raccoontail is a big cat with a big heart and an even bigger voice. He has a tendency to be loud, isn't shy about speaking his mind and giving his opinion on matters even if it doesn't involve him. He has a bad habit of putting his nose where it doesn't belong at times but he does so with, at least, good intentions and a desire to help even if he comes across more as a bother. He's very much the fun uncle type.

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