How's the weather up there || Tree Climbing


Please Excuse my French
Oct 11, 2022

Black claws kneaded the ground beneath her as she gazed up a tall pine tree. It was time she learned how to scale one, and what better time to do so than in the midday light. She dug her claws in and started to hesitantly climb. This certainly was different than climbing curtains.... Curtains ripped and were fun to destroy. If she wasn't careful, she might lose her claws in the trunk of this tree.

She was almost at a branch when her claws slipped, causing her to give a sharp squeal of surprise. She clung to the tree for dear life. She inched up......Kept on inching...And finally got onto a branch!


Now what.

She clung to the branch as it wavered from her getting on it. How was she......Supposed to get down? Should she just go higher? She continued to cling to the branch, wholly unused to balancing on something so high up.

Man.... They made it look so easy.
𝐵𝓊𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌, 𝐼 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓈 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓇𝑒

"Far out, pretty kitty." A coo would float down towards one of Skyclans' newer faces and the familiar coat of cream and mocha would be seen on a few branches above where Amanita was clinging to.

"Not bad, is this your first time climbing?" Deersong would gracefully leap down until she was on a branch closer to the molly and the content glow in the lead warrior's aqua eyes would settle easily onto them. "It takes a bit of practice before you get used to how wobbly some branches can be. Want me to teach you how to get down?"


They were the clan of the skies, which sounded impressive until you realized that meant climbing trees. One day he hoped to be able to ascend like a bird, high into the air and be able to see the world how they saw it, but sadly it seemed an impossible feat. He would have to be content in his dreaming, golden gaze wide and staring off into the distance in periodic lapses of concentration; unfocused and carelessly drifting through his own mind none the wiser to the world around him. But right now, right now he was paying attention, paws kneading the ground the soften a spot where he could sit and watch the trainwreck that was a newcomer learning to climb. They all went about it so enthusiastically until they got high enough and then the bravado dropped where they fortunately wouldn't because fear made claws al lthe more willing to cling to any surface. He imagined a cat could scale a smooth stone if frightened enough.
"Quickest way down is to let go~" Snowpaw teased, paw raised to his mouth to hide the snicker of amusement that escaped him.

  • Haha
Reactions: ~Deersong~

Her head snapped to where Deersongs was in the tree. Someone was here again to witness her mistakes! Woe.

"Yes, this is my first time climbing- Well, a tree anyways-"

She had climbed rocks before, but nothing so tall and straight as a tree.

And then Snowpaw chimed in! ".....I can't argue with that." She said. He was right, the quickest way down was to let go. "But I would rather not break my bones!"

"I just thought since.... Everyone else climbs trees, I should learn to climb them too." She said. "Easier said than done, I suppose! I to learn how to get down."
𝐵𝓊𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌, 𝐼 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓈 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓇𝑒

As her apprentice chimed in, Deersong would rumble in soft laughter at the young toms' tease about letting go. The smile that graced her maw was laid back, airy and confident in the mollys' skill despite her lack of experience, "The spirit to want to try is the most important thing to have when it comes to any skill." She would muse lightly, her head tilting as she spoke.

"Snowpaw has the idea in a way. We go down trees much like squirrels do, head first." She would move to demonstrate, scaling down the tree's bark with surprising grace and coordination before landing on the earth below silently. Looking back up at the two cats she would meow, "The key is not to let your uncertainty cause your paws to falter. That's what makes you scramble down and land weird."


Leopardcloud watches from the elder's den as Amanita climbs a tree, clumsily holding onto a wavering branch- something tenses inside of her, and Leopardcloud tries to muster strength into her legs for long enough to walk over. She's about to fall back down, but an Elder is quick to put her weight against their side, smiling down at her. She gives them a shaky smile, before taking a steady step, then another. Walking hurt, even with assistance, but she grits her teeth and pushes through in favor of making sure Amanita and Deersong were alright.

"There aren't many trees on the moor, I'm unsure if it's safe to even climb them at this point." Leopardcloud croaks out, finally letting her legs give out beneath her- she folds her paws neatly beneath her, head craning upwards to watch the two mollies. "I'd assume you use your claws to stay stable too, right?" She meows softly, tail flicking behind her.