camp hoy se bebe, hoy se fuma .. starclan class

Enough time had pass that Applefrost was beginning to run out of corners of land and retelling of codes for Bear to learn. His time here was rounding off to his first moon in just a few more sunrises. She recalled all he had done so far, what they had to show for their work together. He was quite remarkable in his memory despite how foggy and distant he presented himself.

Enough visits to the borders and he had felt comfortable walking beside her rather than behind. Hunting, quite frankly she did not focus on. Not only because she was rather poor at it herself (a three legged badger might hold more skill than her) but also because Bear was a well grown cat that had survived this long. Hunting for himself might have been a struggle when he was on his lonesome, but she expected with the shift to hunting on a semi-full belly would give him more of an improvement.

Learning the basic fundamentals of the Clans physical properties were one thing. Now, she supposed, it was time to start encroaching on his beliefs after the physical world. StarClan was only a recent development in the forest, as fresh as the Clans formations. But faith had kept them fed and healed in their times of need.

"I know you've heard us mention StarClan often." Applefrost began as she settled beside him with a robin. "I haven't explained their presence in our lives to you in much detail. Our relationship with them can be rather confusing from the outside. But before we get into that, have you ever thought of where your soul goes after you've died?"

// @BEAR feel free to post before him tho! any new skyclanners are also welcome to join in ^^
Talk of StarClan always drew the attention of the seal point, ears perking as he grooms his paws in front of the medicine den. He slowly pads over to listen, wanting always to know other cats' perspective on the topic. His head lays to his paws as he curls up beside Applefrost, tail draped over his nose to keep the cold out. Milky blue eyes stare off into the distance as he listens to the lecture on StarClan, a small smile on his lips. ​
just because i carry it so well doesn't mean it's not heavy .
Right! Starclan. He had been here for nearly two moons, having done his best to learn since the rogue invasion was more than hectic. Ah. He winced, shuffling forward, offering a closed-eye smile to the others while taking a seat, tucking his tail around his paws loosely to listen in. Lux would never say no to learning more, even if he had a good enough idea of what StarClan was, although admittedly, the tom wasn’t all that sure it was real.

In the beginning, Lux hadn’t considered the possibilities of an afterlife, no less someone like him being allowed to go. Someone like him? He didn’t deserve it. Maybe joining SkyClan would be the fresh start he’d always been craving, but did he deserve it? He frowned, barely there until the other offered a warm-hearted smile, odd hues crinkling. I don’t think cats like me deserve it. He mused, morbid, but undeniably true. He wasn’t good. He doubted he would ever make up for it, but at least he could continue helping, even if his body gave out before he was ready.
thought speech

It's with a great relief he notes the tenseness that has, with time eased itself off his body. Maintaining a high-strung watchfulness that would protect himself is exhausting, but what has ultimately been a necessity. Having food readily available, he feels the strength he could have always had, starting to fill out under his long disheveled fur, not having to scrounge for food priming him to grow into a sizable figure. He's able to sit without jerking in surprise to every new arrival, already seated, he runs a tongue over his nose and oversized fang. A mouse sits at his paws, like with all his prey he's wolfed most of it down quickly.

The clan is similar to every aspect of his life - he's ready to detangle himself, when needed but he's allowing himself to be anchored. The rogue is able to appreciate the luxuries of clan life, although the company, is something he's not sure he's ever going to be glad for. StarClan, whatever it is, seems to be widely brought up, the name itself curious, not fitting in with the clans he's aware of. "
Couldn't get away from it if I tried." It's not the kindest response, but the brutish communication he's well accustomed to.

His eyes flit to the sizable apprentice, recognizing Fireflypaw as being an often-mentioner, he's still unable to decipher the words he has said to Bear. "You must have a lot to say." Bear tips his shaggy head, acknowledging the references to the mysterious clan he's heard previously in Fireflypaw's words. In the clan, words slip out far more often, are shared, although sparely, maintaining their unnatural stiffness: "
It's not." He thins his lips, shifts slightly at Applefrost's inquiry. Death. He feels like he's never not been familiar with the idea. Death has been a requirement to survival, his mournful eyes containing, and weighed with the burden of dispatching such a fate on others that rests heavy on him. "An idea to think about." He dismisses with a flick of an ear. "What does it have to do with StarClan?"

Bodies are just that, the idea of souls.. His mind goes to the weeping injury of the thought that of his mother, but the concept of anything beyond, he can't decide if it's more painful than not. The cats he's had to kill, he shudders to think about how they have lives to lead, not an idea he's lingered on for his own sake. He regards Lux's response with a vague curiosity, unfamiliar with Starclan beyond the mentions of it that are frequent across the clan.

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StarClan. Dawnglare is drawn to the mention like a wisp to flame. Within it— he could find answers before; hope. What he needed to let things go, knowing that it would be dealt with by a being that is not himself. He feels no shame in being quick to anger, when he would never act foolishly; never let it carry him to war and back, the way WindClan did.

Pulled only barely from death; and then waking to the news of WindClan's claim— well, it feels as if they have severed their ties with him.

They were always the lesser of the two, between the stars and the earth. A part of him wonders if it was not them, but rather, Mother that wishes to drag him to an early grave. Had StarClan even the power, to bring any living thing to death? If they did not, She certainly would.

But what a horrifying thought that is, and so, he refuses to think it.

He will not give them up. No, he will not. But he finds himself staring idly at the moon, at the stars. Like it is his first time outside again, and he'd just been told that is where his answers are. He wills them to speak to him. What must he offer? ( Only a cruel god would ask for anything but devotion )

He is still their disciple; their devout; their preacher. He would not shy away from the chance to do what he ought to, even if it makes him feel small, the fear that he may speak wrongly. " It has to do with them a great deal, " the Medicine Cat intrudes quite suddenly. Were it another day, his tongue may be barbed— disgrace painting his features at such an obvious question being asked— but today, it is not. He looks on not with anger, but intensity, his tail curling it's way atop his feet. Distantly, he notes his apprentice, and he hopes that they would've done just the same in his stead, had Dawnglare himself not been present. " Because it is the answer to the very question. "

Dawnglare's nose would lift reverently to the sky, even if StarClan have not yet shown themselves fully, this night. Do you see me? " When you are but dust, the rest of you will go to them. "

He could say more— oh, certainly he could. Please believe me. But for the sense of interruption, does he not. If Applefrost had asked, evidently, she had planned to answer.

Dawnglare expects nonsense, but he allows her, nonetheless.

  • geLHt4I.png

  • ( I'M AS ALIVE AS HER BEARD IS LONG ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    𓆩♡𓆪 He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    𓆩♡𓆪 Currently 59 moons old as of 11.20.23. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
Shiori is fascinated by StarClan. There's something about it that just scratches an itch in his head. The idea of the deceased finding some sort of peace without borders, no longer hurting, and yet watching over those that live made feel slightly at ease. He knows fully well his mother and siblings do not reside there, but if StarClan exists, perhaps they too watch over him from somewhere. It may be wishful thinking, but it feels better to believe in that. It makes him feel... less alone. He knows his father is within the same Clan as him now - and he supposes that a certain someone else is around too, plus all the other intriguing cats. Even surrounded by others, however, he still feels some sort of loneliness, but on he can deal with.

His copper eyes look towards Lux briefly - he likes him much more than his brother even if they've hardly ever spoken. He spares the other onlookers a glance as well, but then, as he settles down to listen, his eyes settle upon Applefrost, awaiting the explanation.​



Fireflypaw curled up at her side and her sights flicker in his direction, flicking a tail over his flank in acknowledgement before curling it back over her paws. A shield of warmth from the frosty air as the clouds swallowed up the sky the further they crept toward leafbare.

A few others join in her lesson, Lux, another new face to the Clan being one of them. Bear provided an answer, one that is more comforting than concerning and she found relief in it. There was hidden worry that she may have had to slowly convert Bear into something else, and those conversations were never comfortable to have.

It's not that you cannot have that belief, but it's best you don't share it. She had told many with a plain tone. There was only room for StarClan under their pines, under their skies.

Dawnglare had approached with his own piece to say and she looked at her friend with gratitude. His interruption was a welcomed one. As a medicine cat to their Clan his words would weight far more than her own in this lesson.

"Dawnglare is right, our relationship with StarClan is a heavy commitment we make and for our kits it is made the moment they are born. We have the opportunity to teach them while their minds are still developing to learn everything else about the world and, well... The older a cat the harder to learn new tricks I've heard." There's some humor in her tone though she tried to keep a serious face.

"My sisters and I, our parents, we fought in the war that caused the birth of StarClan. In turn they guided us to form our own while we vowed to honor the lives needlessly lost from those days of battle. We survived with the duty to prevent such bloodshed to repeat again, and when our lives are put to rest we will join them in the stars." Applefrost looked to Dawnglare and Fireflypaw once again.

"Your medicine cats here are a conduit from the stars to their Clan. They speak with them every half-moon at the moonstone and share their words of wisdom to Blazestar. Sometimes, though, a message will be so urgent they directly send them visions and messages without the moonstone." Omens and prophecies. A shame Bear had found them right after the journey had concluded for their Clanmates. He would have bared witness to their power then.

She then returned her sights back to tabby, a pause of silence inviting any questions from him or the others.

-ˋˏ ༻✹༺ ˎˊ- For all his wild stories - some made up, some less made up - and all the stories he'd watched with his owner on the little sound box, he never much consented¹ death. Or where he would go upon kicking the bucket. As far as he was aware, he was immortal, death simply could not have a cat as cool and badass as him.

Deep down he knew this to be untrue though and he was prong² to ignoring it. The few scars and dents scattered about his skin some proof of his mortality. The time a firework went off right beside him, nearly setting him ablaze and making his ears ring like church bells. Or when one of his neighbor's dog chased him up a tree, breath hot on his fluffy tail. He was just really really dang lucky.

And so course he'd heard about Starclan in bits and pieces since he started bopping around Skyclan territory. Didn't really know what it was beyond being distant dead family members or something like that. So in a shocking display of shutting up for once, he settled down with the crowd, greeting them all with a small smile and quiet trill. Eyebrows furrowing as he schooled himself to focus, squinting seriously. This sounded serious so he had to put on his serious face. And he'd been told to learn about Skyclan's cutworms³ so he'd do just that.

Lips pursed though in confusion. So if she 'n all her family 'n them were at the battle what caused Starclan to poof into existence then, "So Starclan ain't all that old? Like they ain't been around for ever 'n ever then?" Man, he would've guessed that some ominous⁴ sounding group of cats would've been 'round longer cause Applefrost didn't look super old (or she aged really well). Unless maybe they were always 'round 'n just not talkin' to all these livin' cats till they formed their own clans? 'N what were they fightin' 'bout in the first place?

Man, this was confusing him.

  • consented¹: considered
    prong²: prone
    cutworms³: customs
    ominous⁴ :omnipotent
  • picture of a fish goes here
  • TYRANNOSAURUS REX KABOOM he/him/his, daylight warrior of skyclan, 37 moons / ages on the 1st.
    large dark red-orange tabby with low-mid white markings. big empty-headed blue eyes. wears an american flag bandanna. talkative, annoying and straight up stupid as hell but he means well.
    frequently uses words wrong in posts, correct word will be included in ooc section
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ will avoid battles for the time being
    penned by reaver ↛ @reavurse on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


mottledove & 23 moons & female & she/her & skyclan perma-queen

Mottleove has heard brief snippits of this before - but back then, her mind had been clouded by worry. Now, the queen draws forwards with wide eyes, fluffy figure stopping just short of the group to sit as she listens, paws tucked beneath her pale figure. She can't help but wonder what the battle must have been like - the woods alone are terrifying enough, she can't imagine having to fight tooth and claw to stay where they lived now. Cats had died - she shivers, discomfort leaving her uneasy at the thought. But... it'd worked out in the end. Without starclan, there'd have been no skyclan - no place for mottledove to call home. Someday, she'll join their ranks too - she can only pray it won't be any time soon.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    tw/cw: —
  • a fluffy she-cat with a mane of fur and a mottled cinnamon tortie pattern. she is missing half her back left leg leaving her at a disadvantage in most things. mottledove is very quiet and withdrawn, a gentle soul. she and the kits she cares for adorn her pelt with flowers and 'paints' made of plants.

    physically extremely easy && mentally very hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#74a2a5]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


His faith in StarClan had always been a fractured branch of a tree, ever-present, but it would never regrow, only become more and more brittle until it eventually separated. Silversmoke did not know if he would ever reach that endpoint, StarClan's laws were just (not enough in a world strife with squalor, but just for what they were) and his clan's faith was enough to keep his own in check, but listening to the seminars left a cloud over the Lead Warrior's head where devotion once was. Kaboom spoke and Silver's pupils shot immediately toward him, the Daylight Warrior's point giving him pause. Silversmoke was older than StarClan. He was older than StarClan, yet it was only the Great Battle and the formation of the clans under Silverpelt's eye that had given him a reason to exist. It almost felt like heracy to be so skeptical with that in mind, but he could not change how he felt. "Many cats could not see the reason behind the bloodshed. An eye for an eye, death for death, an endless cycle of revenge because justice wasn't enough for any of them. Believing in StarClan gave it purpose, and their will was strong enough to make it real."

That was his theory, crafted over moons and moons of brooding, scarcely spoken because religion was not a key interest of the tom's. "Now... it's stronger than us all," the tabby mewed, grief-stricken. He would never understand how those with the strength to be lawful would never use it, how kittens could suffer and medicine cats could betray their homes but all the night sky did was twinkle and ask the living to be better than them. Silversmoke reclined on his haunches, his ears twitching as he prepared to hear what the others had to say for themselves.


Kaboom's question caused a single ear to twitch, panned to angle toward the orange tabby before she faced him fully. Her disarming smile returned to her maw. Curiosity was good- it bred the drive for more information. Information gave more understanding. Understanding flowed into acceptance; these cats would call upon the stars just as any other Clanmate before long.

"There are more cats in this forest older than StarClan than there are not." Applefrost confirmed with a quick look to Silversmoke before resting back to Kaboom. "The time of their birth is irrelevant, though. They are as real as birdsong and spring showers. But you should not believe in StarClan because they are powerful. Their place among the stars is a gift for the honor of dedicating our lives as warriors. An eternal hunt where there will be no hunger, no cold, not thirst. Only the starry warmth as we rejoin our fallen family."